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File metadata and controls

281 lines (200 loc) · 11.5 KB


Read Axoflow's blog post for more details. You can read more about the new features in the AxoSyslog documentation.


Sending messages between syslog-ng instances via OTLP/gRPC

The syslog-ng-otlp() source and destination helps to transfer the internal representation of a log message between syslog-ng instances. In contrary to the syslog-ng() (ewmm()) drivers, syslog-ng-otlp() does not transfer the messages on simple TCP connections, but uses the OpenTelemetry protocol to do so.

It is easily scalable (workers() option), uses built-in application layer acknowledgement, out of the box supports google service authentication (ADC or ALTS), and gives the possibility of better load balancing.

The performance is currently similar to ewmm() (OTLP is ~30% quicker) but there is a source side limitation, which will be optimized. We measured 200-300% performance improvement with a PoC optimized code using multiple threads, so stay tuned.

Note: The syslog-ng-otlp() source is only an alias to the opentelemetry() source. This is useful for not needing to open different ports for the syslog-ng messages and other OpenTelemetry messages. The syslog-ng messages are marked with a @syslog-ng scope name and the current syslog-ng version as the scope version. Both sources will handle the incoming syslog-ng messages as syslog-ng messages, and all other messages as simple OpenTelemetry messages. (#4564)

Grafana Loki destination

The loki() destination sends messages to Grafana Loki using gRPC. The message format conforms to the documented HTTP endpoint:

Example config:

        "app" => "$PROGRAM",
        "host" => "$HOST",


Loki requires monotonic timestamps within the same label-set, which makes it difficult to use the original message timestamp without the possibility of message loss. In case the monotonic property is violated, Loki discards the problematic messages with an error. The source of the timestamps can be configured with the timestamp() option (current, received, msg).


S3 destination

The s3() destination stores log messages in S3 objects.

Minimal config:



Setting compression(yes) enables gzip compression, and implicitly adds a .gz suffix to the created object's key. Use the compresslevel() options to set the level of compression (0-9).

Rotation based on object size

The max-object-size() option configures syslog-ng to finish an object if it reaches a certain size. syslog-ng will append an index ("-1", "-2", ...) to the end of the object key when starting a new object after rotation.

Rotation based on timestamp

The object-key-timestamp() option can be used to set a datetime related template, which gets appended to the end of the object (e.g. "${R_MONTH_ABBREV}${R_DAY}" => "-Sep25"). When a log message arrives with a newer timestamp template resolution, the previous timestamped object gets finised and a new one is started with the new timestamp. Backfill messages do not reopen and append the old object, but starts a new object with the key having an index appended to the old object.

Rotation based on timeout

The flush-grace-period() option sets the number of minutes to wait for new messages to arrive to objects, if the timeout expires the object is finished, and a new message will start a new with an index appended.

Upload options

The objects are uploaded with the multipart upload API. Chunks are composed locally. When a chunk reaches a certain size (by default 5 MiB), the chunk is uploaded. When an object is finished, the multipart upload gets completed and the chunks are merged by S3.

Upload parameters can be configured with the chunk-size(), upload-threads() and max-pending-uploads() options.

Additional options

Additional options include region(), storage-class() and canned-acl().



  • http(): Added compression ability for use with metered egress/ingress

    The new features can be accessed with the following options:

    • accept-encoding() for requesting the compression of HTTP responses form the server. (These are currently not used by syslog-ng, but they still contribute to network traffic.) The available options are identity (for no compression), gzip or deflate. If you want the driver to accept multiple compression types, you can list them separated by commas inside the quotation mark, or write all, if you want to enable all available compression types.
    • content-compression() for compressing messages sent by syslog-ng. The available options are identity for no compression, gzip, or deflate.

    Below you can see a configuration example:

    destination d_http_compressed{
      http(url(""), content-compression("deflate"), accept-encoding("all"));


  • opensearch: Added a new destination.

    It is similar to elasticsearch-http(), with the difference that it does not have the type() option, which is deprecated and advised not to use. (#4560)

  • Added metrics for message delays: a new metric is introduced that measures the delay the messages accumulate while waiting to be delivered by syslog-ng. The measurement is sampled, e.g. syslog-ng would take the very first message in every second and expose its delay as a value of the new metric.

    There are two new metrics:

    • syslogng_output_event_delay_sample_seconds -- contains the latency of outgoing messages
    • syslogng_output_event_delay_sample_age_seconds -- contains the age of the last measurement, relative to the current time. (#4565)
  • metrics-probe: Added dynamic labelling support via name-value pairs

    You can use all value-pairs options, like key(), rekey(), pair() or scope(), etc...


        "static-label" => "bar"
        key(".my_prefix.*" rekey(shift-levels(1)))
    syslogng_foo{static_label="bar",my_prefix_baz="almafa",my_prefix_foo="bar",my_prefix_nested_axo="flow"} 4


  • systemd-journal(): Added support for enabling multiple systemd-journal() sources

    Using multiple systemd-journal() sources are now possible as long as each source uses a unique systemd namespace. The namespace can be configured with the namespace()`` option, which has a default value of "*"`. (#4553)

  • stdout(): added a new destination that allows you to write messages easily to syslog-ng's stdout. (#4620)

  • network(): Added ignore-hostname-mismatch as a new flag to ssl-options().

    By specifying ignore-hostname-mismatch, you can ignore the subject name of a certificate during the validation process. This means that syslog-ng will only check if the certificate itself is trusted by the current set of trust anchors (e.g. trusted CAs) ignoring the mismatch between the targeted hostname and the certificate subject. (#4628)


  • syslog-ng: fix runtime undefined symbol: random_choice_generator_parser' when executing syslog-ng -V or using an example plugin (#4615)

  • Fix threaded destination crash during a configuration revert

    Threaded destinations that do not support the workers() option crashed while syslog-ng was trying to revert to an old configuration. (#4588)

  • redis(): fix incrementing seq_num (#4588)

  • python(): fix crash when using Persist or LogTemplate without global python{} code block in configuration (#4572)

  • mqtt() destination: fix template option initialization (#4605)

  • opentelemetry: Fixed error handling in case of insert failure. (#4583)

  • pdbtool: add validation for types of <value> tags

    In patterndb, you can add extra name-value pairs following a match with the tags. But the actual value of these name-value pairs were never validated against their types, meaning that an incorrect value could be set using this construct. (#4621)

  • grouping-by(), group-lines(): Fixed a persist name generating error. (#4478)


  • debian: Added tzdata-legacy to BuildDeps for recent debian versions.

    In the recent debian packaging some of the timezone info files moved to a new tzdata-legacy package from the standard tzdata package. (#4643)

  • rhel: contrib/vim has been removed from the source. (#4607)

Other changes

  • APT packages: Dropped support for Ubuntu Bionic. (#4648)

  • vim: Syntax highlight file is no longer packaged.

    vim syntax files where previously installed by the RedHat packages of syslog-ng (but not the Debian ones). These files where sometime lagging behind, so in order to provide a more up-to-date experience on all platforms, regardless of the installation of the syslog-ng package, the vim syntax files have been moved to a dedicated repository syslog-ng/vim-syslog-ng that can be used using a plugin manager such as vim-plug, vim-pathogen or vundle. (#4607)

syslog-ng Discord

For a bit more interactive discussion, join our Discord server:

Axoflow Discord Server


syslog-ng is developed as a community project, and as such it relies on volunteers, to do the work necessarily to produce syslog-ng.

Reporting bugs, testing changes, writing code or simply providing feedback are all important contributions, so please if you are a user of syslog-ng, contribute.

We would like to thank the following people for their contribution:

Alex Becker, Attila Szakacs, Balazs Scheidler, Bálint Horváth, Hofi, László Várady, Romain Tartière, Szilard Parrag