All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- More resources
- Geometry validations
- Asynchronous tasks
- QueryParam (validate) for Geometry validation resource, to choose validation type to perform
- Supported validations: JTS valid, JTS simple, repeated coordinates, vertices orientation (SFS compliance).
- Geometry validation Resource (POST). For the moment basic topological validations with JTS
- Improve performance in intersects resource (stream parallel processing)
- API resource (OPTIONS)
Implemented resources for JTS operations:
- Decompose multi geometry into basic geometry /jts/division
Divide LineString resource (/jts/division/line) return FlatGeometries
Divide Polygon (/jts/division/polygon) return FlatGeometries
- Implemented resources for JTS operations:
- Divide LineString /jts/division/line
- Divide Polygon /jts/division/polygon
- Divide LineStrings resource: /jts/division/lines
- Divide polygons resource: /jts/division/polygons
- Implemented resources for JTS operations:
- Divide LineString (not supported division for crossed linestrings)
- Implemented resources for JTS operations:
- Divide Polygons
- Implemented resources for JTS operations:
- Union: combine
- Union: overlap
- Intersection, Difference and Symmetric Difference returns FlatGeometries.
- improve performance
- Implemented resources for JTS operations:
- Intersect
- Implemented resources for JTS operations:
- Difference
- Symmetric Difference
- Added support for Points and LineStrings in intersection, Difference and Symmetric Difference operations. Beware with tolerance to obtain best results
- Implemented resources for JTS operations:
- Buffer
- Envelope
- Centroid
- Union
- Intersection