#getdns-java-bindings getdns Java bindings is an implementation of Java language bindings for the getdns API, built on top of the getdns implementation. getdns is a modern, asynchronous DNS API that simplifies access to advanced DNS features, including DNSSEC. The API specification was developed by Paul Hoffman. getdns is built on top of the getdns implementation developed as a joint project between Verisign Labs and NLnet Labs.
##External dependencies This has been built and tested with JDK 1.7 and 1.8
Currently building against the getdns 0.1.7 release. getdns external dependencies include:
- libldns from NLnet Labs version 1.6.17 or later (ldns requires ope nssl headers and libraries)
- libidn from the FSF version 1.29
- libexpat for libunbound.
- libunbound from NLnet Labs version 1.4.22 or later
- libevent version 2.0.22 stable
Note that getdns MUST be built with the --with-libevent flag to configure.
The file gradle.properties needs to be edited to customize javahome property pointing to JDK_HOME so that gradle can find jni header files under JDK_HOME/include directory.
####Build, install and verification
./gradlew --daemon clean assemble buildJniLib
sudo ./gradlew --daemon installJniLib
./gradlew --daemon runExample -Dexample=GetDNSGeneralSync
As per gradle standard libraries will be available in the folder build/libs.
##Examples Examples can be found in the directory src/examples/java #####Find usage of runExample with the below command.
./gradlew --daemon runExample
#####Below are the commands to run few examples ######Run examples with Gradle
./gradlew --daemon runExample -Dexample=GetDNSGeneralSync
./gradlew --daemon runExample -Dexample=GetDNSWithDNSSECStatusExtension
######Run examples with Java
javac -cp ./build/libs/getdns-java-0.1.jar src/examples/java/com/verisign/getdns/example/sync/GetDNSGeneralSync.java -d .
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib java -cp ./build/libs/getdns-java-0.1.jar:. -Djava.library.path=build/libs com.verisign.getdns.example.sync.GetDNSGeneralSync
#####Documentation Javadoc for getdns-java binding can be found here
###Known issues On some machines some test cases might fail because of timeout issues, we are working on this.