- first example in playground should be real life form
- complementary schema (for ui stuff)
- iconLib option can be string or IconLib instance
- theme option can be string or Theme instance
- support multiple drafts
- formats: https://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/reference/string#format
- Choices
- SignaturePad
- simplemde
- remove not needed action containers
- fix infoButton when format table
- input range
- input file
- color picker
- format switch (booleans and/or not required properties)
- info variant tooltip
- info variant popover
- array copy button
- append descriptions if set and not hidden
- type hidden description
- ionic theme
- property already exist message box or disable add button
- anyOf, oneOf accessibility switcher (radios are better)
- option hideButton labels
- set input names like id
- make theme methods options more consistent (text, textContent, content, getIcon, etc)
- navigate with Tab key
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