We strongly encourage you to contribute to lxHive's open source efforts by implementing new features, enhancing existing features, and fixing bugs. We also welcome your participation in writing documentation and guides.
To maintain code quality, all code changes are reviewed by a core set of lxHive project maintainers.
As you have ideas for features you want to implement, follow the contribution steps outlined in the sections, below. For more details on specific steps, and to get a deeper understanding of lxHive in general, make sure to check out our Wiki. Lastly, visit the links listed in the Additional Resources section, below.
- Create a new issue for your issue. If a ticket
already exists for the issue, participate via the existing ticket.
- Describe the issue clearly. If it is a bug, include steps to reproduce it.
- Select an appropriate label for the issue.
Fork the lxHive repository.
Create a new branch from the affected existing branch.
Commit logical units of work.
Include a reference to the issue (e.g. #13) in your commit messages. For example:
Improve code readability - #13
Test your changes thoroughly! Consider the wide variety of operating systems, database versions, application servers, and other related technologies.
Unit tests: see docs in
- Push changes in your branch to your fork.
- Create a pull request and mention the issue it fixes as described here.
- You're done! Your changes will be reviewed. Please respond to comments and questions to your pull request until it is closed.