The Go+ programming language is designed for engineering, STEM education, and data science.
- For engineering: working in the simplest language that can be mastered by children.
- For STEM education: studying an engineering language that can be used for work in the future.
- For data science: communicating with engineers in the same language.
For now, we suggest you install Go+ from source code.
Note: Requires go1.18 or later
git clone
cd gop
# On mac/linux run:
# On Windows run:
Actually, all.bash
and all.bat
will use go run cmd/make.go
If you don't want install Go+, you can write your Go+ programs in Go+ playground. This is the fastest way to experience Go+.
- Go+ playground based on Docker:
- Go+ playground based on GopherJS:
And you can share your Go+ code with your friends.
Here is my Hello world
println "Hello world"
Save this snippet into a file named
. Now do: gop run
Congratulations - you just wrote and executed your first Go+ program!
You can compile a program without execution with gop build
See gop help
for all supported commands.
is one of the few built-in functions.
It prints the value passed to it to standard output.
See for more details.
Suppose you have a folder with several .gop files in it, and you want
to compile them all into one program. Just do: gop run .
Passing parameters also works, so you can do:
gop run . --yourparams some_other_stuff
Your program can then use the CLI parameters like this:
import "os"
println os.Args
# This is a single line comment.
// This is a single line comment.
This is a multiline comment.
name := "Bob"
age := 20
largeNumber := int128(1 << 65)
println name, age
println largeNumber
Variables are declared and initialized with :=
The variable's type is inferred from the value on the right hand side.
To choose a different type, use type conversion:
the expression T(v)
converts the value v
to the
type T
Note the (important) difference between :=
and =
is used for declaring and initializing, =
is used for assigning.
age = 21
This code will not compile, because the variable age
is not declared.
All variables need to be declared in Go+.
age := 21
The values of multiple variables can be changed in one line. In this way, their values can be swapped without an intermediary variable.
a, b := 0, 1
a, b = b, a
println a, b // 1, 0
int8 int16 int32 int int64 int128
uint8 uint16 uint32 uint uint64 uint128
uintptr // similar to C's size_t
byte // alias for uint8
rune // alias for int32, represents a Unicode code point
float32 float64
complex64 complex128
bigint bigrat
unsafe.Pointer // similar to C's void*
any // alias for Go's interface{}
name := "Bob"
println name.len // 3
println name[0] // 66
println name[1:3] // ob
println name[:2] // Bo
println name[2:] // b
// or using octal escape `\###` notation where `#` is an octal digit
println "\141a" // aa
// Unicode can be specified directly as `\u####` where # is a hex digit
// and will be converted internally to its UTF-8 representation
println "\u2605" // ★
String values are immutable. You cannot mutate elements:
s := "hello 🌎"
s[0] = `H` // not allowed
Note that indexing a string will produce a byte
, not a rune
nor another string
Strings can be easily converted to integers:
s := "12"
a, err :=
b :=! // will panic if s isn't a valid integer
name := "Bob"
bobby := name + "by" // + is used to concatenate strings
println bobby // Bobby
s := "Hello "
s += "world"
println s // Hello world
All operators in Go+ must have values of the same type on both sides. You cannot concatenate an integer to a string:
age := 10
println "age = " + age // not allowed
We have to either convert age
to a string
age := 10
println "age = " + age.string
A rune
represents a single Unicode character and is an alias for int32
rocket := '🚀'
println rocket // 128640
println string(rocket) // 🚀
a := 123
This will assign the value of 123 to a
. By default a
will have the
type int
You can also use hexadecimal, binary or octal notation for integer literals:
a := 0x7B
b := 0b01111011
c := 0o173
All of these will be assigned the same value, 123. They will all have type
, no matter what notation you used.
Go+ also supports writing numbers with _
as separator:
num := 1_000_000 // same as 1000000
If you want a different type of integer, you can use casting:
a := int64(123)
b := uint8(12)
c := int128(12345)
Assigning floating point numbers works the same way:
f1 := 1.0
f2 := float32(3.14)
If you do not specify the type explicitly, by default float literals will have the type of float64
Float literals can also be declared as a power of ten:
f0 := 42e1 // 420
f1 := 123e-2 // 1.23
f2 := 456e+2 // 45600
Go+ has built-in support for rational numbers:
a := 1r << 200 // suffix `r` means `rational`
b := bigint(1 << 200)
And you can cast bool to number types (this is NOT supported in Go):
println int(true) // 1
println float64(true) // 1
println complex64(true) // (1+0i)
A slice is a collection of data elements of the same type. A slice literal is a
list of expressions surrounded by square brackets. An individual element can be
accessed using an index expression. Indexes start from 0
nums := [1, 2, 3]
println nums // [1 2 3]
println nums.len // 3
println nums[0] // 1
println nums[1:3] // [2 3]
println nums[:2] // [1 2]
println nums[2:] // [3]
nums[1] = 5
println nums // [1 5 3]
Type of a slice literal is infered automatically.
a := [1, 2, 3] // []int
b := [1, 2, 3.4] // []float64
c := ["Hi"] // []string
d := ["Hi", 10] // []any
d := [] // []any
And casting slice literals also works.
a := []float64([1, 2, 3]) // []float64
a := {"Hello": 1, "xsw": 3} // map[string]int
b := {"Hello": 1, "xsw": 3.4} // map[string]float64
c := {"Hello": 1, "xsw": "Go+"} // map[string]any
d := {} // map[string]any
If a key is not found, a zero value is returned by default:
a := {"Hello": 1, "xsw": 3}
c := {"Hello": 1, "xsw": "Go+"}
println a["bad_key"] // 0
println c["bad_key"] // <nil>
You can also check, if a key is present, and get its value.
a := {"Hello": 1, "xsw": 3}
if v, ok := a["xsw"]; ok {
println "its value is", v
For information about creating a module, see Modules.
Modules can be imported using the import
import "strings"
x := strings.NewReplacer("?", "!").Replace("Hello, world???")
println x // Hello, world!!!
Any imported module name can be aliased:
import strop "strings"
x := strop.NewReplacer("?", "!").Replace("Hello, world???")
println x // Hello, world!!!
In Go+, if
statements are pretty straightforward and similar to most other languages.
Unlike other C-like languages,
there are no parentheses surrounding the condition and the braces are always required.
a := 10
b := 20
if a < b {
println "a < b"
} else if a > b {
println "a > b"
} else {
println "a == b"
Go+ has only one looping keyword: for
, with several forms.
This is the most common form. You can use it with a slice, map, numeric range or custom iterators.
For information about creating a custom iterators, see Custom iterators.
The for value <- arr
form is used for going through elements of a slice.
numbers := [1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17]
sum := 0
for x <- numbers {
sum += x
println sum // 57
If an index is required, an alternative form for index, value <- arr
can be used.
names := ["Sam", "Peter"]
for i, name <- names {
println i, name
// 0 Sam
// 1 Peter
m := {"one": 1, "two": 2}
for key, val <- m {
println key, val
// one 1
// two 2
for key, _ <- m {
println key
// one
// two
for val <- m {
println val
// 1
// 2
You can use range expression
) in for loop.
for i <- :5 {
println i
// 0
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
for i <- 1:5 {
println i
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
for i <- 1:5:2 {
println i
// 1
// 3
All loops of for
form can have an optional if
numbers := [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
for num <- numbers if num%3 == 0 {
println num
// 0
// 3
// 6
// 9
for num <- :10 if num%3 == 0 {
println num
// 0
// 3
// 6
// 9
sum := 0
i := 1
for i <= 100 {
sum += i
println sum // 5050
This form of the loop is similar to while
loops in other languages.
The loop will stop iterating once the boolean condition evaluates to false.
Again, there are no parentheses surrounding the condition, and the braces are always required.
for i := 0; i < 10; i += 2 {
// Don't print 6
if i == 6 {
println i
// 0
// 2
// 4
// 8
Finally, there's the traditional C style for
loop. It's safer than the while
because with the latter it's easy to forget to update the counter and get
stuck in an infinite loop.
for {
// ...
The condition can be omitted, resulting in an infinite loop. You can use break
or return
to end the loop.
We reinvent the error handling specification in Go+. We call them ErrWrap expressions
expr! // panic if err
expr? // return if err
expr?:defval // use defval if err
How to use them? Here is an example:
import (
func add(x, y string) (int, error) {
return strconv.Atoi(x)? + strconv.Atoi(y)?, nil
func addSafe(x, y string) int {
return strconv.Atoi(x)?:0 + strconv.Atoi(y)?:0
println `add("100", "23"):`, add("100", "23")!
sum, err := add("10", "abc")
println `add("10", "abc"):`, sum, err
println `addSafe("10", "abc"):`, addSafe("10", "abc")
The output of this example is:
add("100", "23"): 123
add("10", "abc"): 0 strconv.Atoi: parsing "abc": invalid syntax
===> errors stack:
main.add("10", "abc")
/Users/xsw/tutorial/15-ErrWrap/ strconv.Atoi(y)?
addSafe("10", "abc"): 10
Compared to corresponding Go code, It is clear and more readable.
And the most interesting thing is, the return error contains the full error stack. When we got an error, it is very easy to position what the root cause is.
How these ErrWrap expressions
work? See Error Handling for more information.
func add(x int, y int) int {
return x + y
println add(2, 3) // 5
func foo() (int, int) {
return 2, 3
a, b := foo()
println a // 2
println b // 3
c, _ := foo() // ignore values using `_`
func sum(a int {
total := 0
for x <- a {
total += x
return total
println sum(2, 3, 5) // 10
Output parameters can have names.
func sum(a (total int) {
for x <- a {
total += x
return // don't need return values if they are assigned
println sum(2, 3, 5) // 10
Functions can also be parameters.
func square(x float64) float64 {
return x*x
func abs(x float64) float64 {
if x < 0 {
return -x
return x
func transform(a []float64, f func(float64) float64) []float64 {
return [f(x) for x <- a]
y := transform([1, 2, 3], square)
println y // [1 4 9]
z := transform([-3, 1, -5], abs)
println z // [3 1 5]
You also can use lambda expression
to define a anonymous function.
func transform(a []float64, f func(float64) float64) []float64 {
return [f(x) for x <- a]
y := transform([1, 2, 3], x => x*x)
println y // [1 4 9]
z := transform([-3, 1, -5], x => {
if x < 0 {
return -x
return x
println z // [3 1 5]
type Foo struct {
// Gop_Enum(proc func(val ValType)) or:
// Gop_Enum(proc func(key KeyType, val ValType))
func (p *Foo) Gop_Enum(proc func(key int, val string)) {
// ...
foo := &Foo{}
for k, v := range foo {
println k, v
for k, v <- foo {
println k, v
println {v: k for k, v <- foo}
Note: you can't use break/continue or return statements in for range of udt.Gop_Enum(callback).
type FooIter struct {
// (Iterator) Next() (val ValType, ok bool) or:
// (Iterator) Next() (key KeyType, val ValType, ok bool)
func (p *FooIter) Next() (key int, val string, ok bool) {
// ...
type Foo struct {
// Gop_Enum() Iterator
func (p *Foo) Gop_Enum() *FooIter {
// ...
foo := &Foo{}
for k, v := range foo {
println k, v
for k, v <- foo {
println k, v
println {v: k for k, v <- foo}
type Config struct {
Dir string
Level int
func foo(conf *Config) {
// ...
foo {Dir: "/foo/bar", Level: 1}
Here foo {Dir: "/foo/bar", Level: 1}
is equivalent to foo(&Config{Dir: "/foo/bar", Level: 1})
. However, you can't replace foo(&Config{"/foo/bar", 1})
with foo {"/foo/bar", 1}
, because it is confusing to consider {"/foo/bar", 1}
as a struct literal.
You also can omit struct types in a return statement. For example:
type Result struct {
Text string
func foo() *Result {
return {Text: "Hi, Go+"} // return &Result{Text: "Hi, Go+"}
import "math/big"
type MyBigInt struct {
func Int(v *big.Int) MyBigInt {
return MyBigInt{v}
func (a MyBigInt) + (b MyBigInt) MyBigInt { // binary operator
return MyBigInt{new(big.Int).Add(a.Int, b.Int)}
func (a MyBigInt) += (b MyBigInt) {
a.Int.Add(a.Int, b.Int)
func -(a MyBigInt) MyBigInt { // unary operator
return MyBigInt{new(big.Int).Neg(a.Int)}
a := Int(1r)
a += Int(2r)
println a + Int(3r)
println -a
Let's see an example written in Go+:
import "gop/ast/goptest"
doc := goptest.New(`... Go+ code ...`)!
println doc.Any().FuncDecl().Name()
In many languages, there is a concept named property
who has get
and set
Suppose we have get property
, the above example will be:
import "gop/ast/goptest"
doc := goptest.New(`... Go+ code ...`)!
In Go+, we introduce a concept named auto property
. It is a get property
, but is implemented automatically. If we have a method named Bar()
, then we will have a get property
named bar
at the same time.
This is an example to show how to mix Go/Go+ code in the same package.
In this example, we have a Go source file named a.go
package main
import "fmt"
func p(a interface{}) {
fmt.Println("Hello,", a)
And we have a Go+ source file named
func sayMix() {
println "Mix Go and Go+"
p "world"
You can see that Go calls a Go+ function named sayMix
, and Go+ calls a Go function named p
. As you are used to in Go programming, this kind of circular reference is allowed.
Run gop run .
to see the output of this example:
Mix Go and Go+
Hello, world
The gop
command can run in watch mode so that everytime a Go+ file is changed it is transpiled to a Go file:
gop watch [-gentest] [dir]
By default gop watch
does not convert test files (normally ending with
). You can specify -gentest
flag to force converting all Go+ files.
- The
gop c
command (equivalent to the stand-alonec2go
command) can be used to convert a C project to a Go project. import "C"
andimport "C/xxx"
are used to import a C project converted by c2go. whereimport "C"
is short forimport "C/"
.- The
syntax represents C-style string constants.
Here is an example to show how Go+ interacts with C.
import "C"
C.printf C"Hello, c2go!\n"
C.fprintf C.stderr, C"Hi, %7.1f\n", 3.14
In this example we call two C standard functions printf
and fprintf
, passing a C variable stderr
and two C strings in the form of C"xxx"
(a Go+ syntax to represent C-style strings).
Run gop run .
to see the output of this example:
Hello, c2go!
Hi, 3.1
Of course, the current Go+ support for C is only a preview version, not to the extent that it is actually available in engineering. As far as libc is concerned, the current migration progress is only about 5%, and it is just the beginning.
In the upcoming Go+ v1.2 version planning, complete support for C is listed as a top priority. Of course, support for cgo and Go templates is also under planning, which is a crucial capability enhancement for Go/Go+ hybrid projects.
We introduce rational numbers as primitive Go+ types. We use suffix r
to denote rational literals. For example, 1r << 200
means a big int whose value is equal to 2200.
a := 1r << 200
b := bigint(1 << 200)
By default, 1r
will have the type of bigint
And 4/5r
means the rational constant 4/5
It will have the type of bigrat
a := 4/5r
b := a - 1/3r + 3 * 1/2r
println a, b // 4/5 59/30
Casting rational numbers works like other primitive types:
a := 1r
b := bigrat(1r)
c := bigrat(1)
println a/3 // 0
println b/3 // 1/3
println c/3 // 1/3
a := [x*x for x <- [1, 3, 5, 7, 11]]
b := [x*x for x <- [1, 3, 5, 7, 11] if x > 3]
c := [i+v for i, v <- [1, 3, 5, 7, 11] if i%2 == 1]
arr := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
d := [[a, b] for a <- arr if a < b for b <- arr if b > 2]
x := {x: i for i, x <- [1, 3, 5, 7, 11]}
y := {x: i for i, x <- [1, 3, 5, 7, 11] if i%2 == 1}
z := {v: k for k, v <- {1: "Hello", 3: "Hi", 5: "xsw", 7: "Go+"} if k > 3}
type student struct {
name string
score int
students := [student{"Ken", 90}, student{"Jason", 80}, student{"Lily", 85}]
unknownScore, ok := {x.score for x <- students if == "Unknown"}
jasonScore := {x.score for x <- students if == "Jason"}
println unknownScore, ok // 0 false
println jasonScore // 80
type student struct {
name string
score int
students := [student{"Ken", 90}, student{"Jason", 80}, student{"Lily", 85}]
hasJason := {for x <- students if == "Jason"} // is any student named Jason?
hasFailed := {for x <- students if x.score < 60} // is any student failed?
You can use Go+ programs as shell scripts now. For example:
#!/usr/bin/env -S gop run
println "Hello, Go+"
println 1r << 129
println 1/3r + 2/7r*2
arr := [1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19]
println arr
println [x*x for x <- arr, x > 3]
m := {"Hi": 1, "Go+": 2}
println m
println {v: k for k, v <- m}
println [k for k, _ <- m]
println [v for v <- m]
All Go features will be supported (including partially support cgo
, see below).
All Go packages (even these packages use cgo
) can be imported by Go+.
import (
x := strings.NewReplacer("?", "!").Replace("hello, world???")
fmt.Println "x:", x
And all Go+ packages can also be imported in Go programs. What you need to do is just using gop
command instead of go
First, let's make a directory named 14-Using-goplus-in-Go
Then write a Go+ package named foo in it:
package foo
func ReverseMap(m map[string]int) map[int]string {
return {v: k for k, v <- m}
Then use it in a Go package 14-Using-goplus-in-Go/gomain:
package main
import (
func main() {
rmap := foo.ReverseMap(map[string]int{"Hi": 1, "Hello": 2})
How to build this example? You can use:
gop install -v ./...
Go to get the source code.
Go+ supports bytecode backend and Go code generation.
When we use gop
command, it generates Go code to covert Go+ package into Go packages.
gop run # Run a Go+ program
gop install # Build Go+ files and install target to GOBIN
gop build # Build Go+ files
gop test # Test Go+ packages
gop fmt # Format Go+ packages
gop clean # Clean all Go+ auto generated files
gop go # Convert Go+ packages into Go packages
When we use igop
command, it generates bytecode to execute.
igop # Run a Go+ program
In bytecode mode, Go+ doesn't support cgo
. However, in Go-code-generation mode, Go+ fully supports cgo