diff --git a/ATOM.lua b/ATOM.lua
index c2a4e52..8acd580 100755
--- a/ATOM.lua
+++ b/ATOM.lua
@@ -96,3 +96,45 @@ function ATOM:MarkTarget(index)
+function ATOM:ShortenNameplateUnitName(unitId, unitFrame, envTable)
+ local function abbriviateName(fullName, maxLength)
+ local nameParts = { strsplit(' ', fullName) }
+ for i = #nameParts, 1, -1 do
+ -- dont abbreviate last names or words less than 5 characters
+ if not (i == #nameParts or nameParts[i]:len() < 5) then
+ nameParts[i] = nameParts[i]:sub(1, 1) .. '.'
+ end
+ -- stop abbriviating if the parts fit within the length of the
+ -- original truncated unitName that was set for the nameplate
+ if table.concat(nameParts, ' '):len() < maxLength then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat(nameParts, ' ')
+ end
+ local unitName = unitFrame.healthBar.unitName:GetText()
+ local maxLength = unitName:len()
+ local plateFrame = C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit(unitId)
+ local fullName = plateFrame and plateFrame.namePlateUnitName or unitName
+ if fullName ~= unitName then
+ -- ignore everything after the first comma
+ fullName = select(1, strsplit(',', fullName))
+ unitFrame.healthBar.unitName:SetText(abbriviateName(fullName, maxLength))
+ end
+function (self, unitId, unitFrame, envTable)
+ local unitName = unitFrame.healthBar.unitName:GetText()
+ local plateFrame = C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit(unitId)
+ if plateFrame and plateFrame.namePlateUnitName ~= unitName then
+ unitName = plateFrame.namePlateUnitName:gsub('(%S+) ', function (t) return t:sub(1, 1) .. '. ' end)
+ unitFrame.healthBar.unitName:SetText(unitName)
+ end
diff --git a/ATOM.toc b/ATOM.toc
index 8a1c70b..2fd2a71 100755
--- a/ATOM.toc
+++ b/ATOM.toc
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-## Interface: 80200
+## Interface: 90002
## Title: ATOM
## Notes: Tweaks, optimizations and automation of tasks
## Author: funkjedi
@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ Mount.lua
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..724b151
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1026 @@
+--- **AceGUI-3.0** provides access to numerous widgets which can be used to create GUIs.
+-- AceGUI is used by AceConfigDialog to create the option GUIs, but you can use it by itself
+-- to create any custom GUI. There are more extensive examples in the test suite in the Ace3
+-- stand-alone distribution.
+-- **Note**: When using AceGUI-3.0 directly, please do not modify the frames of the widgets directly,
+-- as any "unknown" change to the widgets will cause addons that get your widget out of the widget pool
+-- to misbehave. If you think some part of a widget should be modifiable, please open a ticket, and we"ll
+-- implement a proper API to modify it.
+-- @usage
+-- local AceGUI = LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
+-- -- Create a container frame
+-- local f = AceGUI:Create("Frame")
+-- f:SetCallback("OnClose",function(widget) AceGUI:Release(widget) end)
+-- f:SetTitle("AceGUI-3.0 Example")
+-- f:SetStatusText("Status Bar")
+-- f:SetLayout("Flow")
+-- -- Create a button
+-- local btn = AceGUI:Create("Button")
+-- btn:SetWidth(170)
+-- btn:SetText("Button !")
+-- btn:SetCallback("OnClick", function() print("Click!") end)
+-- -- Add the button to the container
+-- f:AddChild(btn)
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceGUI-3.0
+-- @release $Id: AceGUI-3.0.lua 1231 2020-04-14 22:20:36Z nevcairiel $
+local ACEGUI_MAJOR, ACEGUI_MINOR = "AceGUI-3.0", 41
+local AceGUI, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(ACEGUI_MAJOR, ACEGUI_MINOR)
+if not AceGUI then return end -- No upgrade needed
+-- Lua APIs
+local tinsert = table.insert
+local select, pairs, next, type = select, pairs, next, type
+local error, assert = error, assert
+local setmetatable, rawget = setmetatable, rawget
+local math_max = math.max
+-- WoW APIs
+local UIParent = UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: geterrorhandler, LibStub
+--local con = LibStub("AceConsole-3.0",true)
+AceGUI.WidgetRegistry = AceGUI.WidgetRegistry or {}
+AceGUI.LayoutRegistry = AceGUI.LayoutRegistry or {}
+AceGUI.WidgetBase = AceGUI.WidgetBase or {}
+AceGUI.WidgetContainerBase = AceGUI.WidgetContainerBase or {}
+AceGUI.WidgetVersions = AceGUI.WidgetVersions or {}
+AceGUI.tooltip = AceGUI.tooltip or CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "AceGUITooltip", UIParent, "GameTooltipTemplate")
+-- local upvalues
+local WidgetRegistry = AceGUI.WidgetRegistry
+local LayoutRegistry = AceGUI.LayoutRegistry
+local WidgetVersions = AceGUI.WidgetVersions
+ xpcall safecall implementation
+local xpcall = xpcall
+local function errorhandler(err)
+ return geterrorhandler()(err)
+local function safecall(func, ...)
+ if func then
+ return xpcall(func, errorhandler, ...)
+ end
+-- Recycling functions
+local newWidget, delWidget
+ -- Version Upgrade in Minor 29
+ -- Internal Storage of the objects changed, from an array table
+ -- to a hash table, and additionally we introduced versioning on
+ -- the widgets which would discard all widgets from a pre-29 version
+ -- anyway, so we just clear the storage now, and don't try to
+ -- convert the storage tables to the new format.
+ -- This should generally not cause *many* widgets to end up in trash,
+ -- since once dialogs are opened, all addons should be loaded already
+ -- and AceGUI should be on the latest version available on the users
+ -- setup.
+ -- -- nevcairiel - Nov 2nd, 2009
+ if oldminor and oldminor < 29 and AceGUI.objPools then
+ AceGUI.objPools = nil
+ end
+ AceGUI.objPools = AceGUI.objPools or {}
+ local objPools = AceGUI.objPools
+ --Returns a new instance, if none are available either returns a new table or calls the given contructor
+ function newWidget(type)
+ if not WidgetRegistry[type] then
+ error("Attempt to instantiate unknown widget type", 2)
+ end
+ if not objPools[type] then
+ objPools[type] = {}
+ end
+ local newObj = next(objPools[type])
+ if not newObj then
+ newObj = WidgetRegistry[type]()
+ newObj.AceGUIWidgetVersion = WidgetVersions[type]
+ else
+ objPools[type][newObj] = nil
+ -- if the widget is older then the latest, don't even try to reuse it
+ -- just forget about it, and grab a new one.
+ if not newObj.AceGUIWidgetVersion or newObj.AceGUIWidgetVersion < WidgetVersions[type] then
+ return newWidget(type)
+ end
+ end
+ return newObj
+ end
+ -- Releases an instance to the Pool
+ function delWidget(obj,type)
+ if not objPools[type] then
+ objPools[type] = {}
+ end
+ if objPools[type][obj] then
+ error("Attempt to Release Widget that is already released", 2)
+ end
+ objPools[type][obj] = true
+ end
+-- API Functions --
+-- Gets a widget Object
+--- Create a new Widget of the given type.
+-- This function will instantiate a new widget (or use one from the widget pool), and call the
+-- OnAcquire function on it, before returning.
+-- @param type The type of the widget.
+-- @return The newly created widget.
+function AceGUI:Create(type)
+ if WidgetRegistry[type] then
+ local widget = newWidget(type)
+ if rawget(widget, "Acquire") then
+ widget.OnAcquire = widget.Acquire
+ widget.Acquire = nil
+ elseif rawget(widget, "Aquire") then
+ widget.OnAcquire = widget.Aquire
+ widget.Aquire = nil
+ end
+ if rawget(widget, "Release") then
+ widget.OnRelease = rawget(widget, "Release")
+ widget.Release = nil
+ end
+ if widget.OnAcquire then
+ widget:OnAcquire()
+ else
+ error(("Widget type %s doesn't supply an OnAcquire Function"):format(type))
+ end
+ -- Set the default Layout ("List")
+ safecall(widget.SetLayout, widget, "List")
+ safecall(widget.ResumeLayout, widget)
+ return widget
+ end
+--- Releases a widget Object.
+-- This function calls OnRelease on the widget and places it back in the widget pool.
+-- Any data on the widget is being erased, and the widget will be hidden.\\
+-- If this widget is a Container-Widget, all of its Child-Widgets will be releases as well.
+-- @param widget The widget to release
+function AceGUI:Release(widget)
+ if widget.isQueuedForRelease then return end
+ widget.isQueuedForRelease = true
+ safecall(widget.PauseLayout, widget)
+ widget.frame:Hide()
+ widget:Fire("OnRelease")
+ safecall(widget.ReleaseChildren, widget)
+ if widget.OnRelease then
+ widget:OnRelease()
+-- else
+-- error(("Widget type %s doesn't supply an OnRelease Function"):format(widget.type))
+ end
+ for k in pairs(widget.userdata) do
+ widget.userdata[k] = nil
+ end
+ for k in pairs(widget.events) do
+ widget.events[k] = nil
+ end
+ widget.width = nil
+ widget.relWidth = nil
+ widget.height = nil
+ widget.relHeight = nil
+ widget.noAutoHeight = nil
+ widget.frame:ClearAllPoints()
+ widget.frame:Hide()
+ widget.frame:SetParent(UIParent)
+ widget.frame.width = nil
+ widget.frame.height = nil
+ if widget.content then
+ widget.content.width = nil
+ widget.content.height = nil
+ end
+ widget.isQueuedForRelease = nil
+ delWidget(widget, widget.type)
+--- Check if a widget is currently in the process of being released
+-- This function check if this widget, or any of its parents (in which case it'll be released shortly as well)
+-- are currently being released. This allows addon to handle any callbacks accordingly.
+-- @param widget The widget to check
+function AceGUI:IsReleasing(widget)
+ if widget.isQueuedForRelease then
+ return true
+ end
+ if widget.parent and widget.parent.AceGUIWidgetVersion then
+ return AceGUI:IsReleasing(widget.parent)
+ end
+ return false
+-- Focus --
+--- Called when a widget has taken focus.
+-- e.g. Dropdowns opening, Editboxes gaining kb focus
+-- @param widget The widget that should be focused
+function AceGUI:SetFocus(widget)
+ if self.FocusedWidget and self.FocusedWidget ~= widget then
+ safecall(self.FocusedWidget.ClearFocus, self.FocusedWidget)
+ end
+ self.FocusedWidget = widget
+--- Called when something has happened that could cause widgets with focus to drop it
+-- e.g. titlebar of a frame being clicked
+function AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+ if self.FocusedWidget then
+ safecall(self.FocusedWidget.ClearFocus, self.FocusedWidget)
+ self.FocusedWidget = nil
+ end
+-- Widgets --
+ Widgets must provide the following functions
+ OnAcquire() - Called when the object is acquired, should set everything to a default hidden state
+ And the following members
+ frame - the frame or derivitive object that will be treated as the widget for size and anchoring purposes
+ type - the type of the object, same as the name given to :RegisterWidget()
+ Widgets contain a table called userdata, this is a safe place to store data associated with the wigdet
+ It will be cleared automatically when a widget is released
+ Placing values directly into a widget object should be avoided
+ If the Widget can act as a container for other Widgets the following
+ content - frame or derivitive that children will be anchored to
+ The Widget can supply the following Optional Members
+ :OnRelease() - Called when the object is Released, should remove any additional anchors and clear any data
+ :OnWidthSet(width) - Called when the width of the widget is changed
+ :OnHeightSet(height) - Called when the height of the widget is changed
+ Widgets should not use the OnSizeChanged events of thier frame or content members, use these methods instead
+ AceGUI already sets a handler to the event
+ :LayoutFinished(width, height) - called after a layout has finished, the width and height will be the width and height of the
+ area used for controls. These can be nil if the layout used the existing size to layout the controls.
+-- Widget Base Template --
+ local WidgetBase = AceGUI.WidgetBase
+ WidgetBase.SetParent = function(self, parent)
+ local frame = self.frame
+ frame:SetParent(nil)
+ frame:SetParent(parent.content)
+ self.parent = parent
+ end
+ WidgetBase.SetCallback = function(self, name, func)
+ if type(func) == "function" then
+ self.events[name] = func
+ end
+ end
+ WidgetBase.Fire = function(self, name, ...)
+ if self.events[name] then
+ local success, ret = safecall(self.events[name], self, name, ...)
+ if success then
+ return ret
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ WidgetBase.SetWidth = function(self, width)
+ self.frame:SetWidth(width)
+ self.frame.width = width
+ if self.OnWidthSet then
+ self:OnWidthSet(width)
+ end
+ end
+ WidgetBase.SetRelativeWidth = function(self, width)
+ if width <= 0 or width > 1 then
+ error(":SetRelativeWidth(width): Invalid relative width.", 2)
+ end
+ self.relWidth = width
+ self.width = "relative"
+ end
+ WidgetBase.SetHeight = function(self, height)
+ self.frame:SetHeight(height)
+ self.frame.height = height
+ if self.OnHeightSet then
+ self:OnHeightSet(height)
+ end
+ end
+ --[[ WidgetBase.SetRelativeHeight = function(self, height)
+ if height <= 0 or height > 1 then
+ error(":SetRelativeHeight(height): Invalid relative height.", 2)
+ end
+ self.relHeight = height
+ self.height = "relative"
+ end ]]
+ WidgetBase.IsVisible = function(self)
+ return self.frame:IsVisible()
+ end
+ WidgetBase.IsShown= function(self)
+ return self.frame:IsShown()
+ end
+ WidgetBase.Release = function(self)
+ AceGUI:Release(self)
+ end
+ WidgetBase.IsReleasing = function(self)
+ return AceGUI:IsReleasing(self)
+ end
+ WidgetBase.SetPoint = function(self, ...)
+ return self.frame:SetPoint(...)
+ end
+ WidgetBase.ClearAllPoints = function(self)
+ return self.frame:ClearAllPoints()
+ end
+ WidgetBase.GetNumPoints = function(self)
+ return self.frame:GetNumPoints()
+ end
+ WidgetBase.GetPoint = function(self, ...)
+ return self.frame:GetPoint(...)
+ end
+ WidgetBase.GetUserDataTable = function(self)
+ return self.userdata
+ end
+ WidgetBase.SetUserData = function(self, key, value)
+ self.userdata[key] = value
+ end
+ WidgetBase.GetUserData = function(self, key)
+ return self.userdata[key]
+ end
+ WidgetBase.IsFullHeight = function(self)
+ return self.height == "fill"
+ end
+ WidgetBase.SetFullHeight = function(self, isFull)
+ if isFull then
+ self.height = "fill"
+ else
+ self.height = nil
+ end
+ end
+ WidgetBase.IsFullWidth = function(self)
+ return self.width == "fill"
+ end
+ WidgetBase.SetFullWidth = function(self, isFull)
+ if isFull then
+ self.width = "fill"
+ else
+ self.width = nil
+ end
+ end
+-- local function LayoutOnUpdate(this)
+-- this:SetScript("OnUpdate",nil)
+-- this.obj:PerformLayout()
+-- end
+ local WidgetContainerBase = AceGUI.WidgetContainerBase
+ WidgetContainerBase.PauseLayout = function(self)
+ self.LayoutPaused = true
+ end
+ WidgetContainerBase.ResumeLayout = function(self)
+ self.LayoutPaused = nil
+ end
+ WidgetContainerBase.PerformLayout = function(self)
+ if self.LayoutPaused then
+ return
+ end
+ safecall(self.LayoutFunc, self.content, self.children)
+ end
+ --call this function to layout, makes sure layed out objects get a frame to get sizes etc
+ WidgetContainerBase.DoLayout = function(self)
+ self:PerformLayout()
+-- if not self.parent then
+-- self.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", LayoutOnUpdate)
+-- end
+ end
+ WidgetContainerBase.AddChild = function(self, child, beforeWidget)
+ if beforeWidget then
+ local siblingIndex = 1
+ for _, widget in pairs(self.children) do
+ if widget == beforeWidget then
+ break
+ end
+ siblingIndex = siblingIndex + 1
+ end
+ tinsert(self.children, siblingIndex, child)
+ else
+ tinsert(self.children, child)
+ end
+ child:SetParent(self)
+ child.frame:Show()
+ self:DoLayout()
+ end
+ WidgetContainerBase.AddChildren = function(self, ...)
+ for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
+ local child = select(i, ...)
+ tinsert(self.children, child)
+ child:SetParent(self)
+ child.frame:Show()
+ end
+ self:DoLayout()
+ end
+ WidgetContainerBase.ReleaseChildren = function(self)
+ local children = self.children
+ for i = 1,#children do
+ AceGUI:Release(children[i])
+ children[i] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ WidgetContainerBase.SetLayout = function(self, Layout)
+ self.LayoutFunc = AceGUI:GetLayout(Layout)
+ end
+ WidgetContainerBase.SetAutoAdjustHeight = function(self, adjust)
+ if adjust then
+ self.noAutoHeight = nil
+ else
+ self.noAutoHeight = true
+ end
+ end
+ local function FrameResize(this)
+ local self = this.obj
+ if this:GetWidth() and this:GetHeight() then
+ if self.OnWidthSet then
+ self:OnWidthSet(this:GetWidth())
+ end
+ if self.OnHeightSet then
+ self:OnHeightSet(this:GetHeight())
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function ContentResize(this)
+ if this:GetWidth() and this:GetHeight() then
+ this.width = this:GetWidth()
+ this.height = this:GetHeight()
+ this.obj:DoLayout()
+ end
+ end
+ setmetatable(WidgetContainerBase, {__index=WidgetBase})
+ --One of these function should be called on each Widget Instance as part of its creation process
+ --- Register a widget-class as a container for newly created widgets.
+ -- @param widget The widget class
+ function AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+ widget.children = {}
+ widget.userdata = {}
+ widget.events = {}
+ widget.base = WidgetContainerBase
+ widget.content.obj = widget
+ widget.frame.obj = widget
+ widget.content:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", ContentResize)
+ widget.frame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", FrameResize)
+ setmetatable(widget, {__index = WidgetContainerBase})
+ widget:SetLayout("List")
+ return widget
+ end
+ --- Register a widget-class as a widget.
+ -- @param widget The widget class
+ function AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+ widget.userdata = {}
+ widget.events = {}
+ widget.base = WidgetBase
+ widget.frame.obj = widget
+ widget.frame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", FrameResize)
+ setmetatable(widget, {__index = WidgetBase})
+ return widget
+ end
+-- Widget API --
+--- Registers a widget Constructor, this function returns a new instance of the Widget
+-- @param Name The name of the widget
+-- @param Constructor The widget constructor function
+-- @param Version The version of the widget
+function AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Name, Constructor, Version)
+ assert(type(Constructor) == "function")
+ assert(type(Version) == "number")
+ local oldVersion = WidgetVersions[Name]
+ if oldVersion and oldVersion >= Version then return end
+ WidgetVersions[Name] = Version
+ WidgetRegistry[Name] = Constructor
+--- Registers a Layout Function
+-- @param Name The name of the layout
+-- @param LayoutFunc Reference to the layout function
+function AceGUI:RegisterLayout(Name, LayoutFunc)
+ assert(type(LayoutFunc) == "function")
+ if type(Name) == "string" then
+ Name = Name:upper()
+ end
+ LayoutRegistry[Name] = LayoutFunc
+--- Get a Layout Function from the registry
+-- @param Name The name of the layout
+function AceGUI:GetLayout(Name)
+ if type(Name) == "string" then
+ Name = Name:upper()
+ end
+ return LayoutRegistry[Name]
+AceGUI.counts = AceGUI.counts or {}
+--- A type-based counter to count the number of widgets created.
+-- This is used by widgets that require a named frame, e.g. when a Blizzard
+-- Template requires it.
+-- @param type The widget type
+function AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(type)
+ if not self.counts[type] then
+ self.counts[type] = 0
+ end
+ self.counts[type] = self.counts[type] + 1
+ return self.counts[type]
+--- Return the number of created widgets for this type.
+-- In contrast to GetNextWidgetNum, the number is not incremented.
+-- @param type The widget type
+function AceGUI:GetWidgetCount(type)
+ return self.counts[type] or 0
+--- Return the version of the currently registered widget type.
+-- @param type The widget type
+function AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(type)
+ return WidgetVersions[type]
+-- Layouts --
+ A Layout is a func that takes 2 parameters
+ content - the frame that widgets will be placed inside
+ children - a table containing the widgets to layout
+-- Very simple Layout, Children are stacked on top of each other down the left side
+ function(content, children)
+ local height = 0
+ local width = content.width or content:GetWidth() or 0
+ for i = 1, #children do
+ local child = children[i]
+ local frame = child.frame
+ frame:ClearAllPoints()
+ frame:Show()
+ if i == 1 then
+ frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", content)
+ else
+ frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", children[i-1].frame, "BOTTOMLEFT")
+ end
+ if child.width == "fill" then
+ child:SetWidth(width)
+ frame:SetPoint("RIGHT", content)
+ if child.DoLayout then
+ child:DoLayout()
+ end
+ elseif child.width == "relative" then
+ child:SetWidth(width * child.relWidth)
+ if child.DoLayout then
+ child:DoLayout()
+ end
+ end
+ height = height + (frame.height or frame:GetHeight() or 0)
+ end
+ safecall(content.obj.LayoutFinished, content.obj, nil, height)
+ end)
+-- A single control fills the whole content area
+ function(content, children)
+ if children[1] then
+ children[1]:SetWidth(content:GetWidth() or 0)
+ children[1]:SetHeight(content:GetHeight() or 0)
+ children[1].frame:ClearAllPoints()
+ children[1].frame:SetAllPoints(content)
+ children[1].frame:Show()
+ safecall(content.obj.LayoutFinished, content.obj, nil, children[1].frame:GetHeight())
+ end
+ end)
+local layoutrecursionblock = nil
+local function safelayoutcall(object, func, ...)
+ layoutrecursionblock = true
+ object[func](object, ...)
+ layoutrecursionblock = nil
+ function(content, children)
+ if layoutrecursionblock then return end
+ --used height so far
+ local height = 0
+ --width used in the current row
+ local usedwidth = 0
+ --height of the current row
+ local rowheight = 0
+ local rowoffset = 0
+ local width = content.width or content:GetWidth() or 0
+ --control at the start of the row
+ local rowstart
+ local rowstartoffset
+ local isfullheight
+ local frameoffset
+ local lastframeoffset
+ local oversize
+ for i = 1, #children do
+ local child = children[i]
+ oversize = nil
+ local frame = child.frame
+ local frameheight = frame.height or frame:GetHeight() or 0
+ local framewidth = frame.width or frame:GetWidth() or 0
+ lastframeoffset = frameoffset
+ -- HACK: Why did we set a frameoffset of (frameheight / 2) ?
+ -- That was moving all widgets half the widgets size down, is that intended?
+ -- Actually, it seems to be neccessary for many cases, we'll leave it in for now.
+ -- If widgets seem to anchor weirdly with this, provide a valid alignoffset for them.
+ -- TODO: Investigate moar!
+ frameoffset = child.alignoffset or (frameheight / 2)
+ if child.width == "relative" then
+ framewidth = width * child.relWidth
+ end
+ frame:Show()
+ frame:ClearAllPoints()
+ if i == 1 then
+ -- anchor the first control to the top left
+ frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", content)
+ rowheight = frameheight
+ rowoffset = frameoffset
+ rowstart = frame
+ rowstartoffset = frameoffset
+ usedwidth = framewidth
+ if usedwidth > width then
+ oversize = true
+ end
+ else
+ -- if there isn't available width for the control start a new row
+ -- if a control is "fill" it will be on a row of its own full width
+ if usedwidth == 0 or ((framewidth) + usedwidth > width) or child.width == "fill" then
+ if isfullheight then
+ -- a previous row has already filled the entire height, there's nothing we can usefully do anymore
+ -- (maybe error/warn about this?)
+ break
+ end
+ --anchor the previous row, we will now know its height and offset
+ rowstart:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", content, "TOPLEFT", 0, -(height + (rowoffset - rowstartoffset) + 3))
+ height = height + rowheight + 3
+ --save this as the rowstart so we can anchor it after the row is complete and we have the max height and offset of controls in it
+ rowstart = frame
+ rowstartoffset = frameoffset
+ rowheight = frameheight
+ rowoffset = frameoffset
+ usedwidth = framewidth
+ if usedwidth > width then
+ oversize = true
+ end
+ -- put the control on the current row, adding it to the width and checking if the height needs to be increased
+ else
+ --handles cases where the new height is higher than either control because of the offsets
+ --math.max(rowheight-rowoffset+frameoffset, frameheight-frameoffset+rowoffset)
+ --offset is always the larger of the two offsets
+ rowoffset = math_max(rowoffset, frameoffset)
+ rowheight = math_max(rowheight, rowoffset + (frameheight / 2))
+ frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", children[i-1].frame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, frameoffset - lastframeoffset)
+ usedwidth = framewidth + usedwidth
+ end
+ end
+ if child.width == "fill" then
+ safelayoutcall(child, "SetWidth", width)
+ frame:SetPoint("RIGHT", content)
+ usedwidth = 0
+ rowstart = frame
+ rowstartoffset = frameoffset
+ if child.DoLayout then
+ child:DoLayout()
+ end
+ rowheight = frame.height or frame:GetHeight() or 0
+ rowoffset = child.alignoffset or (rowheight / 2)
+ rowstartoffset = rowoffset
+ elseif child.width == "relative" then
+ safelayoutcall(child, "SetWidth", width * child.relWidth)
+ if child.DoLayout then
+ child:DoLayout()
+ end
+ elseif oversize then
+ if width > 1 then
+ frame:SetPoint("RIGHT", content)
+ end
+ end
+ if child.height == "fill" then
+ frame:SetPoint("BOTTOM", content)
+ isfullheight = true
+ end
+ end
+ --anchor the last row, if its full height needs a special case since its height has just been changed by the anchor
+ if isfullheight then
+ rowstart:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", content, "TOPLEFT", 0, -height)
+ elseif rowstart then
+ rowstart:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", content, "TOPLEFT", 0, -(height + (rowoffset - rowstartoffset) + 3))
+ end
+ height = height + rowheight + 3
+ safecall(content.obj.LayoutFinished, content.obj, nil, height)
+ end)
+-- Get alignment method and value. Possible alignment methods are a callback, a number, "start", "middle", "end", "fill" or "TOPLEFT", "BOTTOMRIGHT" etc.
+local GetCellAlign = function (dir, tableObj, colObj, cellObj, cell, child)
+ local fn = cellObj and (cellObj["align" .. dir] or cellObj.align)
+ or colObj and (colObj["align" .. dir] or colObj.align)
+ or tableObj["align" .. dir] or tableObj.align
+ local child, cell, val = child or 0, cell or 0, nil
+ if type(fn) == "string" then
+ fn = fn:lower()
+ fn = dir == "V" and (fn:sub(1, 3) == "top" and "start" or fn:sub(1, 6) == "bottom" and "end" or fn:sub(1, 6) == "center" and "middle")
+ or dir == "H" and (fn:sub(-4) == "left" and "start" or fn:sub(-5) == "right" and "end" or fn:sub(-6) == "center" and "middle")
+ or fn
+ val = (fn == "start" or fn == "fill") and 0 or fn == "end" and cell - child or (cell - child) / 2
+ elseif type(fn) == "function" then
+ val = fn(child or 0, cell, dir)
+ else
+ val = fn
+ end
+ return fn, max(0, min(val, cell))
+-- Get width or height for multiple cells combined
+local GetCellDimension = function (dir, laneDim, from, to, space)
+ local dim = 0
+ for cell=from,to do
+ dim = dim + (laneDim[cell] or 0)
+ end
+ return dim + max(0, to - from) * (space or 0)
+--[[ Options
+ - columns ({col, col, ...}): Column settings. "col" can be a number (<= 0: content width, <1: rel. width, <10: weight, >=10: abs. width) or a table with column setting.
+ - space, spaceH, spaceV: Overall, horizontal and vertical spacing between cells.
+ - align, alignH, alignV: Overall, horizontal and vertical cell alignment. See GetCellAlign() for possible values.
+ - width: Fixed column width (nil or <=0: content width, <1: rel. width, >=1: abs. width).
+ - min or 1: Min width for content based width
+ - max or 2: Max width for content based width
+ - weight: Flexible column width. The leftover width after accounting for fixed-width columns is distributed to weighted columns according to their weights.
+ - align, alignH, alignV: Overwrites the container setting for alignment.
+ - colspan: Makes a cell span multiple columns.
+ - rowspan: Makes a cell span multiple rows.
+ - align, alignH, alignV: Overwrites the container and column setting for alignment.
+ function (content, children)
+ local obj = content.obj
+ obj:PauseLayout()
+ local tableObj = obj:GetUserData("table")
+ local cols = tableObj.columns
+ local spaceH = tableObj.spaceH or tableObj.space or 0
+ local spaceV = tableObj.spaceV or tableObj.space or 0
+ local totalH = (content:GetWidth() or content.width or 0) - spaceH * (#cols - 1)
+ -- We need to reuse these because layout events can come in very frequently
+ local layoutCache = obj:GetUserData("layoutCache")
+ if not layoutCache then
+ layoutCache = {{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}}
+ obj:SetUserData("layoutCache", layoutCache)
+ end
+ local t, laneH, laneV, rowspans, rowStart, colStart = unpack(layoutCache)
+ -- Create the grid
+ local n, slotFound = 0
+ for i,child in ipairs(children) do
+ if child:IsShown() then
+ repeat
+ n = n + 1
+ local col = (n - 1) % #cols + 1
+ local row = ceil(n / #cols)
+ local rowspan = rowspans[col]
+ local cell = rowspan and rowspan.child or child
+ local cellObj = cell:GetUserData("cell")
+ slotFound = not rowspan
+ -- Rowspan
+ if not rowspan and cellObj and cellObj.rowspan then
+ rowspan = {child = child, from = row, to = row + cellObj.rowspan - 1}
+ rowspans[col] = rowspan
+ end
+ if rowspan and i == #children then
+ rowspan.to = row
+ end
+ -- Colspan
+ local colspan = max(0, min((cellObj and cellObj.colspan or 1) - 1, #cols - col))
+ n = n + colspan
+ -- Place the cell
+ if not rowspan or rowspan.to == row then
+ t[n] = cell
+ rowStart[cell] = rowspan and rowspan.from or row
+ colStart[cell] = col
+ if rowspan then
+ rowspans[col] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ until slotFound
+ end
+ end
+ local rows = ceil(n / #cols)
+ -- Determine fixed size cols and collect weights
+ local extantH, totalWeight = totalH, 0
+ for col,colObj in ipairs(cols) do
+ laneH[col] = 0
+ if type(colObj) == "number" then
+ colObj = {[colObj >= 1 and colObj < 10 and "weight" or "width"] = colObj}
+ cols[col] = colObj
+ end
+ if colObj.weight then
+ -- Weight
+ totalWeight = totalWeight + (colObj.weight or 1)
+ else
+ if not colObj.width or colObj.width <= 0 then
+ -- Content width
+ for row=1,rows do
+ local child = t[(row - 1) * #cols + col]
+ if child then
+ local f = child.frame
+ f:ClearAllPoints()
+ local childH = f:GetWidth() or 0
+ laneH[col] = max(laneH[col], childH - GetCellDimension("H", laneH, colStart[child], col - 1, spaceH))
+ end
+ end
+ laneH[col] = max(colObj.min or colObj[1] or 0, min(laneH[col], colObj.max or colObj[2] or laneH[col]))
+ else
+ -- Rel./Abs. width
+ laneH[col] = colObj.width < 1 and colObj.width * totalH or colObj.width
+ end
+ extantH = max(0, extantH - laneH[col])
+ end
+ end
+ -- Determine sizes based on weight
+ local scale = totalWeight > 0 and extantH / totalWeight or 0
+ for col,colObj in pairs(cols) do
+ if colObj.weight then
+ laneH[col] = scale * colObj.weight
+ end
+ end
+ -- Arrange children
+ for row=1,rows do
+ local rowV = 0
+ -- Horizontal placement and sizing
+ for col=1,#cols do
+ local child = t[(row - 1) * #cols + col]
+ if child then
+ local colObj = cols[colStart[child]]
+ local cellObj = child:GetUserData("cell")
+ local offsetH = GetCellDimension("H", laneH, 1, colStart[child] - 1, spaceH) + (colStart[child] == 1 and 0 or spaceH)
+ local cellH = GetCellDimension("H", laneH, colStart[child], col, spaceH)
+ local f = child.frame
+ f:ClearAllPoints()
+ local childH = f:GetWidth() or 0
+ local alignFn, align = GetCellAlign("H", tableObj, colObj, cellObj, cellH, childH)
+ f:SetPoint("LEFT", content, offsetH + align, 0)
+ if child:IsFullWidth() or alignFn == "fill" or childH > cellH then
+ f:SetPoint("RIGHT", content, "LEFT", offsetH + align + cellH, 0)
+ end
+ if child.DoLayout then
+ child:DoLayout()
+ end
+ rowV = max(rowV, (f:GetHeight() or 0) - GetCellDimension("V", laneV, rowStart[child], row - 1, spaceV))
+ end
+ end
+ laneV[row] = rowV
+ -- Vertical placement and sizing
+ for col=1,#cols do
+ local child = t[(row - 1) * #cols + col]
+ if child then
+ local colObj = cols[colStart[child]]
+ local cellObj = child:GetUserData("cell")
+ local offsetV = GetCellDimension("V", laneV, 1, rowStart[child] - 1, spaceV) + (rowStart[child] == 1 and 0 or spaceV)
+ local cellV = GetCellDimension("V", laneV, rowStart[child], row, spaceV)
+ local f = child.frame
+ local childV = f:GetHeight() or 0
+ local alignFn, align = GetCellAlign("V", tableObj, colObj, cellObj, cellV, childV)
+ if child:IsFullHeight() or alignFn == "fill" then
+ f:SetHeight(cellV)
+ end
+ f:SetPoint("TOP", content, 0, -(offsetV + align))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Calculate total height
+ local totalV = GetCellDimension("V", laneV, 1, #laneV, spaceV)
+ -- Cleanup
+ for _,v in pairs(layoutCache) do wipe(v) end
+ safecall(obj.LayoutFinished, obj, nil, totalV)
+ obj:ResumeLayout()
+ end)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae22c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-BlizOptionsGroup.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-BlizOptionsGroup.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..200fc71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-BlizOptionsGroup.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+BlizOptionsGroup Container
+Simple container widget for the integration of AceGUI into the Blizzard Interface Options
+local Type, Version = "BlizOptionsGroup", 21
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs = pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame = CreateFrame
+local function OnShow(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnShow")
+local function OnHide(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnHide")
+Support functions
+local function okay(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("okay")
+local function cancel(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("cancel")
+local function default(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("default")
+local function refresh(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("refresh")
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:SetName()
+ self:SetTitle()
+ end,
+ -- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+ ["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+ local content = self.content
+ local contentwidth = width - 63
+ if contentwidth < 0 then
+ contentwidth = 0
+ end
+ content:SetWidth(contentwidth)
+ content.width = contentwidth
+ end,
+ ["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height)
+ local content = self.content
+ local contentheight = height - 26
+ if contentheight < 0 then
+ contentheight = 0
+ end
+ content:SetHeight(contentheight)
+ content.height = contentheight
+ end,
+ ["SetName"] = function(self, name, parent)
+ self.frame.name = name
+ self.frame.parent = parent
+ end,
+ ["SetTitle"] = function(self, title)
+ local content = self.content
+ content:ClearAllPoints()
+ if not title or title == "" then
+ content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -10)
+ self.label:SetText("")
+ else
+ content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -40)
+ self.label:SetText(title)
+ end
+ content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 10)
+ end
+local function Constructor()
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+ frame:Hide()
+ -- support functions for the Blizzard Interface Options
+ frame.okay = okay
+ frame.cancel = cancel
+ frame.default = default
+ frame.refresh = refresh
+ frame:SetScript("OnHide", OnHide)
+ frame:SetScript("OnShow", OnShow)
+ local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormalLarge")
+ label:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -15)
+ label:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", 10, -45)
+ label:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ label:SetJustifyV("TOP")
+ --Container Support
+ local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+ content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -10)
+ content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 10)
+ local widget = {
+ label = label,
+ frame = frame,
+ content = content,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-DropDownGroup.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-DropDownGroup.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4c6092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-DropDownGroup.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+DropdownGroup Container
+Container controlled by a dropdown on the top.
+local Type, Version = "DropdownGroup", 22
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local assert, pairs, type = assert, pairs, type
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame = CreateFrame
+local function SelectedGroup(self, event, value)
+ local group = self.parentgroup
+ local status = group.status or group.localstatus
+ status.selected = value
+ self.parentgroup:Fire("OnGroupSelected", value)
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self.dropdown:SetText("")
+ self:SetDropdownWidth(200)
+ self:SetTitle("")
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self)
+ self.dropdown.list = nil
+ self.status = nil
+ for k in pairs(self.localstatus) do
+ self.localstatus[k] = nil
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetTitle"] = function(self, title)
+ self.titletext:SetText(title)
+ self.dropdown.frame:ClearAllPoints()
+ if title and title ~= "" then
+ self.dropdown.frame:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -2, 0)
+ else
+ self.dropdown.frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", -1, 0)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetGroupList"] = function(self,list,order)
+ self.dropdown:SetList(list,order)
+ end,
+ ["SetStatusTable"] = function(self, status)
+ assert(type(status) == "table")
+ self.status = status
+ end,
+ ["SetGroup"] = function(self,group)
+ self.dropdown:SetValue(group)
+ local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+ status.selected = group
+ self:Fire("OnGroupSelected", group)
+ end,
+ ["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+ local content = self.content
+ local contentwidth = width - 26
+ if contentwidth < 0 then
+ contentwidth = 0
+ end
+ content:SetWidth(contentwidth)
+ content.width = contentwidth
+ end,
+ ["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height)
+ local content = self.content
+ local contentheight = height - 63
+ if contentheight < 0 then
+ contentheight = 0
+ end
+ content:SetHeight(contentheight)
+ content.height = contentheight
+ end,
+ ["LayoutFinished"] = function(self, width, height)
+ self:SetHeight((height or 0) + 63)
+ end,
+ ["SetDropdownWidth"] = function(self, width)
+ self.dropdown:SetWidth(width)
+ end
+local PaneBackdrop = {
+ bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+ edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
+ tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16,
+ insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 5, bottom = 3 }
+local function Constructor()
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+ frame:SetHeight(100)
+ frame:SetWidth(100)
+ frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ local titletext = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
+ titletext:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 4, -5)
+ titletext:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -4, -5)
+ titletext:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ titletext:SetHeight(18)
+ local dropdown = AceGUI:Create("Dropdown")
+ dropdown.frame:SetParent(frame)
+ dropdown.frame:SetFrameLevel(dropdown.frame:GetFrameLevel() + 2)
+ dropdown:SetCallback("OnValueChanged", SelectedGroup)
+ dropdown.frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", -1, 0)
+ dropdown.frame:Show()
+ dropdown:SetLabel("")
+ local border = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate" or nil)
+ border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, -26)
+ border:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 3)
+ border:SetBackdrop(PaneBackdrop)
+ border:SetBackdropColor(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.5)
+ border:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4,0.4,0.4)
+ --Container Support
+ local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, border)
+ content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -10)
+ content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 10)
+ local widget = {
+ frame = frame,
+ localstatus = {},
+ titletext = titletext,
+ dropdown = dropdown,
+ border = border,
+ content = content,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ dropdown.parentgroup = widget
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-Frame.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-Frame.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fef676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-Frame.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+Frame Container
+local Type, Version = "Frame", 27
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs, assert, type = pairs, assert, type
+local wipe = table.wipe
+-- WoW APIs
+local PlaySound = PlaySound
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+local function Button_OnClick(frame)
+ frame.obj:Hide()
+local function Frame_OnShow(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnShow")
+local function Frame_OnClose(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnClose")
+local function Frame_OnMouseDown(frame)
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function Title_OnMouseDown(frame)
+ frame:GetParent():StartMoving()
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function MoverSizer_OnMouseUp(mover)
+ local frame = mover:GetParent()
+ frame:StopMovingOrSizing()
+ local self = frame.obj
+ local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+ status.width = frame:GetWidth()
+ status.height = frame:GetHeight()
+ status.top = frame:GetTop()
+ status.left = frame:GetLeft()
+local function SizerSE_OnMouseDown(frame)
+ frame:GetParent():StartSizing("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function SizerS_OnMouseDown(frame)
+ frame:GetParent():StartSizing("BOTTOM")
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function SizerE_OnMouseDown(frame)
+ frame:GetParent():StartSizing("RIGHT")
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function StatusBar_OnEnter(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnEnterStatusBar")
+local function StatusBar_OnLeave(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnLeaveStatusBar")
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self.frame:SetParent(UIParent)
+ self.frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ self:SetTitle()
+ self:SetStatusText()
+ self:ApplyStatus()
+ self:Show()
+ self:EnableResize(true)
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self)
+ self.status = nil
+ wipe(self.localstatus)
+ end,
+ ["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+ local content = self.content
+ local contentwidth = width - 34
+ if contentwidth < 0 then
+ contentwidth = 0
+ end
+ content:SetWidth(contentwidth)
+ content.width = contentwidth
+ end,
+ ["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height)
+ local content = self.content
+ local contentheight = height - 57
+ if contentheight < 0 then
+ contentheight = 0
+ end
+ content:SetHeight(contentheight)
+ content.height = contentheight
+ end,
+ ["SetTitle"] = function(self, title)
+ self.titletext:SetText(title)
+ self.titlebg:SetWidth((self.titletext:GetWidth() or 0) + 10)
+ end,
+ ["SetStatusText"] = function(self, text)
+ self.statustext:SetText(text)
+ end,
+ ["Hide"] = function(self)
+ self.frame:Hide()
+ end,
+ ["Show"] = function(self)
+ self.frame:Show()
+ end,
+ ["EnableResize"] = function(self, state)
+ local func = state and "Show" or "Hide"
+ self.sizer_se[func](self.sizer_se)
+ self.sizer_s[func](self.sizer_s)
+ self.sizer_e[func](self.sizer_e)
+ end,
+ -- called to set an external table to store status in
+ ["SetStatusTable"] = function(self, status)
+ assert(type(status) == "table")
+ self.status = status
+ self:ApplyStatus()
+ end,
+ ["ApplyStatus"] = function(self)
+ local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+ local frame = self.frame
+ self:SetWidth(status.width or 700)
+ self:SetHeight(status.height or 500)
+ frame:ClearAllPoints()
+ if status.top and status.left then
+ frame:SetPoint("TOP", UIParent, "BOTTOM", 0, status.top)
+ frame:SetPoint("LEFT", UIParent, "LEFT", status.left, 0)
+ else
+ frame:SetPoint("CENTER")
+ end
+ end
+local FrameBackdrop = {
+ bgFile = "Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Background",
+ edgeFile = "Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Border",
+ tile = true, tileSize = 32, edgeSize = 32,
+ insets = { left = 8, right = 8, top = 8, bottom = 8 }
+local PaneBackdrop = {
+ bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+ edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
+ tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16,
+ insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 5, bottom = 3 }
+local function Constructor()
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate" or nil)
+ frame:Hide()
+ frame:EnableMouse(true)
+ frame:SetMovable(true)
+ frame:SetResizable(true)
+ frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ frame:SetBackdrop(FrameBackdrop)
+ frame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
+ frame:SetMinResize(400, 200)
+ frame:SetToplevel(true)
+ frame:SetScript("OnShow", Frame_OnShow)
+ frame:SetScript("OnHide", Frame_OnClose)
+ frame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", Frame_OnMouseDown)
+ local closebutton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+ closebutton:SetScript("OnClick", Button_OnClick)
+ closebutton:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -27, 17)
+ closebutton:SetHeight(20)
+ closebutton:SetWidth(100)
+ closebutton:SetText(CLOSE)
+ local statusbg = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate" or nil)
+ statusbg:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", 15, 15)
+ statusbg:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -132, 15)
+ statusbg:SetHeight(24)
+ statusbg:SetBackdrop(PaneBackdrop)
+ statusbg:SetBackdropColor(0.1,0.1,0.1)
+ statusbg:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4,0.4,0.4)
+ statusbg:SetScript("OnEnter", StatusBar_OnEnter)
+ statusbg:SetScript("OnLeave", StatusBar_OnLeave)
+ local statustext = statusbg:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
+ statustext:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 7, -2)
+ statustext:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -7, 2)
+ statustext:SetHeight(20)
+ statustext:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ statustext:SetText("")
+ local titlebg = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+ titlebg:SetTexture(131080) -- Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Header
+ titlebg:SetTexCoord(0.31, 0.67, 0, 0.63)
+ titlebg:SetPoint("TOP", 0, 12)
+ titlebg:SetWidth(100)
+ titlebg:SetHeight(40)
+ local title = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+ title:EnableMouse(true)
+ title:SetScript("OnMouseDown", Title_OnMouseDown)
+ title:SetScript("OnMouseUp", MoverSizer_OnMouseUp)
+ title:SetAllPoints(titlebg)
+ local titletext = title:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
+ titletext:SetPoint("TOP", titlebg, "TOP", 0, -14)
+ local titlebg_l = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+ titlebg_l:SetTexture(131080) -- Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Header
+ titlebg_l:SetTexCoord(0.21, 0.31, 0, 0.63)
+ titlebg_l:SetPoint("RIGHT", titlebg, "LEFT")
+ titlebg_l:SetWidth(30)
+ titlebg_l:SetHeight(40)
+ local titlebg_r = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+ titlebg_r:SetTexture(131080) -- Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Header
+ titlebg_r:SetTexCoord(0.67, 0.77, 0, 0.63)
+ titlebg_r:SetPoint("LEFT", titlebg, "RIGHT")
+ titlebg_r:SetWidth(30)
+ titlebg_r:SetHeight(40)
+ local sizer_se = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+ sizer_se:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ sizer_se:SetWidth(25)
+ sizer_se:SetHeight(25)
+ sizer_se:EnableMouse()
+ sizer_se:SetScript("OnMouseDown",SizerSE_OnMouseDown)
+ sizer_se:SetScript("OnMouseUp", MoverSizer_OnMouseUp)
+ local line1 = sizer_se:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+ line1:SetWidth(14)
+ line1:SetHeight(14)
+ line1:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -8, 8)
+ line1:SetTexture(137057) -- Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border
+ local x = 0.1 * 14/17
+ line1:SetTexCoord(0.05 - x, 0.5, 0.05, 0.5 + x, 0.05, 0.5 - x, 0.5 + x, 0.5)
+ local line2 = sizer_se:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+ line2:SetWidth(8)
+ line2:SetHeight(8)
+ line2:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -8, 8)
+ line2:SetTexture(137057) -- Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border
+ local x = 0.1 * 8/17
+ line2:SetTexCoord(0.05 - x, 0.5, 0.05, 0.5 + x, 0.05, 0.5 - x, 0.5 + x, 0.5)
+ local sizer_s = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+ sizer_s:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -25, 0)
+ sizer_s:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
+ sizer_s:SetHeight(25)
+ sizer_s:EnableMouse(true)
+ sizer_s:SetScript("OnMouseDown", SizerS_OnMouseDown)
+ sizer_s:SetScript("OnMouseUp", MoverSizer_OnMouseUp)
+ local sizer_e = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+ sizer_e:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 25)
+ sizer_e:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+ sizer_e:SetWidth(25)
+ sizer_e:EnableMouse(true)
+ sizer_e:SetScript("OnMouseDown", SizerE_OnMouseDown)
+ sizer_e:SetScript("OnMouseUp", MoverSizer_OnMouseUp)
+ --Container Support
+ local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+ content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 17, -27)
+ content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -17, 40)
+ local widget = {
+ localstatus = {},
+ titletext = titletext,
+ statustext = statustext,
+ titlebg = titlebg,
+ sizer_se = sizer_se,
+ sizer_s = sizer_s,
+ sizer_e = sizer_e,
+ content = content,
+ frame = frame,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ closebutton.obj, statusbg.obj = widget, widget
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-InlineGroup.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-InlineGroup.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26db900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-InlineGroup.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+InlineGroup Container
+Simple container widget that creates a visible "box" with an optional title.
+local Type, Version = "InlineGroup", 22
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs = pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:SetWidth(300)
+ self:SetHeight(100)
+ self:SetTitle("")
+ end,
+ -- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+ ["SetTitle"] = function(self,title)
+ self.titletext:SetText(title)
+ end,
+ ["LayoutFinished"] = function(self, width, height)
+ if self.noAutoHeight then return end
+ self:SetHeight((height or 0) + 40)
+ end,
+ ["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+ local content = self.content
+ local contentwidth = width - 20
+ if contentwidth < 0 then
+ contentwidth = 0
+ end
+ content:SetWidth(contentwidth)
+ content.width = contentwidth
+ end,
+ ["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height)
+ local content = self.content
+ local contentheight = height - 20
+ if contentheight < 0 then
+ contentheight = 0
+ end
+ content:SetHeight(contentheight)
+ content.height = contentheight
+ end
+local PaneBackdrop = {
+ bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+ edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
+ tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16,
+ insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 5, bottom = 3 }
+local function Constructor()
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ local titletext = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
+ titletext:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 14, 0)
+ titletext:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -14, 0)
+ titletext:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ titletext:SetHeight(18)
+ local border = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate" or nil)
+ border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, -17)
+ border:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -1, 3)
+ border:SetBackdrop(PaneBackdrop)
+ border:SetBackdropColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5)
+ border:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
+ --Container Support
+ local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, border)
+ content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -10)
+ content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 10)
+ local widget = {
+ frame = frame,
+ content = content,
+ titletext = titletext,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-ScrollFrame.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-ScrollFrame.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be6052f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-ScrollFrame.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+ScrollFrame Container
+Plain container that scrolls its content and doesn't grow in height.
+local Type, Version = "ScrollFrame", 26
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs, assert, type = pairs, assert, type
+local min, max, floor = math.min, math.max, math.floor
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+Support functions
+local function FixScrollOnUpdate(frame)
+ frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+ frame.obj:FixScroll()
+local function ScrollFrame_OnMouseWheel(frame, value)
+ frame.obj:MoveScroll(value)
+local function ScrollFrame_OnSizeChanged(frame)
+ frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", FixScrollOnUpdate)
+local function ScrollBar_OnScrollValueChanged(frame, value)
+ frame.obj:SetScroll(value)
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:SetScroll(0)
+ self.scrollframe:SetScript("OnUpdate", FixScrollOnUpdate)
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self)
+ self.status = nil
+ for k in pairs(self.localstatus) do
+ self.localstatus[k] = nil
+ end
+ self.scrollframe:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ self.scrollbar:Hide()
+ self.scrollBarShown = nil
+ self.content.height, self.content.width, self.content.original_width = nil, nil, nil
+ end,
+ ["SetScroll"] = function(self, value)
+ local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+ local viewheight = self.scrollframe:GetHeight()
+ local height = self.content:GetHeight()
+ local offset
+ if viewheight > height then
+ offset = 0
+ else
+ offset = floor((height - viewheight) / 1000.0 * value)
+ end
+ self.content:ClearAllPoints()
+ self.content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, offset)
+ self.content:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, offset)
+ status.offset = offset
+ status.scrollvalue = value
+ end,
+ ["MoveScroll"] = function(self, value)
+ local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+ local height, viewheight = self.scrollframe:GetHeight(), self.content:GetHeight()
+ if self.scrollBarShown then
+ local diff = height - viewheight
+ local delta = 1
+ if value < 0 then
+ delta = -1
+ end
+ self.scrollbar:SetValue(min(max(status.scrollvalue + delta*(1000/(diff/45)),0), 1000))
+ end
+ end,
+ ["FixScroll"] = function(self)
+ if self.updateLock then return end
+ self.updateLock = true
+ local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+ local height, viewheight = self.scrollframe:GetHeight(), self.content:GetHeight()
+ local offset = status.offset or 0
+ -- Give us a margin of error of 2 pixels to stop some conditions that i would blame on floating point inaccuracys
+ -- No-one is going to miss 2 pixels at the bottom of the frame, anyhow!
+ if viewheight < height + 2 then
+ if self.scrollBarShown then
+ self.scrollBarShown = nil
+ self.scrollbar:Hide()
+ self.scrollbar:SetValue(0)
+ self.scrollframe:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ if self.content.original_width then
+ self.content.width = self.content.original_width
+ end
+ self:DoLayout()
+ end
+ else
+ if not self.scrollBarShown then
+ self.scrollBarShown = true
+ self.scrollbar:Show()
+ self.scrollframe:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -20, 0)
+ if self.content.original_width then
+ self.content.width = self.content.original_width - 20
+ end
+ self:DoLayout()
+ end
+ local value = (offset / (viewheight - height) * 1000)
+ if value > 1000 then value = 1000 end
+ self.scrollbar:SetValue(value)
+ self:SetScroll(value)
+ if value < 1000 then
+ self.content:ClearAllPoints()
+ self.content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, offset)
+ self.content:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, offset)
+ status.offset = offset
+ end
+ end
+ self.updateLock = nil
+ end,
+ ["LayoutFinished"] = function(self, width, height)
+ self.content:SetHeight(height or 0 + 20)
+ -- update the scrollframe
+ self:FixScroll()
+ -- schedule another update when everything has "settled"
+ self.scrollframe:SetScript("OnUpdate", FixScrollOnUpdate)
+ end,
+ ["SetStatusTable"] = function(self, status)
+ assert(type(status) == "table")
+ self.status = status
+ if not status.scrollvalue then
+ status.scrollvalue = 0
+ end
+ end,
+ ["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+ local content = self.content
+ content.width = width - (self.scrollBarShown and 20 or 0)
+ content.original_width = width
+ end,
+ ["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height)
+ local content = self.content
+ content.height = height
+ end
+local function Constructor()
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ local num = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(Type)
+ local scrollframe = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", nil, frame)
+ scrollframe:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ scrollframe:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ scrollframe:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+ scrollframe:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", ScrollFrame_OnMouseWheel)
+ scrollframe:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", ScrollFrame_OnSizeChanged)
+ local scrollbar = CreateFrame("Slider", ("AceConfigDialogScrollFrame%dScrollBar"):format(num), scrollframe, "UIPanelScrollBarTemplate")
+ scrollbar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", scrollframe, "TOPRIGHT", 4, -16)
+ scrollbar:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", scrollframe, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 4, 16)
+ scrollbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, 1000)
+ scrollbar:SetValueStep(1)
+ scrollbar:SetValue(0)
+ scrollbar:SetWidth(16)
+ scrollbar:Hide()
+ -- set the script as the last step, so it doesn't fire yet
+ scrollbar:SetScript("OnValueChanged", ScrollBar_OnScrollValueChanged)
+ local scrollbg = scrollbar:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+ scrollbg:SetAllPoints(scrollbar)
+ scrollbg:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
+ --Container Support
+ local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, scrollframe)
+ content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ content:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+ content:SetHeight(400)
+ scrollframe:SetScrollChild(content)
+ local widget = {
+ localstatus = { scrollvalue = 0 },
+ scrollframe = scrollframe,
+ scrollbar = scrollbar,
+ content = content,
+ frame = frame,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ scrollframe.obj, scrollbar.obj = widget, widget
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-SimpleGroup.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-SimpleGroup.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e23abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-SimpleGroup.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+SimpleGroup Container
+Simple container widget that just groups widgets.
+local Type, Version = "SimpleGroup", 20
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs = pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:SetWidth(300)
+ self:SetHeight(100)
+ end,
+ -- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+ ["LayoutFinished"] = function(self, width, height)
+ if self.noAutoHeight then return end
+ self:SetHeight(height or 0)
+ end,
+ ["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+ local content = self.content
+ content:SetWidth(width)
+ content.width = width
+ end,
+ ["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height)
+ local content = self.content
+ content:SetHeight(height)
+ content.height = height
+ end
+local function Constructor()
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ --Container Support
+ local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame)
+ content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ local widget = {
+ frame = frame,
+ content = content,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TabGroup.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TabGroup.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..306c719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TabGroup.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+TabGroup Container
+Container that uses tabs on top to switch between groups.
+local Type, Version = "TabGroup", 37
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs, ipairs, assert, type, wipe = pairs, ipairs, assert, type, wipe
+-- WoW APIs
+local PlaySound = PlaySound
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+local _G = _G
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: PanelTemplates_TabResize, PanelTemplates_SetDisabledTabState, PanelTemplates_SelectTab, PanelTemplates_DeselectTab
+-- local upvalue storage used by BuildTabs
+local widths = {}
+local rowwidths = {}
+local rowends = {}
+Support functions
+local function UpdateTabLook(frame)
+ if frame.disabled then
+ PanelTemplates_SetDisabledTabState(frame)
+ elseif frame.selected then
+ PanelTemplates_SelectTab(frame)
+ else
+ PanelTemplates_DeselectTab(frame)
+ end
+local function Tab_SetText(frame, text)
+ frame:_SetText(text)
+ local width = frame.obj.frame.width or frame.obj.frame:GetWidth() or 0
+ PanelTemplates_TabResize(frame, 0, nil, nil, width, frame:GetFontString():GetStringWidth())
+local function Tab_SetSelected(frame, selected)
+ frame.selected = selected
+ UpdateTabLook(frame)
+local function Tab_SetDisabled(frame, disabled)
+ frame.disabled = disabled
+ UpdateTabLook(frame)
+local function BuildTabsOnUpdate(frame)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ self:BuildTabs()
+ frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+local function Tab_OnClick(frame)
+ if not (frame.selected or frame.disabled) then
+ frame.obj:SelectTab(frame.value)
+ end
+local function Tab_OnEnter(frame)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ self:Fire("OnTabEnter", self.tabs[frame.id].value, frame)
+local function Tab_OnLeave(frame)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ self:Fire("OnTabLeave", self.tabs[frame.id].value, frame)
+local function Tab_OnShow(frame)
+ _G[frame:GetName().."HighlightTexture"]:SetWidth(frame:GetTextWidth() + 30)
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:SetTitle()
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self)
+ self.status = nil
+ for k in pairs(self.localstatus) do
+ self.localstatus[k] = nil
+ end
+ self.tablist = nil
+ for _, tab in pairs(self.tabs) do
+ tab:Hide()
+ end
+ end,
+ ["CreateTab"] = function(self, id)
+ local tabname = ("AceGUITabGroup%dTab%d"):format(self.num, id)
+ local tab = CreateFrame("Button", tabname, self.border, "OptionsFrameTabButtonTemplate")
+ tab.obj = self
+ tab.id = id
+ tab.text = _G[tabname .. "Text"]
+ tab.text:ClearAllPoints()
+ tab.text:SetPoint("LEFT", 14, -3)
+ tab.text:SetPoint("RIGHT", -12, -3)
+ tab:SetScript("OnClick", Tab_OnClick)
+ tab:SetScript("OnEnter", Tab_OnEnter)
+ tab:SetScript("OnLeave", Tab_OnLeave)
+ tab:SetScript("OnShow", Tab_OnShow)
+ tab._SetText = tab.SetText
+ tab.SetText = Tab_SetText
+ tab.SetSelected = Tab_SetSelected
+ tab.SetDisabled = Tab_SetDisabled
+ return tab
+ end,
+ ["SetTitle"] = function(self, text)
+ self.titletext:SetText(text or "")
+ if text and text ~= "" then
+ self.alignoffset = 25
+ else
+ self.alignoffset = 18
+ end
+ self:BuildTabs()
+ end,
+ ["SetStatusTable"] = function(self, status)
+ assert(type(status) == "table")
+ self.status = status
+ end,
+ ["SelectTab"] = function(self, value)
+ local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+ local found
+ for i, v in ipairs(self.tabs) do
+ if v.value == value then
+ v:SetSelected(true)
+ found = true
+ else
+ v:SetSelected(false)
+ end
+ end
+ status.selected = value
+ if found then
+ self:Fire("OnGroupSelected",value)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetTabs"] = function(self, tabs)
+ self.tablist = tabs
+ self:BuildTabs()
+ end,
+ ["BuildTabs"] = function(self)
+ local hastitle = (self.titletext:GetText() and self.titletext:GetText() ~= "")
+ local tablist = self.tablist
+ local tabs = self.tabs
+ if not tablist then return end
+ local width = self.frame.width or self.frame:GetWidth() or 0
+ wipe(widths)
+ wipe(rowwidths)
+ wipe(rowends)
+ --Place Text into tabs and get thier initial width
+ for i, v in ipairs(tablist) do
+ local tab = tabs[i]
+ if not tab then
+ tab = self:CreateTab(i)
+ tabs[i] = tab
+ end
+ tab:Show()
+ tab:SetText(v.text)
+ tab:SetDisabled(v.disabled)
+ tab.value = v.value
+ widths[i] = tab:GetWidth() - 6 --tabs are anchored 10 pixels from the right side of the previous one to reduce spacing, but add a fixed 4px padding for the text
+ end
+ for i = (#tablist)+1, #tabs, 1 do
+ tabs[i]:Hide()
+ end
+ --First pass, find the minimum number of rows needed to hold all tabs and the initial tab layout
+ local numtabs = #tablist
+ local numrows = 1
+ local usedwidth = 0
+ for i = 1, #tablist do
+ --If this is not the first tab of a row and there isn't room for it
+ if usedwidth ~= 0 and (width - usedwidth - widths[i]) < 0 then
+ rowwidths[numrows] = usedwidth + 10 --first tab in each row takes up an extra 10px
+ rowends[numrows] = i - 1
+ numrows = numrows + 1
+ usedwidth = 0
+ end
+ usedwidth = usedwidth + widths[i]
+ end
+ rowwidths[numrows] = usedwidth + 10 --first tab in each row takes up an extra 10px
+ rowends[numrows] = #tablist
+ --Fix for single tabs being left on the last row, move a tab from the row above if applicable
+ if numrows > 1 then
+ --if the last row has only one tab
+ if rowends[numrows-1] == numtabs-1 then
+ --if there are more than 2 tabs in the 2nd last row
+ if (numrows == 2 and rowends[numrows-1] > 2) or (rowends[numrows] - rowends[numrows-1] > 2) then
+ --move 1 tab from the second last row to the last, if there is enough space
+ if (rowwidths[numrows] + widths[numtabs-1]) <= width then
+ rowends[numrows-1] = rowends[numrows-1] - 1
+ rowwidths[numrows] = rowwidths[numrows] + widths[numtabs-1]
+ rowwidths[numrows-1] = rowwidths[numrows-1] - widths[numtabs-1]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --anchor the rows as defined and resize tabs to fill thier row
+ local starttab = 1
+ for row, endtab in ipairs(rowends) do
+ local first = true
+ for tabno = starttab, endtab do
+ local tab = tabs[tabno]
+ tab:ClearAllPoints()
+ if first then
+ tab:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.frame, "TOPLEFT", 0, -(hastitle and 14 or 7)-(row-1)*20 )
+ first = false
+ else
+ tab:SetPoint("LEFT", tabs[tabno-1], "RIGHT", -10, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ -- equal padding for each tab to fill the available width,
+ -- if the used space is above 75% already
+ -- the 18 pixel is the typical width of a scrollbar, so we can have a tab group inside a scrolling frame,
+ -- and not have the tabs jump around funny when switching between tabs that need scrolling and those that don't
+ local padding = 0
+ if not (numrows == 1 and rowwidths[1] < width*0.75 - 18) then
+ padding = (width - rowwidths[row]) / (endtab - starttab+1)
+ end
+ for i = starttab, endtab do
+ PanelTemplates_TabResize(tabs[i], padding + 4, nil, nil, width, tabs[i]:GetFontString():GetStringWidth())
+ end
+ starttab = endtab + 1
+ end
+ self.borderoffset = (hastitle and 17 or 10)+((numrows)*20)
+ self.border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 1, -self.borderoffset)
+ end,
+ ["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+ local content = self.content
+ local contentwidth = width - 60
+ if contentwidth < 0 then
+ contentwidth = 0
+ end
+ content:SetWidth(contentwidth)
+ content.width = contentwidth
+ self:BuildTabs(self)
+ self.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", BuildTabsOnUpdate)
+ end,
+ ["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height)
+ local content = self.content
+ local contentheight = height - (self.borderoffset + 23)
+ if contentheight < 0 then
+ contentheight = 0
+ end
+ content:SetHeight(contentheight)
+ content.height = contentheight
+ end,
+ ["LayoutFinished"] = function(self, width, height)
+ if self.noAutoHeight then return end
+ self:SetHeight((height or 0) + (self.borderoffset + 23))
+ end
+local PaneBackdrop = {
+ bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+ edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
+ tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16,
+ insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 5, bottom = 3 }
+local function Constructor()
+ local num = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(Type)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,UIParent)
+ frame:SetHeight(100)
+ frame:SetWidth(100)
+ frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ local titletext = frame:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY","GameFontNormal")
+ titletext:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 14, 0)
+ titletext:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -14, 0)
+ titletext:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ titletext:SetHeight(18)
+ titletext:SetText("")
+ local border = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate" or nil)
+ border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 1, -27)
+ border:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -1, 3)
+ border:SetBackdrop(PaneBackdrop)
+ border:SetBackdropColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5)
+ border:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
+ local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, border)
+ content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -7)
+ content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 7)
+ local widget = {
+ num = num,
+ frame = frame,
+ localstatus = {},
+ alignoffset = 18,
+ titletext = titletext,
+ border = border,
+ borderoffset = 27,
+ tabs = {},
+ content = content,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TreeGroup.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TreeGroup.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c09c5ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TreeGroup.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
+TreeGroup Container
+Container that uses a tree control to switch between groups.
+local Type, Version = "TreeGroup", 45
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local next, pairs, ipairs, assert, type = next, pairs, ipairs, assert, type
+local math_min, math_max, floor = math.min, math.max, floor
+local select, tremove, unpack, tconcat = select, table.remove, unpack, table.concat
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- Recycling functions
+local new, del
+ local pool = setmetatable({},{__mode='k'})
+ function new()
+ local t = next(pool)
+ if t then
+ pool[t] = nil
+ return t
+ else
+ return {}
+ end
+ end
+ function del(t)
+ for k in pairs(t) do
+ t[k] = nil
+ end
+ pool[t] = true
+ end
+Support functions
+local function GetButtonUniqueValue(line)
+ local parent = line.parent
+ if parent and parent.value then
+ return GetButtonUniqueValue(parent).."\001"..line.value
+ else
+ return line.value
+ end
+local function UpdateButton(button, treeline, selected, canExpand, isExpanded)
+ local self = button.obj
+ local toggle = button.toggle
+ local text = treeline.text or ""
+ local icon = treeline.icon
+ local iconCoords = treeline.iconCoords
+ local level = treeline.level
+ local value = treeline.value
+ local uniquevalue = treeline.uniquevalue
+ local disabled = treeline.disabled
+ button.treeline = treeline
+ button.value = value
+ button.uniquevalue = uniquevalue
+ if selected then
+ button:LockHighlight()
+ button.selected = true
+ else
+ button:UnlockHighlight()
+ button.selected = false
+ end
+ button.level = level
+ if ( level == 1 ) then
+ button:SetNormalFontObject("GameFontNormal")
+ button:SetHighlightFontObject("GameFontHighlight")
+ button.text:SetPoint("LEFT", (icon and 16 or 0) + 8, 2)
+ else
+ button:SetNormalFontObject("GameFontHighlightSmall")
+ button:SetHighlightFontObject("GameFontHighlightSmall")
+ button.text:SetPoint("LEFT", (icon and 16 or 0) + 8 * level, 2)
+ end
+ if disabled then
+ button:EnableMouse(false)
+ button.text:SetText("|cff808080"..text..FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE)
+ else
+ button.text:SetText(text)
+ button:EnableMouse(true)
+ end
+ if icon then
+ button.icon:SetTexture(icon)
+ button.icon:SetPoint("LEFT", 8 * level, (level == 1) and 0 or 1)
+ else
+ button.icon:SetTexture(nil)
+ end
+ if iconCoords then
+ button.icon:SetTexCoord(unpack(iconCoords))
+ else
+ button.icon:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+ end
+ if canExpand then
+ if not isExpanded then
+ toggle:SetNormalTexture(130838) -- Interface\\Buttons\\UI-PlusButton-UP
+ toggle:SetPushedTexture(130836) -- Interface\\Buttons\\UI-PlusButton-DOWN
+ else
+ toggle:SetNormalTexture(130821) -- Interface\\Buttons\\UI-MinusButton-UP
+ toggle:SetPushedTexture(130820) -- Interface\\Buttons\\UI-MinusButton-DOWN
+ end
+ toggle:Show()
+ else
+ toggle:Hide()
+ end
+local function ShouldDisplayLevel(tree)
+ local result = false
+ for k, v in ipairs(tree) do
+ if v.children == nil and v.visible ~= false then
+ result = true
+ elseif v.children then
+ result = result or ShouldDisplayLevel(v.children)
+ end
+ if result then return result end
+ end
+ return false
+local function addLine(self, v, tree, level, parent)
+ local line = new()
+ line.value = v.value
+ line.text = v.text
+ line.icon = v.icon
+ line.iconCoords = v.iconCoords
+ line.disabled = v.disabled
+ line.tree = tree
+ line.level = level
+ line.parent = parent
+ line.visible = v.visible
+ line.uniquevalue = GetButtonUniqueValue(line)
+ if v.children then
+ line.hasChildren = true
+ else
+ line.hasChildren = nil
+ end
+ self.lines[#self.lines+1] = line
+ return line
+--fire an update after one frame to catch the treeframes height
+local function FirstFrameUpdate(frame)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+ self:RefreshTree(nil, true)
+local function BuildUniqueValue(...)
+ local n = select('#', ...)
+ if n == 1 then
+ return ...
+ else
+ return (...).."\001"..BuildUniqueValue(select(2,...))
+ end
+local function Expand_OnClick(frame)
+ local button = frame.button
+ local self = button.obj
+ local status = (self.status or self.localstatus).groups
+ status[button.uniquevalue] = not status[button.uniquevalue]
+ self:RefreshTree()
+local function Button_OnClick(frame)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ self:Fire("OnClick", frame.uniquevalue, frame.selected)
+ if not frame.selected then
+ self:SetSelected(frame.uniquevalue)
+ frame.selected = true
+ frame:LockHighlight()
+ self:RefreshTree()
+ end
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function Button_OnDoubleClick(button)
+ local self = button.obj
+ local status = (self.status or self.localstatus).groups
+ status[button.uniquevalue] = not status[button.uniquevalue]
+ self:RefreshTree()
+local function Button_OnEnter(frame)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ self:Fire("OnButtonEnter", frame.uniquevalue, frame)
+ if self.enabletooltips then
+ local tooltip = AceGUI.tooltip
+ tooltip:SetOwner(frame, "ANCHOR_NONE")
+ tooltip:ClearAllPoints()
+ tooltip:SetPoint("LEFT",frame,"RIGHT")
+ tooltip:SetText(frame.text:GetText() or "", 1, .82, 0, true)
+ tooltip:Show()
+ end
+local function Button_OnLeave(frame)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ self:Fire("OnButtonLeave", frame.uniquevalue, frame)
+ if self.enabletooltips then
+ AceGUI.tooltip:Hide()
+ end
+local function OnScrollValueChanged(frame, value)
+ if frame.obj.noupdate then return end
+ local self = frame.obj
+ local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+ status.scrollvalue = floor(value + 0.5)
+ self:RefreshTree()
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function Tree_OnSizeChanged(frame)
+ frame.obj:RefreshTree()
+local function Tree_OnMouseWheel(frame, delta)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ if self.showscroll then
+ local scrollbar = self.scrollbar
+ local min, max = scrollbar:GetMinMaxValues()
+ local value = scrollbar:GetValue()
+ local newvalue = math_min(max,math_max(min,value - delta))
+ if value ~= newvalue then
+ scrollbar:SetValue(newvalue)
+ end
+ end
+local function Dragger_OnLeave(frame)
+ frame:SetBackdropColor(1, 1, 1, 0)
+local function Dragger_OnEnter(frame)
+ frame:SetBackdropColor(1, 1, 1, 0.8)
+local function Dragger_OnMouseDown(frame)
+ local treeframe = frame:GetParent()
+ treeframe:StartSizing("RIGHT")
+local function Dragger_OnMouseUp(frame)
+ local treeframe = frame:GetParent()
+ local self = treeframe.obj
+ local treeframeParent = treeframe:GetParent()
+ treeframe:StopMovingOrSizing()
+ --treeframe:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+ treeframe:SetUserPlaced(false)
+ --Without this :GetHeight will get stuck on the current height, causing the tree contents to not resize
+ treeframe:SetHeight(0)
+ treeframe:ClearAllPoints()
+ treeframe:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", treeframeParent, "TOPLEFT",0,0)
+ treeframe:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", treeframeParent, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,0)
+ local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+ status.treewidth = treeframe:GetWidth()
+ treeframe.obj:Fire("OnTreeResize",treeframe:GetWidth())
+ -- recalculate the content width
+ treeframe.obj:OnWidthSet(status.fullwidth)
+ -- update the layout of the content
+ treeframe.obj:DoLayout()
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:EnableButtonTooltips(true)
+ self.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", FirstFrameUpdate)
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self)
+ self.status = nil
+ self.tree = nil
+ self.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+ for k, v in pairs(self.localstatus) do
+ if k == "groups" then
+ for k2 in pairs(v) do
+ v[k2] = nil
+ end
+ else
+ self.localstatus[k] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ self.localstatus.scrollvalue = 0
+ self.localstatus.treewidth = DEFAULT_TREE_WIDTH
+ self.localstatus.treesizable = DEFAULT_TREE_SIZABLE
+ end,
+ ["EnableButtonTooltips"] = function(self, enable)
+ self.enabletooltips = enable
+ end,
+ ["CreateButton"] = function(self)
+ local num = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum("TreeGroupButton")
+ local button = CreateFrame("Button", ("AceGUI30TreeButton%d"):format(num), self.treeframe, "OptionsListButtonTemplate")
+ button.obj = self
+ local icon = button:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+ icon:SetWidth(14)
+ icon:SetHeight(14)
+ button.icon = icon
+ button:SetScript("OnClick",Button_OnClick)
+ button:SetScript("OnDoubleClick", Button_OnDoubleClick)
+ button:SetScript("OnEnter",Button_OnEnter)
+ button:SetScript("OnLeave",Button_OnLeave)
+ button.toggle.button = button
+ button.toggle:SetScript("OnClick",Expand_OnClick)
+ button.text:SetHeight(14) -- Prevents text wrapping
+ return button
+ end,
+ ["SetStatusTable"] = function(self, status)
+ assert(type(status) == "table")
+ self.status = status
+ if not status.groups then
+ status.groups = {}
+ end
+ if not status.scrollvalue then
+ status.scrollvalue = 0
+ end
+ if not status.treewidth then
+ status.treewidth = DEFAULT_TREE_WIDTH
+ end
+ if status.treesizable == nil then
+ status.treesizable = DEFAULT_TREE_SIZABLE
+ end
+ self:SetTreeWidth(status.treewidth,status.treesizable)
+ self:RefreshTree()
+ end,
+ --sets the tree to be displayed
+ ["SetTree"] = function(self, tree, filter)
+ self.filter = filter
+ if tree then
+ assert(type(tree) == "table")
+ end
+ self.tree = tree
+ self:RefreshTree()
+ end,
+ ["BuildLevel"] = function(self, tree, level, parent)
+ local groups = (self.status or self.localstatus).groups
+ for i, v in ipairs(tree) do
+ if v.children then
+ if not self.filter or ShouldDisplayLevel(v.children) then
+ local line = addLine(self, v, tree, level, parent)
+ if groups[line.uniquevalue] then
+ self:BuildLevel(v.children, level+1, line)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif v.visible ~= false or not self.filter then
+ addLine(self, v, tree, level, parent)
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ ["RefreshTree"] = function(self,scrollToSelection,fromOnUpdate)
+ local buttons = self.buttons
+ local lines = self.lines
+ for i, v in ipairs(buttons) do
+ v:Hide()
+ end
+ while lines[1] do
+ local t = tremove(lines)
+ for k in pairs(t) do
+ t[k] = nil
+ end
+ del(t)
+ end
+ if not self.tree then return end
+ --Build the list of visible entries from the tree and status tables
+ local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+ local groupstatus = status.groups
+ local tree = self.tree
+ local treeframe = self.treeframe
+ status.scrollToSelection = status.scrollToSelection or scrollToSelection -- needs to be cached in case the control hasn't been drawn yet (code bails out below)
+ self:BuildLevel(tree, 1)
+ local numlines = #lines
+ local maxlines = (floor(((self.treeframe:GetHeight()or 0) - 20 ) / 18))
+ if maxlines <= 0 then return end
+ if self.frame:GetParent() == UIParent and not fromOnUpdate then
+ self.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", FirstFrameUpdate)
+ return
+ end
+ local first, last
+ scrollToSelection = status.scrollToSelection
+ status.scrollToSelection = nil
+ if numlines <= maxlines then
+ --the whole tree fits in the frame
+ status.scrollvalue = 0
+ self:ShowScroll(false)
+ first, last = 1, numlines
+ else
+ self:ShowScroll(true)
+ --scrolling will be needed
+ self.noupdate = true
+ self.scrollbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, numlines - maxlines)
+ --check if we are scrolled down too far
+ if numlines - status.scrollvalue < maxlines then
+ status.scrollvalue = numlines - maxlines
+ end
+ self.noupdate = nil
+ first, last = status.scrollvalue+1, status.scrollvalue + maxlines
+ --show selection?
+ if scrollToSelection and status.selected then
+ local show
+ for i,line in ipairs(lines) do -- find the line number
+ if line.uniquevalue==status.selected then
+ show=i
+ end
+ end
+ if not show then
+ -- selection was deleted or something?
+ elseif show>=first and show<=last then
+ -- all good
+ else
+ -- scrolling needed!
+ if show 100 and status.treewidth > maxtreewidth then
+ self:SetTreeWidth(maxtreewidth, status.treesizable)
+ end
+ treeframe:SetMaxResize(maxtreewidth, 1600)
+ end,
+ ["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height)
+ local content = self.content
+ local contentheight = height - 20
+ if contentheight < 0 then
+ contentheight = 0
+ end
+ content:SetHeight(contentheight)
+ content.height = contentheight
+ end,
+ ["SetTreeWidth"] = function(self, treewidth, resizable)
+ if not resizable then
+ if type(treewidth) == 'number' then
+ resizable = false
+ elseif type(treewidth) == 'boolean' then
+ resizable = treewidth
+ treewidth = DEFAULT_TREE_WIDTH
+ else
+ resizable = false
+ treewidth = DEFAULT_TREE_WIDTH
+ end
+ end
+ self.treeframe:SetWidth(treewidth)
+ self.dragger:EnableMouse(resizable)
+ local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+ status.treewidth = treewidth
+ status.treesizable = resizable
+ -- recalculate the content width
+ if status.fullwidth then
+ self:OnWidthSet(status.fullwidth)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["GetTreeWidth"] = function(self)
+ local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+ return status.treewidth or DEFAULT_TREE_WIDTH
+ end,
+ ["LayoutFinished"] = function(self, width, height)
+ if self.noAutoHeight then return end
+ self:SetHeight((height or 0) + 20)
+ end
+local PaneBackdrop = {
+ bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+ edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
+ tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16,
+ insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 5, bottom = 3 }
+local DraggerBackdrop = {
+ bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background",
+ edgeFile = nil,
+ tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 1,
+ insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 7, bottom = 7 }
+local function Constructor()
+ local num = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(Type)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ local treeframe = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate" or nil)
+ treeframe:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ treeframe:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
+ treeframe:SetWidth(DEFAULT_TREE_WIDTH)
+ treeframe:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+ treeframe:SetBackdrop(PaneBackdrop)
+ treeframe:SetBackdropColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5)
+ treeframe:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
+ treeframe:SetResizable(true)
+ treeframe:SetMinResize(100, 1)
+ treeframe:SetMaxResize(400, 1600)
+ treeframe:SetScript("OnUpdate", FirstFrameUpdate)
+ treeframe:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", Tree_OnSizeChanged)
+ treeframe:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", Tree_OnMouseWheel)
+ local dragger = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, treeframe, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate" or nil)
+ dragger:SetWidth(8)
+ dragger:SetPoint("TOP", treeframe, "TOPRIGHT")
+ dragger:SetPoint("BOTTOM", treeframe, "BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ dragger:SetBackdrop(DraggerBackdrop)
+ dragger:SetBackdropColor(1, 1, 1, 0)
+ dragger:SetScript("OnEnter", Dragger_OnEnter)
+ dragger:SetScript("OnLeave", Dragger_OnLeave)
+ dragger:SetScript("OnMouseDown", Dragger_OnMouseDown)
+ dragger:SetScript("OnMouseUp", Dragger_OnMouseUp)
+ local scrollbar = CreateFrame("Slider", ("AceConfigDialogTreeGroup%dScrollBar"):format(num), treeframe, "UIPanelScrollBarTemplate")
+ scrollbar:SetScript("OnValueChanged", nil)
+ scrollbar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -10, -26)
+ scrollbar:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 26)
+ scrollbar:SetMinMaxValues(0,0)
+ scrollbar:SetValueStep(1)
+ scrollbar:SetValue(0)
+ scrollbar:SetWidth(16)
+ scrollbar:SetScript("OnValueChanged", OnScrollValueChanged)
+ local scrollbg = scrollbar:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+ scrollbg:SetAllPoints(scrollbar)
+ scrollbg:SetColorTexture(0,0,0,0.4)
+ local border = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate" or nil)
+ border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", treeframe, "TOPRIGHT")
+ border:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ border:SetBackdrop(PaneBackdrop)
+ border:SetBackdropColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5)
+ border:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
+ --Container Support
+ local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, border)
+ content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -10)
+ content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 10)
+ local widget = {
+ frame = frame,
+ lines = {},
+ levels = {},
+ buttons = {},
+ hasChildren = {},
+ localstatus = { groups = {}, scrollvalue = 0 },
+ filter = false,
+ treeframe = treeframe,
+ dragger = dragger,
+ scrollbar = scrollbar,
+ border = border,
+ content = content,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ treeframe.obj, dragger.obj, scrollbar.obj = widget, widget, widget
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-Window.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-Window.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9192b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-Window.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+local AceGUI = LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs, assert, type = pairs, assert, type
+-- WoW APIs
+local PlaySound = PlaySound
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: GameFontNormal
+-- Main Frame --
+ Events :
+ OnClose
+ local Type = "Window"
+ local Version = 6
+ local function frameOnShow(this)
+ this.obj:Fire("OnShow")
+ end
+ local function frameOnClose(this)
+ this.obj:Fire("OnClose")
+ end
+ local function closeOnClick(this)
+ this.obj:Hide()
+ end
+ local function frameOnMouseDown(this)
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+ end
+ local function titleOnMouseDown(this)
+ this:GetParent():StartMoving()
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+ end
+ local function frameOnMouseUp(this)
+ local frame = this:GetParent()
+ frame:StopMovingOrSizing()
+ local self = frame.obj
+ local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+ status.width = frame:GetWidth()
+ status.height = frame:GetHeight()
+ status.top = frame:GetTop()
+ status.left = frame:GetLeft()
+ end
+ local function sizerseOnMouseDown(this)
+ this:GetParent():StartSizing("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+ end
+ local function sizersOnMouseDown(this)
+ this:GetParent():StartSizing("BOTTOM")
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+ end
+ local function sizereOnMouseDown(this)
+ this:GetParent():StartSizing("RIGHT")
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+ end
+ local function sizerOnMouseUp(this)
+ this:GetParent():StopMovingOrSizing()
+ end
+ local function SetTitle(self,title)
+ self.titletext:SetText(title)
+ end
+ local function SetStatusText(self,text)
+ -- self.statustext:SetText(text)
+ end
+ local function Hide(self)
+ self.frame:Hide()
+ end
+ local function Show(self)
+ self.frame:Show()
+ end
+ local function OnAcquire(self)
+ self.frame:SetParent(UIParent)
+ self.frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ self:ApplyStatus()
+ self:EnableResize(true)
+ self:Show()
+ end
+ local function OnRelease(self)
+ self.status = nil
+ for k in pairs(self.localstatus) do
+ self.localstatus[k] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ -- called to set an external table to store status in
+ local function SetStatusTable(self, status)
+ assert(type(status) == "table")
+ self.status = status
+ self:ApplyStatus()
+ end
+ local function ApplyStatus(self)
+ local status = self.status or self.localstatus
+ local frame = self.frame
+ self:SetWidth(status.width or 700)
+ self:SetHeight(status.height or 500)
+ if status.top and status.left then
+ frame:SetPoint("TOP",UIParent,"BOTTOM",0,status.top)
+ frame:SetPoint("LEFT",UIParent,"LEFT",status.left,0)
+ else
+ frame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER")
+ end
+ end
+ local function OnWidthSet(self, width)
+ local content = self.content
+ local contentwidth = width - 34
+ if contentwidth < 0 then
+ contentwidth = 0
+ end
+ content:SetWidth(contentwidth)
+ content.width = contentwidth
+ end
+ local function OnHeightSet(self, height)
+ local content = self.content
+ local contentheight = height - 57
+ if contentheight < 0 then
+ contentheight = 0
+ end
+ content:SetHeight(contentheight)
+ content.height = contentheight
+ end
+ local function EnableResize(self, state)
+ local func = state and "Show" or "Hide"
+ self.sizer_se[func](self.sizer_se)
+ self.sizer_s[func](self.sizer_s)
+ self.sizer_e[func](self.sizer_e)
+ end
+ local function Constructor()
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,UIParent)
+ local self = {}
+ self.type = "Window"
+ self.Hide = Hide
+ self.Show = Show
+ self.SetTitle = SetTitle
+ self.OnRelease = OnRelease
+ self.OnAcquire = OnAcquire
+ self.SetStatusText = SetStatusText
+ self.SetStatusTable = SetStatusTable
+ self.ApplyStatus = ApplyStatus
+ self.OnWidthSet = OnWidthSet
+ self.OnHeightSet = OnHeightSet
+ self.EnableResize = EnableResize
+ self.localstatus = {}
+ self.frame = frame
+ frame.obj = self
+ frame:SetWidth(700)
+ frame:SetHeight(500)
+ frame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",0,0)
+ frame:EnableMouse()
+ frame:SetMovable(true)
+ frame:SetResizable(true)
+ frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ frame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", frameOnMouseDown)
+ frame:SetScript("OnShow",frameOnShow)
+ frame:SetScript("OnHide",frameOnClose)
+ frame:SetMinResize(240,240)
+ frame:SetToplevel(true)
+ local titlebg = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+ titlebg:SetTexture(251966) -- Interface\\PaperDollInfoFrame\\UI-GearManager-Title-Background
+ titlebg:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 9, -6)
+ titlebg:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", -28, -24)
+ local dialogbg = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+ dialogbg:SetTexture(137056) -- Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background
+ dialogbg:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 8, -24)
+ dialogbg:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -6, 8)
+ dialogbg:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, .75)
+ local topleft = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+ topleft:SetTexture(251963) -- Interface\\PaperDollInfoFrame\\UI-GearManager-Border
+ topleft:SetWidth(64)
+ topleft:SetHeight(64)
+ topleft:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ topleft:SetTexCoord(0.501953125, 0.625, 0, 1)
+ local topright = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+ topright:SetTexture(251963) -- Interface\\PaperDollInfoFrame\\UI-GearManager-Border
+ topright:SetWidth(64)
+ topright:SetHeight(64)
+ topright:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+ topright:SetTexCoord(0.625, 0.75, 0, 1)
+ local top = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+ top:SetTexture(251963) -- Interface\\PaperDollInfoFrame\\UI-GearManager-Border
+ top:SetHeight(64)
+ top:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", topleft, "TOPRIGHT")
+ top:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", topright, "TOPLEFT")
+ top:SetTexCoord(0.25, 0.369140625, 0, 1)
+ local bottomleft = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+ bottomleft:SetTexture(251963) -- Interface\\PaperDollInfoFrame\\UI-GearManager-Border
+ bottomleft:SetWidth(64)
+ bottomleft:SetHeight(64)
+ bottomleft:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
+ bottomleft:SetTexCoord(0.751953125, 0.875, 0, 1)
+ local bottomright = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+ bottomright:SetTexture(251963) -- Interface\\PaperDollInfoFrame\\UI-GearManager-Border
+ bottomright:SetWidth(64)
+ bottomright:SetHeight(64)
+ bottomright:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ bottomright:SetTexCoord(0.875, 1, 0, 1)
+ local bottom = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+ bottom:SetTexture(251963) -- Interface\\PaperDollInfoFrame\\UI-GearManager-Border
+ bottom:SetHeight(64)
+ bottom:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", bottomleft, "BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ bottom:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", bottomright, "BOTTOMLEFT")
+ bottom:SetTexCoord(0.376953125, 0.498046875, 0, 1)
+ local left = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+ left:SetTexture(251963) -- Interface\\PaperDollInfoFrame\\UI-GearManager-Border
+ left:SetWidth(64)
+ left:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", topleft, "BOTTOMLEFT")
+ left:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", bottomleft, "TOPLEFT")
+ left:SetTexCoord(0.001953125, 0.125, 0, 1)
+ local right = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+ right:SetTexture(251963) -- Interface\\PaperDollInfoFrame\\UI-GearManager-Border
+ right:SetWidth(64)
+ right:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", topright, "BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ right:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", bottomright, "TOPRIGHT")
+ right:SetTexCoord(0.1171875, 0.2421875, 0, 1)
+ local close = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame, "UIPanelCloseButton")
+ close:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 2, 1)
+ close:SetScript("OnClick", closeOnClick)
+ self.closebutton = close
+ close.obj = self
+ local titletext = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK")
+ titletext:SetFontObject(GameFontNormal)
+ titletext:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 12, -8)
+ titletext:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -32, -8)
+ self.titletext = titletext
+ local title = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame)
+ title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", titlebg)
+ title:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", titlebg)
+ title:EnableMouse()
+ title:SetScript("OnMouseDown",titleOnMouseDown)
+ title:SetScript("OnMouseUp", frameOnMouseUp)
+ self.title = title
+ local sizer_se = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,frame)
+ sizer_se:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",frame,"BOTTOMRIGHT",0,0)
+ sizer_se:SetWidth(25)
+ sizer_se:SetHeight(25)
+ sizer_se:EnableMouse()
+ sizer_se:SetScript("OnMouseDown",sizerseOnMouseDown)
+ sizer_se:SetScript("OnMouseUp", sizerOnMouseUp)
+ self.sizer_se = sizer_se
+ local line1 = sizer_se:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+ self.line1 = line1
+ line1:SetWidth(14)
+ line1:SetHeight(14)
+ line1:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -8, 8)
+ line1:SetTexture(137057) -- Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border
+ local x = 0.1 * 14/17
+ line1:SetTexCoord(0.05 - x, 0.5, 0.05, 0.5 + x, 0.05, 0.5 - x, 0.5 + x, 0.5)
+ local line2 = sizer_se:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+ self.line2 = line2
+ line2:SetWidth(8)
+ line2:SetHeight(8)
+ line2:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -8, 8)
+ line2:SetTexture(137057) -- Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border
+ local x = 0.1 * 8/17
+ line2:SetTexCoord(0.05 - x, 0.5, 0.05, 0.5 + x, 0.05, 0.5 - x, 0.5 + x, 0.5)
+ local sizer_s = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,frame)
+ sizer_s:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",frame,"BOTTOMRIGHT",-25,0)
+ sizer_s:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",frame,"BOTTOMLEFT",0,0)
+ sizer_s:SetHeight(25)
+ sizer_s:EnableMouse()
+ sizer_s:SetScript("OnMouseDown",sizersOnMouseDown)
+ sizer_s:SetScript("OnMouseUp", sizerOnMouseUp)
+ self.sizer_s = sizer_s
+ local sizer_e = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,frame)
+ sizer_e:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",frame,"BOTTOMRIGHT",0,25)
+ sizer_e:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",frame,"TOPRIGHT",0,0)
+ sizer_e:SetWidth(25)
+ sizer_e:EnableMouse()
+ sizer_e:SetScript("OnMouseDown",sizereOnMouseDown)
+ sizer_e:SetScript("OnMouseUp", sizerOnMouseUp)
+ self.sizer_e = sizer_e
+ --Container Support
+ local content = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,frame)
+ self.content = content
+ content.obj = self
+ content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",frame,"TOPLEFT",12,-32)
+ content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",frame,"BOTTOMRIGHT",-12,13)
+ AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(self)
+ return self
+ end
+ AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type,Constructor,Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Button.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Button.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e650ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Button.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+Button Widget
+Graphical Button.
+local Type, Version = "Button", 24
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs = pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local _G = _G
+local PlaySound, CreateFrame, UIParent = PlaySound, CreateFrame, UIParent
+local function Button_OnClick(frame, ...)
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnClick", ...)
+local function Control_OnEnter(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+local function Control_OnLeave(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ -- restore default values
+ self:SetHeight(24)
+ self:SetWidth(200)
+ self:SetDisabled(false)
+ self:SetAutoWidth(false)
+ self:SetText()
+ end,
+ -- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+ ["SetText"] = function(self, text)
+ self.text:SetText(text)
+ if self.autoWidth then
+ self:SetWidth(self.text:GetStringWidth() + 30)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetAutoWidth"] = function(self, autoWidth)
+ self.autoWidth = autoWidth
+ if self.autoWidth then
+ self:SetWidth(self.text:GetStringWidth() + 30)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetDisabled"] = function(self, disabled)
+ self.disabled = disabled
+ if disabled then
+ self.frame:Disable()
+ else
+ self.frame:Enable()
+ end
+ end
+local function Constructor()
+ local name = "AceGUI30Button" .. AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(Type)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Button", name, UIParent, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+ frame:Hide()
+ frame:EnableMouse(true)
+ frame:SetScript("OnClick", Button_OnClick)
+ frame:SetScript("OnEnter", Control_OnEnter)
+ frame:SetScript("OnLeave", Control_OnLeave)
+ local text = frame:GetFontString()
+ text:ClearAllPoints()
+ text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 15, -1)
+ text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -15, 1)
+ text:SetJustifyV("MIDDLE")
+ local widget = {
+ text = text,
+ frame = frame,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-CheckBox.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-CheckBox.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2adb88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-CheckBox.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+Checkbox Widget
+local Type, Version = "CheckBox", 26
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local select, pairs = select, pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local PlaySound = PlaySound
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: SetDesaturation, GameFontHighlight
+Support functions
+local function AlignImage(self)
+ local img = self.image:GetTexture()
+ self.text:ClearAllPoints()
+ if not img then
+ self.text:SetPoint("LEFT", self.checkbg, "RIGHT")
+ self.text:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ else
+ self.text:SetPoint("LEFT", self.image, "RIGHT", 1, 0)
+ self.text:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ end
+local function Control_OnEnter(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+local function Control_OnLeave(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+local function CheckBox_OnMouseDown(frame)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ if not self.disabled then
+ if self.image:GetTexture() then
+ self.text:SetPoint("LEFT", self.image,"RIGHT", 2, -1)
+ else
+ self.text:SetPoint("LEFT", self.checkbg, "RIGHT", 1, -1)
+ end
+ end
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function CheckBox_OnMouseUp(frame)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ if not self.disabled then
+ self:ToggleChecked()
+ if self.checked then
+ else -- for both nil and false (tristate)
+ end
+ self:Fire("OnValueChanged", self.checked)
+ AlignImage(self)
+ end
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:SetType()
+ self:SetValue(false)
+ self:SetTriState(nil)
+ -- height is calculated from the width and required space for the description
+ self:SetWidth(200)
+ self:SetImage()
+ self:SetDisabled(nil)
+ self:SetDescription(nil)
+ end,
+ -- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+ ["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+ if self.desc then
+ self.desc:SetWidth(width - 30)
+ if self.desc:GetText() and self.desc:GetText() ~= "" then
+ self:SetHeight(28 + self.desc:GetStringHeight())
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetDisabled"] = function(self, disabled)
+ self.disabled = disabled
+ if disabled then
+ self.frame:Disable()
+ self.text:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ SetDesaturation(self.check, true)
+ if self.desc then
+ self.desc:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ end
+ else
+ self.frame:Enable()
+ self.text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ if self.tristate and self.checked == nil then
+ SetDesaturation(self.check, true)
+ else
+ SetDesaturation(self.check, false)
+ end
+ if self.desc then
+ self.desc:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetValue"] = function(self, value)
+ local check = self.check
+ self.checked = value
+ if value then
+ SetDesaturation(check, false)
+ check:Show()
+ else
+ --Nil is the unknown tristate value
+ if self.tristate and value == nil then
+ SetDesaturation(check, true)
+ check:Show()
+ else
+ SetDesaturation(check, false)
+ check:Hide()
+ end
+ end
+ self:SetDisabled(self.disabled)
+ end,
+ ["GetValue"] = function(self)
+ return self.checked
+ end,
+ ["SetTriState"] = function(self, enabled)
+ self.tristate = enabled
+ self:SetValue(self:GetValue())
+ end,
+ ["SetType"] = function(self, type)
+ local checkbg = self.checkbg
+ local check = self.check
+ local highlight = self.highlight
+ local size
+ if type == "radio" then
+ size = 16
+ checkbg:SetTexture(130843) -- Interface\\Buttons\\UI-RadioButton
+ checkbg:SetTexCoord(0, 0.25, 0, 1)
+ check:SetTexture(130843) -- Interface\\Buttons\\UI-RadioButton
+ check:SetTexCoord(0.25, 0.5, 0, 1)
+ check:SetBlendMode("ADD")
+ highlight:SetTexture(130843) -- Interface\\Buttons\\UI-RadioButton
+ highlight:SetTexCoord(0.5, 0.75, 0, 1)
+ else
+ size = 24
+ checkbg:SetTexture(130755) -- Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Up
+ checkbg:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+ check:SetTexture(130751) -- Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check
+ check:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+ check:SetBlendMode("BLEND")
+ highlight:SetTexture(130753) -- Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Highlight
+ highlight:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+ end
+ checkbg:SetHeight(size)
+ checkbg:SetWidth(size)
+ end,
+ ["ToggleChecked"] = function(self)
+ local value = self:GetValue()
+ if self.tristate then
+ --cycle in true, nil, false order
+ if value then
+ self:SetValue(nil)
+ elseif value == nil then
+ self:SetValue(false)
+ else
+ self:SetValue(true)
+ end
+ else
+ self:SetValue(not self:GetValue())
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetLabel"] = function(self, label)
+ self.text:SetText(label)
+ end,
+ ["SetDescription"] = function(self, desc)
+ if desc then
+ if not self.desc then
+ local desc = self.frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
+ desc:ClearAllPoints()
+ desc:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.checkbg, "TOPRIGHT", 5, -21)
+ desc:SetWidth(self.frame.width - 30)
+ desc:SetPoint("RIGHT", self.frame, "RIGHT", -30, 0)
+ desc:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ desc:SetJustifyV("TOP")
+ self.desc = desc
+ end
+ self.desc:Show()
+ --self.text:SetFontObject(GameFontNormal)
+ self.desc:SetText(desc)
+ self:SetHeight(28 + self.desc:GetStringHeight())
+ else
+ if self.desc then
+ self.desc:SetText("")
+ self.desc:Hide()
+ end
+ --self.text:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlight)
+ self:SetHeight(24)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetImage"] = function(self, path, ...)
+ local image = self.image
+ image:SetTexture(path)
+ if image:GetTexture() then
+ local n = select("#", ...)
+ if n == 4 or n == 8 then
+ image:SetTexCoord(...)
+ else
+ image:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+ end
+ end
+ AlignImage(self)
+ end
+local function Constructor()
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Button", nil, UIParent)
+ frame:Hide()
+ frame:EnableMouse(true)
+ frame:SetScript("OnEnter", Control_OnEnter)
+ frame:SetScript("OnLeave", Control_OnLeave)
+ frame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", CheckBox_OnMouseDown)
+ frame:SetScript("OnMouseUp", CheckBox_OnMouseUp)
+ local checkbg = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
+ checkbg:SetWidth(24)
+ checkbg:SetHeight(24)
+ checkbg:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ checkbg:SetTexture(130755) -- Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Up
+ local check = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+ check:SetAllPoints(checkbg)
+ check:SetTexture(130751) -- Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check
+ local text = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlight")
+ text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ text:SetHeight(18)
+ text:SetPoint("LEFT", checkbg, "RIGHT")
+ text:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ local highlight = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "HIGHLIGHT")
+ highlight:SetTexture(130753) -- Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Highlight
+ highlight:SetBlendMode("ADD")
+ highlight:SetAllPoints(checkbg)
+ local image = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+ image:SetHeight(16)
+ image:SetWidth(16)
+ image:SetPoint("LEFT", checkbg, "RIGHT", 1, 0)
+ local widget = {
+ checkbg = checkbg,
+ check = check,
+ text = text,
+ highlight = highlight,
+ image = image,
+ frame = frame,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-ColorPicker.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-ColorPicker.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4cab66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-ColorPicker.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+ColorPicker Widget
+local Type, Version = "ColorPicker", 25
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs = pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: ColorPickerFrame, OpacitySliderFrame
+Support functions
+local function ColorCallback(self, r, g, b, a, isAlpha)
+ if not self.HasAlpha then
+ a = 1
+ end
+ self:SetColor(r, g, b, a)
+ if ColorPickerFrame:IsVisible() then
+ --colorpicker is still open
+ self:Fire("OnValueChanged", r, g, b, a)
+ else
+ --colorpicker is closed, color callback is first, ignore it,
+ --alpha callback is the final call after it closes so confirm now
+ if isAlpha then
+ self:Fire("OnValueConfirmed", r, g, b, a)
+ end
+ end
+local function Control_OnEnter(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+local function Control_OnLeave(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+local function ColorSwatch_OnClick(frame)
+ ColorPickerFrame:Hide()
+ local self = frame.obj
+ if not self.disabled then
+ ColorPickerFrame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ ColorPickerFrame:SetFrameLevel(frame:GetFrameLevel() + 10)
+ ColorPickerFrame:SetClampedToScreen(true)
+ ColorPickerFrame.func = function()
+ local r, g, b = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB()
+ local a = 1 - OpacitySliderFrame:GetValue()
+ ColorCallback(self, r, g, b, a)
+ end
+ ColorPickerFrame.hasOpacity = self.HasAlpha
+ ColorPickerFrame.opacityFunc = function()
+ local r, g, b = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB()
+ local a = 1 - OpacitySliderFrame:GetValue()
+ ColorCallback(self, r, g, b, a, true)
+ end
+ local r, g, b, a = self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a
+ if self.HasAlpha then
+ ColorPickerFrame.opacity = 1 - (a or 0)
+ end
+ ColorPickerFrame:SetColorRGB(r, g, b)
+ ColorPickerFrame.cancelFunc = function()
+ ColorCallback(self, r, g, b, a, true)
+ end
+ ColorPickerFrame:Show()
+ end
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:SetHeight(24)
+ self:SetWidth(200)
+ self:SetHasAlpha(false)
+ self:SetColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
+ self:SetDisabled(nil)
+ self:SetLabel(nil)
+ end,
+ -- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+ ["SetLabel"] = function(self, text)
+ self.text:SetText(text)
+ end,
+ ["SetColor"] = function(self, r, g, b, a)
+ self.r = r
+ self.g = g
+ self.b = b
+ self.a = a or 1
+ self.colorSwatch:SetVertexColor(r, g, b, a)
+ end,
+ ["SetHasAlpha"] = function(self, HasAlpha)
+ self.HasAlpha = HasAlpha
+ end,
+ ["SetDisabled"] = function(self, disabled)
+ self.disabled = disabled
+ if self.disabled then
+ self.frame:Disable()
+ self.text:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ else
+ self.frame:Enable()
+ self.text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ end
+ end
+local function Constructor()
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Button", nil, UIParent)
+ frame:Hide()
+ frame:EnableMouse(true)
+ frame:SetScript("OnEnter", Control_OnEnter)
+ frame:SetScript("OnLeave", Control_OnLeave)
+ frame:SetScript("OnClick", ColorSwatch_OnClick)
+ local colorSwatch = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+ colorSwatch:SetWidth(19)
+ colorSwatch:SetHeight(19)
+ colorSwatch:SetTexture(130939) -- Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameColorSwatch
+ colorSwatch:SetPoint("LEFT")
+ local texture = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+ colorSwatch.background = texture
+ texture:SetWidth(16)
+ texture:SetHeight(16)
+ texture:SetColorTexture(1, 1, 1)
+ texture:SetPoint("CENTER", colorSwatch)
+ texture:Show()
+ local checkers = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+ colorSwatch.checkers = checkers
+ checkers:SetWidth(14)
+ checkers:SetHeight(14)
+ checkers:SetTexture(188523) -- Tileset\\Generic\\Checkers
+ checkers:SetTexCoord(.25, 0, 0.5, .25)
+ checkers:SetDesaturated(true)
+ checkers:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1, 0.75)
+ checkers:SetPoint("CENTER", colorSwatch)
+ checkers:Show()
+ local text = frame:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY","GameFontHighlight")
+ text:SetHeight(24)
+ text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ text:SetPoint("LEFT", colorSwatch, "RIGHT", 2, 0)
+ text:SetPoint("RIGHT")
+ --local highlight = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "HIGHLIGHT")
+ --highlight:SetTexture(136810) -- Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestTitleHighlight
+ --highlight:SetBlendMode("ADD")
+ --highlight:SetAllPoints(frame)
+ local widget = {
+ colorSwatch = colorSwatch,
+ text = text,
+ frame = frame,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-DropDown-Items.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-DropDown-Items.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dd4b60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-DropDown-Items.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+--[[ $Id: AceGUIWidget-DropDown-Items.lua 1202 2019-05-15 23:11:22Z nevcairiel $ ]]--
+local AceGUI = LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
+-- Lua APIs
+local select, assert = select, assert
+-- WoW APIs
+local PlaySound = PlaySound
+local CreateFrame = CreateFrame
+local function fixlevels(parent,...)
+ local i = 1
+ local child = select(i, ...)
+ while child do
+ child:SetFrameLevel(parent:GetFrameLevel()+1)
+ fixlevels(child, child:GetChildren())
+ i = i + 1
+ child = select(i, ...)
+ end
+local function fixstrata(strata, parent, ...)
+ local i = 1
+ local child = select(i, ...)
+ parent:SetFrameStrata(strata)
+ while child do
+ fixstrata(strata, child, child:GetChildren())
+ i = i + 1
+ child = select(i, ...)
+ end
+-- ItemBase is the base "class" for all dropdown items.
+-- Each item has to use ItemBase.Create(widgetType) to
+-- create an initial 'self' value.
+-- ItemBase will add common functions and ui event handlers.
+-- Be sure to keep basic usage when you override functions.
+local ItemBase = {
+ -- NOTE: The ItemBase version is added to each item's version number
+ -- to ensure proper updates on ItemBase changes.
+ -- Use at least 1000er steps.
+ version = 1000,
+ counter = 0,
+function ItemBase.Frame_OnEnter(this)
+ local self = this.obj
+ if self.useHighlight then
+ self.highlight:Show()
+ end
+ self:Fire("OnEnter")
+ if self.specialOnEnter then
+ self.specialOnEnter(self)
+ end
+function ItemBase.Frame_OnLeave(this)
+ local self = this.obj
+ self.highlight:Hide()
+ self:Fire("OnLeave")
+ if self.specialOnLeave then
+ self.specialOnLeave(self)
+ end
+-- exported, AceGUI callback
+function ItemBase.OnAcquire(self)
+ self.frame:SetToplevel(true)
+ self.frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+-- exported, AceGUI callback
+function ItemBase.OnRelease(self)
+ self:SetDisabled(false)
+ self.pullout = nil
+ self.frame:SetParent(nil)
+ self.frame:ClearAllPoints()
+ self.frame:Hide()
+-- exported
+-- NOTE: this is called by a Dropdown-Pullout.
+-- Do not call this method directly
+function ItemBase.SetPullout(self, pullout)
+ self.pullout = pullout
+ self.frame:SetParent(nil)
+ self.frame:SetParent(pullout.itemFrame)
+ self.parent = pullout.itemFrame
+ fixlevels(pullout.itemFrame, pullout.itemFrame:GetChildren())
+-- exported
+function ItemBase.SetText(self, text)
+ self.text:SetText(text or "")
+-- exported
+function ItemBase.GetText(self)
+ return self.text:GetText()
+-- exported
+function ItemBase.SetPoint(self, ...)
+ self.frame:SetPoint(...)
+-- exported
+function ItemBase.Show(self)
+ self.frame:Show()
+-- exported
+function ItemBase.Hide(self)
+ self.frame:Hide()
+-- exported
+function ItemBase.SetDisabled(self, disabled)
+ self.disabled = disabled
+ if disabled then
+ self.useHighlight = false
+ self.text:SetTextColor(.5, .5, .5)
+ else
+ self.useHighlight = true
+ self.text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ end
+-- exported
+-- NOTE: this is called by a Dropdown-Pullout.
+-- Do not call this method directly
+function ItemBase.SetOnLeave(self, func)
+ self.specialOnLeave = func
+-- exported
+-- NOTE: this is called by a Dropdown-Pullout.
+-- Do not call this method directly
+function ItemBase.SetOnEnter(self, func)
+ self.specialOnEnter = func
+function ItemBase.Create(type)
+ -- NOTE: Most of the following code is copied from AceGUI-3.0/Dropdown widget
+ local count = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(type)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Button", "AceGUI30DropDownItem"..count)
+ local self = {}
+ self.frame = frame
+ frame.obj = self
+ self.type = type
+ self.useHighlight = true
+ frame:SetHeight(17)
+ frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ local text = frame:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY","GameFontNormalSmall")
+ text:SetTextColor(1,1,1)
+ text:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",frame,"TOPLEFT",18,0)
+ text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",frame,"BOTTOMRIGHT",-8,0)
+ self.text = text
+ local highlight = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+ highlight:SetTexture(136810) -- Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestTitleHighlight
+ highlight:SetBlendMode("ADD")
+ highlight:SetHeight(14)
+ highlight:ClearAllPoints()
+ highlight:SetPoint("RIGHT",frame,"RIGHT",-3,0)
+ highlight:SetPoint("LEFT",frame,"LEFT",5,0)
+ highlight:Hide()
+ self.highlight = highlight
+ local check = frame:CreateTexture("OVERLAY")
+ check:SetWidth(16)
+ check:SetHeight(16)
+ check:SetPoint("LEFT",frame,"LEFT",3,-1)
+ check:SetTexture(130751) -- Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check
+ check:Hide()
+ self.check = check
+ local sub = frame:CreateTexture("OVERLAY")
+ sub:SetWidth(16)
+ sub:SetHeight(16)
+ sub:SetPoint("RIGHT",frame,"RIGHT",-3,-1)
+ sub:SetTexture(130940) -- Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameExpandArrow
+ sub:Hide()
+ self.sub = sub
+ frame:SetScript("OnEnter", ItemBase.Frame_OnEnter)
+ frame:SetScript("OnLeave", ItemBase.Frame_OnLeave)
+ self.OnAcquire = ItemBase.OnAcquire
+ self.OnRelease = ItemBase.OnRelease
+ self.SetPullout = ItemBase.SetPullout
+ self.GetText = ItemBase.GetText
+ self.SetText = ItemBase.SetText
+ self.SetDisabled = ItemBase.SetDisabled
+ self.SetPoint = ItemBase.SetPoint
+ self.Show = ItemBase.Show
+ self.Hide = ItemBase.Hide
+ self.SetOnLeave = ItemBase.SetOnLeave
+ self.SetOnEnter = ItemBase.SetOnEnter
+ return self
+-- Register a dummy LibStub library to retrieve the ItemBase, so other addons can use it.
+local IBLib = LibStub:NewLibrary("AceGUI-3.0-DropDown-ItemBase", ItemBase.version)
+if IBLib then
+ IBLib.GetItemBase = function() return ItemBase end
+ Template for items:
+-- Item:
+ local widgetType = "Dropdown-Item-"
+ local widgetVersion = 1
+ local function Constructor()
+ local self = ItemBase.Create(widgetType)
+ AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(self)
+ return self
+ end
+ AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(widgetType, Constructor, widgetVersion + ItemBase.version)
+-- Item: Header
+-- A single text entry.
+-- Special: Different text color and no highlight
+ local widgetType = "Dropdown-Item-Header"
+ local widgetVersion = 1
+ local function OnEnter(this)
+ local self = this.obj
+ self:Fire("OnEnter")
+ if self.specialOnEnter then
+ self.specialOnEnter(self)
+ end
+ end
+ local function OnLeave(this)
+ local self = this.obj
+ self:Fire("OnLeave")
+ if self.specialOnLeave then
+ self.specialOnLeave(self)
+ end
+ end
+ -- exported, override
+ local function SetDisabled(self, disabled)
+ ItemBase.SetDisabled(self, disabled)
+ if not disabled then
+ self.text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ local function Constructor()
+ local self = ItemBase.Create(widgetType)
+ self.SetDisabled = SetDisabled
+ self.frame:SetScript("OnEnter", OnEnter)
+ self.frame:SetScript("OnLeave", OnLeave)
+ self.text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 0)
+ AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(self)
+ return self
+ end
+ AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(widgetType, Constructor, widgetVersion + ItemBase.version)
+-- Item: Execute
+-- A simple button
+ local widgetType = "Dropdown-Item-Execute"
+ local widgetVersion = 1
+ local function Frame_OnClick(this, button)
+ local self = this.obj
+ if self.disabled then return end
+ self:Fire("OnClick")
+ if self.pullout then
+ self.pullout:Close()
+ end
+ end
+ local function Constructor()
+ local self = ItemBase.Create(widgetType)
+ self.frame:SetScript("OnClick", Frame_OnClick)
+ AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(self)
+ return self
+ end
+ AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(widgetType, Constructor, widgetVersion + ItemBase.version)
+-- Item: Toggle
+-- Some sort of checkbox for dropdown menus.
+-- Does not close the pullout on click.
+ local widgetType = "Dropdown-Item-Toggle"
+ local widgetVersion = 4
+ local function UpdateToggle(self)
+ if self.value then
+ self.check:Show()
+ else
+ self.check:Hide()
+ end
+ end
+ local function OnRelease(self)
+ ItemBase.OnRelease(self)
+ self:SetValue(nil)
+ end
+ local function Frame_OnClick(this, button)
+ local self = this.obj
+ if self.disabled then return end
+ self.value = not self.value
+ if self.value then
+ else
+ end
+ UpdateToggle(self)
+ self:Fire("OnValueChanged", self.value)
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function SetValue(self, value)
+ self.value = value
+ UpdateToggle(self)
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function GetValue(self)
+ return self.value
+ end
+ local function Constructor()
+ local self = ItemBase.Create(widgetType)
+ self.frame:SetScript("OnClick", Frame_OnClick)
+ self.SetValue = SetValue
+ self.GetValue = GetValue
+ self.OnRelease = OnRelease
+ AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(self)
+ return self
+ end
+ AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(widgetType, Constructor, widgetVersion + ItemBase.version)
+-- Item: Menu
+-- Shows a submenu on mouse over
+-- Does not close the pullout on click
+ local widgetType = "Dropdown-Item-Menu"
+ local widgetVersion = 2
+ local function OnEnter(this)
+ local self = this.obj
+ self:Fire("OnEnter")
+ if self.specialOnEnter then
+ self.specialOnEnter(self)
+ end
+ self.highlight:Show()
+ if not self.disabled and self.submenu then
+ self.submenu:Open("TOPLEFT", self.frame, "TOPRIGHT", self.pullout:GetRightBorderWidth(), 0, self.frame:GetFrameLevel() + 100)
+ end
+ end
+ local function OnHide(this)
+ local self = this.obj
+ if self.submenu then
+ self.submenu:Close()
+ end
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function SetMenu(self, menu)
+ assert(menu.type == "Dropdown-Pullout")
+ self.submenu = menu
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function CloseMenu(self)
+ self.submenu:Close()
+ end
+ local function Constructor()
+ local self = ItemBase.Create(widgetType)
+ self.sub:Show()
+ self.frame:SetScript("OnEnter", OnEnter)
+ self.frame:SetScript("OnHide", OnHide)
+ self.SetMenu = SetMenu
+ self.CloseMenu = CloseMenu
+ AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(self)
+ return self
+ end
+ AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(widgetType, Constructor, widgetVersion + ItemBase.version)
+-- Item: Separator
+-- A single line to separate items
+ local widgetType = "Dropdown-Item-Separator"
+ local widgetVersion = 2
+ -- exported, override
+ local function SetDisabled(self, disabled)
+ ItemBase.SetDisabled(self, disabled)
+ self.useHighlight = false
+ end
+ local function Constructor()
+ local self = ItemBase.Create(widgetType)
+ self.SetDisabled = SetDisabled
+ local line = self.frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+ line:SetHeight(1)
+ line:SetColorTexture(.5, .5, .5)
+ line:SetPoint("LEFT", self.frame, "LEFT", 10, 0)
+ line:SetPoint("RIGHT", self.frame, "RIGHT", -10, 0)
+ self.text:Hide()
+ self.useHighlight = false
+ AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(self)
+ return self
+ end
+ AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(widgetType, Constructor, widgetVersion + ItemBase.version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-DropDown.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-DropDown.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94c5ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-DropDown.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
+--[[ $Id: AceGUIWidget-DropDown.lua 1239 2020-09-20 10:22:02Z nevcairiel $ ]]--
+local AceGUI = LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
+-- Lua APIs
+local min, max, floor = math.min, math.max, math.floor
+local select, pairs, ipairs, type, tostring = select, pairs, ipairs, type, tostring
+local tsort = table.sort
+-- WoW APIs
+local PlaySound = PlaySound
+local UIParent, CreateFrame = UIParent, CreateFrame
+local _G = _G
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+local function fixlevels(parent,...)
+ local i = 1
+ local child = select(i, ...)
+ while child do
+ child:SetFrameLevel(parent:GetFrameLevel()+1)
+ fixlevels(child, child:GetChildren())
+ i = i + 1
+ child = select(i, ...)
+ end
+local function fixstrata(strata, parent, ...)
+ local i = 1
+ local child = select(i, ...)
+ parent:SetFrameStrata(strata)
+ while child do
+ fixstrata(strata, child, child:GetChildren())
+ i = i + 1
+ child = select(i, ...)
+ end
+ local widgetType = "Dropdown-Pullout"
+ local widgetVersion = 5
+ --[[ Static data ]]--
+ local backdrop = {
+ bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+ edgeFile = "Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Border",
+ edgeSize = 32,
+ tileSize = 32,
+ tile = true,
+ insets = { left = 11, right = 12, top = 12, bottom = 11 },
+ }
+ local sliderBackdrop = {
+ bgFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\UI-SliderBar-Background",
+ edgeFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\UI-SliderBar-Border",
+ tile = true, tileSize = 8, edgeSize = 8,
+ insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 3, bottom = 3 }
+ }
+ local defaultWidth = 200
+ local defaultMaxHeight = 600
+ --[[ UI Event Handlers ]]--
+ -- HACK: This should be no part of the pullout, but there
+ -- is no other 'clean' way to response to any item-OnEnter
+ -- Used to close Submenus when an other item is entered
+ local function OnEnter(item)
+ local self = item.pullout
+ for k, v in ipairs(self.items) do
+ if v.CloseMenu and v ~= item then
+ v:CloseMenu()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- See the note in Constructor() for each scroll related function
+ local function OnMouseWheel(this, value)
+ this.obj:MoveScroll(value)
+ end
+ local function OnScrollValueChanged(this, value)
+ this.obj:SetScroll(value)
+ end
+ local function OnSizeChanged(this)
+ this.obj:FixScroll()
+ end
+ --[[ Exported methods ]]--
+ -- exported
+ local function SetScroll(self, value)
+ local status = self.scrollStatus
+ local frame, child = self.scrollFrame, self.itemFrame
+ local height, viewheight = frame:GetHeight(), child:GetHeight()
+ local offset
+ if height > viewheight then
+ offset = 0
+ else
+ offset = floor((viewheight - height) / 1000 * value)
+ end
+ child:ClearAllPoints()
+ child:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 0, offset)
+ child:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", self.slider:IsShown() and -12 or 0, offset)
+ status.offset = offset
+ status.scrollvalue = value
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function MoveScroll(self, value)
+ local status = self.scrollStatus
+ local frame, child = self.scrollFrame, self.itemFrame
+ local height, viewheight = frame:GetHeight(), child:GetHeight()
+ if height > viewheight then
+ self.slider:Hide()
+ else
+ self.slider:Show()
+ local diff = height - viewheight
+ local delta = 1
+ if value < 0 then
+ delta = -1
+ end
+ self.slider:SetValue(min(max(status.scrollvalue + delta*(1000/(diff/45)),0), 1000))
+ end
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function FixScroll(self)
+ local status = self.scrollStatus
+ local frame, child = self.scrollFrame, self.itemFrame
+ local height, viewheight = frame:GetHeight(), child:GetHeight()
+ local offset = status.offset or 0
+ if viewheight < height then
+ self.slider:Hide()
+ child:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, offset)
+ self.slider:SetValue(0)
+ else
+ self.slider:Show()
+ local value = (offset / (viewheight - height) * 1000)
+ if value > 1000 then value = 1000 end
+ self.slider:SetValue(value)
+ self:SetScroll(value)
+ if value < 1000 then
+ child:ClearAllPoints()
+ child:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 0, offset)
+ child:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", -12, offset)
+ status.offset = offset
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- exported, AceGUI callback
+ local function OnAcquire(self)
+ self.frame:SetParent(UIParent)
+ --self.itemFrame:SetToplevel(true)
+ end
+ -- exported, AceGUI callback
+ local function OnRelease(self)
+ self:Clear()
+ self.frame:ClearAllPoints()
+ self.frame:Hide()
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function AddItem(self, item)
+ self.items[#self.items + 1] = item
+ local h = #self.items * 16
+ self.itemFrame:SetHeight(h)
+ self.frame:SetHeight(min(h + 34, self.maxHeight)) -- +34: 20 for scrollFrame placement (10 offset) and +14 for item placement
+ item.frame:SetPoint("LEFT", self.itemFrame, "LEFT")
+ item.frame:SetPoint("RIGHT", self.itemFrame, "RIGHT")
+ item:SetPullout(self)
+ item:SetOnEnter(OnEnter)
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function Open(self, point, relFrame, relPoint, x, y)
+ local items = self.items
+ local frame = self.frame
+ local itemFrame = self.itemFrame
+ frame:SetPoint(point, relFrame, relPoint, x, y)
+ local height = 8
+ for i, item in pairs(items) do
+ item:SetPoint("TOP", itemFrame, "TOP", 0, -2 + (i - 1) * -16)
+ item:Show()
+ height = height + 16
+ end
+ itemFrame:SetHeight(height)
+ fixstrata("TOOLTIP", frame, frame:GetChildren())
+ frame:Show()
+ self:Fire("OnOpen")
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function Close(self)
+ self.frame:Hide()
+ self:Fire("OnClose")
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function Clear(self)
+ local items = self.items
+ for i, item in pairs(items) do
+ AceGUI:Release(item)
+ items[i] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function IterateItems(self)
+ return ipairs(self.items)
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function SetHideOnLeave(self, val)
+ self.hideOnLeave = val
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function SetMaxHeight(self, height)
+ self.maxHeight = height or defaultMaxHeight
+ if self.frame:GetHeight() > height then
+ self.frame:SetHeight(height)
+ elseif (self.itemFrame:GetHeight() + 34) < height then
+ self.frame:SetHeight(self.itemFrame:GetHeight() + 34) -- see :AddItem
+ end
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function GetRightBorderWidth(self)
+ return 6 + (self.slider:IsShown() and 12 or 0)
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function GetLeftBorderWidth(self)
+ return 6
+ end
+ --[[ Constructor ]]--
+ local function Constructor()
+ local count = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(widgetType)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "AceGUI30Pullout"..count, UIParent, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate" or nil)
+ local self = {}
+ self.count = count
+ self.type = widgetType
+ self.frame = frame
+ frame.obj = self
+ self.OnAcquire = OnAcquire
+ self.OnRelease = OnRelease
+ self.AddItem = AddItem
+ self.Open = Open
+ self.Close = Close
+ self.Clear = Clear
+ self.IterateItems = IterateItems
+ self.SetHideOnLeave = SetHideOnLeave
+ self.SetScroll = SetScroll
+ self.MoveScroll = MoveScroll
+ self.FixScroll = FixScroll
+ self.SetMaxHeight = SetMaxHeight
+ self.GetRightBorderWidth = GetRightBorderWidth
+ self.GetLeftBorderWidth = GetLeftBorderWidth
+ self.items = {}
+ self.scrollStatus = {
+ scrollvalue = 0,
+ }
+ self.maxHeight = defaultMaxHeight
+ frame:SetBackdrop(backdrop)
+ frame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0)
+ frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ frame:SetClampedToScreen(true)
+ frame:SetWidth(defaultWidth)
+ frame:SetHeight(self.maxHeight)
+ --frame:SetToplevel(true)
+ -- NOTE: The whole scroll frame code is copied from the AceGUI-3.0 widget ScrollFrame
+ local scrollFrame = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", nil, frame)
+ local itemFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, scrollFrame)
+ self.scrollFrame = scrollFrame
+ self.itemFrame = itemFrame
+ scrollFrame.obj = self
+ itemFrame.obj = self
+ local slider = CreateFrame("Slider", "AceGUI30PulloutScrollbar"..count, scrollFrame, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate" or nil)
+ slider:SetOrientation("VERTICAL")
+ slider:SetHitRectInsets(0, 0, -10, 0)
+ slider:SetBackdrop(sliderBackdrop)
+ slider:SetWidth(8)
+ slider:SetThumbTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-SliderBar-Button-Vertical")
+ slider:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ self.slider = slider
+ slider.obj = self
+ scrollFrame:SetScrollChild(itemFrame)
+ scrollFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 6, -12)
+ scrollFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -6, 12)
+ scrollFrame:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", OnMouseWheel)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", OnSizeChanged)
+ scrollFrame:SetToplevel(true)
+ scrollFrame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ itemFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", scrollFrame, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
+ itemFrame:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", scrollFrame, "TOPRIGHT", -12, 0)
+ itemFrame:SetHeight(400)
+ itemFrame:SetToplevel(true)
+ itemFrame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ slider:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", scrollFrame, "TOPRIGHT", -16, 0)
+ slider:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", scrollFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -16, 0)
+ slider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", OnScrollValueChanged)
+ slider:SetMinMaxValues(0, 1000)
+ slider:SetValueStep(1)
+ slider:SetValue(0)
+ scrollFrame:Show()
+ itemFrame:Show()
+ slider:Hide()
+ self:FixScroll()
+ AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(self)
+ return self
+ end
+ AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(widgetType, Constructor, widgetVersion)
+ local widgetType = "Dropdown"
+ local widgetVersion = 35
+ --[[ Static data ]]--
+ --[[ UI event handler ]]--
+ local function Control_OnEnter(this)
+ this.obj.button:LockHighlight()
+ this.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+ end
+ local function Control_OnLeave(this)
+ this.obj.button:UnlockHighlight()
+ this.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+ end
+ local function Dropdown_OnHide(this)
+ local self = this.obj
+ if self.open then
+ self.pullout:Close()
+ end
+ end
+ local function Dropdown_TogglePullout(this)
+ local self = this.obj
+ if self.open then
+ self.open = nil
+ self.pullout:Close()
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+ else
+ self.open = true
+ self.pullout:SetWidth(self.pulloutWidth or self.frame:GetWidth())
+ self.pullout:Open("TOPLEFT", self.frame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, self.label:IsShown() and -2 or 0)
+ AceGUI:SetFocus(self)
+ end
+ end
+ local function OnPulloutOpen(this)
+ local self = this.userdata.obj
+ local value = self.value
+ if not self.multiselect then
+ for i, item in this:IterateItems() do
+ item:SetValue(item.userdata.value == value)
+ end
+ end
+ self.open = true
+ self:Fire("OnOpened")
+ end
+ local function OnPulloutClose(this)
+ local self = this.userdata.obj
+ self.open = nil
+ self:Fire("OnClosed")
+ end
+ local function ShowMultiText(self)
+ local text
+ for i, widget in self.pullout:IterateItems() do
+ if widget.type == "Dropdown-Item-Toggle" then
+ if widget:GetValue() then
+ if text then
+ text = text..", "..widget:GetText()
+ else
+ text = widget:GetText()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ self:SetText(text)
+ end
+ local function OnItemValueChanged(this, event, checked)
+ local self = this.userdata.obj
+ if self.multiselect then
+ self:Fire("OnValueChanged", this.userdata.value, checked)
+ ShowMultiText(self)
+ else
+ if checked then
+ self:SetValue(this.userdata.value)
+ self:Fire("OnValueChanged", this.userdata.value)
+ else
+ this:SetValue(true)
+ end
+ if self.open then
+ self.pullout:Close()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --[[ Exported methods ]]--
+ -- exported, AceGUI callback
+ local function OnAcquire(self)
+ local pullout = AceGUI:Create("Dropdown-Pullout")
+ self.pullout = pullout
+ pullout.userdata.obj = self
+ pullout:SetCallback("OnClose", OnPulloutClose)
+ pullout:SetCallback("OnOpen", OnPulloutOpen)
+ self.pullout.frame:SetFrameLevel(self.frame:GetFrameLevel() + 1)
+ fixlevels(self.pullout.frame, self.pullout.frame:GetChildren())
+ self:SetHeight(44)
+ self:SetWidth(200)
+ self:SetLabel()
+ self:SetPulloutWidth(nil)
+ self.list = {}
+ end
+ -- exported, AceGUI callback
+ local function OnRelease(self)
+ if self.open then
+ self.pullout:Close()
+ end
+ AceGUI:Release(self.pullout)
+ self.pullout = nil
+ self:SetText("")
+ self:SetDisabled(false)
+ self:SetMultiselect(false)
+ self.value = nil
+ self.list = nil
+ self.open = nil
+ self.hasClose = nil
+ self.frame:ClearAllPoints()
+ self.frame:Hide()
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function SetDisabled(self, disabled)
+ self.disabled = disabled
+ if disabled then
+ self.text:SetTextColor(0.5,0.5,0.5)
+ self.button:Disable()
+ self.button_cover:Disable()
+ self.label:SetTextColor(0.5,0.5,0.5)
+ else
+ self.button:Enable()
+ self.button_cover:Enable()
+ self.label:SetTextColor(1,.82,0)
+ self.text:SetTextColor(1,1,1)
+ end
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function ClearFocus(self)
+ if self.open then
+ self.pullout:Close()
+ end
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function SetText(self, text)
+ self.text:SetText(text or "")
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function SetLabel(self, text)
+ if text and text ~= "" then
+ self.label:SetText(text)
+ self.label:Show()
+ self.dropdown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",self.frame,"TOPLEFT",-15,-14)
+ self:SetHeight(40)
+ self.alignoffset = 26
+ else
+ self.label:SetText("")
+ self.label:Hide()
+ self.dropdown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",self.frame,"TOPLEFT",-15,0)
+ self:SetHeight(26)
+ self.alignoffset = 12
+ end
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function SetValue(self, value)
+ self:SetText(self.list[value] or "")
+ self.value = value
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function GetValue(self)
+ return self.value
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function SetItemValue(self, item, value)
+ if not self.multiselect then return end
+ for i, widget in self.pullout:IterateItems() do
+ if widget.userdata.value == item then
+ if widget.SetValue then
+ widget:SetValue(value)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ShowMultiText(self)
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function SetItemDisabled(self, item, disabled)
+ for i, widget in self.pullout:IterateItems() do
+ if widget.userdata.value == item then
+ widget:SetDisabled(disabled)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function AddListItem(self, value, text, itemType)
+ if not itemType then itemType = "Dropdown-Item-Toggle" end
+ local exists = AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(itemType)
+ if not exists then error(("The given item type, %q, does not exist within AceGUI-3.0"):format(tostring(itemType)), 2) end
+ local item = AceGUI:Create(itemType)
+ item:SetText(text)
+ item.userdata.obj = self
+ item.userdata.value = value
+ item:SetCallback("OnValueChanged", OnItemValueChanged)
+ self.pullout:AddItem(item)
+ end
+ local function AddCloseButton(self)
+ if not self.hasClose then
+ local close = AceGUI:Create("Dropdown-Item-Execute")
+ close:SetText(CLOSE)
+ self.pullout:AddItem(close)
+ self.hasClose = true
+ end
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local sortlist = {}
+ local function sortTbl(x,y)
+ local num1, num2 = tonumber(x), tonumber(y)
+ if num1 and num2 then -- numeric comparison, either two numbers or numeric strings
+ return num1 < num2
+ else -- compare everything else tostring'ed
+ return tostring(x) < tostring(y)
+ end
+ end
+ local function SetList(self, list, order, itemType)
+ self.list = list or {}
+ self.pullout:Clear()
+ self.hasClose = nil
+ if not list then return end
+ if type(order) ~= "table" then
+ for v in pairs(list) do
+ sortlist[#sortlist + 1] = v
+ end
+ tsort(sortlist, sortTbl)
+ for i, key in ipairs(sortlist) do
+ AddListItem(self, key, list[key], itemType)
+ sortlist[i] = nil
+ end
+ else
+ for i, key in ipairs(order) do
+ AddListItem(self, key, list[key], itemType)
+ end
+ end
+ if self.multiselect then
+ ShowMultiText(self)
+ AddCloseButton(self)
+ end
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function AddItem(self, value, text, itemType)
+ self.list[value] = text
+ AddListItem(self, value, text, itemType)
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function SetMultiselect(self, multi)
+ self.multiselect = multi
+ if multi then
+ ShowMultiText(self)
+ AddCloseButton(self)
+ end
+ end
+ -- exported
+ local function GetMultiselect(self)
+ return self.multiselect
+ end
+ local function SetPulloutWidth(self, width)
+ self.pulloutWidth = width
+ end
+ --[[ Constructor ]]--
+ local function Constructor()
+ local count = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(widgetType)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ local dropdown = CreateFrame("Frame", "AceGUI30DropDown"..count, frame, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")
+ local self = {}
+ self.type = widgetType
+ self.frame = frame
+ self.dropdown = dropdown
+ self.count = count
+ frame.obj = self
+ dropdown.obj = self
+ self.OnRelease = OnRelease
+ self.OnAcquire = OnAcquire
+ self.ClearFocus = ClearFocus
+ self.SetText = SetText
+ self.SetValue = SetValue
+ self.GetValue = GetValue
+ self.SetList = SetList
+ self.SetLabel = SetLabel
+ self.SetDisabled = SetDisabled
+ self.AddItem = AddItem
+ self.SetMultiselect = SetMultiselect
+ self.GetMultiselect = GetMultiselect
+ self.SetItemValue = SetItemValue
+ self.SetItemDisabled = SetItemDisabled
+ self.SetPulloutWidth = SetPulloutWidth
+ self.alignoffset = 26
+ frame:SetScript("OnHide",Dropdown_OnHide)
+ dropdown:ClearAllPoints()
+ dropdown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",frame,"TOPLEFT",-15,0)
+ dropdown:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",frame,"BOTTOMRIGHT",17,0)
+ dropdown:SetScript("OnHide", nil)
+ local left = _G[dropdown:GetName() .. "Left"]
+ local middle = _G[dropdown:GetName() .. "Middle"]
+ local right = _G[dropdown:GetName() .. "Right"]
+ middle:ClearAllPoints()
+ right:ClearAllPoints()
+ middle:SetPoint("LEFT", left, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
+ middle:SetPoint("RIGHT", right, "LEFT", 0, 0)
+ right:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", dropdown, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 17)
+ local button = _G[dropdown:GetName() .. "Button"]
+ self.button = button
+ button.obj = self
+ button:SetScript("OnEnter",Control_OnEnter)
+ button:SetScript("OnLeave",Control_OnLeave)
+ button:SetScript("OnClick",Dropdown_TogglePullout)
+ local button_cover = CreateFrame("BUTTON",nil,self.frame)
+ self.button_cover = button_cover
+ button_cover.obj = self
+ button_cover:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",self.frame,"BOTTOMLEFT",0,25)
+ button_cover:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",self.frame,"BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ button_cover:SetScript("OnEnter",Control_OnEnter)
+ button_cover:SetScript("OnLeave",Control_OnLeave)
+ button_cover:SetScript("OnClick",Dropdown_TogglePullout)
+ local text = _G[dropdown:GetName() .. "Text"]
+ self.text = text
+ text.obj = self
+ text:ClearAllPoints()
+ text:SetPoint("RIGHT", right, "RIGHT" ,-43, 2)
+ text:SetPoint("LEFT", left, "LEFT", 25, 2)
+ local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY","GameFontNormalSmall")
+ label:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",frame,"TOPLEFT",0,0)
+ label:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",frame,"TOPRIGHT",0,0)
+ label:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ label:SetHeight(18)
+ label:Hide()
+ self.label = label
+ AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(self)
+ return self
+ end
+ AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(widgetType, Constructor, widgetVersion)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-EditBox.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-EditBox.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc1b6a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-EditBox.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+EditBox Widget
+local Type, Version = "EditBox", 28
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local tostring, pairs = tostring, pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local PlaySound = PlaySound
+local GetCursorInfo, ClearCursor, GetSpellInfo = GetCursorInfo, ClearCursor, GetSpellInfo
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+local _G = _G
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: AceGUIEditBoxInsertLink, ChatFontNormal, OKAY
+Support functions
+if not AceGUIEditBoxInsertLink then
+ -- upgradeable hook
+ hooksecurefunc("ChatEdit_InsertLink", function(...) return _G.AceGUIEditBoxInsertLink(...) end)
+function _G.AceGUIEditBoxInsertLink(text)
+ for i = 1, AceGUI:GetWidgetCount(Type) do
+ local editbox = _G["AceGUI-3.0EditBox"..i]
+ if editbox and editbox:IsVisible() and editbox:HasFocus() then
+ editbox:Insert(text)
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+local function ShowButton(self)
+ if not self.disablebutton then
+ self.button:Show()
+ self.editbox:SetTextInsets(0, 20, 3, 3)
+ end
+local function HideButton(self)
+ self.button:Hide()
+ self.editbox:SetTextInsets(0, 0, 3, 3)
+local function Control_OnEnter(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+local function Control_OnLeave(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+local function Frame_OnShowFocus(frame)
+ frame.obj.editbox:SetFocus()
+ frame:SetScript("OnShow", nil)
+local function EditBox_OnEscapePressed(frame)
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function EditBox_OnEnterPressed(frame)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ local value = frame:GetText()
+ local cancel = self:Fire("OnEnterPressed", value)
+ if not cancel then
+ HideButton(self)
+ end
+local function EditBox_OnReceiveDrag(frame)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ local type, id, info = GetCursorInfo()
+ local name
+ if type == "item" then
+ name = info
+ elseif type == "spell" then
+ name = GetSpellInfo(id, info)
+ elseif type == "macro" then
+ name = GetMacroInfo(id)
+ end
+ if name then
+ self:SetText(name)
+ self:Fire("OnEnterPressed", name)
+ ClearCursor()
+ HideButton(self)
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+ end
+local function EditBox_OnTextChanged(frame)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ local value = frame:GetText()
+ if tostring(value) ~= tostring(self.lasttext) then
+ self:Fire("OnTextChanged", value)
+ self.lasttext = value
+ ShowButton(self)
+ end
+local function EditBox_OnFocusGained(frame)
+ AceGUI:SetFocus(frame.obj)
+local function Button_OnClick(frame)
+ local editbox = frame.obj.editbox
+ editbox:ClearFocus()
+ EditBox_OnEnterPressed(editbox)
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ -- height is controlled by SetLabel
+ self:SetWidth(200)
+ self:SetDisabled(false)
+ self:SetLabel()
+ self:SetText()
+ self:DisableButton(false)
+ self:SetMaxLetters(0)
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self)
+ self:ClearFocus()
+ end,
+ ["SetDisabled"] = function(self, disabled)
+ self.disabled = disabled
+ if disabled then
+ self.editbox:EnableMouse(false)
+ self.editbox:ClearFocus()
+ self.editbox:SetTextColor(0.5,0.5,0.5)
+ self.label:SetTextColor(0.5,0.5,0.5)
+ else
+ self.editbox:EnableMouse(true)
+ self.editbox:SetTextColor(1,1,1)
+ self.label:SetTextColor(1,.82,0)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetText"] = function(self, text)
+ self.lasttext = text or ""
+ self.editbox:SetText(text or "")
+ self.editbox:SetCursorPosition(0)
+ HideButton(self)
+ end,
+ ["GetText"] = function(self, text)
+ return self.editbox:GetText()
+ end,
+ ["SetLabel"] = function(self, text)
+ if text and text ~= "" then
+ self.label:SetText(text)
+ self.label:Show()
+ self.editbox:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",self.frame,"TOPLEFT",7,-18)
+ self:SetHeight(44)
+ self.alignoffset = 30
+ else
+ self.label:SetText("")
+ self.label:Hide()
+ self.editbox:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",self.frame,"TOPLEFT",7,0)
+ self:SetHeight(26)
+ self.alignoffset = 12
+ end
+ end,
+ ["DisableButton"] = function(self, disabled)
+ self.disablebutton = disabled
+ if disabled then
+ HideButton(self)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetMaxLetters"] = function (self, num)
+ self.editbox:SetMaxLetters(num or 0)
+ end,
+ ["ClearFocus"] = function(self)
+ self.editbox:ClearFocus()
+ self.frame:SetScript("OnShow", nil)
+ end,
+ ["SetFocus"] = function(self)
+ self.editbox:SetFocus()
+ if not self.frame:IsShown() then
+ self.frame:SetScript("OnShow", Frame_OnShowFocus)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["HighlightText"] = function(self, from, to)
+ self.editbox:HighlightText(from, to)
+ end
+local function Constructor()
+ local num = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(Type)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ frame:Hide()
+ local editbox = CreateFrame("EditBox", "AceGUI-3.0EditBox"..num, frame, "InputBoxTemplate")
+ editbox:SetAutoFocus(false)
+ editbox:SetFontObject(ChatFontNormal)
+ editbox:SetScript("OnEnter", Control_OnEnter)
+ editbox:SetScript("OnLeave", Control_OnLeave)
+ editbox:SetScript("OnEscapePressed", EditBox_OnEscapePressed)
+ editbox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", EditBox_OnEnterPressed)
+ editbox:SetScript("OnTextChanged", EditBox_OnTextChanged)
+ editbox:SetScript("OnReceiveDrag", EditBox_OnReceiveDrag)
+ editbox:SetScript("OnMouseDown", EditBox_OnReceiveDrag)
+ editbox:SetScript("OnEditFocusGained", EditBox_OnFocusGained)
+ editbox:SetTextInsets(0, 0, 3, 3)
+ editbox:SetMaxLetters(256)
+ editbox:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", 6, 0)
+ editbox:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ editbox:SetHeight(19)
+ local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormalSmall")
+ label:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, -2)
+ label:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, -2)
+ label:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ label:SetHeight(18)
+ local button = CreateFrame("Button", nil, editbox, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+ button:SetWidth(40)
+ button:SetHeight(20)
+ button:SetPoint("RIGHT", -2, 0)
+ button:SetText(OKAY)
+ button:SetScript("OnClick", Button_OnClick)
+ button:Hide()
+ local widget = {
+ alignoffset = 30,
+ editbox = editbox,
+ label = label,
+ button = button,
+ frame = frame,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ editbox.obj, button.obj = widget, widget
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Heading.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Heading.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..670cd4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Heading.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+Heading Widget
+local Type, Version = "Heading", 20
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs = pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:SetText()
+ self:SetFullWidth()
+ self:SetHeight(18)
+ end,
+ -- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+ ["SetText"] = function(self, text)
+ self.label:SetText(text or "")
+ if text and text ~= "" then
+ self.left:SetPoint("RIGHT", self.label, "LEFT", -5, 0)
+ self.right:Show()
+ else
+ self.left:SetPoint("RIGHT", -3, 0)
+ self.right:Hide()
+ end
+ end
+local function Constructor()
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ frame:Hide()
+ local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
+ label:SetPoint("TOP")
+ label:SetPoint("BOTTOM")
+ label:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+ local left = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+ left:SetHeight(8)
+ left:SetPoint("LEFT", 3, 0)
+ left:SetPoint("RIGHT", label, "LEFT", -5, 0)
+ left:SetTexture(137057) -- Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border
+ left:SetTexCoord(0.81, 0.94, 0.5, 1)
+ local right = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+ right:SetHeight(8)
+ right:SetPoint("RIGHT", -3, 0)
+ right:SetPoint("LEFT", label, "RIGHT", 5, 0)
+ right:SetTexture(137057) -- Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border
+ right:SetTexCoord(0.81, 0.94, 0.5, 1)
+ local widget = {
+ label = label,
+ left = left,
+ right = right,
+ frame = frame,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Icon.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Icon.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..092697e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Icon.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+Icon Widget
+local Type, Version = "Icon", 21
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local select, pairs, print = select, pairs, print
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+local function Control_OnEnter(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+local function Control_OnLeave(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+local function Button_OnClick(frame, button)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnClick", button)
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:SetHeight(110)
+ self:SetWidth(110)
+ self:SetLabel()
+ self:SetImage(nil)
+ self:SetImageSize(64, 64)
+ self:SetDisabled(false)
+ end,
+ -- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+ ["SetLabel"] = function(self, text)
+ if text and text ~= "" then
+ self.label:Show()
+ self.label:SetText(text)
+ self:SetHeight(self.image:GetHeight() + 25)
+ else
+ self.label:Hide()
+ self:SetHeight(self.image:GetHeight() + 10)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetImage"] = function(self, path, ...)
+ local image = self.image
+ image:SetTexture(path)
+ if image:GetTexture() then
+ local n = select("#", ...)
+ if n == 4 or n == 8 then
+ image:SetTexCoord(...)
+ else
+ image:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetImageSize"] = function(self, width, height)
+ self.image:SetWidth(width)
+ self.image:SetHeight(height)
+ --self.frame:SetWidth(width + 30)
+ if self.label:IsShown() then
+ self:SetHeight(height + 25)
+ else
+ self:SetHeight(height + 10)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetDisabled"] = function(self, disabled)
+ self.disabled = disabled
+ if disabled then
+ self.frame:Disable()
+ self.label:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ self.image:SetVertexColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ else
+ self.frame:Enable()
+ self.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ self.image:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
+ end
+ end
+local function Constructor()
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Button", nil, UIParent)
+ frame:Hide()
+ frame:EnableMouse(true)
+ frame:SetScript("OnEnter", Control_OnEnter)
+ frame:SetScript("OnLeave", Control_OnLeave)
+ frame:SetScript("OnClick", Button_OnClick)
+ local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontHighlight")
+ label:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
+ label:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ label:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+ label:SetJustifyV("TOP")
+ label:SetHeight(18)
+ local image = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+ image:SetWidth(64)
+ image:SetHeight(64)
+ image:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -5)
+ local highlight = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "HIGHLIGHT")
+ highlight:SetAllPoints(image)
+ highlight:SetTexture(136580) -- Interface\\PaperDollInfoFrame\\UI-Character-Tab-Highlight
+ highlight:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0.23, 0.77)
+ highlight:SetBlendMode("ADD")
+ local widget = {
+ label = label,
+ image = image,
+ frame = frame,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ widget.SetText = function(self, ...) print("AceGUI-3.0-Icon: SetText is deprecated! Use SetLabel instead!"); self:SetLabel(...) end
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-InteractiveLabel.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-InteractiveLabel.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76a2cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-InteractiveLabel.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+InteractiveLabel Widget
+local Type, Version = "InteractiveLabel", 21
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local select, pairs = select, pairs
+local function Control_OnEnter(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+local function Control_OnLeave(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+local function Label_OnClick(frame, button)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnClick", button)
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:LabelOnAcquire()
+ self:SetHighlight()
+ self:SetHighlightTexCoord()
+ self:SetDisabled(false)
+ end,
+ -- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+ ["SetHighlight"] = function(self, ...)
+ self.highlight:SetTexture(...)
+ end,
+ ["SetHighlightTexCoord"] = function(self, ...)
+ local c = select("#", ...)
+ if c == 4 or c == 8 then
+ self.highlight:SetTexCoord(...)
+ else
+ self.highlight:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetDisabled"] = function(self,disabled)
+ self.disabled = disabled
+ if disabled then
+ self.frame:EnableMouse(false)
+ self.label:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ else
+ self.frame:EnableMouse(true)
+ self.label:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ end
+ end
+local function Constructor()
+ -- create a Label type that we will hijack
+ local label = AceGUI:Create("Label")
+ local frame = label.frame
+ frame:EnableMouse(true)
+ frame:SetScript("OnEnter", Control_OnEnter)
+ frame:SetScript("OnLeave", Control_OnLeave)
+ frame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", Label_OnClick)
+ local highlight = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "HIGHLIGHT")
+ highlight:SetTexture(nil)
+ highlight:SetAllPoints()
+ highlight:SetBlendMode("ADD")
+ label.highlight = highlight
+ label.type = Type
+ label.LabelOnAcquire = label.OnAcquire
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ label[method] = func
+ end
+ return label
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Keybinding.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Keybinding.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b195e0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Keybinding.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+Keybinding Widget
+Set Keybindings in the Config UI.
+local Type, Version = "Keybinding", 26
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs = pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local IsShiftKeyDown, IsControlKeyDown, IsAltKeyDown = IsShiftKeyDown, IsControlKeyDown, IsAltKeyDown
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+local function Control_OnEnter(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+local function Control_OnLeave(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+local function Keybinding_OnClick(frame, button)
+ if button == "LeftButton" or button == "RightButton" then
+ local self = frame.obj
+ if self.waitingForKey then
+ frame:EnableKeyboard(false)
+ frame:EnableMouseWheel(false)
+ self.msgframe:Hide()
+ frame:UnlockHighlight()
+ self.waitingForKey = nil
+ else
+ frame:EnableKeyboard(true)
+ frame:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+ self.msgframe:Show()
+ frame:LockHighlight()
+ self.waitingForKey = true
+ end
+ end
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local ignoreKeys = {
+ ["BUTTON1"] = true, ["BUTTON2"] = true,
+ ["UNKNOWN"] = true,
+ ["LSHIFT"] = true, ["LCTRL"] = true, ["LALT"] = true,
+ ["RSHIFT"] = true, ["RCTRL"] = true, ["RALT"] = true,
+local function Keybinding_OnKeyDown(frame, key)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ if self.waitingForKey then
+ local keyPressed = key
+ if keyPressed == "ESCAPE" then
+ keyPressed = ""
+ else
+ if ignoreKeys[keyPressed] then return end
+ if IsShiftKeyDown() then
+ keyPressed = "SHIFT-"..keyPressed
+ end
+ if IsControlKeyDown() then
+ keyPressed = "CTRL-"..keyPressed
+ end
+ if IsAltKeyDown() then
+ keyPressed = "ALT-"..keyPressed
+ end
+ end
+ frame:EnableKeyboard(false)
+ frame:EnableMouseWheel(false)
+ self.msgframe:Hide()
+ frame:UnlockHighlight()
+ self.waitingForKey = nil
+ if not self.disabled then
+ self:SetKey(keyPressed)
+ self:Fire("OnKeyChanged", keyPressed)
+ end
+ end
+local function Keybinding_OnMouseDown(frame, button)
+ if button == "LeftButton" or button == "RightButton" then
+ return
+ elseif button == "MiddleButton" then
+ button = "BUTTON3"
+ elseif button == "Button4" then
+ button = "BUTTON4"
+ elseif button == "Button5" then
+ button = "BUTTON5"
+ end
+ Keybinding_OnKeyDown(frame, button)
+local function Keybinding_OnMouseWheel(frame, direction)
+ local button
+ if direction >= 0 then
+ button = "MOUSEWHEELUP"
+ else
+ end
+ Keybinding_OnKeyDown(frame, button)
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:SetWidth(200)
+ self:SetLabel("")
+ self:SetKey("")
+ self.waitingForKey = nil
+ self.msgframe:Hide()
+ self:SetDisabled(false)
+ self.button:EnableKeyboard(false)
+ self.button:EnableMouseWheel(false)
+ end,
+ -- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+ ["SetDisabled"] = function(self, disabled)
+ self.disabled = disabled
+ if disabled then
+ self.button:Disable()
+ self.label:SetTextColor(0.5,0.5,0.5)
+ else
+ self.button:Enable()
+ self.label:SetTextColor(1,1,1)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetKey"] = function(self, key)
+ if (key or "") == "" then
+ self.button:SetText(NOT_BOUND)
+ self.button:SetNormalFontObject("GameFontNormal")
+ else
+ self.button:SetText(key)
+ self.button:SetNormalFontObject("GameFontHighlight")
+ end
+ end,
+ ["GetKey"] = function(self)
+ local key = self.button:GetText()
+ if key == NOT_BOUND then
+ key = nil
+ end
+ return key
+ end,
+ ["SetLabel"] = function(self, label)
+ self.label:SetText(label or "")
+ if (label or "") == "" then
+ self.alignoffset = nil
+ self:SetHeight(24)
+ else
+ self.alignoffset = 30
+ self:SetHeight(44)
+ end
+ end,
+local ControlBackdrop = {
+ bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background",
+ edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
+ tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16,
+ insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 3, bottom = 3 }
+local function keybindingMsgFixWidth(frame)
+ frame:SetWidth(frame.msg:GetWidth() + 10)
+ frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+local function Constructor()
+ local name = "AceGUI30KeybindingButton" .. AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(Type)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ local button = CreateFrame("Button", name, frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+ button:EnableMouse(true)
+ button:EnableMouseWheel(false)
+ button:RegisterForClicks("AnyDown")
+ button:SetScript("OnEnter", Control_OnEnter)
+ button:SetScript("OnLeave", Control_OnLeave)
+ button:SetScript("OnClick", Keybinding_OnClick)
+ button:SetScript("OnKeyDown", Keybinding_OnKeyDown)
+ button:SetScript("OnMouseDown", Keybinding_OnMouseDown)
+ button:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", Keybinding_OnMouseWheel)
+ button:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT")
+ button:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
+ button:SetHeight(24)
+ button:EnableKeyboard(false)
+ local text = button:GetFontString()
+ text:SetPoint("LEFT", 7, 0)
+ text:SetPoint("RIGHT", -7, 0)
+ local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlight")
+ label:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ label:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+ label:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+ label:SetHeight(18)
+ local msgframe = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate" or nil)
+ msgframe:SetHeight(30)
+ msgframe:SetBackdrop(ControlBackdrop)
+ msgframe:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0)
+ msgframe:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ msgframe:SetFrameLevel(1000)
+ msgframe:SetToplevel(true)
+ local msg = msgframe:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
+ msg:SetText("Press a key to bind, ESC to clear the binding or click the button again to cancel.")
+ msgframe.msg = msg
+ msg:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 5, -5)
+ msgframe:SetScript("OnUpdate", keybindingMsgFixWidth)
+ msgframe:SetPoint("BOTTOM", button, "TOP")
+ msgframe:Hide()
+ local widget = {
+ button = button,
+ label = label,
+ msgframe = msgframe,
+ frame = frame,
+ alignoffset = 30,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ button.obj = widget
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Label.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Label.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cce725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Label.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+Label Widget
+Displays text and optionally an icon.
+local Type, Version = "Label", 27
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local max, select, pairs = math.max, select, pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: GameFontHighlightSmall
+Support functions
+local function UpdateImageAnchor(self)
+ if self.resizing then return end
+ local frame = self.frame
+ local width = frame.width or frame:GetWidth() or 0
+ local image = self.image
+ local label = self.label
+ local height
+ label:ClearAllPoints()
+ image:ClearAllPoints()
+ if self.imageshown then
+ local imagewidth = image:GetWidth()
+ if (width - imagewidth) < 200 or (label:GetText() or "") == "" then
+ -- image goes on top centered when less than 200 width for the text, or if there is no text
+ image:SetPoint("TOP")
+ label:SetPoint("TOP", image, "BOTTOM")
+ label:SetPoint("LEFT")
+ label:SetWidth(width)
+ height = image:GetHeight() + label:GetStringHeight()
+ else
+ -- image on the left
+ image:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ if image:GetHeight() > label:GetStringHeight() then
+ label:SetPoint("LEFT", image, "RIGHT", 4, 0)
+ else
+ label:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", image, "TOPRIGHT", 4, 0)
+ end
+ label:SetWidth(width - imagewidth - 4)
+ height = max(image:GetHeight(), label:GetStringHeight())
+ end
+ else
+ -- no image shown
+ label:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ label:SetWidth(width)
+ height = label:GetStringHeight()
+ end
+ -- avoid zero-height labels, since they can used as spacers
+ if not height or height == 0 then
+ height = 1
+ end
+ self.resizing = true
+ frame:SetHeight(height)
+ frame.height = height
+ self.resizing = nil
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ -- set the flag to stop constant size updates
+ self.resizing = true
+ -- height is set dynamically by the text and image size
+ self:SetWidth(200)
+ self:SetText()
+ self:SetImage(nil)
+ self:SetImageSize(16, 16)
+ self:SetColor()
+ self:SetFontObject()
+ self:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ self:SetJustifyV("TOP")
+ -- reset the flag
+ self.resizing = nil
+ -- run the update explicitly
+ UpdateImageAnchor(self)
+ end,
+ -- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+ ["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width)
+ UpdateImageAnchor(self)
+ end,
+ ["SetText"] = function(self, text)
+ self.label:SetText(text)
+ UpdateImageAnchor(self)
+ end,
+ ["SetColor"] = function(self, r, g, b)
+ if not (r and g and b) then
+ r, g, b = 1, 1, 1
+ end
+ self.label:SetVertexColor(r, g, b)
+ end,
+ ["SetImage"] = function(self, path, ...)
+ local image = self.image
+ image:SetTexture(path)
+ if image:GetTexture() then
+ self.imageshown = true
+ local n = select("#", ...)
+ if n == 4 or n == 8 then
+ image:SetTexCoord(...)
+ else
+ image:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+ end
+ else
+ self.imageshown = nil
+ end
+ UpdateImageAnchor(self)
+ end,
+ ["SetFont"] = function(self, font, height, flags)
+ self.label:SetFont(font, height, flags)
+ UpdateImageAnchor(self)
+ end,
+ ["SetFontObject"] = function(self, font)
+ self:SetFont((font or GameFontHighlightSmall):GetFont())
+ end,
+ ["SetImageSize"] = function(self, width, height)
+ self.image:SetWidth(width)
+ self.image:SetHeight(height)
+ UpdateImageAnchor(self)
+ end,
+ ["SetJustifyH"] = function(self, justifyH)
+ self.label:SetJustifyH(justifyH)
+ end,
+ ["SetJustifyV"] = function(self, justifyV)
+ self.label:SetJustifyV(justifyV)
+ end,
+local function Constructor()
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ frame:Hide()
+ local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
+ local image = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+ -- create widget
+ local widget = {
+ label = label,
+ image = image,
+ frame = frame,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-MultiLineEditBox.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-MultiLineEditBox.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfcb500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-MultiLineEditBox.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+local Type, Version = "MultiLineEditBox", 29
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local pairs = pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local GetCursorInfo, GetSpellInfo, ClearCursor = GetCursorInfo, GetSpellInfo, ClearCursor
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+local _G = _G
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: ACCEPT, ChatFontNormal
+Support functions
+if not AceGUIMultiLineEditBoxInsertLink then
+ -- upgradeable hook
+ hooksecurefunc("ChatEdit_InsertLink", function(...) return _G.AceGUIMultiLineEditBoxInsertLink(...) end)
+function _G.AceGUIMultiLineEditBoxInsertLink(text)
+ for i = 1, AceGUI:GetWidgetCount(Type) do
+ local editbox = _G[("MultiLineEditBox%uEdit"):format(i)]
+ if editbox and editbox:IsVisible() and editbox:HasFocus() then
+ editbox:Insert(text)
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+local function Layout(self)
+ self:SetHeight(self.numlines * 14 + (self.disablebutton and 19 or 41) + self.labelHeight)
+ if self.labelHeight == 0 then
+ self.scrollBar:SetPoint("TOP", self.frame, "TOP", 0, -23)
+ else
+ self.scrollBar:SetPoint("TOP", self.label, "BOTTOM", 0, -19)
+ end
+ if self.disablebutton then
+ self.scrollBar:SetPoint("BOTTOM", self.frame, "BOTTOM", 0, 21)
+ self.scrollBG:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 4)
+ else
+ self.scrollBar:SetPoint("BOTTOM", self.button, "TOP", 0, 18)
+ self.scrollBG:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self.button, "TOPLEFT")
+ end
+local function OnClick(self) -- Button
+ self = self.obj
+ self.editBox:ClearFocus()
+ if not self:Fire("OnEnterPressed", self.editBox:GetText()) then
+ self.button:Disable()
+ end
+local function OnCursorChanged(self, _, y, _, cursorHeight) -- EditBox
+ self, y = self.obj.scrollFrame, -y
+ local offset = self:GetVerticalScroll()
+ if y < offset then
+ self:SetVerticalScroll(y)
+ else
+ y = y + cursorHeight - self:GetHeight()
+ if y > offset then
+ self:SetVerticalScroll(y)
+ end
+ end
+local function OnEditFocusLost(self) -- EditBox
+ self:HighlightText(0, 0)
+ self.obj:Fire("OnEditFocusLost")
+local function OnEnter(self) -- EditBox / ScrollFrame
+ self = self.obj
+ if not self.entered then
+ self.entered = true
+ self:Fire("OnEnter")
+ end
+local function OnLeave(self) -- EditBox / ScrollFrame
+ self = self.obj
+ if self.entered then
+ self.entered = nil
+ self:Fire("OnLeave")
+ end
+local function OnMouseUp(self) -- ScrollFrame
+ self = self.obj.editBox
+ self:SetFocus()
+ self:SetCursorPosition(self:GetNumLetters())
+local function OnReceiveDrag(self) -- EditBox / ScrollFrame
+ local type, id, info = GetCursorInfo()
+ if type == "spell" then
+ info = GetSpellInfo(id, info)
+ elseif type ~= "item" then
+ return
+ end
+ ClearCursor()
+ self = self.obj
+ local editBox = self.editBox
+ if not editBox:HasFocus() then
+ editBox:SetFocus()
+ editBox:SetCursorPosition(editBox:GetNumLetters())
+ end
+ editBox:Insert(info)
+ self.button:Enable()
+local function OnSizeChanged(self, width, height) -- ScrollFrame
+ self.obj.editBox:SetWidth(width)
+local function OnTextChanged(self, userInput) -- EditBox
+ if userInput then
+ self = self.obj
+ self:Fire("OnTextChanged", self.editBox:GetText())
+ self.button:Enable()
+ end
+local function OnTextSet(self) -- EditBox
+ self:HighlightText(0, 0)
+ self:SetCursorPosition(self:GetNumLetters())
+ self:SetCursorPosition(0)
+ self.obj.button:Disable()
+local function OnVerticalScroll(self, offset) -- ScrollFrame
+ local editBox = self.obj.editBox
+ editBox:SetHitRectInsets(0, 0, offset, editBox:GetHeight() - offset - self:GetHeight())
+local function OnShowFocus(frame)
+ frame.obj.editBox:SetFocus()
+ frame:SetScript("OnShow", nil)
+local function OnEditFocusGained(frame)
+ AceGUI:SetFocus(frame.obj)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnEditFocusGained")
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self.editBox:SetText("")
+ self:SetDisabled(false)
+ self:SetWidth(200)
+ self:DisableButton(false)
+ self:SetNumLines()
+ self.entered = nil
+ self:SetMaxLetters(0)
+ end,
+ ["OnRelease"] = function(self)
+ self:ClearFocus()
+ end,
+ ["SetDisabled"] = function(self, disabled)
+ local editBox = self.editBox
+ if disabled then
+ editBox:ClearFocus()
+ editBox:EnableMouse(false)
+ editBox:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ self.label:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ self.scrollFrame:EnableMouse(false)
+ self.button:Disable()
+ else
+ editBox:EnableMouse(true)
+ editBox:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ self.label:SetTextColor(1, 0.82, 0)
+ self.scrollFrame:EnableMouse(true)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetLabel"] = function(self, text)
+ if text and text ~= "" then
+ self.label:SetText(text)
+ if self.labelHeight ~= 10 then
+ self.labelHeight = 10
+ self.label:Show()
+ end
+ elseif self.labelHeight ~= 0 then
+ self.labelHeight = 0
+ self.label:Hide()
+ end
+ Layout(self)
+ end,
+ ["SetNumLines"] = function(self, value)
+ if not value or value < 4 then
+ value = 4
+ end
+ self.numlines = value
+ Layout(self)
+ end,
+ ["SetText"] = function(self, text)
+ self.editBox:SetText(text)
+ end,
+ ["GetText"] = function(self)
+ return self.editBox:GetText()
+ end,
+ ["SetMaxLetters"] = function (self, num)
+ self.editBox:SetMaxLetters(num or 0)
+ end,
+ ["DisableButton"] = function(self, disabled)
+ self.disablebutton = disabled
+ if disabled then
+ self.button:Hide()
+ else
+ self.button:Show()
+ end
+ Layout(self)
+ end,
+ ["ClearFocus"] = function(self)
+ self.editBox:ClearFocus()
+ self.frame:SetScript("OnShow", nil)
+ end,
+ ["SetFocus"] = function(self)
+ self.editBox:SetFocus()
+ if not self.frame:IsShown() then
+ self.frame:SetScript("OnShow", OnShowFocus)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["HighlightText"] = function(self, from, to)
+ self.editBox:HighlightText(from, to)
+ end,
+ ["GetCursorPosition"] = function(self)
+ return self.editBox:GetCursorPosition()
+ end,
+ ["SetCursorPosition"] = function(self, ...)
+ return self.editBox:SetCursorPosition(...)
+ end,
+local backdrop = {
+ bgFile = [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background]],
+ edgeFile = [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border]], edgeSize = 16,
+ insets = { left = 4, right = 3, top = 4, bottom = 3 }
+local function Constructor()
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ frame:Hide()
+ local widgetNum = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(Type)
+ local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormalSmall")
+ label:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 0, -4)
+ label:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, -4)
+ label:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ label:SetText(ACCEPT)
+ label:SetHeight(10)
+ local button = CreateFrame("Button", ("%s%dButton"):format(Type, widgetNum), frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+ button:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 4)
+ button:SetHeight(22)
+ button:SetWidth(label:GetStringWidth() + 24)
+ button:SetText(ACCEPT)
+ button:SetScript("OnClick", OnClick)
+ button:Disable()
+ local text = button:GetFontString()
+ text:ClearAllPoints()
+ text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", button, "TOPLEFT", 5, -5)
+ text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", button, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -5, 1)
+ text:SetJustifyV("MIDDLE")
+ local scrollBG = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate" or nil)
+ scrollBG:SetBackdrop(backdrop)
+ scrollBG:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0)
+ scrollBG:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
+ local scrollFrame = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", ("%s%dScrollFrame"):format(Type, widgetNum), frame, "UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate")
+ local scrollBar = _G[scrollFrame:GetName() .. "ScrollBar"]
+ scrollBar:ClearAllPoints()
+ scrollBar:SetPoint("TOP", label, "BOTTOM", 0, -19)
+ scrollBar:SetPoint("BOTTOM", button, "TOP", 0, 18)
+ scrollBar:SetPoint("RIGHT", frame, "RIGHT")
+ scrollBG:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", scrollBar, "TOPLEFT", 0, 19)
+ scrollBG:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", button, "TOPLEFT")
+ scrollFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", scrollBG, "TOPLEFT", 5, -6)
+ scrollFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", scrollBG, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -4, 4)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", OnEnter)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", OnLeave)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnMouseUp", OnMouseUp)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnReceiveDrag", OnReceiveDrag)
+ scrollFrame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", OnSizeChanged)
+ scrollFrame:HookScript("OnVerticalScroll", OnVerticalScroll)
+ local editBox = CreateFrame("EditBox", ("%s%dEdit"):format(Type, widgetNum), scrollFrame)
+ editBox:SetAllPoints()
+ editBox:SetFontObject(ChatFontNormal)
+ editBox:SetMultiLine(true)
+ editBox:EnableMouse(true)
+ editBox:SetAutoFocus(false)
+ editBox:SetCountInvisibleLetters(false)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnCursorChanged", OnCursorChanged)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnEditFocusLost", OnEditFocusLost)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnEnter", OnEnter)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnEscapePressed", editBox.ClearFocus)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnLeave", OnLeave)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnMouseDown", OnReceiveDrag)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnReceiveDrag", OnReceiveDrag)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnTextChanged", OnTextChanged)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnTextSet", OnTextSet)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnEditFocusGained", OnEditFocusGained)
+ scrollFrame:SetScrollChild(editBox)
+ local widget = {
+ button = button,
+ editBox = editBox,
+ frame = frame,
+ label = label,
+ labelHeight = 10,
+ numlines = 4,
+ scrollBar = scrollBar,
+ scrollBG = scrollBG,
+ scrollFrame = scrollFrame,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ button.obj, editBox.obj, scrollFrame.obj = widget, widget, widget
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
+AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)
diff --git a/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Slider.lua b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Slider.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea655b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Slider.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+Slider Widget
+Graphical Slider, like, for Range values.
+local Type, Version = "Slider", 23
+local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
+if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local min, max, floor = math.min, math.max, math.floor
+local tonumber, pairs = tonumber, pairs
+-- WoW APIs
+local PlaySound = PlaySound
+local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent
+-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
+-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
+-- GLOBALS: GameFontHighlightSmall
+Support functions
+local function UpdateText(self)
+ local value = self.value or 0
+ if self.ispercent then
+ self.editbox:SetText(("%s%%"):format(floor(value * 1000 + 0.5) / 10))
+ else
+ self.editbox:SetText(floor(value * 100 + 0.5) / 100)
+ end
+local function UpdateLabels(self)
+ local min, max = (self.min or 0), (self.max or 100)
+ if self.ispercent then
+ self.lowtext:SetFormattedText("%s%%", (min * 100))
+ self.hightext:SetFormattedText("%s%%", (max * 100))
+ else
+ self.lowtext:SetText(min)
+ self.hightext:SetText(max)
+ end
+local function Control_OnEnter(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnEnter")
+local function Control_OnLeave(frame)
+ frame.obj:Fire("OnLeave")
+local function Frame_OnMouseDown(frame)
+ frame.obj.slider:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+ AceGUI:ClearFocus()
+local function Slider_OnValueChanged(frame, newvalue)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ if not frame.setup then
+ if self.step and self.step > 0 then
+ local min_value = self.min or 0
+ newvalue = floor((newvalue - min_value) / self.step + 0.5) * self.step + min_value
+ end
+ if newvalue ~= self.value and not self.disabled then
+ self.value = newvalue
+ self:Fire("OnValueChanged", newvalue)
+ end
+ if self.value then
+ UpdateText(self)
+ end
+ end
+local function Slider_OnMouseUp(frame)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ self:Fire("OnMouseUp", self.value)
+local function Slider_OnMouseWheel(frame, v)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ if not self.disabled then
+ local value = self.value
+ if v > 0 then
+ value = min(value + (self.step or 1), self.max)
+ else
+ value = max(value - (self.step or 1), self.min)
+ end
+ self.slider:SetValue(value)
+ end
+local function EditBox_OnEscapePressed(frame)
+ frame:ClearFocus()
+local function EditBox_OnEnterPressed(frame)
+ local self = frame.obj
+ local value = frame:GetText()
+ if self.ispercent then
+ value = value:gsub('%%', '')
+ value = tonumber(value) / 100
+ else
+ value = tonumber(value)
+ end
+ if value then
+ self.slider:SetValue(value)
+ self:Fire("OnMouseUp", value)
+ end
+local function EditBox_OnEnter(frame)
+ frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
+local function EditBox_OnLeave(frame)
+ frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
+local methods = {
+ ["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
+ self:SetWidth(200)
+ self:SetHeight(44)
+ self:SetDisabled(false)
+ self:SetIsPercent(nil)
+ self:SetSliderValues(0,100,1)
+ self:SetValue(0)
+ self.slider:EnableMouseWheel(false)
+ end,
+ -- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
+ ["SetDisabled"] = function(self, disabled)
+ self.disabled = disabled
+ if disabled then
+ self.slider:EnableMouse(false)
+ self.label:SetTextColor(.5, .5, .5)
+ self.hightext:SetTextColor(.5, .5, .5)
+ self.lowtext:SetTextColor(.5, .5, .5)
+ --self.valuetext:SetTextColor(.5, .5, .5)
+ self.editbox:SetTextColor(.5, .5, .5)
+ self.editbox:EnableMouse(false)
+ self.editbox:ClearFocus()
+ else
+ self.slider:EnableMouse(true)
+ self.label:SetTextColor(1, .82, 0)
+ self.hightext:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ self.lowtext:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ --self.valuetext:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ self.editbox:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ self.editbox:EnableMouse(true)
+ end
+ end,
+ ["SetValue"] = function(self, value)
+ self.slider.setup = true
+ self.slider:SetValue(value)
+ self.value = value
+ UpdateText(self)
+ self.slider.setup = nil
+ end,
+ ["GetValue"] = function(self)
+ return self.value
+ end,
+ ["SetLabel"] = function(self, text)
+ self.label:SetText(text)
+ end,
+ ["SetSliderValues"] = function(self, min, max, step)
+ local frame = self.slider
+ frame.setup = true
+ self.min = min
+ self.max = max
+ self.step = step
+ frame:SetMinMaxValues(min or 0,max or 100)
+ UpdateLabels(self)
+ frame:SetValueStep(step or 1)
+ if self.value then
+ frame:SetValue(self.value)
+ end
+ frame.setup = nil
+ end,
+ ["SetIsPercent"] = function(self, value)
+ self.ispercent = value
+ UpdateLabels(self)
+ UpdateText(self)
+ end
+local SliderBackdrop = {
+ bgFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\UI-SliderBar-Background",
+ edgeFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\UI-SliderBar-Border",
+ tile = true, tileSize = 8, edgeSize = 8,
+ insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 6, bottom = 6 }
+local ManualBackdrop = {
+ bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+ edgeFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+ tile = true, edgeSize = 1, tileSize = 5,
+local function Constructor()
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ frame:EnableMouse(true)
+ frame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", Frame_OnMouseDown)
+ local label = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
+ label:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
+ label:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+ label:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+ label:SetHeight(15)
+ local slider = CreateFrame("Slider", nil, frame, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate" or nil)
+ slider:SetOrientation("HORIZONTAL")
+ slider:SetHeight(15)
+ slider:SetHitRectInsets(0, 0, -10, 0)
+ slider:SetBackdrop(SliderBackdrop)
+ slider:SetThumbTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-SliderBar-Button-Horizontal")
+ slider:SetPoint("TOP", label, "BOTTOM")
+ slider:SetPoint("LEFT", 3, 0)
+ slider:SetPoint("RIGHT", -3, 0)
+ slider:SetValue(0)
+ slider:SetScript("OnValueChanged",Slider_OnValueChanged)
+ slider:SetScript("OnEnter", Control_OnEnter)
+ slider:SetScript("OnLeave", Control_OnLeave)
+ slider:SetScript("OnMouseUp", Slider_OnMouseUp)
+ slider:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", Slider_OnMouseWheel)
+ local lowtext = slider:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
+ lowtext:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", slider, "BOTTOMLEFT", 2, 3)
+ local hightext = slider:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
+ hightext:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", slider, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -2, 3)
+ local editbox = CreateFrame("EditBox", nil, frame, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate" or nil)
+ editbox:SetAutoFocus(false)
+ editbox:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmall)
+ editbox:SetPoint("TOP", slider, "BOTTOM")
+ editbox:SetHeight(14)
+ editbox:SetWidth(70)
+ editbox:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+ editbox:EnableMouse(true)
+ editbox:SetBackdrop(ManualBackdrop)
+ editbox:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
+ editbox:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.30, 0.80)
+ editbox:SetScript("OnEnter", EditBox_OnEnter)
+ editbox:SetScript("OnLeave", EditBox_OnLeave)
+ editbox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", EditBox_OnEnterPressed)
+ editbox:SetScript("OnEscapePressed", EditBox_OnEscapePressed)
+ local widget = {
+ label = label,
+ slider = slider,
+ lowtext = lowtext,
+ hightext = hightext,
+ editbox = editbox,
+ alignoffset = 25,
+ frame = frame,
+ type = Type
+ }
+ for method, func in pairs(methods) do
+ widget[method] = func
+ end
+ slider.obj, editbox.obj = widget, widget
+ return AceGUI:RegisterAsWidget(widget)
diff --git a/Libs/AceSerializer-3.0/AceSerializer-3.0.lua b/Libs/AceSerializer-3.0/AceSerializer-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b29417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceSerializer-3.0/AceSerializer-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+--- **AceSerializer-3.0** can serialize any variable (except functions or userdata) into a string format,
+-- that can be send over the addon comm channel. AceSerializer was designed to keep all data intact, especially
+-- very large numbers or floating point numbers, and table structures. The only caveat currently is, that multiple
+-- references to the same table will be send individually.
+-- **AceSerializer-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceSerializer:Embed(MyAddon) or by
+-- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
+-- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceSerializer itself.\\
+-- It is recommended to embed AceSerializer, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
+-- make into AceSerializer.
+-- @class file
+-- @name AceSerializer-3.0
+-- @release $Id: AceSerializer-3.0.lua 1202 2019-05-15 23:11:22Z nevcairiel $
+local MAJOR,MINOR = "AceSerializer-3.0", 5
+local AceSerializer, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not AceSerializer then return end
+-- Lua APIs
+local strbyte, strchar, gsub, gmatch, format = string.byte, string.char, string.gsub, string.gmatch, string.format
+local assert, error, pcall = assert, error, pcall
+local type, tostring, tonumber = type, tostring, tonumber
+local pairs, select, frexp = pairs, select, math.frexp
+local tconcat = table.concat
+-- quick copies of string representations of wonky numbers
+local inf = math.huge
+local serNaN -- can't do this in 4.3, see ace3 ticket 268
+local serInf, serInfMac = "1.#INF", "inf"
+local serNegInf, serNegInfMac = "-1.#INF", "-inf"
+-- Serialization functions
+local function SerializeStringHelper(ch) -- Used by SerializeValue for strings
+ -- We use \126 ("~") as an escape character for all nonprints plus a few more
+ local n = strbyte(ch)
+ if n==30 then -- v3 / ticket 115: catch a nonprint that ends up being "~^" when encoded... DOH
+ return "\126\122"
+ elseif n<=32 then -- nonprint + space
+ return "\126"..strchar(n+64)
+ elseif n==94 then -- value separator
+ return "\126\125"
+ elseif n==126 then -- our own escape character
+ return "\126\124"
+ elseif n==127 then -- nonprint (DEL)
+ return "\126\123"
+ else
+ assert(false) -- can't be reached if caller uses a sane regex
+ end
+local function SerializeValue(v, res, nres)
+ -- We use "^" as a value separator, followed by one byte for type indicator
+ local t=type(v)
+ if t=="string" then -- ^S = string (escaped to remove nonprints, "^"s, etc)
+ res[nres+1] = "^S"
+ res[nres+2] = gsub(v,"[%c \94\126\127]", SerializeStringHelper)
+ nres=nres+2
+ elseif t=="number" then -- ^N = number (just tostring()ed) or ^F (float components)
+ local str = tostring(v)
+ if tonumber(str)==v --[[not in 4.3 or str==serNaN]] then
+ -- translates just fine, transmit as-is
+ res[nres+1] = "^N"
+ res[nres+2] = str
+ nres=nres+2
+ elseif v == inf or v == -inf then
+ res[nres+1] = "^N"
+ res[nres+2] = v == inf and serInf or serNegInf
+ nres=nres+2
+ else
+ local m,e = frexp(v)
+ res[nres+1] = "^F"
+ res[nres+2] = format("%.0f",m*2^53) -- force mantissa to become integer (it's originally 0.5--0.9999)
+ res[nres+3] = "^f"
+ res[nres+4] = tostring(e-53) -- adjust exponent to counteract mantissa manipulation
+ nres=nres+4
+ end
+ elseif t=="table" then -- ^T...^t = table (list of key,value pairs)
+ nres=nres+1
+ res[nres] = "^T"
+ for k,v in pairs(v) do
+ nres = SerializeValue(k, res, nres)
+ nres = SerializeValue(v, res, nres)
+ end
+ nres=nres+1
+ res[nres] = "^t"
+ elseif t=="boolean" then -- ^B = true, ^b = false
+ nres=nres+1
+ if v then
+ res[nres] = "^B" -- true
+ else
+ res[nres] = "^b" -- false
+ end
+ elseif t=="nil" then -- ^Z = nil (zero, "N" was taken :P)
+ nres=nres+1
+ res[nres] = "^Z"
+ else
+ error(MAJOR..": Cannot serialize a value of type '"..t.."'") -- can't produce error on right level, this is wildly recursive
+ end
+ return nres
+local serializeTbl = { "^1" } -- "^1" = Hi, I'm data serialized by AceSerializer protocol rev 1
+--- Serialize the data passed into the function.
+-- Takes a list of values (strings, numbers, booleans, nils, tables)
+-- and returns it in serialized form (a string).\\
+-- May throw errors on invalid data types.
+-- @param ... List of values to serialize
+-- @return The data in its serialized form (string)
+function AceSerializer:Serialize(...)
+ local nres = 1
+ for i=1,select("#", ...) do
+ local v = select(i, ...)
+ nres = SerializeValue(v, serializeTbl, nres)
+ end
+ serializeTbl[nres+1] = "^^" -- "^^" = End of serialized data
+ return tconcat(serializeTbl, "", 1, nres+1)
+-- Deserialization functions
+local function DeserializeStringHelper(escape)
+ if escape<"~\122" then
+ return strchar(strbyte(escape,2,2)-64)
+ elseif escape=="~\122" then -- v3 / ticket 115: special case encode since 30+64=94 ("^") - OOPS.
+ return "\030"
+ elseif escape=="~\123" then
+ return "\127"
+ elseif escape=="~\124" then
+ return "\126"
+ elseif escape=="~\125" then
+ return "\94"
+ end
+ error("DeserializeStringHelper got called for '"..escape.."'?!?") -- can't be reached unless regex is screwed up
+local function DeserializeNumberHelper(number)
+ --[[ not in 4.3 if number == serNaN then
+ return 0/0
+ else]]if number == serNegInf or number == serNegInfMac then
+ return -inf
+ elseif number == serInf or number == serInfMac then
+ return inf
+ else
+ return tonumber(number)
+ end
+-- DeserializeValue: worker function for :Deserialize()
+-- It works in two modes:
+-- Main (top-level) mode: Deserialize a list of values and return them all
+-- Recursive (table) mode: Deserialize only a single value (_may_ of course be another table with lots of subvalues in it)
+-- The function _always_ works recursively due to having to build a list of values to return
+-- Callers are expected to pcall(DeserializeValue) to trap errors
+local function DeserializeValue(iter,single,ctl,data)
+ if not single then
+ ctl,data = iter()
+ end
+ if not ctl then
+ error("Supplied data misses AceSerializer terminator ('^^')")
+ end
+ if ctl=="^^" then
+ -- ignore extraneous data
+ return
+ end
+ local res
+ if ctl=="^S" then
+ res = gsub(data, "~.", DeserializeStringHelper)
+ elseif ctl=="^N" then
+ res = DeserializeNumberHelper(data)
+ if not res then
+ error("Invalid serialized number: '"..tostring(data).."'")
+ end
+ elseif ctl=="^F" then -- ^F^f
+ local ctl2,e = iter()
+ if ctl2~="^f" then
+ error("Invalid serialized floating-point number, expected '^f', not '"..tostring(ctl2).."'")
+ end
+ local m=tonumber(data)
+ e=tonumber(e)
+ if not (m and e) then
+ error("Invalid serialized floating-point number, expected mantissa and exponent, got '"..tostring(m).."' and '"..tostring(e).."'")
+ end
+ res = m*(2^e)
+ elseif ctl=="^B" then -- yeah yeah ignore data portion
+ res = true
+ elseif ctl=="^b" then -- yeah yeah ignore data portion
+ res = false
+ elseif ctl=="^Z" then -- yeah yeah ignore data portion
+ res = nil
+ elseif ctl=="^T" then
+ -- ignore ^T's data, future extensibility?
+ res = {}
+ local k,v
+ while true do
+ ctl,data = iter()
+ if ctl=="^t" then break end -- ignore ^t's data
+ k = DeserializeValue(iter,true,ctl,data)
+ if k==nil then
+ error("Invalid AceSerializer table format (no table end marker)")
+ end
+ ctl,data = iter()
+ v = DeserializeValue(iter,true,ctl,data)
+ if v==nil then
+ error("Invalid AceSerializer table format (no table end marker)")
+ end
+ res[k]=v
+ end
+ else
+ error("Invalid AceSerializer control code '"..ctl.."'")
+ end
+ if not single then
+ return res,DeserializeValue(iter)
+ else
+ return res
+ end
+--- Deserializes the data into its original values.
+-- Accepts serialized data, ignoring all control characters and whitespace.
+-- @param str The serialized data (from :Serialize)
+-- @return true followed by a list of values, OR false followed by an error message
+function AceSerializer:Deserialize(str)
+ str = gsub(str, "[%c ]", "") -- ignore all control characters; nice for embedding in email and stuff
+ local iter = gmatch(str, "(^.)([^^]*)") -- Any ^x followed by string of non-^
+ local ctl,data = iter()
+ if not ctl or ctl~="^1" then
+ -- we purposefully ignore the data portion of the start code, it can be used as an extension mechanism
+ return false, "Supplied data is not AceSerializer data (rev 1)"
+ end
+ return pcall(DeserializeValue, iter)
+-- Base library stuff
+AceSerializer.internals = { -- for test scripts
+ SerializeValue = SerializeValue,
+ SerializeStringHelper = SerializeStringHelper,
+local mixins = {
+ "Serialize",
+ "Deserialize",
+AceSerializer.embeds = AceSerializer.embeds or {}
+function AceSerializer:Embed(target)
+ for k, v in pairs(mixins) do
+ target[v] = self[v]
+ end
+ self.embeds[target] = true
+ return target
+-- Update embeds
+for target, v in pairs(AceSerializer.embeds) do
+ AceSerializer:Embed(target)
diff --git a/Libs/AceSerializer-3.0/AceSerializer-3.0.xml b/Libs/AceSerializer-3.0/AceSerializer-3.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..477ac0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/AceSerializer-3.0/AceSerializer-3.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/LibDeflate/LibDeflate.lua b/Libs/LibDeflate/LibDeflate.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44a97e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/LibDeflate/LibDeflate.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,3509 @@
+LibDeflate 1.0.0-release
+Pure Lua compressor and decompressor with high compression ratio using
+DEFLATE/zlib format.
+@file LibDeflate.lua
+@author Haoqian He (Github: SafeteeWoW; World of Warcraft: Safetyy-Illidan(US))
+@copyright LibDeflate <2018> Haoqian He
+@license GNU General Public License Version 3 or later
+This library is implemented according to the following specifications.
+Report a bug if LibDeflate is not fully compliant with those specs.
+Both compressors and decompressors have been implemented in the library.
+1. RFC1950: DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification version 1.3
+2. RFC1951: ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification version 3.3
+This library requires Lua 5.1/5.2/5.3 interpreter or LuaJIT v2.0+.
+This library does not have any dependencies.
+This file "LibDeflate.lua" is the only source file of
+the library.
+Submit suggestions or report bugs to
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+1. zlib, by Jean-loup Gailly (compression) and Mark Adler (decompression).
+ http://www.zlib.net/
+ Licensed under zlib License. http://www.zlib.net/zlib_license.html
+ For the compression algorithm.
+2. puff, by Mark Adler. https://github.com/madler/zlib/tree/master/contrib/puff
+ Licensed under zlib License. http://www.zlib.net/zlib_license.html
+ For the decompression algorithm.
+3. LibCompress, by jjsheets and Galmok of European Stormrage (Horde)
+ https://www.wowace.com/projects/libcompress
+ Licensed under GPLv2.
+ https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
+ For the code to create customized codec.
+4. WeakAuras2,
+ https://github.com/WeakAuras/WeakAuras2
+ Licensed under GPLv2.
+ For the 6bit encoding and decoding.
+ Curseforge auto-packaging replacements:
+ Project Date: 2018-07-29T18:58:38Z
+ Project Hash: 420f583c8c1ad0d4fc12398c86e99a65cf37a79a
+ Project Version: 1.0.0-release
+local LibDeflate
+ -- Semantic version. all lowercase.
+ -- Suffix can be alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2, rc1, rc2, etc.
+ -- NOTE: Two version numbers needs to modify.
+ -- 1. On the top of LibDeflate.lua
+ -- 2. HERE
+ local _VERSION = "1.0.0-release"
+ local _COPYRIGHT =
+ "LibDeflate ".._VERSION
+ .." Copyright (C) 2018 Haoqian He."
+ .." License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later"
+ -- Register in the World of Warcraft library "LibStub" if detected.
+ if LibStub then
+ local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibDeflate", -1
+ -- When MAJOR is changed, I should name it as LibDeflate2
+ local lib, minor = LibStub:GetLibrary(MAJOR, true)
+ if lib and minor and minor >= MINOR then -- No need to update.
+ return lib
+ else -- Update or first time register
+ LibDeflate = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, _VERSION)
+ -- NOTE: It is important that new version has implemented
+ -- all exported APIs and tables in the old version,
+ -- so the old library is fully garbage collected,
+ -- and we 100% ensure the backward compatibility.
+ end
+ else -- "LibStub" is not detected.
+ LibDeflate = {}
+ end
+ LibDeflate._VERSION = _VERSION
+-- localize Lua api for faster access.
+local assert = assert
+local error = error
+local pairs = pairs
+local string_byte = string.byte
+local string_char = string.char
+local string_find = string.find
+local string_gsub = string.gsub
+local string_sub = string.sub
+local table_concat = table.concat
+local table_sort = table.sort
+local tostring = tostring
+local type = type
+-- Converts i to 2^i, (0<=i<=32)
+-- This is used to implement bit left shift and bit right shift.
+-- "x >> y" in C: "(x-x%_pow2[y])/_pow2[y]" in Lua
+-- "x << y" in C: "x*_pow2[y]" in Lua
+local _pow2 = {}
+-- Converts any byte to a character, (0<=byte<=255)
+local _byte_to_char = {}
+-- _reverseBitsTbl[len][val] stores the bit reverse of
+-- the number with bit length "len" and value "val"
+-- For example, decimal number 6 with bits length 5 is binary 00110
+-- It's reverse is binary 01100,
+-- which is decimal 12 and 12 == _reverseBitsTbl[5][6]
+-- 1<=len<=9, 0<=val<=2^len-1
+-- The reason for 1<=len<=9 is that the max of min bitlen of huffman code
+-- of a huffman alphabet is 9?
+local _reverse_bits_tbl = {}
+-- Convert a LZ77 length (3<=len<=258) to
+-- a deflate literal/LZ77_length code (257<=code<=285)
+local _length_to_deflate_code = {}
+-- convert a LZ77 length (3<=len<=258) to
+-- a deflate literal/LZ77_length code extra bits.
+local _length_to_deflate_extra_bits = {}
+-- Convert a LZ77 length (3<=len<=258) to
+-- a deflate literal/LZ77_length code extra bit length.
+local _length_to_deflate_extra_bitlen = {}
+-- Convert a small LZ77 distance (1<=dist<=256) to a deflate code.
+local _dist256_to_deflate_code = {}
+-- Convert a small LZ77 distance (1<=dist<=256) to
+-- a deflate distance code extra bits.
+local _dist256_to_deflate_extra_bits = {}
+-- Convert a small LZ77 distance (1<=dist<=256) to
+-- a deflate distance code extra bit length.
+local _dist256_to_deflate_extra_bitlen = {}
+-- Convert a literal/LZ77_length deflate code to LZ77 base length
+-- The key of the table is (code - 256), 257<=code<=285
+local _literal_deflate_code_to_base_len = {
+ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31,
+ 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258,
+-- Convert a literal/LZ77_length deflate code to base LZ77 length extra bits
+-- The key of the table is (code - 256), 257<=code<=285
+local _literal_deflate_code_to_extra_bitlen = {
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0,
+-- Convert a distance deflate code to base LZ77 distance. (0<=code<=29)
+local _dist_deflate_code_to_base_dist = {
+ [0] = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193,
+ 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145,
+ 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577,
+-- Convert a distance deflate code to LZ77 bits length. (0<=code<=29)
+local _dist_deflate_code_to_extra_bitlen = {
+ [0] = 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6,
+ 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13,
+-- The code order of the first huffman header in the dynamic deflate block.
+-- See the page 12 of RFC1951
+local _rle_codes_huffman_bitlen_order = {16, 17, 18,
+ 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15,
+-- The following tables are used by fixed deflate block.
+-- The value of these tables are assigned at the bottom of the source.
+-- The huffman code of the literal/LZ77_length deflate codes,
+-- in fixed deflate block.
+local _fix_block_literal_huffman_code
+-- Convert huffman code of the literal/LZ77_length to deflate codes,
+-- in fixed deflate block.
+local _fix_block_literal_huffman_to_deflate_code
+-- The bit length of the huffman code of literal/LZ77_length deflate codes,
+-- in fixed deflate block.
+local _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen
+-- The count of each bit length of the literal/LZ77_length deflate codes,
+-- in fixed deflate block.
+local _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen_count
+-- The huffman code of the distance deflate codes,
+-- in fixed deflate block.
+local _fix_block_dist_huffman_code
+-- Convert huffman code of the distance to deflate codes,
+-- in fixed deflate block.
+local _fix_block_dist_huffman_to_deflate_code
+-- The bit length of the huffman code of the distance deflate codes,
+-- in fixed deflate block.
+local _fix_block_dist_huffman_bitlen
+-- The count of each bit length of the huffman code of
+-- the distance deflate codes,
+-- in fixed deflate block.
+local _fix_block_dist_huffman_bitlen_count
+for i = 0, 255 do
+ _byte_to_char[i] = string_char(i)
+ local pow = 1
+ for i = 0, 32 do
+ _pow2[i] = pow
+ pow = pow * 2
+ end
+for i = 1, 9 do
+ _reverse_bits_tbl[i] = {}
+ for j=0, _pow2[i+1]-1 do
+ local reverse = 0
+ local value = j
+ for _ = 1, i do
+ -- The following line is equivalent to "res | (code %2)" in C.
+ reverse = reverse - reverse%2
+ + (((reverse%2==1) or (value % 2) == 1) and 1 or 0)
+ value = (value-value%2)/2
+ reverse = reverse * 2
+ end
+ _reverse_bits_tbl[i][j] = (reverse-reverse%2)/2
+ end
+-- The source code is written according to the pattern in the numbers
+-- in RFC1951 Page10.
+ local a = 18
+ local b = 16
+ local c = 265
+ local bitlen = 1
+ for len = 3, 258 do
+ if len <= 10 then
+ _length_to_deflate_code[len] = len + 254
+ _length_to_deflate_extra_bitlen[len] = 0
+ elseif len == 258 then
+ _length_to_deflate_code[len] = 285
+ _length_to_deflate_extra_bitlen[len] = 0
+ else
+ if len > a then
+ a = a + b
+ b = b * 2
+ c = c + 4
+ bitlen = bitlen + 1
+ end
+ local t = len-a-1+b/2
+ _length_to_deflate_code[len] = (t-(t%(b/8)))/(b/8) + c
+ _length_to_deflate_extra_bitlen[len] = bitlen
+ _length_to_deflate_extra_bits[len] = t % (b/8)
+ end
+ end
+-- The source code is written according to the pattern in the numbers
+-- in RFC1951 Page11.
+ _dist256_to_deflate_code[1] = 0
+ _dist256_to_deflate_code[2] = 1
+ _dist256_to_deflate_extra_bitlen[1] = 0
+ _dist256_to_deflate_extra_bitlen[2] = 0
+ local a = 3
+ local b = 4
+ local code = 2
+ local bitlen = 0
+ for dist = 3, 256 do
+ if dist > b then
+ a = a * 2
+ b = b * 2
+ code = code + 2
+ bitlen = bitlen + 1
+ end
+ _dist256_to_deflate_code[dist] = (dist <= a) and code or (code+1)
+ _dist256_to_deflate_extra_bitlen[dist] = (bitlen < 0) and 0 or bitlen
+ if b >= 8 then
+ _dist256_to_deflate_extra_bits[dist] = (dist-b/2-1) % (b/4)
+ end
+ end
+--- Calculate the Adler-32 checksum of the string.
+-- See RFC1950 Page 9 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1950 for the
+-- definition of Adler-32 checksum.
+-- @param str [string] the input string to calcuate its Adler-32 checksum.
+-- @return [integer] The Adler-32 checksum, which is greater or equal to 0,
+-- and less than 2^32 (4294967296).
+function LibDeflate:Adler32(str)
+ -- This function is loop unrolled by better performance.
+ --
+ -- Here is the minimum code:
+ --
+ -- local a = 1
+ -- local b = 0
+ -- for i=1, #str do
+ -- local s = string.byte(str, i, i)
+ -- a = (a+s)%65521
+ -- b = (b+a)%65521
+ -- end
+ -- return b*65536+a
+ if type(str) ~= "string" then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:Adler32(str):"
+ .." 'str' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(str)), 2)
+ end
+ local strlen = #str
+ local i = 1
+ local a = 1
+ local b = 0
+ while i <= strlen - 15 do
+ local x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8,
+ x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16 = string_byte(str, i, i+15)
+ b = (b+16*a+16*x1+15*x2+14*x3+13*x4+12*x5+11*x6+10*x7+9*x8+8*x9
+ +7*x10+6*x11+5*x12+4*x13+3*x14+2*x15+x16)%65521
+ a = (a+x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+x7+x8+x9+x10+x11+x12+x13+x14+x15+x16)%65521
+ i = i + 16
+ end
+ while (i <= strlen) do
+ local x = string_byte(str, i, i)
+ a = (a + x) % 65521
+ b = (b + a) % 65521
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ return (b*65536+a) % 4294967296
+-- Compare adler32 checksum.
+-- adler32 should be compared with a mod to avoid sign problem
+-- 4072834167 (unsigned) is the same adler32 as -222133129
+local function IsEqualAdler32(actual, expected)
+ return (actual % 4294967296) == (expected % 4294967296)
+--- Create a preset dictionary.
+-- This function is not fast, and the memory consumption of the produced
+-- dictionary is about 50 times of the input string. Therefore, it is suggestted
+-- to run this function only once in your program.
+-- It is very important to know that if you do use a preset dictionary,
+-- compressors and decompressors MUST USE THE SAME dictionary. That is,
+-- dictionary must be created using the same string. If you update your program
+-- with a new dictionary, people with the old version won't be able to transmit
+-- data with people with the new version. Therefore, changing the dictionary
+-- must be very careful.
+-- The parameters "strlen" and "adler32" add a layer of verification to ensure
+-- the parameter "str" is not modified unintentionally during the program
+-- development.
+-- @usage local dict_str = "1234567890"
+-- -- print(dict_str:len(), LibDeflate:Adler32(dict_str))
+-- -- Hardcode the print result below to verify it to avoid acciently
+-- -- modification of 'str' during the program development.
+-- -- string length: 10, Adler-32: 187433486,
+-- -- Don't calculate string length and its Adler-32 at run-time.
+-- local dict = LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(dict_str, 10, 187433486)
+-- @param str [string] The string used as the preset dictionary.
+-- You should put stuffs that frequently appears in the dictionary
+-- string and preferablely put more frequently appeared stuffs toward the end
+-- of the string.
+-- Empty string and string longer than 32768 bytes are not allowed.
+-- @param strlen [integer] The length of 'str'. Please pass in this parameter
+-- as a hardcoded constant, in order to verify the content of 'str'. The value
+-- of this parameter should be known before your program runs.
+-- @param adler32 [integer] The Adler-32 checksum of 'str'. Please pass in this
+-- parameter as a hardcoded constant, in order to verify the content of 'str'.
+-- The value of this parameter should be known before your program runs.
+-- @return [table] The dictionary used for preset dictionary compression and
+-- decompression.
+-- @raise error if 'strlen' does not match the length of 'str',
+-- or if 'adler32' does not match the Adler-32 checksum of 'str'.
+function LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(str, strlen, adler32)
+ if type(str) ~= "string" then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(str, strlen, adler32):"
+ .." 'str' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(str)), 2)
+ end
+ if type(strlen) ~= "number" then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(str, strlen, adler32):"
+ .." 'strlen' - number expected got '%s'."):format(
+ type(strlen)), 2)
+ end
+ if type(adler32) ~= "number" then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(str, strlen, adler32):"
+ .." 'adler32' - number expected got '%s'."):format(
+ type(adler32)), 2)
+ end
+ if strlen ~= #str then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(str, strlen, adler32):"
+ .." 'strlen' does not match the actual length of 'str'."
+ .." 'strlen': %u, '#str': %u ."
+ .." Please check if 'str' is modified unintentionally.")
+ :format(strlen, #str))
+ end
+ if strlen == 0 then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(str, strlen, adler32):"
+ .." 'str' - Empty string is not allowed."), 2)
+ end
+ if strlen > 32768 then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(str, strlen, adler32):"
+ .." 'str' - string longer than 32768 bytes is not allowed."
+ .." Got %d bytes."):format(strlen), 2)
+ end
+ local actual_adler32 = self:Adler32(str)
+ if not IsEqualAdler32(adler32, actual_adler32) then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(str, strlen, adler32):"
+ .." 'adler32' does not match the actual adler32 of 'str'."
+ .." 'adler32': %u, 'Adler32(str)': %u ."
+ .." Please check if 'str' is modified unintentionally.")
+ :format(adler32, actual_adler32))
+ end
+ local dictionary = {}
+ dictionary.adler32 = adler32
+ dictionary.hash_tables = {}
+ dictionary.string_table = {}
+ dictionary.strlen = strlen
+ local string_table = dictionary.string_table
+ local hash_tables = dictionary.hash_tables
+ string_table[1] = string_byte(str, 1, 1)
+ string_table[2] = string_byte(str, 2, 2)
+ if strlen >= 3 then
+ local i = 1
+ local hash = string_table[1]*256+string_table[2]
+ while i <= strlen - 2 - 3 do
+ local x1, x2, x3, x4 = string_byte(str, i+2, i+5)
+ string_table[i+2] = x1
+ string_table[i+3] = x2
+ string_table[i+4] = x3
+ string_table[i+5] = x4
+ hash = (hash*256+x1)%16777216
+ local t = hash_tables[hash]
+ if not t then t = {}; hash_tables[hash] = t end
+ t[#t+1] = i-strlen
+ i = i + 1
+ hash = (hash*256+x2)%16777216
+ t = hash_tables[hash]
+ if not t then t = {}; hash_tables[hash] = t end
+ t[#t+1] = i-strlen
+ i = i + 1
+ hash = (hash*256+x3)%16777216
+ t = hash_tables[hash]
+ if not t then t = {}; hash_tables[hash] = t end
+ t[#t+1] = i-strlen
+ i = i + 1
+ hash = (hash*256+x4)%16777216
+ t = hash_tables[hash]
+ if not t then t = {}; hash_tables[hash] = t end
+ t[#t+1] = i-strlen
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ while i <= strlen - 2 do
+ local x = string_byte(str, i+2)
+ string_table[i+2] = x
+ hash = (hash*256+x)%16777216
+ local t = hash_tables[hash]
+ if not t then t = {}; hash_tables[hash] = t end
+ t[#t+1] = i-strlen
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return dictionary
+-- Check if the dictionary is valid.
+-- @param dictionary The preset dictionary for compression and decompression.
+-- @return true if valid, false if not valid.
+-- @return if not valid, the error message.
+local function IsValidDictionary(dictionary)
+ if type(dictionary) ~= "table" then
+ return false, ("'dictionary' - table expected got '%s'.")
+ :format(type(dictionary))
+ end
+ if type(dictionary.adler32) ~= "number"
+ or type(dictionary.string_table) ~= "table"
+ or type(dictionary.strlen) ~= "number"
+ or dictionary.strlen <= 0
+ or dictionary.strlen > 32768
+ or dictionary.strlen ~= #dictionary.string_table
+ or type(dictionary.hash_tables) ~= "table"
+ then
+ return false, ("'dictionary' - corrupted dictionary.")
+ :format(type(dictionary))
+ end
+ return true, ""
+ key of the configuration table is the compression level,
+ and its value stores the compression setting.
+ These numbers come from zlib source code.
+ Higher compression level usually means better compression.
+ (Because LibDeflate uses a simplified version of zlib algorithm,
+ there is no guarantee that higher compression level does not create
+ bigger file than lower level, but I can say it's 99% likely)
+ Be careful with the high compression level. This is a pure lua
+ implementation compressor/decompressor, which is significant slower than
+ a C/C++ equivalant compressor/decompressor. Very high compression level
+ costs significant more CPU time, and usually compression size won't be
+ significant smaller when you increase compression level by 1, when the
+ level is already very high. Benchmark yourself if you can afford it.
+ See also https://github.com/madler/zlib/blob/master/doc/algorithm.txt,
+ https://github.com/madler/zlib/blob/master/deflate.c for more information.
+ The meaning of each field:
+ @field 1 use_lazy_evaluation:
+ true/false. Whether the program uses lazy evaluation.
+ See what is "lazy evaluation" in the link above.
+ lazy_evaluation improves ratio, but relatively slow.
+ @field 2 good_prev_length:
+ Only effective if lazy is set, Only use 1/4 of max_chain,
+ if prev length of lazy match is above this.
+ @field 3 max_insert_length/max_lazy_match:
+ If not using lazy evaluation,
+ insert new strings in the hash table only if the match length is not
+ greater than this length.
+ If using lazy evaluation, only continue lazy evaluation,
+ if previous match length is strictly smaller than this value.
+ @field 4 nice_length:
+ Number. Don't continue to go down the hash chain,
+ if match length is above this.
+ @field 5 max_chain:
+ Number. The maximum number of hash chains we look.
+local _compression_level_configs = {
+ [0] = {false, nil, 0, 0, 0}, -- level 0, no compression
+ [1] = {false, nil, 4, 8, 4}, -- level 1, similar to zlib level 1
+ [2] = {false, nil, 5, 18, 8}, -- level 2, similar to zlib level 2
+ [3] = {false, nil, 6, 32, 32}, -- level 3, similar to zlib level 3
+ [4] = {true, 4, 4, 16, 16}, -- level 4, similar to zlib level 4
+ [5] = {true, 8, 16, 32, 32}, -- level 5, similar to zlib level 5
+ [6] = {true, 8, 16, 128, 128}, -- level 6, similar to zlib level 6
+ [7] = {true, 8, 32, 128, 256}, -- (SLOW) level 7, similar to zlib level 7
+ [8] = {true, 32, 128, 258, 1024} , --(SLOW) level 8,similar to zlib level 8
+ [9] = {true, 32, 258, 258, 4096},
+ -- (VERY SLOW) level 9, similar to zlib level 9
+-- Check if the compression/decompression arguments is valid
+-- @param str The input string.
+-- @param check_dictionary if true, check if dictionary is valid.
+-- @param dictionary The preset dictionary for compression and decompression.
+-- @param check_configs if true, check if config is valid.
+-- @param configs The compression configuration table
+-- @return true if valid, false if not valid.
+-- @return if not valid, the error message.
+local function IsValidArguments(str,
+ check_dictionary, dictionary,
+ check_configs, configs)
+ if type(str) ~= "string" then
+ return false,
+ ("'str' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(str))
+ end
+ if check_dictionary then
+ local dict_valid, dict_err = IsValidDictionary(dictionary)
+ if not dict_valid then
+ return false, dict_err
+ end
+ end
+ if check_configs then
+ local type_configs = type(configs)
+ if type_configs ~= "nil" and type_configs ~= "table" then
+ return false,
+ ("'configs' - nil or table expected got '%s'.")
+ :format(type(configs))
+ end
+ if type_configs == "table" then
+ for k, v in pairs(configs) do
+ if k ~= "level" and k ~= "strategy" then
+ return false,
+ ("'configs' - unsupported table key in the configs: '%s'.")
+ :format(k)
+ elseif k == "level" and not _compression_level_configs[v] then
+ return false,
+ ("'configs' - unsupported 'level': %s."):format(tostring(v))
+ elseif k == "strategy" and v ~= "fixed" and v ~= "huffman_only"
+ and v ~= "dynamic" then
+ -- random_block_type is for testing purpose
+ return false, ("'configs' - unsupported 'strategy': '%s'.")
+ :format(tostring(v))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return true, ""
+--[[ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Compress code
+--]] --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- partial flush to save memory
+-- full flush with partial bytes
+-- write bytes to get to byte boundary
+-- no flush, just get num of bits written so far
+ Create an empty writer to easily write stuffs as the unit of bits.
+ Return values:
+ 1. WriteBits(code, bitlen):
+ 2. WriteString(str):
+ 3. Flush(mode):
+local function CreateWriter()
+ local buffer_size = 0
+ local cache = 0
+ local cache_bitlen = 0
+ local total_bitlen = 0
+ local buffer = {}
+ -- When buffer is big enough, flush into result_buffer to save memory.
+ local result_buffer = {}
+ -- Write bits with value "value" and bit length of "bitlen" into writer.
+ -- @param value: The value being written
+ -- @param bitlen: The bit length of "value"
+ -- @return nil
+ local function WriteBits(value, bitlen)
+ cache = cache + value * _pow2[cache_bitlen]
+ cache_bitlen = cache_bitlen + bitlen
+ total_bitlen = total_bitlen + bitlen
+ -- Only bulk to buffer every 4 bytes. This is quicker.
+ if cache_bitlen >= 32 then
+ buffer_size = buffer_size + 1
+ buffer[buffer_size] =
+ _byte_to_char[cache % 256]
+ .._byte_to_char[((cache-cache%256)/256 % 256)]
+ .._byte_to_char[((cache-cache%65536)/65536 % 256)]
+ .._byte_to_char[((cache-cache%16777216)/16777216 % 256)]
+ local rshift_mask = _pow2[32 - cache_bitlen + bitlen]
+ cache = (value - value%rshift_mask)/rshift_mask
+ cache_bitlen = cache_bitlen - 32
+ end
+ end
+ -- Write the entire string into the writer.
+ -- @param str The string being written
+ -- @return nil
+ local function WriteString(str)
+ for _ = 1, cache_bitlen, 8 do
+ buffer_size = buffer_size + 1
+ buffer[buffer_size] = string_char(cache % 256)
+ cache = (cache-cache%256)/256
+ end
+ cache_bitlen = 0
+ buffer_size = buffer_size + 1
+ buffer[buffer_size] = str
+ total_bitlen = total_bitlen + #str*8
+ end
+ -- Flush current stuffs in the writer and return it.
+ -- This operation will free most of the memory.
+ -- @param mode See the descrtion of the constant and the source code.
+ -- @return The total number of bits stored in the writer right now.
+ -- for byte boundary mode, it includes the padding bits.
+ -- for output mode, it does not include padding bits.
+ -- @return Return the outputs if mode is output.
+ local function FlushWriter(mode)
+ if mode == _FLUSH_MODE_NO_FLUSH then
+ return total_bitlen
+ end
+ if mode == _FLUSH_MODE_OUTPUT
+ or mode == _FLUSH_MODE_BYTE_BOUNDARY then
+ -- Full flush, also output cache.
+ -- Need to pad some bits if cache_bitlen is not multiple of 8.
+ local padding_bitlen = (8 - cache_bitlen % 8) % 8
+ if cache_bitlen > 0 then
+ -- padding with all 1 bits, mainly because "\000" is not
+ -- good to be tranmitted. I do this so "\000" is a little bit
+ -- less frequent.
+ cache = cache - _pow2[cache_bitlen]
+ + _pow2[cache_bitlen+padding_bitlen]
+ for _ = 1, cache_bitlen, 8 do
+ buffer_size = buffer_size + 1
+ buffer[buffer_size] = _byte_to_char[cache % 256]
+ cache = (cache-cache%256)/256
+ end
+ cache = 0
+ cache_bitlen = 0
+ end
+ if mode == _FLUSH_MODE_BYTE_BOUNDARY then
+ total_bitlen = total_bitlen + padding_bitlen
+ return total_bitlen
+ end
+ end
+ local flushed = table_concat(buffer)
+ buffer = {}
+ buffer_size = 0
+ result_buffer[#result_buffer+1] = flushed
+ if mode == _FLUSH_MODE_MEMORY_CLEANUP then
+ return total_bitlen
+ else
+ return total_bitlen, table_concat(result_buffer)
+ end
+ end
+ return WriteBits, WriteString, FlushWriter
+-- Push an element into a max heap
+-- @param heap A max heap whose max element is at index 1.
+-- @param e The element to be pushed. Assume element "e" is a table
+-- and comparison is done via its first entry e[1]
+-- @param heap_size current number of elements in the heap.
+-- NOTE: There may be some garbage stored in
+-- heap[heap_size+1], heap[heap_size+2], etc..
+-- @return nil
+local function MinHeapPush(heap, e, heap_size)
+ heap_size = heap_size + 1
+ heap[heap_size] = e
+ local value = e[1]
+ local pos = heap_size
+ local parent_pos = (pos-pos%2)/2
+ while (parent_pos >= 1 and heap[parent_pos][1] > value) do
+ local t = heap[parent_pos]
+ heap[parent_pos] = e
+ heap[pos] = t
+ pos = parent_pos
+ parent_pos = (parent_pos-parent_pos%2)/2
+ end
+-- Pop an element from a max heap
+-- @param heap A max heap whose max element is at index 1.
+-- @param heap_size current number of elements in the heap.
+-- @return the poped element
+-- Note: This function does not change table size of "heap" to save CPU time.
+local function MinHeapPop(heap, heap_size)
+ local top = heap[1]
+ local e = heap[heap_size]
+ local value = e[1]
+ heap[1] = e
+ heap[heap_size] = top
+ heap_size = heap_size - 1
+ local pos = 1
+ local left_child_pos = pos * 2
+ local right_child_pos = left_child_pos + 1
+ while (left_child_pos <= heap_size) do
+ local left_child = heap[left_child_pos]
+ if (right_child_pos <= heap_size
+ and heap[right_child_pos][1] < left_child[1]) then
+ local right_child = heap[right_child_pos]
+ if right_child[1] < value then
+ heap[right_child_pos] = e
+ heap[pos] = right_child
+ pos = right_child_pos
+ left_child_pos = pos * 2
+ right_child_pos = left_child_pos + 1
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ else
+ if left_child[1] < value then
+ heap[left_child_pos] = e
+ heap[pos] = left_child
+ pos = left_child_pos
+ left_child_pos = pos * 2
+ right_child_pos = left_child_pos + 1
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return top
+-- Deflate defines a special huffman tree, which is unique once the bit length
+-- of huffman code of all symbols are known.
+-- @param bitlen_count Number of symbols with a specific bitlen
+-- @param symbol_bitlen The bit length of a symbol
+-- @param max_symbol The max symbol among all symbols,
+-- which is (number of symbols - 1)
+-- @param max_bitlen The max huffman bit length among all symbols.
+-- @return The huffman code of all symbols.
+local function GetHuffmanCodeFromBitlen(bitlen_counts, symbol_bitlens
+ , max_symbol, max_bitlen)
+ local huffman_code = 0
+ local next_codes = {}
+ local symbol_huffman_codes = {}
+ for bitlen = 1, max_bitlen do
+ huffman_code = (huffman_code+(bitlen_counts[bitlen-1] or 0))*2
+ next_codes[bitlen] = huffman_code
+ end
+ for symbol = 0, max_symbol do
+ local bitlen = symbol_bitlens[symbol]
+ if bitlen then
+ huffman_code = next_codes[bitlen]
+ next_codes[bitlen] = huffman_code + 1
+ -- Reverse the bits of huffman code,
+ -- because most signifant bits of huffman code
+ -- is stored first into the compressed data.
+ -- @see RFC1951 Page5 Section 3.1.1
+ if bitlen <= 9 then -- Have cached reverse for small bitlen.
+ symbol_huffman_codes[symbol] =
+ _reverse_bits_tbl[bitlen][huffman_code]
+ else
+ local reverse = 0
+ for _ = 1, bitlen do
+ reverse = reverse - reverse%2
+ + (((reverse%2==1)
+ or (huffman_code % 2) == 1) and 1 or 0)
+ huffman_code = (huffman_code-huffman_code%2)/2
+ reverse = reverse*2
+ end
+ symbol_huffman_codes[symbol] = (reverse-reverse%2)/2
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return symbol_huffman_codes
+-- A helper function to sort heap elements
+-- a[1], b[1] is the huffman frequency
+-- a[2], b[2] is the symbol value.
+local function SortByFirstThenSecond(a, b)
+ return a[1] < b[1] or
+ (a[1] == b[1] and a[2] < b[2])
+-- Calculate the huffman bit length and huffman code.
+-- @param symbol_count: A table whose table key is the symbol, and table value
+-- is the symbol frenquency (nil means 0 frequency).
+-- @param max_bitlen: See description of return value.
+-- @param max_symbol: The maximum symbol
+-- @return a table whose key is the symbol, and the value is the huffman bit
+-- bit length. We guarantee that all bit length <= max_bitlen.
+-- For 0<=symbol<=max_symbol, table value could be nil if the frequency
+-- of the symbol is 0 or nil.
+-- @return a table whose key is the symbol, and the value is the huffman code.
+-- @return a number indicating the maximum symbol whose bitlen is not 0.
+local function GetHuffmanBitlenAndCode(symbol_counts, max_bitlen, max_symbol)
+ local heap_size
+ local max_non_zero_bitlen_symbol = -1
+ local leafs = {}
+ local heap = {}
+ local symbol_bitlens = {}
+ local symbol_codes = {}
+ local bitlen_counts = {}
+ --[[
+ tree[1]: weight, temporarily used as parent and bitLengths
+ tree[2]: symbol
+ tree[3]: left child
+ tree[4]: right child
+ --]]
+ local number_unique_symbols = 0
+ for symbol, count in pairs(symbol_counts) do
+ number_unique_symbols = number_unique_symbols + 1
+ leafs[number_unique_symbols] = {count, symbol}
+ end
+ if (number_unique_symbols == 0) then
+ -- no code.
+ return {}, {}, -1
+ elseif (number_unique_symbols == 1) then
+ -- Only one code. In this case, its huffman code
+ -- needs to be assigned as 0, and bit length is 1.
+ -- This is the only case that the return result
+ -- represents an imcomplete huffman tree.
+ local symbol = leafs[1][2]
+ symbol_bitlens[symbol] = 1
+ symbol_codes[symbol] = 0
+ return symbol_bitlens, symbol_codes, symbol
+ else
+ table_sort(leafs, SortByFirstThenSecond)
+ heap_size = number_unique_symbols
+ for i = 1, heap_size do
+ heap[i] = leafs[i]
+ end
+ while (heap_size > 1) do
+ -- Note: pop does not change table size of heap
+ local leftChild = MinHeapPop(heap, heap_size)
+ heap_size = heap_size - 1
+ local rightChild = MinHeapPop(heap, heap_size)
+ heap_size = heap_size - 1
+ local newNode =
+ {leftChild[1]+rightChild[1], -1, leftChild, rightChild}
+ MinHeapPush(heap, newNode, heap_size)
+ heap_size = heap_size + 1
+ end
+ -- Number of leafs whose bit length is greater than max_len.
+ local number_bitlen_overflow = 0
+ -- Calculate bit length of all nodes
+ local fifo = {heap[1], 0, 0, 0} -- preallocate some spaces.
+ local fifo_size = 1
+ local index = 1
+ heap[1][1] = 0
+ while (index <= fifo_size) do -- Breath first search
+ local e = fifo[index]
+ local bitlen = e[1]
+ local symbol = e[2]
+ local left_child = e[3]
+ local right_child = e[4]
+ if left_child then
+ fifo_size = fifo_size + 1
+ fifo[fifo_size] = left_child
+ left_child[1] = bitlen + 1
+ end
+ if right_child then
+ fifo_size = fifo_size + 1
+ fifo[fifo_size] = right_child
+ right_child[1] = bitlen + 1
+ end
+ index = index + 1
+ if (bitlen > max_bitlen) then
+ number_bitlen_overflow = number_bitlen_overflow + 1
+ bitlen = max_bitlen
+ end
+ if symbol >= 0 then
+ symbol_bitlens[symbol] = bitlen
+ max_non_zero_bitlen_symbol =
+ (symbol > max_non_zero_bitlen_symbol)
+ and symbol or max_non_zero_bitlen_symbol
+ bitlen_counts[bitlen] = (bitlen_counts[bitlen] or 0) + 1
+ end
+ end
+ -- Resolve bit length overflow
+ -- @see ZLib/trees.c:gen_bitlen(s, desc), for reference
+ if (number_bitlen_overflow > 0) then
+ repeat
+ local bitlen = max_bitlen - 1
+ while ((bitlen_counts[bitlen] or 0) == 0) do
+ bitlen = bitlen - 1
+ end
+ -- move one leaf down the tree
+ bitlen_counts[bitlen] = bitlen_counts[bitlen] - 1
+ -- move one overflow item as its brother
+ bitlen_counts[bitlen+1] = (bitlen_counts[bitlen+1] or 0) + 2
+ bitlen_counts[max_bitlen] = bitlen_counts[max_bitlen] - 1
+ number_bitlen_overflow = number_bitlen_overflow - 2
+ until (number_bitlen_overflow <= 0)
+ index = 1
+ for bitlen = max_bitlen, 1, -1 do
+ local n = bitlen_counts[bitlen] or 0
+ while (n > 0) do
+ local symbol = leafs[index][2]
+ symbol_bitlens[symbol] = bitlen
+ n = n - 1
+ index = index + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ symbol_codes = GetHuffmanCodeFromBitlen(bitlen_counts, symbol_bitlens,
+ max_symbol, max_bitlen)
+ return symbol_bitlens, symbol_codes, max_non_zero_bitlen_symbol
+ end
+-- Calculate the first huffman header in the dynamic huffman block
+-- @see RFC1951 Page 12
+-- @param lcode_bitlen: The huffman bit length of literal/LZ77_length.
+-- @param max_non_zero_bitlen_lcode: The maximum literal/LZ77_length symbol
+-- whose huffman bit length is not zero.
+-- @param dcode_bitlen: The huffman bit length of LZ77 distance.
+-- @param max_non_zero_bitlen_dcode: The maximum LZ77 distance symbol
+-- whose huffman bit length is not zero.
+-- @return The run length encoded codes.
+-- @return The extra bits. One entry for each rle code that needs extra bits.
+-- (code == 16 or 17 or 18).
+-- @return The count of appearance of each rle codes.
+local function RunLengthEncodeHuffmanBitlen(
+ lcode_bitlens,
+ max_non_zero_bitlen_lcode,
+ dcode_bitlens,
+ max_non_zero_bitlen_dcode)
+ local rle_code_tblsize = 0
+ local rle_codes = {}
+ local rle_code_counts = {}
+ local rle_extra_bits_tblsize = 0
+ local rle_extra_bits = {}
+ local prev = nil
+ local count = 0
+ -- If there is no distance code, assume one distance code of bit length 0.
+ -- RFC1951: One distance code of zero bits means that
+ -- there are no distance codes used at all (the data is all literals).
+ max_non_zero_bitlen_dcode = (max_non_zero_bitlen_dcode < 0)
+ and 0 or max_non_zero_bitlen_dcode
+ local max_code = max_non_zero_bitlen_lcode+max_non_zero_bitlen_dcode+1
+ for code = 0, max_code+1 do
+ local len = (code <= max_non_zero_bitlen_lcode)
+ and (lcode_bitlens[code] or 0)
+ or ((code <= max_code)
+ and (dcode_bitlens[code-max_non_zero_bitlen_lcode-1] or 0) or nil)
+ if len == prev then
+ count = count + 1
+ if len ~= 0 and count == 6 then
+ rle_code_tblsize = rle_code_tblsize + 1
+ rle_codes[rle_code_tblsize] = 16
+ rle_extra_bits_tblsize = rle_extra_bits_tblsize + 1
+ rle_extra_bits[rle_extra_bits_tblsize] = 3
+ rle_code_counts[16] = (rle_code_counts[16] or 0) + 1
+ count = 0
+ elseif len == 0 and count == 138 then
+ rle_code_tblsize = rle_code_tblsize + 1
+ rle_codes[rle_code_tblsize] = 18
+ rle_extra_bits_tblsize = rle_extra_bits_tblsize + 1
+ rle_extra_bits[rle_extra_bits_tblsize] = 127
+ rle_code_counts[18] = (rle_code_counts[18] or 0) + 1
+ count = 0
+ end
+ else
+ if count == 1 then
+ rle_code_tblsize = rle_code_tblsize + 1
+ rle_codes[rle_code_tblsize] = prev
+ rle_code_counts[prev] = (rle_code_counts[prev] or 0) + 1
+ elseif count == 2 then
+ rle_code_tblsize = rle_code_tblsize + 1
+ rle_codes[rle_code_tblsize] = prev
+ rle_code_tblsize = rle_code_tblsize + 1
+ rle_codes[rle_code_tblsize] = prev
+ rle_code_counts[prev] = (rle_code_counts[prev] or 0) + 2
+ elseif count >= 3 then
+ rle_code_tblsize = rle_code_tblsize + 1
+ local rleCode = (prev ~= 0) and 16 or (count <= 10 and 17 or 18)
+ rle_codes[rle_code_tblsize] = rleCode
+ rle_code_counts[rleCode] = (rle_code_counts[rleCode] or 0) + 1
+ rle_extra_bits_tblsize = rle_extra_bits_tblsize + 1
+ rle_extra_bits[rle_extra_bits_tblsize] =
+ (count <= 10) and (count - 3) or (count - 11)
+ end
+ prev = len
+ if len and len ~= 0 then
+ rle_code_tblsize = rle_code_tblsize + 1
+ rle_codes[rle_code_tblsize] = len
+ rle_code_counts[len] = (rle_code_counts[len] or 0) + 1
+ count = 0
+ else
+ count = 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return rle_codes, rle_extra_bits, rle_code_counts
+-- Load the string into a table, in order to speed up LZ77.
+-- Loop unrolled 16 times to speed this function up.
+-- @param str The string to be loaded.
+-- @param t The load destination
+-- @param start str[index] will be the first character to be loaded.
+-- @param end str[index] will be the last character to be loaded
+-- @param offset str[index] will be loaded into t[index-offset]
+-- @return t
+local function LoadStringToTable(str, t, start, stop, offset)
+ local i = start - offset
+ while i <= stop - 15 - offset do
+ t[i], t[i+1], t[i+2], t[i+3], t[i+4], t[i+5], t[i+6], t[i+7], t[i+8],
+ t[i+9], t[i+10], t[i+11], t[i+12], t[i+13], t[i+14], t[i+15] =
+ string_byte(str, i + offset, i + 15 + offset)
+ i = i + 16
+ end
+ while (i <= stop - offset) do
+ t[i] = string_byte(str, i + offset, i + offset)
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ return t
+-- Do LZ77 process. This function uses the majority of the CPU time.
+-- @see zlib/deflate.c:deflate_fast(), zlib/deflate.c:deflate_slow()
+-- @see https://github.com/madler/zlib/blob/master/doc/algorithm.txt
+-- This function uses the algorithms used above. You should read the
+-- algorithm.txt above to understand what is the hash function and the
+-- lazy evaluation.
+-- The special optimization used here is hash functions used here.
+-- The hash function is just the multiplication of the three consective
+-- characters. So if the hash matches, it guarantees 3 characters are matched.
+-- This optimization can be implemented because Lua table is a hash table.
+-- @param level integer that describes compression level.
+-- @param string_table table that stores the value of string to be compressed.
+-- The index of this table starts from 1.
+-- The caller needs to make sure all values needed by this function
+-- are loaded.
+-- Assume "str" is the origin input string into the compressor
+-- str[block_start]..str[block_end+3] needs to be loaded into
+-- string_table[block_start-offset]..string_table[block_end-offset]
+-- If dictionary is presented, the last 258 bytes of the dictionary
+-- needs to be loaded into sing_table[-257..0]
+-- (See more in the description of offset.)
+-- @param hash_tables. The table key is the hash value (0<=hash<=16777216=256^3)
+-- The table value is an array0 that stores the indexes of the
+-- input data string to be compressed, such that
+-- hash == str[index]*str[index+1]*str[index+2]
+-- Indexes are ordered in this array.
+-- @param block_start The indexes of the input data string to be compressed.
+-- that starts the LZ77 block.
+-- @param block_end The indexes of the input data string to be compressed.
+-- that stores the LZ77 block.
+-- @param offset str[index] is stored in string_table[index-offset],
+-- This offset is mainly an optimization to limit the index
+-- of string_table, so lua can access this table quicker.
+-- @param dictionary See LibDeflate:CreateDictionary
+-- @return literal/LZ77_length deflate codes.
+-- @return the extra bits of literal/LZ77_length deflate codes.
+-- @return the count of each literal/LZ77 deflate code.
+-- @return LZ77 distance deflate codes.
+-- @return the extra bits of LZ77 distance deflate codes.
+-- @return the count of each LZ77 distance deflate code.
+local function GetBlockLZ77Result(level, string_table, hash_tables, block_start,
+ block_end, offset, dictionary)
+ local config = _compression_level_configs[level]
+ local config_use_lazy
+ , config_good_prev_length
+ , config_max_lazy_match
+ , config_nice_length
+ , config_max_hash_chain =
+ config[1], config[2], config[3], config[4], config[5]
+ local config_max_insert_length = (not config_use_lazy)
+ and config_max_lazy_match or 2147483646
+ local config_good_hash_chain =
+ (config_max_hash_chain-config_max_hash_chain%4/4)
+ local hash
+ local dict_hash_tables
+ local dict_string_table
+ local dict_string_len = 0
+ if dictionary then
+ dict_hash_tables = dictionary.hash_tables
+ dict_string_table = dictionary.string_table
+ dict_string_len = dictionary.strlen
+ assert(block_start == 1)
+ if block_end >= block_start and dict_string_len >= 2 then
+ hash = dict_string_table[dict_string_len-1]*65536
+ + dict_string_table[dict_string_len]*256 + string_table[1]
+ local t = hash_tables[hash]
+ if not t then t = {}; hash_tables[hash] = t end
+ t[#t+1] = -1
+ end
+ if block_end >= block_start+1 and dict_string_len >= 1 then
+ hash = dict_string_table[dict_string_len]*65536
+ + string_table[1]*256 + string_table[2]
+ local t = hash_tables[hash]
+ if not t then t = {}; hash_tables[hash] = t end
+ t[#t+1] = 0
+ end
+ end
+ hash = (string_table[block_start-offset] or 0)*256
+ + (string_table[block_start+1-offset] or 0)
+ local lcodes = {}
+ local lcode_tblsize = 0
+ local lcodes_counts = {}
+ local dcodes = {}
+ local dcodes_tblsize = 0
+ local dcodes_counts = {}
+ local lextra_bits = {}
+ local lextra_bits_tblsize = 0
+ local dextra_bits = {}
+ local dextra_bits_tblsize = 0
+ local match_available = false
+ local prev_len
+ local prev_dist
+ local cur_len = 0
+ local cur_dist = 0
+ local index = block_start
+ local index_end = block_end + (config_use_lazy and 1 or 0)
+ -- the zlib source code writes separate code for lazy evaluation and
+ -- not lazy evaluation, which is easier to understand.
+ -- I put them together, so it is a bit harder to understand.
+ -- because I think this is easier for me to maintain it.
+ while (index <= index_end) do
+ local string_table_index = index - offset
+ prev_len = cur_len
+ prev_dist = cur_dist
+ cur_len = 0
+ hash = (hash*256+(string_table[string_table_index+2] or 0))%16777216
+ local chain_index
+ local cur_chain
+ local hash_chain = hash_tables[hash]
+ local chain_old_size
+ if not hash_chain then
+ chain_old_size = 0
+ hash_chain = {}
+ hash_tables[hash] = hash_chain
+ if dict_hash_tables then
+ cur_chain = dict_hash_tables[hash]
+ chain_index = cur_chain and #cur_chain or 0
+ else
+ chain_index = 0
+ end
+ else
+ chain_old_size = #hash_chain
+ cur_chain = hash_chain
+ chain_index = chain_old_size
+ end
+ if index <= block_end then
+ hash_chain[chain_old_size+1] = index
+ end
+ if (chain_index > 0 and index + 2 <= block_end
+ and (not config_use_lazy or prev_len < config_max_lazy_match)) then
+ local depth =
+ (config_use_lazy and prev_len >= config_good_prev_length)
+ and config_good_hash_chain or config_max_hash_chain
+ while chain_index >= 1 and depth > 0 do
+ local prev = cur_chain[chain_index]
+ if index - prev > 32768 then
+ break
+ end
+ if prev < index then
+ local j = 3
+ if prev >= -257 then
+ local prev_table_index = prev-offset
+ -- NOTE for author:
+ -- j < 258 and index + j <= block_end
+ -- This is the right condition
+ while (j < 258 and index + j <= block_end) do
+ if (string_table[prev_table_index+j]
+ == string_table[string_table_index+j]) then
+ j = j + 1
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local prev_table_index = dict_string_len+prev
+ -- NOTE for author:
+ -- j < 258 and index + j <= block_end
+ -- This is the right condition
+ while (j < 258 and index + j <= block_end) do
+ if (dict_string_table[prev_table_index+j]
+ == string_table[string_table_index+j]) then
+ j = j + 1
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if j > cur_len then
+ cur_len = j
+ cur_dist = index - prev
+ end
+ if cur_len >= config_nice_length then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ chain_index = chain_index - 1
+ depth = depth - 1
+ if chain_index == 0 and prev > 0 and dict_hash_tables then
+ cur_chain = dict_hash_tables[hash]
+ chain_index = cur_chain and #cur_chain or 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not config_use_lazy then
+ prev_len, prev_dist = cur_len, cur_dist
+ end
+ if ((not config_use_lazy or match_available)
+ and (prev_len > 3 or (prev_len == 3 and prev_dist < 4096))
+ and cur_len <= prev_len )then
+ local code = _length_to_deflate_code[prev_len]
+ local length_extra_bits_bitlen =
+ _length_to_deflate_extra_bitlen[prev_len]
+ local dist_code, dist_extra_bits_bitlen, dist_extra_bits
+ if prev_dist <= 256 then -- have cached code for small distance.
+ dist_code = _dist256_to_deflate_code[prev_dist]
+ dist_extra_bits = _dist256_to_deflate_extra_bits[prev_dist]
+ dist_extra_bits_bitlen =
+ _dist256_to_deflate_extra_bitlen[prev_dist]
+ else
+ dist_code = 16
+ dist_extra_bits_bitlen = 7
+ local a = 384
+ local b = 512
+ while true do
+ if prev_dist <= a then
+ dist_extra_bits = (prev_dist-(b/2)-1) % (b/4)
+ break
+ elseif prev_dist <= b then
+ dist_extra_bits = (prev_dist-(b/2)-1) % (b/4)
+ dist_code = dist_code + 1
+ break
+ else
+ dist_code = dist_code + 2
+ dist_extra_bits_bitlen = dist_extra_bits_bitlen + 1
+ a = a*2
+ b = b*2
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ lcode_tblsize = lcode_tblsize + 1
+ lcodes[lcode_tblsize] = code
+ lcodes_counts[code] = (lcodes_counts[code] or 0) + 1
+ dcodes_tblsize = dcodes_tblsize + 1
+ dcodes[dcodes_tblsize] = dist_code
+ dcodes_counts[dist_code] = (dcodes_counts[dist_code] or 0) + 1
+ if length_extra_bits_bitlen > 0 then
+ local lenExtraBits = _length_to_deflate_extra_bits[prev_len]
+ lextra_bits_tblsize = lextra_bits_tblsize + 1
+ lextra_bits[lextra_bits_tblsize] = lenExtraBits
+ end
+ if dist_extra_bits_bitlen > 0 then
+ dextra_bits_tblsize = dextra_bits_tblsize + 1
+ dextra_bits[dextra_bits_tblsize] = dist_extra_bits
+ end
+ for i=index+1, index+prev_len-(config_use_lazy and 2 or 1) do
+ hash = (hash*256+(string_table[i-offset+2] or 0))%16777216
+ if prev_len <= config_max_insert_length then
+ hash_chain = hash_tables[hash]
+ if not hash_chain then
+ hash_chain = {}
+ hash_tables[hash] = hash_chain
+ end
+ hash_chain[#hash_chain+1] = i
+ end
+ end
+ index = index + prev_len - (config_use_lazy and 1 or 0)
+ match_available = false
+ elseif (not config_use_lazy) or match_available then
+ local code = string_table[config_use_lazy
+ and (string_table_index-1) or string_table_index]
+ lcode_tblsize = lcode_tblsize + 1
+ lcodes[lcode_tblsize] = code
+ lcodes_counts[code] = (lcodes_counts[code] or 0) + 1
+ index = index + 1
+ else
+ match_available = true
+ index = index + 1
+ end
+ end
+ -- Write "end of block" symbol
+ lcode_tblsize = lcode_tblsize + 1
+ lcodes[lcode_tblsize] = 256
+ lcodes_counts[256] = (lcodes_counts[256] or 0) + 1
+ return lcodes, lextra_bits, lcodes_counts, dcodes, dextra_bits
+ , dcodes_counts
+-- Get the header data of dynamic block.
+-- @param lcodes_count The count of each literal/LZ77_length codes.
+-- @param dcodes_count The count of each Lz77 distance codes.
+-- @return a lots of stuffs.
+-- @see RFC1951 Page 12
+local function GetBlockDynamicHuffmanHeader(lcodes_counts, dcodes_counts)
+ local lcodes_huffman_bitlens, lcodes_huffman_codes
+ , max_non_zero_bitlen_lcode =
+ GetHuffmanBitlenAndCode(lcodes_counts, 15, 285)
+ local dcodes_huffman_bitlens, dcodes_huffman_codes
+ , max_non_zero_bitlen_dcode =
+ GetHuffmanBitlenAndCode(dcodes_counts, 15, 29)
+ local rle_deflate_codes, rle_extra_bits, rle_codes_counts =
+ RunLengthEncodeHuffmanBitlen(lcodes_huffman_bitlens
+ ,max_non_zero_bitlen_lcode, dcodes_huffman_bitlens
+ , max_non_zero_bitlen_dcode)
+ local rle_codes_huffman_bitlens, rle_codes_huffman_codes =
+ GetHuffmanBitlenAndCode(rle_codes_counts, 7, 18)
+ local HCLEN = 0
+ for i = 1, 19 do
+ local symbol = _rle_codes_huffman_bitlen_order[i]
+ local length = rle_codes_huffman_bitlens[symbol] or 0
+ if length ~= 0 then
+ HCLEN = i
+ end
+ end
+ local HLIT = max_non_zero_bitlen_lcode + 1 - 257
+ local HDIST = max_non_zero_bitlen_dcode + 1 - 1
+ if HDIST < 0 then HDIST = 0 end
+ return HLIT, HDIST, HCLEN, rle_codes_huffman_bitlens
+ , rle_codes_huffman_codes, rle_deflate_codes, rle_extra_bits
+ , lcodes_huffman_bitlens, lcodes_huffman_codes
+ , dcodes_huffman_bitlens, dcodes_huffman_codes
+-- Get the size of dynamic block without writing any bits into the writer.
+-- @param ... Read the source code of GetBlockDynamicHuffmanHeader()
+-- @return the bit length of the dynamic block
+local function GetDynamicHuffmanBlockSize(lcodes, dcodes, HCLEN
+ , rle_codes_huffman_bitlens, rle_deflate_codes
+ , lcodes_huffman_bitlens, dcodes_huffman_bitlens)
+ local block_bitlen = 17 -- 1+2+5+5+4
+ block_bitlen = block_bitlen + (HCLEN+4)*3
+ for i = 1, #rle_deflate_codes do
+ local code = rle_deflate_codes[i]
+ block_bitlen = block_bitlen + rle_codes_huffman_bitlens[code]
+ if code >= 16 then
+ block_bitlen = block_bitlen +
+ ((code == 16) and 2 or (code == 17 and 3 or 7))
+ end
+ end
+ local length_code_count = 0
+ for i = 1, #lcodes do
+ local code = lcodes[i]
+ local huffman_bitlen = lcodes_huffman_bitlens[code]
+ block_bitlen = block_bitlen + huffman_bitlen
+ if code > 256 then -- Length code
+ length_code_count = length_code_count + 1
+ if code > 264 and code < 285 then -- Length code with extra bits
+ local extra_bits_bitlen =
+ _literal_deflate_code_to_extra_bitlen[code-256]
+ block_bitlen = block_bitlen + extra_bits_bitlen
+ end
+ local dist_code = dcodes[length_code_count]
+ local dist_huffman_bitlen = dcodes_huffman_bitlens[dist_code]
+ block_bitlen = block_bitlen + dist_huffman_bitlen
+ if dist_code > 3 then -- dist code with extra bits
+ local dist_extra_bits_bitlen = (dist_code-dist_code%2)/2 - 1
+ block_bitlen = block_bitlen + dist_extra_bits_bitlen
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return block_bitlen
+-- Write dynamic block.
+-- @param ... Read the source code of GetBlockDynamicHuffmanHeader()
+local function CompressDynamicHuffmanBlock(WriteBits, is_last_block
+ , lcodes, lextra_bits, dcodes, dextra_bits, HLIT, HDIST, HCLEN
+ , rle_codes_huffman_bitlens, rle_codes_huffman_codes
+ , rle_deflate_codes, rle_extra_bits
+ , lcodes_huffman_bitlens, lcodes_huffman_codes
+ , dcodes_huffman_bitlens, dcodes_huffman_codes)
+ WriteBits(is_last_block and 1 or 0, 1) -- Last block identifier
+ WriteBits(2, 2) -- Dynamic Huffman block identifier
+ WriteBits(HLIT, 5)
+ WriteBits(HDIST, 5)
+ WriteBits(HCLEN, 4)
+ for i = 1, HCLEN+4 do
+ local symbol = _rle_codes_huffman_bitlen_order[i]
+ local length = rle_codes_huffman_bitlens[symbol] or 0
+ WriteBits(length, 3)
+ end
+ local rleExtraBitsIndex = 1
+ for i=1, #rle_deflate_codes do
+ local code = rle_deflate_codes[i]
+ WriteBits(rle_codes_huffman_codes[code]
+ , rle_codes_huffman_bitlens[code])
+ if code >= 16 then
+ local extraBits = rle_extra_bits[rleExtraBitsIndex]
+ WriteBits(extraBits, (code == 16) and 2 or (code == 17 and 3 or 7))
+ rleExtraBitsIndex = rleExtraBitsIndex + 1
+ end
+ end
+ local length_code_count = 0
+ local length_code_with_extra_count = 0
+ local dist_code_with_extra_count = 0
+ for i=1, #lcodes do
+ local deflate_codee = lcodes[i]
+ local huffman_code = lcodes_huffman_codes[deflate_codee]
+ local huffman_bitlen = lcodes_huffman_bitlens[deflate_codee]
+ WriteBits(huffman_code, huffman_bitlen)
+ if deflate_codee > 256 then -- Length code
+ length_code_count = length_code_count + 1
+ if deflate_codee > 264 and deflate_codee < 285 then
+ -- Length code with extra bits
+ length_code_with_extra_count = length_code_with_extra_count + 1
+ local extra_bits = lextra_bits[length_code_with_extra_count]
+ local extra_bits_bitlen =
+ _literal_deflate_code_to_extra_bitlen[deflate_codee-256]
+ WriteBits(extra_bits, extra_bits_bitlen)
+ end
+ -- Write distance code
+ local dist_deflate_code = dcodes[length_code_count]
+ local dist_huffman_code = dcodes_huffman_codes[dist_deflate_code]
+ local dist_huffman_bitlen =
+ dcodes_huffman_bitlens[dist_deflate_code]
+ WriteBits(dist_huffman_code, dist_huffman_bitlen)
+ if dist_deflate_code > 3 then -- dist code with extra bits
+ dist_code_with_extra_count = dist_code_with_extra_count + 1
+ local dist_extra_bits = dextra_bits[dist_code_with_extra_count]
+ local dist_extra_bits_bitlen =
+ (dist_deflate_code-dist_deflate_code%2)/2 - 1
+ WriteBits(dist_extra_bits, dist_extra_bits_bitlen)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- Get the size of fixed block without writing any bits into the writer.
+-- @param lcodes literal/LZ77_length deflate codes
+-- @param decodes LZ77 distance deflate codes
+-- @return the bit length of the fixed block
+local function GetFixedHuffmanBlockSize(lcodes, dcodes)
+ local block_bitlen = 3
+ local length_code_count = 0
+ for i=1, #lcodes do
+ local code = lcodes[i]
+ local huffman_bitlen = _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen[code]
+ block_bitlen = block_bitlen + huffman_bitlen
+ if code > 256 then -- Length code
+ length_code_count = length_code_count + 1
+ if code > 264 and code < 285 then -- Length code with extra bits
+ local extra_bits_bitlen =
+ _literal_deflate_code_to_extra_bitlen[code-256]
+ block_bitlen = block_bitlen + extra_bits_bitlen
+ end
+ local dist_code = dcodes[length_code_count]
+ block_bitlen = block_bitlen + 5
+ if dist_code > 3 then -- dist code with extra bits
+ local dist_extra_bits_bitlen =
+ (dist_code-dist_code%2)/2 - 1
+ block_bitlen = block_bitlen + dist_extra_bits_bitlen
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return block_bitlen
+-- Write fixed block.
+-- @param lcodes literal/LZ77_length deflate codes
+-- @param decodes LZ77 distance deflate codes
+local function CompressFixedHuffmanBlock(WriteBits, is_last_block,
+ lcodes, lextra_bits, dcodes, dextra_bits)
+ WriteBits(is_last_block and 1 or 0, 1) -- Last block identifier
+ WriteBits(1, 2) -- Fixed Huffman block identifier
+ local length_code_count = 0
+ local length_code_with_extra_count = 0
+ local dist_code_with_extra_count = 0
+ for i=1, #lcodes do
+ local deflate_code = lcodes[i]
+ local huffman_code = _fix_block_literal_huffman_code[deflate_code]
+ local huffman_bitlen = _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen[deflate_code]
+ WriteBits(huffman_code, huffman_bitlen)
+ if deflate_code > 256 then -- Length code
+ length_code_count = length_code_count + 1
+ if deflate_code > 264 and deflate_code < 285 then
+ -- Length code with extra bits
+ length_code_with_extra_count = length_code_with_extra_count + 1
+ local extra_bits = lextra_bits[length_code_with_extra_count]
+ local extra_bits_bitlen =
+ _literal_deflate_code_to_extra_bitlen[deflate_code-256]
+ WriteBits(extra_bits, extra_bits_bitlen)
+ end
+ -- Write distance code
+ local dist_code = dcodes[length_code_count]
+ local dist_huffman_code = _fix_block_dist_huffman_code[dist_code]
+ WriteBits(dist_huffman_code, 5)
+ if dist_code > 3 then -- dist code with extra bits
+ dist_code_with_extra_count = dist_code_with_extra_count + 1
+ local dist_extra_bits = dextra_bits[dist_code_with_extra_count]
+ local dist_extra_bits_bitlen = (dist_code-dist_code%2)/2 - 1
+ WriteBits(dist_extra_bits, dist_extra_bits_bitlen)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- Get the size of store block without writing any bits into the writer.
+-- @param block_start The start index of the origin input string
+-- @param block_end The end index of the origin input string
+-- @param Total bit lens had been written into the compressed result before,
+-- because store block needs to shift to byte boundary.
+-- @return the bit length of the fixed block
+local function GetStoreBlockSize(block_start, block_end, total_bitlen)
+ assert(block_end-block_start+1 <= 65535)
+ local block_bitlen = 3
+ total_bitlen = total_bitlen + 3
+ local padding_bitlen = (8-total_bitlen%8)%8
+ block_bitlen = block_bitlen + padding_bitlen
+ block_bitlen = block_bitlen + 32
+ block_bitlen = block_bitlen + (block_end - block_start + 1) * 8
+ return block_bitlen
+-- Write the store block.
+-- @param ... lots of stuffs
+-- @return nil
+local function CompressStoreBlock(WriteBits, WriteString, is_last_block, str
+ , block_start, block_end, total_bitlen)
+ assert(block_end-block_start+1 <= 65535)
+ WriteBits(is_last_block and 1 or 0, 1) -- Last block identifer.
+ WriteBits(0, 2) -- Store block identifier.
+ total_bitlen = total_bitlen + 3
+ local padding_bitlen = (8-total_bitlen%8)%8
+ if padding_bitlen > 0 then
+ WriteBits(_pow2[padding_bitlen]-1, padding_bitlen)
+ end
+ local size = block_end - block_start + 1
+ WriteBits(size, 16)
+ -- Write size's one's complement
+ local comp = (255 - size % 256) + (255 - (size-size%256)/256)*256
+ WriteBits(comp, 16)
+ WriteString(str:sub(block_start, block_end))
+-- Do the deflate
+-- Currently using a simple way to determine the block size
+-- (This is why the compression ratio is little bit worse than zlib when
+-- the input size is very large
+-- The first block is 64KB, the following block is 32KB.
+-- After each block, there is a memory cleanup operation.
+-- This is not a fast operation, but it is needed to save memory usage, so
+-- the memory usage does not grow unboundly. If the data size is less than
+-- 64KB, then memory cleanup won't happen.
+-- This function determines whether to use store/fixed/dynamic blocks by
+-- calculating the block size of each block type and chooses the smallest one.
+local function Deflate(configs, WriteBits, WriteString, FlushWriter, str
+ , dictionary)
+ local string_table = {}
+ local hash_tables = {}
+ local is_last_block = nil
+ local block_start
+ local block_end
+ local bitlen_written
+ local total_bitlen = FlushWriter(_FLUSH_MODE_NO_FLUSH)
+ local strlen = #str
+ local offset
+ local level
+ local strategy
+ if configs then
+ if configs.level then
+ level = configs.level
+ end
+ if configs.strategy then
+ strategy = configs.strategy
+ end
+ end
+ if not level then
+ if strlen < 2048 then
+ level = 7
+ elseif strlen > 65536 then
+ level = 3
+ else
+ level = 5
+ end
+ end
+ while not is_last_block do
+ if not block_start then
+ block_start = 1
+ block_end = 64*1024 - 1
+ offset = 0
+ else
+ block_start = block_end + 1
+ block_end = block_end + 32*1024
+ offset = block_start - 32*1024 - 1
+ end
+ if block_end >= strlen then
+ block_end = strlen
+ is_last_block = true
+ else
+ is_last_block = false
+ end
+ local lcodes, lextra_bits, lcodes_counts, dcodes, dextra_bits
+ , dcodes_counts
+ local HLIT, HDIST, HCLEN, rle_codes_huffman_bitlens
+ , rle_codes_huffman_codes, rle_deflate_codes
+ , rle_extra_bits, lcodes_huffman_bitlens, lcodes_huffman_codes
+ , dcodes_huffman_bitlens, dcodes_huffman_codes
+ local dynamic_block_bitlen
+ local fixed_block_bitlen
+ local store_block_bitlen
+ if level ~= 0 then
+ -- GetBlockLZ77 needs block_start to block_end+3 to be loaded.
+ LoadStringToTable(str, string_table, block_start, block_end + 3
+ , offset)
+ if block_start == 1 and dictionary then
+ local dict_string_table = dictionary.string_table
+ local dict_strlen = dictionary.strlen
+ for i=0, (-dict_strlen+1)<-257
+ and -257 or (-dict_strlen+1), -1 do
+ string_table[i] = dict_string_table[dict_strlen+i]
+ end
+ end
+ if strategy == "huffman_only" then
+ lcodes = {}
+ LoadStringToTable(str, lcodes, block_start, block_end
+ , block_start-1)
+ lextra_bits = {}
+ lcodes_counts = {}
+ lcodes[block_end - block_start+2] = 256 -- end of block
+ for i=1, block_end - block_start+2 do
+ local code = lcodes[i]
+ lcodes_counts[code] = (lcodes_counts[code] or 0) + 1
+ end
+ dcodes = {}
+ dextra_bits = {}
+ dcodes_counts = {}
+ else
+ lcodes, lextra_bits, lcodes_counts, dcodes, dextra_bits
+ , dcodes_counts = GetBlockLZ77Result(level, string_table
+ , hash_tables, block_start, block_end, offset, dictionary
+ )
+ end
+ HLIT, HDIST, HCLEN, rle_codes_huffman_bitlens
+ , rle_codes_huffman_codes, rle_deflate_codes
+ , rle_extra_bits, lcodes_huffman_bitlens, lcodes_huffman_codes
+ , dcodes_huffman_bitlens, dcodes_huffman_codes =
+ GetBlockDynamicHuffmanHeader(lcodes_counts, dcodes_counts)
+ dynamic_block_bitlen = GetDynamicHuffmanBlockSize(
+ lcodes, dcodes, HCLEN, rle_codes_huffman_bitlens
+ , rle_deflate_codes, lcodes_huffman_bitlens
+ , dcodes_huffman_bitlens)
+ fixed_block_bitlen = GetFixedHuffmanBlockSize(lcodes, dcodes)
+ end
+ store_block_bitlen = GetStoreBlockSize(block_start, block_end
+ , total_bitlen)
+ local min_bitlen = store_block_bitlen
+ min_bitlen = (fixed_block_bitlen and fixed_block_bitlen < min_bitlen)
+ and fixed_block_bitlen or min_bitlen
+ min_bitlen = (dynamic_block_bitlen
+ and dynamic_block_bitlen < min_bitlen)
+ and dynamic_block_bitlen or min_bitlen
+ if level == 0 or (strategy ~= "fixed" and strategy ~= "dynamic" and
+ store_block_bitlen == min_bitlen) then
+ CompressStoreBlock(WriteBits, WriteString, is_last_block
+ , str, block_start, block_end, total_bitlen)
+ total_bitlen = total_bitlen + store_block_bitlen
+ elseif strategy ~= "dynamic" and (
+ strategy == "fixed" or fixed_block_bitlen == min_bitlen) then
+ CompressFixedHuffmanBlock(WriteBits, is_last_block,
+ lcodes, lextra_bits, dcodes, dextra_bits)
+ total_bitlen = total_bitlen + fixed_block_bitlen
+ elseif strategy == "dynamic" or dynamic_block_bitlen == min_bitlen then
+ CompressDynamicHuffmanBlock(WriteBits, is_last_block, lcodes
+ , lextra_bits, dcodes, dextra_bits, HLIT, HDIST, HCLEN
+ , rle_codes_huffman_bitlens, rle_codes_huffman_codes
+ , rle_deflate_codes, rle_extra_bits
+ , lcodes_huffman_bitlens, lcodes_huffman_codes
+ , dcodes_huffman_bitlens, dcodes_huffman_codes)
+ total_bitlen = total_bitlen + dynamic_block_bitlen
+ end
+ if is_last_block then
+ bitlen_written = FlushWriter(_FLUSH_MODE_NO_FLUSH)
+ else
+ bitlen_written = FlushWriter(_FLUSH_MODE_MEMORY_CLEANUP)
+ end
+ assert(bitlen_written == total_bitlen)
+ -- Memory clean up, so memory consumption does not always grow linearly
+ -- , even if input string is > 64K.
+ -- Not a very efficient operation, but this operation won't happen
+ -- when the input data size is less than 64K.
+ if not is_last_block then
+ local j
+ if dictionary and block_start == 1 then
+ j = 0
+ while (string_table[j]) do
+ string_table[j] = nil
+ j = j - 1
+ end
+ end
+ dictionary = nil
+ j = 1
+ for i = block_end-32767, block_end do
+ string_table[j] = string_table[i-offset]
+ j = j + 1
+ end
+ for k, t in pairs(hash_tables) do
+ local tSize = #t
+ if tSize > 0 and block_end+1 - t[1] > 32768 then
+ if tSize == 1 then
+ hash_tables[k] = nil
+ else
+ local new = {}
+ local newSize = 0
+ for i = 2, tSize do
+ j = t[i]
+ if block_end+1 - j <= 32768 then
+ newSize = newSize + 1
+ new[newSize] = j
+ end
+ end
+ hash_tables[k] = new
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+--- The description to compression configuration table.
+-- Any field can be nil to use its default.
+-- Table with keys other than those below is an invalid table.
+-- @class table
+-- @name compression_configs
+-- @field level The compression level ranged from 0 to 9. 0 is no compression.
+-- 9 is the slowest but best compression. Use nil for default level.
+-- @field strategy The compression strategy. "fixed" to only use fixed deflate
+-- compression block. "dynamic" to only use dynamic block. "huffman_only" to
+-- do no LZ77 compression. Only do huffman compression.
+-- @see LibDeflate:CompressDeflate(str, configs)
+-- @see LibDeflate:CompressDeflateWithDict(str, dictionary, configs)
+local function CompressDeflateInternal(str, dictionary, configs)
+ local WriteBits, WriteString, FlushWriter = CreateWriter()
+ Deflate(configs, WriteBits, WriteString, FlushWriter, str, dictionary)
+ local total_bitlen, result = FlushWriter(_FLUSH_MODE_OUTPUT)
+ local padding_bitlen = (8-total_bitlen%8)%8
+ return result, padding_bitlen
+-- @see LibDeflate:CompressZlib
+-- @see LibDeflate:CompressZlibWithDict
+local function CompressZlibInternal(str, dictionary, configs)
+ local WriteBits, WriteString, FlushWriter = CreateWriter()
+ local CM = 8 -- Compression method
+ local CINFO = 7 --Window Size = 32K
+ local CMF = CINFO*16+CM
+ WriteBits(CMF, 8)
+ local FDIST = dictionary and 1 or 0
+ local FLEVEL = 2 -- Default compression
+ local FLG = FLEVEL*64+FDIST*32
+ local FCHECK = (31-(CMF*256+FLG)%31)
+ -- The FCHECK value must be such that CMF and FLG,
+ -- when viewed as a 16-bit unsigned integer stored
+ -- in MSB order (CMF*256 + FLG), is a multiple of 31.
+ WriteBits(FLG, 8)
+ if FDIST == 1 then
+ local adler32 = dictionary.adler32
+ local byte0 = adler32 % 256
+ adler32 = (adler32 - byte0) / 256
+ local byte1 = adler32 % 256
+ adler32 = (adler32 - byte1) / 256
+ local byte2 = adler32 % 256
+ adler32 = (adler32 - byte2) / 256
+ local byte3 = adler32 % 256
+ WriteBits(byte3, 8)
+ WriteBits(byte2, 8)
+ WriteBits(byte1, 8)
+ WriteBits(byte0, 8)
+ end
+ Deflate(configs, WriteBits, WriteString, FlushWriter, str, dictionary)
+ local adler32 = LibDeflate:Adler32(str)
+ -- Most significant byte first
+ local byte3 = adler32%256
+ adler32 = (adler32 - byte3) / 256
+ local byte2 = adler32%256
+ adler32 = (adler32 - byte2) / 256
+ local byte1 = adler32%256
+ adler32 = (adler32 - byte1) / 256
+ local byte0 = adler32%256
+ WriteBits(byte0, 8)
+ WriteBits(byte1, 8)
+ WriteBits(byte2, 8)
+ WriteBits(byte3, 8)
+ local total_bitlen, result = FlushWriter(_FLUSH_MODE_OUTPUT)
+ local padding_bitlen = (8-total_bitlen%8)%8
+ return result, padding_bitlen
+--- Compress using the raw deflate format.
+-- @param str [string] The data to be compressed.
+-- @param configs [table/nil] The configuration table to control the compression
+-- . If nil, use the default configuration.
+-- @return [string] The compressed data.
+-- @return [integer] The number of bits padded at the end of output.
+-- 0 <= bits < 8
+-- This means the most significant "bits" of the last byte of the returned
+-- compressed data are padding bits and they don't affect decompression.
+-- You don't need to use this value unless you want to do some postprocessing
+-- to the compressed data.
+-- @see compression_configs
+-- @see LibDeflate:DecompressDeflate
+function LibDeflate:CompressDeflate(str, configs)
+ local arg_valid, arg_err = IsValidArguments(str, false, nil, true, configs)
+ if not arg_valid then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CompressDeflate(str, configs): "
+ ..arg_err), 2)
+ end
+ return CompressDeflateInternal(str, nil, configs)
+--- Compress using the raw deflate format with a preset dictionary.
+-- @param str [string] The data to be compressed.
+-- @param dictionary [table] The preset dictionary produced by
+-- LibDeflate:CreateDictionary
+-- @param configs [table/nil] The configuration table to control the compression
+-- . If nil, use the default configuration.
+-- @return [string] The compressed data.
+-- @return [integer] The number of bits padded at the end of output.
+-- 0 <= bits < 8
+-- This means the most significant "bits" of the last byte of the returned
+-- compressed data are padding bits and they don't affect decompression.
+-- You don't need to use this value unless you want to do some postprocessing
+-- to the compressed data.
+-- @see compression_configs
+-- @see LibDeflate:CreateDictionary
+-- @see LibDeflate:DecompressDeflateWithDict
+function LibDeflate:CompressDeflateWithDict(str, dictionary, configs)
+ local arg_valid, arg_err = IsValidArguments(str, true, dictionary
+ , true, configs)
+ if not arg_valid then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CompressDeflateWithDict"
+ .."(str, dictionary, configs): "
+ ..arg_err), 2)
+ end
+ return CompressDeflateInternal(str, dictionary, configs)
+--- Compress using the zlib format.
+-- @param str [string] the data to be compressed.
+-- @param configs [table/nil] The configuration table to control the compression
+-- . If nil, use the default configuration.
+-- @return [string] The compressed data.
+-- @return [integer] The number of bits padded at the end of output.
+-- Should always be 0.
+-- Zlib formatted compressed data never has padding bits at the end.
+-- @see compression_configs
+-- @see LibDeflate:DecompressZlib
+function LibDeflate:CompressZlib(str, configs)
+ local arg_valid, arg_err = IsValidArguments(str, false, nil, true, configs)
+ if not arg_valid then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CompressZlib(str, configs): "
+ ..arg_err), 2)
+ end
+ return CompressZlibInternal(str, nil, configs)
+--- Compress using the zlib format with a preset dictionary.
+-- @param str [string] the data to be compressed.
+-- @param dictionary [table] A preset dictionary produced
+-- by LibDeflate:CreateDictionary()
+-- @param configs [table/nil] The configuration table to control the compression
+-- . If nil, use the default configuration.
+-- @return [string] The compressed data.
+-- @return [integer] The number of bits padded at the end of output.
+-- Should always be 0.
+-- Zlib formatted compressed data never has padding bits at the end.
+-- @see compression_configs
+-- @see LibDeflate:CreateDictionary
+-- @see LibDeflate:DecompressZlibWithDict
+function LibDeflate:CompressZlibWithDict(str, dictionary, configs)
+ local arg_valid, arg_err = IsValidArguments(str, true, dictionary
+ , true, configs)
+ if not arg_valid then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:CompressZlibWithDict"
+ .."(str, dictionary, configs): "
+ ..arg_err), 2)
+ end
+ return CompressZlibInternal(str, dictionary, configs)
+--[[ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Decompress code
+--]] --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Create a reader to easily reader stuffs as the unit of bits.
+ Return values:
+ 1. ReadBits(bitlen)
+ 2. ReadBytes(bytelen, buffer, buffer_size)
+ 3. Decode(huffman_bitlen_count, huffman_symbol, min_bitlen)
+ 4. ReaderBitlenLeft()
+ 5. SkipToByteBoundary()
+local function CreateReader(input_string)
+ local input = input_string
+ local input_strlen = #input_string
+ local input_next_byte_pos = 1
+ local cache_bitlen = 0
+ local cache = 0
+ -- Read some bits.
+ -- To improve speed, this function does not
+ -- check if the input has been exhausted.
+ -- Use ReaderBitlenLeft() < 0 to check it.
+ -- @param bitlen the number of bits to read
+ -- @return the data is read.
+ local function ReadBits(bitlen)
+ local rshift_mask = _pow2[bitlen]
+ local code
+ if bitlen <= cache_bitlen then
+ code = cache % rshift_mask
+ cache = (cache - code) / rshift_mask
+ cache_bitlen = cache_bitlen - bitlen
+ else -- Whether input has been exhausted is not checked.
+ local lshift_mask = _pow2[cache_bitlen]
+ local byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4 = string_byte(input
+ , input_next_byte_pos, input_next_byte_pos+3)
+ -- This requires lua number to be at least double ()
+ cache = cache + ((byte1 or 0)+(byte2 or 0)*256
+ + (byte3 or 0)*65536+(byte4 or 0)*16777216)*lshift_mask
+ input_next_byte_pos = input_next_byte_pos + 4
+ cache_bitlen = cache_bitlen + 32 - bitlen
+ code = cache % rshift_mask
+ cache = (cache - code) / rshift_mask
+ end
+ return code
+ end
+ -- Read some bytes from the reader.
+ -- Assume reader is on the byte boundary.
+ -- @param bytelen The number of bytes to be read.
+ -- @param buffer The byte read will be stored into this buffer.
+ -- @param buffer_size The buffer will be modified starting from
+ -- buffer[buffer_size+1], ending at buffer[buffer_size+bytelen-1]
+ -- @return the new buffer_size
+ local function ReadBytes(bytelen, buffer, buffer_size)
+ assert(cache_bitlen % 8 == 0)
+ local byte_from_cache = (cache_bitlen/8 < bytelen)
+ and (cache_bitlen/8) or bytelen
+ for _=1, byte_from_cache do
+ local byte = cache % 256
+ buffer_size = buffer_size + 1
+ buffer[buffer_size] = string_char(byte)
+ cache = (cache - byte) / 256
+ end
+ cache_bitlen = cache_bitlen - byte_from_cache*8
+ bytelen = bytelen - byte_from_cache
+ if (input_strlen - input_next_byte_pos - bytelen + 1) * 8
+ + cache_bitlen < 0 then
+ return -1 -- out of input
+ end
+ for i=input_next_byte_pos, input_next_byte_pos+bytelen-1 do
+ buffer_size = buffer_size + 1
+ buffer[buffer_size] = string_sub(input, i, i)
+ end
+ input_next_byte_pos = input_next_byte_pos + bytelen
+ return buffer_size
+ end
+ -- Decode huffman code
+ -- To improve speed, this function does not check
+ -- if the input has been exhausted.
+ -- Use ReaderBitlenLeft() < 0 to check it.
+ -- Credits for Mark Adler. This code is from puff:Decode()
+ -- @see puff:Decode(...)
+ -- @param huffman_bitlen_count
+ -- @param huffman_symbol
+ -- @param min_bitlen The minimum huffman bit length of all symbols
+ -- @return The decoded deflate code.
+ -- Negative value is returned if decoding fails.
+ local function Decode(huffman_bitlen_counts, huffman_symbols, min_bitlen)
+ local code = 0
+ local first = 0
+ local index = 0
+ local count
+ if min_bitlen > 0 then
+ if cache_bitlen < 15 and input then
+ local lshift_mask = _pow2[cache_bitlen]
+ local byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4 =
+ string_byte(input, input_next_byte_pos
+ , input_next_byte_pos+3)
+ -- This requires lua number to be at least double ()
+ cache = cache + ((byte1 or 0)+(byte2 or 0)*256
+ +(byte3 or 0)*65536+(byte4 or 0)*16777216)*lshift_mask
+ input_next_byte_pos = input_next_byte_pos + 4
+ cache_bitlen = cache_bitlen + 32
+ end
+ local rshift_mask = _pow2[min_bitlen]
+ cache_bitlen = cache_bitlen - min_bitlen
+ code = cache % rshift_mask
+ cache = (cache - code) / rshift_mask
+ -- Reverse the bits
+ code = _reverse_bits_tbl[min_bitlen][code]
+ count = huffman_bitlen_counts[min_bitlen]
+ if code < count then
+ return huffman_symbols[code]
+ end
+ index = count
+ first = count * 2
+ code = code * 2
+ end
+ for bitlen = min_bitlen+1, 15 do
+ local bit
+ bit = cache % 2
+ cache = (cache - bit) / 2
+ cache_bitlen = cache_bitlen - 1
+ code = (bit==1) and (code + 1 - code % 2) or code
+ count = huffman_bitlen_counts[bitlen] or 0
+ local diff = code - first
+ if diff < count then
+ return huffman_symbols[index + diff]
+ end
+ index = index + count
+ first = first + count
+ first = first * 2
+ code = code * 2
+ end
+ -- invalid literal/length or distance code
+ -- in fixed or dynamic block (run out of code)
+ return -10
+ end
+ local function ReaderBitlenLeft()
+ return (input_strlen - input_next_byte_pos + 1) * 8 + cache_bitlen
+ end
+ local function SkipToByteBoundary()
+ local skipped_bitlen = cache_bitlen%8
+ local rshift_mask = _pow2[skipped_bitlen]
+ cache_bitlen = cache_bitlen - skipped_bitlen
+ cache = (cache - cache % rshift_mask) / rshift_mask
+ end
+ return ReadBits, ReadBytes, Decode, ReaderBitlenLeft, SkipToByteBoundary
+-- Create a deflate state, so I can pass in less arguments to functions.
+-- @param str the whole string to be decompressed.
+-- @param dictionary The preset dictionary. nil if not provided.
+-- This dictionary should be produced by LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(str)
+-- @return The decomrpess state.
+local function CreateDecompressState(str, dictionary)
+ local ReadBits, ReadBytes, Decode, ReaderBitlenLeft
+ , SkipToByteBoundary = CreateReader(str)
+ local state =
+ {
+ ReadBits = ReadBits,
+ ReadBytes = ReadBytes,
+ Decode = Decode,
+ ReaderBitlenLeft = ReaderBitlenLeft,
+ SkipToByteBoundary = SkipToByteBoundary,
+ buffer_size = 0,
+ buffer = {},
+ result_buffer = {},
+ dictionary = dictionary,
+ }
+ return state
+-- Get the stuffs needed to decode huffman codes
+-- @see puff.c:construct(...)
+-- @param huffman_bitlen The huffman bit length of the huffman codes.
+-- @param max_symbol The maximum symbol
+-- @param max_bitlen The min huffman bit length of all codes
+-- @return zero or positive for success, negative for failure.
+-- @return The count of each huffman bit length.
+-- @return A table to convert huffman codes to deflate codes.
+-- @return The minimum huffman bit length.
+local function GetHuffmanForDecode(huffman_bitlens, max_symbol, max_bitlen)
+ local huffman_bitlen_counts = {}
+ local min_bitlen = max_bitlen
+ for symbol = 0, max_symbol do
+ local bitlen = huffman_bitlens[symbol] or 0
+ min_bitlen = (bitlen > 0 and bitlen < min_bitlen)
+ and bitlen or min_bitlen
+ huffman_bitlen_counts[bitlen] = (huffman_bitlen_counts[bitlen] or 0)+1
+ end
+ if huffman_bitlen_counts[0] == max_symbol+1 then -- No Codes
+ return 0, huffman_bitlen_counts, {}, 0 -- Complete, but decode will fail
+ end
+ local left = 1
+ for len = 1, max_bitlen do
+ left = left * 2
+ left = left - (huffman_bitlen_counts[len] or 0)
+ if left < 0 then
+ return left -- Over-subscribed, return negative
+ end
+ end
+ -- Generate offsets info symbol table for each length for sorting
+ local offsets = {}
+ offsets[1] = 0
+ for len = 1, max_bitlen-1 do
+ offsets[len + 1] = offsets[len] + (huffman_bitlen_counts[len] or 0)
+ end
+ local huffman_symbols = {}
+ for symbol = 0, max_symbol do
+ local bitlen = huffman_bitlens[symbol] or 0
+ if bitlen ~= 0 then
+ local offset = offsets[bitlen]
+ huffman_symbols[offset] = symbol
+ offsets[bitlen] = offsets[bitlen] + 1
+ end
+ end
+ -- Return zero for complete set, positive for incomplete set.
+ return left, huffman_bitlen_counts, huffman_symbols, min_bitlen
+-- Decode a fixed or dynamic huffman blocks, excluding last block identifier
+-- and block type identifer.
+-- @see puff.c:codes()
+-- @param state decompression state that will be modified by this function.
+-- @see CreateDecompressState
+-- @param ... Read the source code
+-- @return 0 on success, other value on failure.
+local function DecodeUntilEndOfBlock(state, lcodes_huffman_bitlens
+ , lcodes_huffman_symbols, lcodes_huffman_min_bitlen
+ , dcodes_huffman_bitlens, dcodes_huffman_symbols
+ , dcodes_huffman_min_bitlen)
+ local buffer, buffer_size, ReadBits, Decode, ReaderBitlenLeft
+ , result_buffer =
+ state.buffer, state.buffer_size, state.ReadBits, state.Decode
+ , state.ReaderBitlenLeft, state.result_buffer
+ local dictionary = state.dictionary
+ local dict_string_table
+ local dict_strlen
+ local buffer_end = 1
+ if dictionary and not buffer[0] then
+ -- If there is a dictionary, copy the last 258 bytes into
+ -- the string_table to make the copy in the main loop quicker.
+ -- This is done only once per decompression.
+ dict_string_table = dictionary.string_table
+ dict_strlen = dictionary.strlen
+ buffer_end = -dict_strlen + 1
+ for i=0, (-dict_strlen+1)<-257 and -257 or (-dict_strlen+1), -1 do
+ buffer[i] = _byte_to_char[dict_string_table[dict_strlen+i]]
+ end
+ end
+ repeat
+ local symbol = Decode(lcodes_huffman_bitlens
+ , lcodes_huffman_symbols, lcodes_huffman_min_bitlen)
+ if symbol < 0 or symbol > 285 then
+ -- invalid literal/length or distance code in fixed or dynamic block
+ return -10
+ elseif symbol < 256 then -- Literal
+ buffer_size = buffer_size + 1
+ buffer[buffer_size] = _byte_to_char[symbol]
+ elseif symbol > 256 then -- Length code
+ symbol = symbol - 256
+ local bitlen = _literal_deflate_code_to_base_len[symbol]
+ bitlen = (symbol >= 8)
+ and (bitlen
+ + ReadBits(_literal_deflate_code_to_extra_bitlen[symbol]))
+ or bitlen
+ symbol = Decode(dcodes_huffman_bitlens, dcodes_huffman_symbols
+ , dcodes_huffman_min_bitlen)
+ if symbol < 0 or symbol > 29 then
+ -- invalid literal/length or distance code in fixed or dynamic block
+ return -10
+ end
+ local dist = _dist_deflate_code_to_base_dist[symbol]
+ dist = (dist > 4) and (dist
+ + ReadBits(_dist_deflate_code_to_extra_bitlen[symbol])) or dist
+ local char_buffer_index = buffer_size-dist+1
+ if char_buffer_index < buffer_end then
+ -- distance is too far back in fixed or dynamic block
+ return -11
+ end
+ if char_buffer_index >= -257 then
+ for _=1, bitlen do
+ buffer_size = buffer_size + 1
+ buffer[buffer_size] = buffer[char_buffer_index]
+ char_buffer_index = char_buffer_index + 1
+ end
+ else
+ char_buffer_index = dict_strlen + char_buffer_index
+ for _=1, bitlen do
+ buffer_size = buffer_size + 1
+ buffer[buffer_size] =
+ _byte_to_char[dict_string_table[char_buffer_index]]
+ char_buffer_index = char_buffer_index + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ReaderBitlenLeft() < 0 then
+ return 2 -- available inflate data did not terminate
+ end
+ if buffer_size >= 65536 then
+ result_buffer[#result_buffer+1] =
+ table_concat(buffer, "", 1, 32768)
+ for i=32769, buffer_size do
+ buffer[i-32768] = buffer[i]
+ end
+ buffer_size = buffer_size - 32768
+ buffer[buffer_size+1] = nil
+ -- NOTE: buffer[32769..end] and buffer[-257..0] are not cleared.
+ -- This is why "buffer_size" variable is needed.
+ end
+ until symbol == 256
+ state.buffer_size = buffer_size
+ return 0
+-- Decompress a store block
+-- @param state decompression state that will be modified by this function.
+-- @return 0 if succeeds, other value if fails.
+local function DecompressStoreBlock(state)
+ local buffer, buffer_size, ReadBits, ReadBytes, ReaderBitlenLeft
+ , SkipToByteBoundary, result_buffer =
+ state.buffer, state.buffer_size, state.ReadBits, state.ReadBytes
+ , state.ReaderBitlenLeft, state.SkipToByteBoundary, state.result_buffer
+ SkipToByteBoundary()
+ local bytelen = ReadBits(16)
+ if ReaderBitlenLeft() < 0 then
+ return 2 -- available inflate data did not terminate
+ end
+ local bytelenComp = ReadBits(16)
+ if ReaderBitlenLeft() < 0 then
+ return 2 -- available inflate data did not terminate
+ end
+ if bytelen % 256 + bytelenComp % 256 ~= 255 then
+ return -2 -- Not one's complement
+ end
+ if (bytelen-bytelen % 256)/256
+ + (bytelenComp-bytelenComp % 256)/256 ~= 255 then
+ return -2 -- Not one's complement
+ end
+ -- Note that ReadBytes will skip to the next byte boundary first.
+ buffer_size = ReadBytes(bytelen, buffer, buffer_size)
+ if buffer_size < 0 then
+ return 2 -- available inflate data did not terminate
+ end
+ -- memory clean up when there are enough bytes in the buffer.
+ if buffer_size >= 65536 then
+ result_buffer[#result_buffer+1] = table_concat(buffer, "", 1, 32768)
+ for i=32769, buffer_size do
+ buffer[i-32768] = buffer[i]
+ end
+ buffer_size = buffer_size - 32768
+ buffer[buffer_size+1] = nil
+ end
+ state.buffer_size = buffer_size
+ return 0
+-- Decompress a fixed block
+-- @param state decompression state that will be modified by this function.
+-- @return 0 if succeeds other value if fails.
+local function DecompressFixBlock(state)
+ return DecodeUntilEndOfBlock(state
+ , _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen_count
+ , _fix_block_literal_huffman_to_deflate_code, 7
+ , _fix_block_dist_huffman_bitlen_count
+ , _fix_block_dist_huffman_to_deflate_code, 5)
+-- Decompress a dynamic block
+-- @param state decompression state that will be modified by this function.
+-- @return 0 if success, other value if fails.
+local function DecompressDynamicBlock(state)
+ local ReadBits, Decode = state.ReadBits, state.Decode
+ local nlen = ReadBits(5) + 257
+ local ndist = ReadBits(5) + 1
+ local ncode = ReadBits(4) + 4
+ if nlen > 286 or ndist > 30 then
+ -- dynamic block code description: too many length or distance codes
+ return -3
+ end
+ local rle_codes_huffman_bitlens = {}
+ for i = 1, ncode do
+ rle_codes_huffman_bitlens[_rle_codes_huffman_bitlen_order[i]] =
+ ReadBits(3)
+ end
+ local rle_codes_err, rle_codes_huffman_bitlen_counts,
+ rle_codes_huffman_symbols, rle_codes_huffman_min_bitlen =
+ GetHuffmanForDecode(rle_codes_huffman_bitlens, 18, 7)
+ if rle_codes_err ~= 0 then -- Require complete code set here
+ -- dynamic block code description: code lengths codes incomplete
+ return -4
+ end
+ local lcodes_huffman_bitlens = {}
+ local dcodes_huffman_bitlens = {}
+ -- Read length/literal and distance code length tables
+ local index = 0
+ while index < nlen + ndist do
+ local symbol -- Decoded value
+ local bitlen -- Last length to repeat
+ symbol = Decode(rle_codes_huffman_bitlen_counts
+ , rle_codes_huffman_symbols, rle_codes_huffman_min_bitlen)
+ if symbol < 0 then
+ return symbol -- Invalid symbol
+ elseif symbol < 16 then
+ if index < nlen then
+ lcodes_huffman_bitlens[index] = symbol
+ else
+ dcodes_huffman_bitlens[index-nlen] = symbol
+ end
+ index = index + 1
+ else
+ bitlen = 0
+ if symbol == 16 then
+ if index == 0 then
+ -- dynamic block code description: repeat lengths
+ -- with no first length
+ return -5
+ end
+ if index-1 < nlen then
+ bitlen = lcodes_huffman_bitlens[index-1]
+ else
+ bitlen = dcodes_huffman_bitlens[index-nlen-1]
+ end
+ symbol = 3 + ReadBits(2)
+ elseif symbol == 17 then -- Repeat zero 3..10 times
+ symbol = 3 + ReadBits(3)
+ else -- == 18, repeat zero 11.138 times
+ symbol = 11 + ReadBits(7)
+ end
+ if index + symbol > nlen + ndist then
+ -- dynamic block code description:
+ -- repeat more than specified lengths
+ return -6
+ end
+ while symbol > 0 do -- Repeat last or zero symbol times
+ symbol = symbol - 1
+ if index < nlen then
+ lcodes_huffman_bitlens[index] = bitlen
+ else
+ dcodes_huffman_bitlens[index-nlen] = bitlen
+ end
+ index = index + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if (lcodes_huffman_bitlens[256] or 0) == 0 then
+ -- dynamic block code description: missing end-of-block code
+ return -9
+ end
+ local lcodes_err, lcodes_huffman_bitlen_counts
+ , lcodes_huffman_symbols, lcodes_huffman_min_bitlen =
+ GetHuffmanForDecode(lcodes_huffman_bitlens, nlen-1, 15)
+ --dynamic block code description: invalid literal/length code lengths,
+ -- Incomplete code ok only for single length 1 code
+ if (lcodes_err ~=0 and (lcodes_err < 0
+ or nlen ~= (lcodes_huffman_bitlen_counts[0] or 0)
+ +(lcodes_huffman_bitlen_counts[1] or 0))) then
+ return -7
+ end
+ local dcodes_err, dcodes_huffman_bitlen_counts
+ , dcodes_huffman_symbols, dcodes_huffman_min_bitlen =
+ GetHuffmanForDecode(dcodes_huffman_bitlens, ndist-1, 15)
+ -- dynamic block code description: invalid distance code lengths,
+ -- Incomplete code ok only for single length 1 code
+ if (dcodes_err ~=0 and (dcodes_err < 0
+ or ndist ~= (dcodes_huffman_bitlen_counts[0] or 0)
+ + (dcodes_huffman_bitlen_counts[1] or 0))) then
+ return -8
+ end
+ -- Build buffman table for literal/length codes
+ return DecodeUntilEndOfBlock(state, lcodes_huffman_bitlen_counts
+ , lcodes_huffman_symbols, lcodes_huffman_min_bitlen
+ , dcodes_huffman_bitlen_counts, dcodes_huffman_symbols
+ , dcodes_huffman_min_bitlen)
+-- Decompress a deflate stream
+-- @param state: a decompression state
+-- @return the decompressed string if succeeds. nil if fails.
+local function Inflate(state)
+ local ReadBits = state.ReadBits
+ local is_last_block
+ while not is_last_block do
+ is_last_block = (ReadBits(1) == 1)
+ local block_type = ReadBits(2)
+ local status
+ if block_type == 0 then
+ status = DecompressStoreBlock(state)
+ elseif block_type == 1 then
+ status = DecompressFixBlock(state)
+ elseif block_type == 2 then
+ status = DecompressDynamicBlock(state)
+ else
+ return nil, -1 -- invalid block type (type == 3)
+ end
+ if status ~= 0 then
+ return nil, status
+ end
+ end
+ state.result_buffer[#state.result_buffer+1] =
+ table_concat(state.buffer, "", 1, state.buffer_size)
+ local result = table_concat(state.result_buffer)
+ return result
+-- @see LibDeflate:DecompressDeflate(str)
+-- @see LibDeflate:DecompressDeflateWithDict(str, dictionary)
+local function DecompressDeflateInternal(str, dictionary)
+ local state = CreateDecompressState(str, dictionary)
+ local result, status = Inflate(state)
+ if not result then
+ return nil, status
+ end
+ local bitlen_left = state.ReaderBitlenLeft()
+ local bytelen_left = (bitlen_left - bitlen_left % 8) / 8
+ return result, bytelen_left
+-- @see LibDeflate:DecompressZlib(str)
+-- @see LibDeflate:DecompressZlibWithDict(str)
+local function DecompressZlibInternal(str, dictionary)
+ local state = CreateDecompressState(str, dictionary)
+ local ReadBits = state.ReadBits
+ local CMF = ReadBits(8)
+ if state.ReaderBitlenLeft() < 0 then
+ return nil, 2 -- available inflate data did not terminate
+ end
+ local CM = CMF % 16
+ local CINFO = (CMF - CM) / 16
+ if CM ~= 8 then
+ return nil, -12 -- invalid compression method
+ end
+ if CINFO > 7 then
+ return nil, -13 -- invalid window size
+ end
+ local FLG = ReadBits(8)
+ if state.ReaderBitlenLeft() < 0 then
+ return nil, 2 -- available inflate data did not terminate
+ end
+ if (CMF*256+FLG)%31 ~= 0 then
+ return nil, -14 -- invalid header checksum
+ end
+ local FDIST = ((FLG-FLG%32)/32 % 2)
+ local FLEVEL = ((FLG-FLG%64)/64 % 4) -- luacheck: ignore FLEVEL
+ if FDIST == 1 then
+ if not dictionary then
+ return nil, -16 -- need dictonary, but dictionary is not provided.
+ end
+ local byte3 = ReadBits(8)
+ local byte2 = ReadBits(8)
+ local byte1 = ReadBits(8)
+ local byte0 = ReadBits(8)
+ local actual_adler32 = byte3*16777216+byte2*65536+byte1*256+byte0
+ if state.ReaderBitlenLeft() < 0 then
+ return nil, 2 -- available inflate data did not terminate
+ end
+ if not IsEqualAdler32(actual_adler32, dictionary.adler32) then
+ return nil, -17 -- dictionary adler32 does not match
+ end
+ end
+ local result, status = Inflate(state)
+ if not result then
+ return nil, status
+ end
+ state.SkipToByteBoundary()
+ local adler_byte0 = ReadBits(8)
+ local adler_byte1 = ReadBits(8)
+ local adler_byte2 = ReadBits(8)
+ local adler_byte3 = ReadBits(8)
+ if state.ReaderBitlenLeft() < 0 then
+ return nil, 2 -- available inflate data did not terminate
+ end
+ local adler32_expected = adler_byte0*16777216
+ + adler_byte1*65536 + adler_byte2*256 + adler_byte3
+ local adler32_actual = LibDeflate:Adler32(result)
+ if not IsEqualAdler32(adler32_expected, adler32_actual) then
+ return nil, -15 -- Adler32 checksum does not match
+ end
+ local bitlen_left = state.ReaderBitlenLeft()
+ local bytelen_left = (bitlen_left - bitlen_left % 8) / 8
+ return result, bytelen_left
+--- Decompress a raw deflate compressed data.
+-- @param str [string] The data to be decompressed.
+-- @return [string/nil] If the decompression succeeds, return the decompressed
+-- data. If the decompression fails, return nil. You should check if this return
+-- value is non-nil to know if the decompression succeeds.
+-- @return [integer] If the decompression succeeds, return the number of
+-- unprocessed bytes in the input compressed data. This return value is a
+-- positive integer if the input data is a valid compressed data appended by an
+-- arbitary non-empty string. This return value is 0 if the input data does not
+-- contain any extra bytes.
+-- If the decompression fails (The first return value of this function is nil),
+-- this return value is undefined.
+-- @see LibDeflate:CompressDeflate
+function LibDeflate:DecompressDeflate(str)
+ local arg_valid, arg_err = IsValidArguments(str)
+ if not arg_valid then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:DecompressDeflate(str): "
+ ..arg_err), 2)
+ end
+ return DecompressDeflateInternal(str)
+--- Decompress a raw deflate compressed data with a preset dictionary.
+-- @param str [string] The data to be decompressed.
+-- @param dictionary [table] The preset dictionary used by
+-- LibDeflate:CompressDeflateWithDict when the compressed data is produced.
+-- Decompression and compression must use the same dictionary.
+-- Otherwise wrong decompressed data could be produced without generating any
+-- error.
+-- @return [string/nil] If the decompression succeeds, return the decompressed
+-- data. If the decompression fails, return nil. You should check if this return
+-- value is non-nil to know if the decompression succeeds.
+-- @return [integer] If the decompression succeeds, return the number of
+-- unprocessed bytes in the input compressed data. This return value is a
+-- positive integer if the input data is a valid compressed data appended by an
+-- arbitary non-empty string. This return value is 0 if the input data does not
+-- contain any extra bytes.
+-- If the decompression fails (The first return value of this function is nil),
+-- this return value is undefined.
+-- @see LibDeflate:CompressDeflateWithDict
+function LibDeflate:DecompressDeflateWithDict(str, dictionary)
+ local arg_valid, arg_err = IsValidArguments(str, true, dictionary)
+ if not arg_valid then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:DecompressDeflateWithDict(str, dictionary): "
+ ..arg_err), 2)
+ end
+ return DecompressDeflateInternal(str, dictionary)
+--- Decompress a zlib compressed data.
+-- @param str [string] The data to be decompressed
+-- @return [string/nil] If the decompression succeeds, return the decompressed
+-- data. If the decompression fails, return nil. You should check if this return
+-- value is non-nil to know if the decompression succeeds.
+-- @return [integer] If the decompression succeeds, return the number of
+-- unprocessed bytes in the input compressed data. This return value is a
+-- positive integer if the input data is a valid compressed data appended by an
+-- arbitary non-empty string. This return value is 0 if the input data does not
+-- contain any extra bytes.
+-- If the decompression fails (The first return value of this function is nil),
+-- this return value is undefined.
+-- @see LibDeflate:CompressZlib
+function LibDeflate:DecompressZlib(str)
+ local arg_valid, arg_err = IsValidArguments(str)
+ if not arg_valid then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:DecompressZlib(str): "
+ ..arg_err), 2)
+ end
+ return DecompressZlibInternal(str)
+--- Decompress a zlib compressed data with a preset dictionary.
+-- @param str [string] The data to be decompressed
+-- @param dictionary [table] The preset dictionary used by
+-- LibDeflate:CompressDeflateWithDict when the compressed data is produced.
+-- Decompression and compression must use the same dictionary.
+-- Otherwise wrong decompressed data could be produced without generating any
+-- error.
+-- @return [string/nil] If the decompression succeeds, return the decompressed
+-- data. If the decompression fails, return nil. You should check if this return
+-- value is non-nil to know if the decompression succeeds.
+-- @return [integer] If the decompression succeeds, return the number of
+-- unprocessed bytes in the input compressed data. This return value is a
+-- positive integer if the input data is a valid compressed data appended by an
+-- arbitary non-empty string. This return value is 0 if the input data does not
+-- contain any extra bytes.
+-- If the decompression fails (The first return value of this function is nil),
+-- this return value is undefined.
+-- @see LibDeflate:CompressZlibWithDict
+function LibDeflate:DecompressZlibWithDict(str, dictionary)
+ local arg_valid, arg_err = IsValidArguments(str, true, dictionary)
+ if not arg_valid then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:DecompressZlibWithDict(str, dictionary): "
+ ..arg_err), 2)
+ end
+ return DecompressZlibInternal(str, dictionary)
+-- Calculate the huffman code of fixed block
+ _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen = {}
+ for sym=0, 143 do
+ _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen[sym] = 8
+ end
+ for sym=144, 255 do
+ _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen[sym] = 9
+ end
+ for sym=256, 279 do
+ _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen[sym] = 7
+ end
+ for sym=280, 287 do
+ _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen[sym] = 8
+ end
+ _fix_block_dist_huffman_bitlen = {}
+ for dist=0, 31 do
+ _fix_block_dist_huffman_bitlen[dist] = 5
+ end
+ local status
+ status, _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen_count
+ , _fix_block_literal_huffman_to_deflate_code =
+ GetHuffmanForDecode(_fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen, 287, 9)
+ assert(status == 0)
+ status, _fix_block_dist_huffman_bitlen_count,
+ _fix_block_dist_huffman_to_deflate_code =
+ GetHuffmanForDecode(_fix_block_dist_huffman_bitlen, 31, 5)
+ assert(status == 0)
+ _fix_block_literal_huffman_code =
+ GetHuffmanCodeFromBitlen(_fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen_count
+ , _fix_block_literal_huffman_bitlen, 287, 9)
+ _fix_block_dist_huffman_code =
+ GetHuffmanCodeFromBitlen(_fix_block_dist_huffman_bitlen_count
+ , _fix_block_dist_huffman_bitlen, 31, 5)
+-- Encoding algorithms
+-- Prefix encoding algorithm
+-- implemented by Galmok of European Stormrage (Horde), galmok@gmail.com
+-- From LibCompress ,
+-- which is licensed under GPLv2
+-- The code has been modified by the author of LibDeflate.
+-- to be able to match any requested byte value, the search
+-- string must be preprocessed characters to escape with %:
+-- ( ) . % + - * ? [ ] ^ $
+-- "illegal" byte values:
+-- 0 is replaces %z
+local _gsub_escape_table = {
+ ["\000"] = "%z", ["("] = "%(", [")"] = "%)", ["."] = "%.",
+ ["%"] = "%%", ["+"] = "%+", ["-"] = "%-", ["*"] = "%*",
+ ["?"] = "%?", ["["] = "%[", ["]"] = "%]", ["^"] = "%^",
+ ["$"] = "%$",
+local function escape_for_gsub(str)
+ return str:gsub("([%z%(%)%.%%%+%-%*%?%[%]%^%$])", _gsub_escape_table)
+--- Create a custom codec with encoder and decoder.
+-- This codec is used to convert an input string to make it not contain
+-- some specific bytes.
+-- This created codec and the parameters of this function do NOT take
+-- localization into account. One byte (0-255) in the string is exactly one
+-- character (0-255).
+-- Credits to LibCompress.
+-- @param reserved_chars [string] The created encoder will ensure encoded
+-- data does not contain any single character in reserved_chars. This parameter
+-- should be non-empty.
+-- @param escape_chars [string] The escape character(s) used in the created
+-- codec. The codec converts any character included in reserved\_chars /
+-- escape\_chars / map\_chars to (one escape char + one character not in
+-- reserved\_chars / escape\_chars / map\_chars).
+-- You usually only need to provide a length-1 string for this parameter.
+-- Length-2 string is only needed when
+-- reserved\_chars + escape\_chars + map\_chars is longer than 127.
+-- This parameter should be non-empty.
+-- @param map_chars [string] The created encoder will map every
+-- reserved\_chars:sub(i, i) (1 <= i <= #map\_chars) to map\_chars:sub(i, i).
+-- This parameter CAN be empty string.
+-- @return [table/nil] If the codec cannot be created, return nil.
+-- If the codec can be created according to the given
+-- parameters, return the codec, which is a encode/decode table.
+-- The table contains two functions:
+-- t:Encode(str) returns the encoded string.
+-- t:Decode(str) returns the decoded string if succeeds. nil if fails.
+-- @return [nil/string] If the codec is successfully created, return nil.
+-- If not, return a string that describes the reason why the codec cannot be
+-- created.
+-- @usage
+-- -- Create an encoder/decoder that maps all "\000" to "\003",
+-- -- and escape "\001" (and "\002" and "\003") properly
+-- local codec = LibDeflate:CreateCodec("\000\001", "\002", "\003")
+-- local encoded = codec:Encode(SOME_STRING)
+-- -- "encoded" does not contain "\000" or "\001"
+-- local decoded = codec:Decode(encoded)
+-- -- assert(decoded == SOME_STRING)
+function LibDeflate:CreateCodec(reserved_chars, escape_chars
+ , map_chars)
+ -- select a default escape character
+ if type(reserved_chars) ~= "string"
+ or type(escape_chars) ~= "string"
+ or type(map_chars) ~= "string" then
+ error(
+ "Usage: LibDeflate:CreateCodec(reserved_chars,"
+ .." escape_chars, map_chars):"
+ .." All arguments must be string.", 2)
+ end
+ if escape_chars == "" then
+ return nil, "No escape characters supplied."
+ end
+ if #reserved_chars < #map_chars then
+ return nil, "The number of reserved characters must be"
+ .." at least as many as the number of mapped chars."
+ end
+ if reserved_chars == "" then
+ return nil, "No characters to encode."
+ end
+ local encode_bytes = reserved_chars..escape_chars..map_chars
+ -- build list of bytes not available as a suffix to a prefix byte
+ local taken = {}
+ for i = 1, #encode_bytes do
+ local byte = string_byte(encode_bytes, i, i)
+ if taken[byte] then -- Modified by LibDeflate:
+ return nil, "There must be no duplicate characters in the"
+ .." concatenation of reserved_chars, escape_chars and"
+ .." map_chars."
+ end
+ taken[byte] = true
+ end
+ -- Modified by LibDeflate:
+ -- Store the patterns and replacement in tables for later use.
+ -- This function is modified that loadstring() lua api is no longer used.
+ local decode_patterns = {}
+ local decode_repls = {}
+ -- the encoding can be a single gsub
+ -- , but the decoding can require multiple gsubs
+ local encode_search = {}
+ local encode_translate = {}
+ -- map single byte to single byte
+ if #map_chars > 0 then
+ local decode_search = {}
+ local decode_translate = {}
+ for i = 1, #map_chars do
+ local from = string_sub(reserved_chars, i, i)
+ local to = string_sub(map_chars, i, i)
+ encode_translate[from] = to
+ encode_search[#encode_search+1] = from
+ decode_translate[to] = from
+ decode_search[#decode_search+1] = to
+ end
+ decode_patterns[#decode_patterns+1] =
+ "([".. escape_for_gsub(table_concat(decode_search)).."])"
+ decode_repls[#decode_repls+1] = decode_translate
+ end
+ local escape_char_index = 1
+ local escape_char = string_sub(escape_chars
+ , escape_char_index, escape_char_index)
+ -- map single byte to double-byte
+ local r = 0 -- suffix char value to the escapeChar
+ local decode_search = {}
+ local decode_translate = {}
+ for i = 1, #encode_bytes do
+ local c = string_sub(encode_bytes, i, i)
+ if not encode_translate[c] then
+ -- this loop will update escapeChar and r
+ while r >= 256 or taken[r] do
+ -- Bug in LibCompress r81
+ -- while r < 256 and taken[r] do
+ r = r + 1
+ if r > 255 then -- switch to next escapeChar
+ decode_patterns[#decode_patterns+1] =
+ escape_for_gsub(escape_char)
+ .."(["
+ .. escape_for_gsub(table_concat(decode_search)).."])"
+ decode_repls[#decode_repls+1] = decode_translate
+ escape_char_index = escape_char_index + 1
+ escape_char = string_sub(escape_chars, escape_char_index
+ , escape_char_index)
+ r = 0
+ decode_search = {}
+ decode_translate = {}
+ -- Fixes Another bug in LibCompress r82.
+ -- LibCompress checks this error condition
+ -- right after "if r > 255 then"
+ -- This is why error case should also be tested.
+ if not escape_char or escape_char == "" then
+ -- actually I don't need to check
+ -- "not ecape_char", but what if Lua changes
+ -- the behavior of string.sub() in the future?
+ -- we are out of escape chars and we need more!
+ return nil, "Out of escape characters."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local char_r = _byte_to_char[r]
+ encode_translate[c] = escape_char..char_r
+ encode_search[#encode_search+1] = c
+ decode_translate[char_r] = c
+ decode_search[#decode_search+1] = char_r
+ r = r + 1
+ end
+ if i == #encode_bytes then
+ decode_patterns[#decode_patterns+1] =
+ escape_for_gsub(escape_char).."(["
+ .. escape_for_gsub(table_concat(decode_search)).."])"
+ decode_repls[#decode_repls+1] = decode_translate
+ end
+ end
+ local codec = {}
+ local encode_pattern = "(["
+ .. escape_for_gsub(table_concat(encode_search)).."])"
+ local encode_repl = encode_translate
+ function codec:Encode(str)
+ if type(str) ~= "string" then
+ error(("Usage: codec:Encode(str):"
+ .." 'str' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(str)), 2)
+ end
+ return string_gsub(str, encode_pattern, encode_repl)
+ end
+ local decode_tblsize = #decode_patterns
+ local decode_fail_pattern = "(["
+ .. escape_for_gsub(reserved_chars).."])"
+ function codec:Decode(str)
+ if type(str) ~= "string" then
+ error(("Usage: codec:Decode(str):"
+ .." 'str' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(str)), 2)
+ end
+ if string_find(str, decode_fail_pattern) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ for i = 1, decode_tblsize do
+ str = string_gsub(str, decode_patterns[i], decode_repls[i])
+ end
+ return str
+ end
+ return codec
+local _addon_channel_codec
+local function GenerateWoWAddonChannelCodec()
+ return LibDeflate:CreateCodec("\000", "\001", "")
+--- Encode the string to make it ready to be transmitted in World of
+-- Warcraft addon channel.
+-- The encoded string is guaranteed to contain no NULL ("\000") character.
+-- @param str [string] The string to be encoded.
+-- @return The encoded string.
+-- @see LibDeflate:DecodeForWoWAddonChannel
+function LibDeflate:EncodeForWoWAddonChannel(str)
+ if type(str) ~= "string" then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:EncodeForWoWAddonChannel(str):"
+ .." 'str' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(str)), 2)
+ end
+ if not _addon_channel_codec then
+ _addon_channel_codec = GenerateWoWAddonChannelCodec()
+ end
+ return _addon_channel_codec:Encode(str)
+--- Decode the string produced by LibDeflate:EncodeForWoWAddonChannel
+-- @param str [string] The string to be decoded.
+-- @return [string/nil] The decoded string if succeeds. nil if fails.
+-- @see LibDeflate:EncodeForWoWAddonChannel
+function LibDeflate:DecodeForWoWAddonChannel(str)
+ if type(str) ~= "string" then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:DecodeForWoWAddonChannel(str):"
+ .." 'str' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(str)), 2)
+ end
+ if not _addon_channel_codec then
+ _addon_channel_codec = GenerateWoWAddonChannelCodec()
+ end
+ return _addon_channel_codec:Decode(str)
+-- For World of Warcraft Chat Channel Encoding
+-- implemented by Galmok of European Stormrage (Horde), galmok@gmail.com
+-- From LibCompress ,
+-- which is licensed under GPLv2
+-- The code has been modified by the author of LibDeflate.
+-- Following byte values are not allowed:
+-- \000, s, S, \010, \013, \124, %
+-- Because SendChatMessage will error
+-- if an UTF8 multibyte character is incomplete,
+-- all character values above 127 have to be encoded to avoid this.
+-- This costs quite a bit of bandwidth (about 13-14%)
+-- Also, because drunken status is unknown for the received
+-- , strings used with SendChatMessage should be terminated with
+-- an identifying byte value, after which the server MAY add "...hic!"
+-- or as much as it can fit(!).
+-- Pass the identifying byte as a reserved character to this function
+-- to ensure the encoding doesn't contain that value.
+-- or use this: local message, match = arg1:gsub("^(.*)\029.-$", "%1")
+-- arg1 is message from channel, \029 is the string terminator
+-- , but may be used in the encoded datastream as well. :-)
+-- This encoding will expand data anywhere from:
+-- 0% (average with pure ascii text)
+-- 53.5% (average with random data valued zero to 255)
+-- 100% (only encoding data that encodes to two bytes)
+local function GenerateWoWChatChannelCodec()
+ local r = {}
+ for i = 128, 255 do
+ r[#r+1] = _byte_to_char[i]
+ end
+ local reserved_chars = "sS\000\010\013\124%"..table_concat(r)
+ return LibDeflate:CreateCodec(reserved_chars
+ , "\029\031", "\015\020")
+local _chat_channel_codec
+--- Encode the string to make it ready to be transmitted in World of
+-- Warcraft chat channel.
+-- See also https://wow.gamepedia.com/ValidChatMessageCharacters
+-- @param str [string] The string to be encoded.
+-- @return [string] The encoded string.
+-- @see LibDeflate:DecodeForWoWChatChannel
+function LibDeflate:EncodeForWoWChatChannel(str)
+ if type(str) ~= "string" then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:EncodeForWoWChatChannel(str):"
+ .." 'str' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(str)), 2)
+ end
+ if not _chat_channel_codec then
+ _chat_channel_codec = GenerateWoWChatChannelCodec()
+ end
+ return _chat_channel_codec:Encode(str)
+--- Decode the string produced by LibDeflate:EncodeForWoWChatChannel.
+-- @param str [string] The string to be decoded.
+-- @return [string/nil] The decoded string if succeeds. nil if fails.
+-- @see LibDeflate:EncodeForWoWChatChannel
+function LibDeflate:DecodeForWoWChatChannel(str)
+ if type(str) ~= "string" then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:DecodeForWoWChatChannel(str):"
+ .." 'str' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(str)), 2)
+ end
+ if not _chat_channel_codec then
+ _chat_channel_codec = GenerateWoWChatChannelCodec()
+ end
+ return _chat_channel_codec:Decode(str)
+-- Credits to WeakAuras ,
+-- and Galmok (galmok@gmail.com) for the 6 bit encoding algorithm.
+-- The result of encoding will be 25% larger than the
+-- origin string, but every single byte of the encoding result will be
+-- printable characters as the following.
+local _byte_to_6bit_char = {
+ [0]="a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h",
+ "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p",
+ "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x",
+ "y", "z", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F",
+ "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N",
+ "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V",
+ "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "0", "1", "2", "3",
+ "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "(", ")",
+local _6bit_to_byte = {
+ [97]=0,[98]=1,[99]=2,[100]=3,[101]=4,[102]=5,[103]=6,[104]=7,
+ [105]=8,[106]=9,[107]=10,[108]=11,[109]=12,[110]=13,[111]=14,[112]=15,
+ [113]=16,[114]=17,[115]=18,[116]=19,[117]=20,[118]=21,[119]=22,[120]=23,
+ [121]=24,[122]=25,[65]=26,[66]=27,[67]=28,[68]=29,[69]=30,[70]=31,
+ [71]=32,[72]=33,[73]=34,[74]=35,[75]=36,[76]=37,[77]=38,[78]=39,
+ [79]=40,[80]=41,[81]=42,[82]=43,[83]=44,[84]=45,[85]=46,[86]=47,
+ [87]=48,[88]=49,[89]=50,[90]=51,[48]=52,[49]=53,[50]=54,[51]=55,
+ [52]=56,[53]=57,[54]=58,[55]=59,[56]=60,[57]=61,[40]=62,[41]=63,
+--- Encode the string to make it printable.
+-- Credis to WeakAuras2, this function is equivalant to the implementation
+-- it is using right now.
+-- The encoded string will be 25% larger than the origin string. However, every
+-- single byte of the encoded string will be one of 64 printable ASCII
+-- characters, which are can be easier copied, pasted and displayed.
+-- (26 lowercase letters, 26 uppercase letters, 10 numbers digits,
+-- left parenthese, or right parenthese)
+-- @param str [string] The string to be encoded.
+-- @return [string] The encoded string.
+function LibDeflate:EncodeForPrint(str)
+ if type(str) ~= "string" then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:EncodeForPrint(str):"
+ .." 'str' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(str)), 2)
+ end
+ local strlen = #str
+ local strlenMinus2 = strlen - 2
+ local i = 1
+ local buffer = {}
+ local buffer_size = 0
+ while i <= strlenMinus2 do
+ local x1, x2, x3 = string_byte(str, i, i+2)
+ i = i + 3
+ local cache = x1+x2*256+x3*65536
+ local b1 = cache % 64
+ cache = (cache - b1) / 64
+ local b2 = cache % 64
+ cache = (cache - b2) / 64
+ local b3 = cache % 64
+ local b4 = (cache - b3) / 64
+ buffer_size = buffer_size + 1
+ buffer[buffer_size] =
+ _byte_to_6bit_char[b1].._byte_to_6bit_char[b2]
+ .._byte_to_6bit_char[b3].._byte_to_6bit_char[b4]
+ end
+ local cache = 0
+ local cache_bitlen = 0
+ while i <= strlen do
+ local x = string_byte(str, i, i)
+ cache = cache + x * _pow2[cache_bitlen]
+ cache_bitlen = cache_bitlen + 8
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ while cache_bitlen > 0 do
+ local bit6 = cache % 64
+ buffer_size = buffer_size + 1
+ buffer[buffer_size] = _byte_to_6bit_char[bit6]
+ cache = (cache - bit6) / 64
+ cache_bitlen = cache_bitlen - 6
+ end
+ return table_concat(buffer)
+--- Decode the printable string produced by LibDeflate:EncodeForPrint.
+-- "str" will have its prefixed and trailing control characters or space
+-- removed before it is decoded, so it is easier to use if "str" comes form
+-- user copy and paste with some prefixed or trailing spaces.
+-- Then decode fails if the string contains any characters cant be produced by
+-- LibDeflate:EncodeForPrint. That means, decode fails if the string contains a
+-- characters NOT one of 26 lowercase letters, 26 uppercase letters,
+-- 10 numbers digits, left parenthese, or right parenthese.
+-- @param str [string] The string to be decoded
+-- @return [string/nil] The decoded string if succeeds. nil if fails.
+function LibDeflate:DecodeForPrint(str)
+ if type(str) ~= "string" then
+ error(("Usage: LibDeflate:DecodeForPrint(str):"
+ .." 'str' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(str)), 2)
+ end
+ str = str:gsub("^[%c ]+", "")
+ str = str:gsub("[%c ]+$", "")
+ local strlen = #str
+ if strlen == 1 then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local strlenMinus3 = strlen - 3
+ local i = 1
+ local buffer = {}
+ local buffer_size = 0
+ while i <= strlenMinus3 do
+ local x1, x2, x3, x4 = string_byte(str, i, i+3)
+ x1 = _6bit_to_byte[x1]
+ x2 = _6bit_to_byte[x2]
+ x3 = _6bit_to_byte[x3]
+ x4 = _6bit_to_byte[x4]
+ if not (x1 and x2 and x3 and x4) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ i = i + 4
+ local cache = x1+x2*64+x3*4096+x4*262144
+ local b1 = cache % 256
+ cache = (cache - b1) / 256
+ local b2 = cache % 256
+ local b3 = (cache - b2) / 256
+ buffer_size = buffer_size + 1
+ buffer[buffer_size] =
+ _byte_to_char[b1].._byte_to_char[b2].._byte_to_char[b3]
+ end
+ local cache = 0
+ local cache_bitlen = 0
+ while i <= strlen do
+ local x = string_byte(str, i, i)
+ x = _6bit_to_byte[x]
+ if not x then
+ return nil
+ end
+ cache = cache + x * _pow2[cache_bitlen]
+ cache_bitlen = cache_bitlen + 6
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ while cache_bitlen >= 8 do
+ local byte = cache % 256
+ buffer_size = buffer_size + 1
+ buffer[buffer_size] = _byte_to_char[byte]
+ cache = (cache - byte) / 256
+ cache_bitlen = cache_bitlen - 8
+ end
+ return table_concat(buffer)
+local function InternalClearCache()
+ _chat_channel_codec = nil
+ _addon_channel_codec = nil
+-- For test. Don't use the functions in this table for real application.
+-- Stuffs in this table is subject to change.
+LibDeflate.internals = {
+ LoadStringToTable = LoadStringToTable,
+ IsValidDictionary = IsValidDictionary,
+ IsEqualAdler32 = IsEqualAdler32,
+ _byte_to_6bit_char = _byte_to_6bit_char,
+ _6bit_to_byte = _6bit_to_byte,
+ InternalClearCache = InternalClearCache,
+--[[-- Commandline options
+@class table
+@name CommandlineOptions
+@usage lua LibDeflate.lua [OPTION] [INPUT] [OUTPUT]
+\-0 store only. no compression.
+\-1 fastest compression.
+\-9 slowest and best compression.
+\-d do decompression instead of compression.
+\--dict specify the file that contains
+the entire preset dictionary.
+\-h give this help.
+\--strategy specify a special compression strategy.
+\-v print the version and copyright info.
+\--zlib use zlib format instead of raw deflate.
+-- currently no plan to support stdin and stdout.
+-- Because Lua in Windows does not set stdout with binary mode.
+if io and os and debug and _G.arg then
+ local io = io
+ local os = os
+ local debug = debug
+ local arg = _G.arg
+ local debug_info = debug.getinfo(1)
+ if debug_info.source == arg[0]
+ or debug_info.short_src == arg[0] then
+ -- We are indeed runnning THIS file from the commandline.
+ local input
+ local output
+ local i = 1
+ local status
+ local is_zlib = false
+ local is_decompress = false
+ local level
+ local strategy
+ local dictionary
+ while (arg[i]) do
+ local a = arg[i]
+ if a == "-h" then
+ print(LibDeflate._COPYRIGHT
+ .."\nUsage: lua LibDeflate.lua [OPTION] [INPUT] [OUTPUT]\n"
+ .." -0 store only. no compression.\n"
+ .." -1 fastest compression.\n"
+ .." -9 slowest and best compression.\n"
+ .." -d do decompression instead of compression.\n"
+ .." --dict specify the file that contains"
+ .." the entire preset dictionary.\n"
+ .." -h give this help.\n"
+ .." --strategy "
+ .." specify a special compression strategy.\n"
+ .." -v print the version and copyright info.\n"
+ .." --zlib use zlib format instead of raw deflate.\n")
+ os.exit(0)
+ elseif a == "-v" then
+ print(LibDeflate._COPYRIGHT)
+ os.exit(0)
+ elseif a:find("^%-[0-9]$") then
+ level = tonumber(a:sub(2, 2))
+ elseif a == "-d" then
+ is_decompress = true
+ elseif a == "--dict" then
+ i = i + 1
+ local dict_filename = arg[i]
+ if not dict_filename then
+ io.stderr:write("You must speicify the dict filename")
+ os.exit(1)
+ end
+ local dict_file, dict_status = io.open(dict_filename, "rb")
+ if not dict_file then
+ io.stderr:write(
+ ("LibDeflate: Cannot read the dictionary file '%s': %s")
+ :format(dict_filename, dict_status))
+ os.exit(1)
+ end
+ local dict_str = dict_file:read("*all")
+ dict_file:close()
+ -- In your lua program, you should pass in adler32 as a CONSTANT
+ -- , so it actually prevent you from modifying dictionary
+ -- unintentionally during the program development. I do this
+ -- here just because no convenient way to verify in commandline.
+ dictionary = LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(dict_str,
+ #dict_str, LibDeflate:Adler32(dict_str))
+ elseif a == "--strategy" then
+ -- Not sure if I should check error here
+ -- If I do, redudant code.
+ i = i + 1
+ strategy = arg[i]
+ elseif a == "--zlib" then
+ is_zlib = true
+ elseif a:find("^%-") then
+ io.stderr:write(("LibDeflate: Invalid argument: %s")
+ :format(a))
+ os.exit(1)
+ else
+ if not input then
+ input, status = io.open(a, "rb")
+ if not input then
+ io.stderr:write(
+ ("LibDeflate: Cannot read the file '%s': %s")
+ :format(a, tostring(status)))
+ os.exit(1)
+ end
+ elseif not output then
+ output, status = io.open(a, "wb")
+ if not output then
+ io.stderr:write(
+ ("LibDeflate: Cannot write the file '%s': %s")
+ :format(a, tostring(status)))
+ os.exit(1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ end -- while (arg[i])
+ if not input or not output then
+ io.stderr:write("LibDeflate:"
+ .." You must specify both input and output files.")
+ os.exit(1)
+ end
+ local input_data = input:read("*all")
+ local configs = {
+ level = level,
+ strategy = strategy,
+ }
+ local output_data
+ if not is_decompress then
+ if not is_zlib then
+ if not dictionary then
+ output_data =
+ LibDeflate:CompressDeflate(input_data, configs)
+ else
+ output_data =
+ LibDeflate:CompressDeflateWithDict(input_data, dictionary
+ , configs)
+ end
+ else
+ if not dictionary then
+ output_data =
+ LibDeflate:CompressZlib(input_data, configs)
+ else
+ output_data =
+ LibDeflate:CompressZlibWithDict(input_data, dictionary
+ , configs)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if not is_zlib then
+ if not dictionary then
+ output_data = LibDeflate:DecompressDeflate(input_data)
+ else
+ output_data = LibDeflate:DecompressDeflateWithDict(
+ input_data, dictionary)
+ end
+ else
+ if not dictionary then
+ output_data = LibDeflate:DecompressZlib(input_data)
+ else
+ output_data = LibDeflate:DecompressZlibWithDict(
+ input_data, dictionary)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not output_data then
+ io.stderr:write("LibDeflate: Decompress fails.")
+ os.exit(1)
+ end
+ output:write(output_data)
+ if input and input ~= io.stdin then
+ input:close()
+ end
+ if output and output ~= io.stdout then
+ output:close()
+ end
+ io.stderr:write(("Successfully writes %d bytes"):format(
+ output_data:len()))
+ os.exit(0)
+ end
+return LibDeflate
diff --git a/Libs/LibDeflate/lib.xml b/Libs/LibDeflate/lib.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99863b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/LibDeflate/lib.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/Libs/Libs.xml b/Libs/Libs.xml
index 732bf0f..744f309 100755
--- a/Libs/Libs.xml
+++ b/Libs/Libs.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,10 @@