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How CSS Works A Look Behind the Scenes

Three Pillars of Writing Good HTML and CSS (Never Forget Them)

  1. Responsive Design
    • Fluid layouts
    • Media queries
    • Responsive images
    • Correct units
    • Desktop-first vs mobile first
  2. Manintanable Code
    • Clean
    • Easy-to-understand
    • Growth
    • Reusable
    • How to organize files
    • How to name classes
    • How to structure HTML
  3. Web Performance
    • Less HTTP requests
    • Less code
    • Compress code
    • Use a CSS preprocessor
    • Less images
    • Compress images

How CSS Works Behind the Scenes

Load HTML -> Parse HTML -> Document Object Model (DOM) -> Render tree

Parse HTML -> Load CSS -> Parse CSS [Resolve conflicting CSS declarations (cascade), Process final CSS values] -> CSS Object Model (CSSOM) -> Render tree

Render tree -> Website rendering: visual formatting model -> Final rendered website

How CSS is Parsed Part 1 The Cascade and Specificity

The Cascade (The "C" in CSS)

Cascade process of combining different stylesheets and resolving conflicts between different CSS rules and declarations, when more than one rule applies to a certain element.



    1. User !important declarations
    2. Author !important declarations
    3. Author declarations
    4. User declarations
    5. Default browser declarations

    1. Inline styles
    2. IDs
    3. Classes, pseudo-classes, attribute
    4. Elements, pseudo-elements

    • The last declaration in the code will override all other declarations and will be applied

Specificity in Practice

.button { background-color: blue; }

a { background-color: purple; }

#nav div.pull-right a.button { background-color: orangered; }

#nav a.button: hover { background-color: yellow; }

How CSS is Parsed Part 2 Value Processing

What you need to know:

  • Each property has an initial value, used if nothing declared.
  • Browsers specify a root font-size for each page (usually 16px).
  • Percentages and relative values are always converted to pixels.
  • Percentages are measured relative to their parent's font-size, if used to specify font-size.
  • Percentages are measured relative to their parent's width, if used to specify font-size.
  • em are measured relative to their parent font-size, if used to specify font-size.
  • em are measured relative to the current font-size, if used to specify lengths.
  • rem are always measures relative to the document's root font-size.
  • vh and vw are simply percentage measurements of the viewport's height and width.
<div class="section">
    <p class="amazing">CSS is absolutely amazing</p>
.section {
    font-size: 1.5rem;
    width: 280px;
    background-color: orangered;

p {
    width: 140px;
    background-color: green;

.amazing {
    width: 66%;
width (paragraph) padding (paragraph) font-size (root) font-size (section) font-size (paragraph)
1. Declared value (autor declarations 140px - - 1.5rem -
2. Cascaded value (after cascade) 66% - 16px (browser default) 1.5rem -
3. Specified value (defaulting, if there's no cascaded value) 66% 0px (initial value) 16px 1.5rem 24px
4. Computed value (converting relative values to absolute) 66% 0px 16px 24px (1.5 * 16px) 24px
5. Used value (final calculations, based on layout) 184.8px 0px 16px 24px 24px
6. Actual value (browser and device restrictions) 185px 0px 16px 24px 24px

How Units are Converted from Relative to Absolute (PX) in order to calculate Computed value and Used value

html, body {
    font-size: 16px;
    width: 80vw;

header {
    font-size: 150%;
    padding: 2em;
    margin-bottom: 10rem;
    height: 90vh;
    width: 100%;

.header-child {
    font-size: 3em;
    padding: 10%;
Example (x) How to convert to pixels Results in pixels
% (fonts) 150% x% * parent's computed font-size 24px
% (lengths) 10% x% * parent's computed width 100px
em (fonts) 3em x * parent computed font-size 72px (3 * 24)
em (lengths) 2em x * current element computed font-size 48px
rem 10rem x * root computed font-size 160px
vh 90vh x * 1% of viewport height 90% of the current viewport height
vw 80vw x * 1% of viewport width 80% of the current viewport width

How CSS is Parsed Part 3 Inheritance

Inheritance: What You Need to Know:

  • Inheritance passess the values for some specific properties from parents to children - **more maintainable code.
  • Properties related to text are inherited: font-family, font-size, colors, etc.
  • The computed value of a property is what gets inherited, not the declared value.
  • Inheritance of a property only works if no one declares a value for that property.
  • The inherit keyword forces inheritance on a certain property.
  • The initial keyword resets a property to its initial value.

How CSS Renders a Website: The Visual Formatting Model

Definition: Algorithm that calculates box and determines the layout of theses boxes, for each element in the render tree, in order to determine the final layout of the page.

  • Dimensions of boxes: the box model
  • Box type: inline, block and inline-block
  • Positioning scheme: floats and positioning
  • Stacking contexts
  • Other elements in the render tree
  • Viewport size, dimensions of images, etc.
    • Content: text, images, etc.
    • Padding: transparent area around the content, inside of the box
    • Border: goes around the padding and the content
    • Margin: space between boxes
    • Fill area: area that gets filled with background color or background image

total width = right border + right padding + specified width + left padding + left border

total height top border + top padding + specified height + bottom padding + bottom border

Example: height = 0 + 20px + 100px + 20px + 0 = 140px


    1. Block-level boxes

      • Elements formatted visually as blocks
      • 100% of parent's width
      • Vertically, one after another
      • Box-model applies as showed
      display: block
      (display: flex)
      (display: list-item)
      (display: table)
    2. Inline boxes

      • Content is distributed in lines
      • Occupies only content's space
      • No line-breaks
      • No height and widths
      • Paddings and margins only horizontal (left and right)
      display: inline
    3. Inline-block boxes

      • A mix of block and inline
      • Occupies only content's space
      • No line-breaks
      • Box-model applies as showed
      display: inline-block;

    1. Normal flow

      • Default positioning scheme
      • NOT floated
      • NOT absolutely positioned
      • Elements laid out according to their source order
      position: relative
    2. Floats

      • Elements is removed from the normal flow
      • Text and inline elements will wrap around the floated element
      • The container will not adjust it's height to the element
      float: left
      float: right
    3. Absolute positioning

      • Elements is removed from the normal flow
      • No impact on surrounding content or elements
      • We use top, bottom, left and right to offset the element from its relatively positioned container
      position: absolute;
      position: fixed;

    • are what determined in which order elements are rendered on the page.
    • are like layers to form a stack
    z-index: 3
    position: relative
    z-index: 2
    position: absolute
    z-index: 1
    position: relative

CSS Architecture Components and BEM


  1. THINK about the layout of your webpage or web app before writing code.

      • Modular building blocks that makes up interfaces
      • Help together by the layout of the page
      • Re-usable across a project, and between projects
      • Independent, allowing us to use them anywhere on the page
  2. BUILD your layout in HTML and CSS with a consistent structure for naming classes.

    • BEM
      • Block Element Modifier
      • BLOCK: standalone component that is meaningful on its own.
      • ELEMENT: part of a block that has no standalone meaning.
      • MODIFIER: a different version of a block or an element.
  3. Creating a logical ARCHITECTURE for your CSS with files and folders.

    • THE 7-1 PATTERN

      • 7 different folders for partial Sass files, and 1 main Sass file to import all other files into a compiled CSS stylesheet.


      • base/
      • components/
      • layout/
      • pages/
      • themes/
      • abstracts/
      • vendors/

Introduction to Sass and NPM

SASS is a CSS preprocessor, an extension of CSS that adds power and elegance to the basic language.



  • Variables: for reusable values such as colors, font-sizes, spacing, etc.
  • Nesting: to nest selectors inside of one another, allowing us to write less code.
  • Operators: for mathematical operations right inside of CSS.
  • Partials and imports: to write CSS in different files and importing them all into one single file.
  • Mixins: to write reusable pieces of CSS code.
  • Functions: similar to mixins, with the difference that they produce a value that can be used.
  • Extends: to make different selectors inherit declarations that are common to all of them.
  • Control directives: for writing complex code using conditionals and loops.


There are 2 SASS syntaxes

SASS syntax is indentation sensitive, and doesn't use curly braces and semicolon.

  list-style: none
  float: left

  & li
    display: inline-block
    margin-left: 30px

SCSS syntax preserves the original CSS looks like.

.navigation {
  list-style: none;
  float: left;

  & li {
    display: inline-block;
    margin-left: 30px;

Node: Allows developers to write and run JavaScript applications on the server. Developers started using node.js to also write tools to help them with web development.

NPM is a simple command line interface that allows developers to install and manage packages on their local computers. There are all kinds of open-source tools, libraries and frameworks needed for moderm development. Modern web development could simply not exist without a package manager.

The steps to be able to use SASS in the project:

  • npm init the first step when using npm on a new project, to create package.json

  • npm install node-sass --save-dev adding --save-dev to use it as a development dependencies

  • add "compile:sass": "node-sass sass/main.scss css/style.css -w" in the package.json scripts, adding -w to keep watching all the changes made on the saas file.

  • npm install live-server -g adding -g for globally to install it to the computer itself not just in the local development.

  • npm run compile:sass to watch and load it the file.

Advanced Responsive Design

Mobile-First vs Desktop-First and Breakpoints



  • Start writing CSS for the desktop: large screen
  • Then, media queries shrink design to smaller screens
    html { font-size: 20px; }
    @media (max-width: 600px) {
        html { font-size: 16px; }


  • Start writing CSS for mobile devices: small screen
  • Then, media queries expand design to a large desktop screen
  • Forces us to reduce websites and apps to the absolute essentials
    html { font-size: 16px; }
    @media (min-width: 600px) {
        html { font-size: 20px; }



  • infinity -> 1200px Our initial desktop-first goes here

  • 600px -> 0px
    max-width: 600px -> Maximum width at which media query still applies
    (iswidth <= 600px ?)

  • 900px -> 600px
    max-width: 900px
    (iswidth <= 900px ?)

500px -> Media queries don't add any importance or specifity to selectors, so code order matters - media queries at the end

  • 1200px -> 900px
    max-width: 1200px
    (iswidth <= 1200px ?)


  • 600px -> 900px
    (iswidth >= 600px ?)
    min-width: 600px -> Minimum width at which media query starts to apply

  • 900px -> 1200px
    (iswidth >= 900px ?)
    min-width: 900px

  • 1200px -> infinity
    (iswidth >= 1200px ?)
    min-width: 1200px

Mobile-First PROS

  • 100% optimised for the mobile experience
  • Reduces websites and apps to the absolute essentials
  • Results in smaller, faster and more efficient products
  • Prioritizes content over aesthetic design, which may be desirable

Mobile-First CONS

  • The desktop version might feel overly empty and simplistic
  • More difficult and counterintuitive to develop
  • Less creative freedom, making it more difficult to create distinctive products
  • Clients are used to see a desktop version of the site as a prototype
  • Do your users even use the mobile internet? What's the purpose of your website?

Note: No matter what you choose, always keep both desktop and mobile in mind.


  • BAD

    • use the popular device as the breakpoints, like apple, ipad
    • ignoring all the user of other devices
    • it's not future proof, not reusable and maintainable code
  • GOOD

    • we check all the most used device width in the internet
    • group them together in a logical way, then pick a breakpoint from that
    • a lot better than the first way because we use a lot of devices and most popular width
    • not setting breakpoints for the specific point but between similar devie width

    • ignore devices altogether and only look your content in your design
    • begin in one size either mobile or desktop and then start increasing or decreasing your screen width
    • then as soon as the design breaks which means the design no longer work or look okay then insert a new breakpoint.
    • just put a breakpointa whenever your design starts to look weird and out of place
    • don't think any device at all
    • this approach is extremely difficult and many people are not doing it


PHONE ONLY 300px -> 600px

0px - 600px 600px - 900px 900px -1200px 1200px - 1800px 1800px --->
320 x 568 720 x 1280 1024 x 768 1280 x 800 1920 x 1080
360 x 640 768 x 1024 1280 x 1024
375 x 667 1366 x 768
480 x 800 1440 x 900
1600 x 900

Responsive Images

The goal of responsive images is to serve the right image to the right screen size and device, in order to avoid downloading unnecessary large images on smaller screens.


  • RESOLUTION SWITCHING: Large screen -> Small screen (Decrease image resolution on smaller screen)
  • DENSITY SWITCHING: @2x screen (high-res) -> @1x screen (low-res) (Half the image resolution on @1x screen)
  • ART DIRECTION: Lasrge screen -> Small screen -> Image details were preserved, but the image is different (Different image on smaller screen)

Setting up a Simple Build Process with NPM Scripts

Build Process is a sequence of task that we perform automatically after we finish developing a product, or a certain feature of a product. And the result of the build process are one or more final files which are ready for production which means ready to be deployed to the web server.

  • COMPILATION -> start with the main sass file then compile it to a css file
  • CONCATENATION -> merge the content of the css file with the css in an icon font file, 2 css file into 1
  • PREFIXING -> automatically add prefixes
  • COMPRESSING -> compress the whole code

Philosophy Behind Flexbox


  • is a new module in CSS3 that makes it easy to align elements to one another, in different directions and order.
  • the main idea behind flexbox is to give the container the ability to expand and to shrink elements to best use all the available space.
  • replaces float layouts, using less, and more readable and logical code.
  • completely changes the way that we build one-dimensional layouts.

Flex container -> Flex items

display: flex
(display: flex-inline)

CONTAINER Properties

  • flex-direction: row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse
  • flex-wrap: no-wrap | wrap | wrap-reverse
  • justify-content: flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around | space-evenly
  • align-items: stretch | flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline
  • align-content: stretch | flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around

ITEM Properties

  • align-self: auto | stretch | flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline
  • order: 0 |
  • flex: 0 1 auto |
    • flex-grow: 0 |
    • flex-shrink: 1 |
    • flex-basis: auto |

WHY CSS Grid - A Whole New Mindset


  • is a brand new module that brings a two-dimensional grid system to CSS for the first time.
  • replaces float layouts, using less, and more readable and logical CSS and HTML.
  • CSS Grid works perfectly together with Flexbox, which is best to handle one-dimentsional components and layouts.
  • completely changes the way that we envision and build two-dimensional layouts.

Grid container -> Grid items

display: grid
(display: grid-inline)

CONTAINER Properties

  • grid template
    • grid-template-rows
    • grid-template-columns
    • grid-template-areas
  • grid-gap
    • grid-row-gap
    • grid-column-gap
  • justify-items
  • align-items
  • justify-content
  • align-content
  • grid-auto-rows
  • grid-auto-columns
  • grid-auto-flow

ITEM Properties

  • grid-area
    • grid-row
      • grid-row-start
      • grid-row-end
    • grid-column
      • grid-column-start
      • grid-column-end
  • justify-self
  • align-self
  • order

3 methods in organizing CSS grid