Firefox Focus 是 Firefox 为 iOS 和 Android 用户私人订制的新浏览器,走简约风格,用完即走。很多时候你只是查一个网页,无需加载其他功能。
Chrome 61 Beta: JavaScript modules, Payment Request API on desktop, Web Share API, and WebUSB
A few weeks ago, the Apache Software Foundation (the ASF) made a decision to list the BSD + Patents license as a Category-X license. This move affects users of much of Facebook’s open source software, but especially the popular React project and the constellation of projects around it. As a result, many have asked us to consider relicensing React and all of our other open source projects. What has become clear through these discussions is that the ASF has very different considerations than Facebook does for how it maintains and distributes open source software.
When it comes to APIs, change isn’t popular. While software developers are used to iterating quickly and often, API developers lose that flexibility as soon as even one user starts consuming their interface.
Over the past decade, millions of developers have interacted with the Heroku CLI. In those 10 years, the CLI has gone through many changes. We’ve changed languages several times; redesigned the plugin architecture; and improved test coverage and the test framework. What follows is the story of our team’s journey to build and maintain the Heroku CLI from the early days of Heroku to today.
In this post, we’ll go over the pros and cons of various pagination strategies and discuss how these influenced our latest pagination scheme.
Recently, there’s been some buzz around the next great architectural shift in systems. There is a rising interest in the evolution of decentralized edge computing as a core part of that shift. For over two years, npm has been using edge computing concepts to ensure that the developer experience for users of npm Enterprise, our private registry product, matches the experience of using the centralized, cloud-hosted version of the npm Registry. Here’s why we’re doing that, and how.
最近几年,GitHub 受益于 Ruby on Rails,将 基础设施构建完整。现在我们走到了下一个里程碑:所有的应用和 API 请求由 Kubernetes 集群提供服务,将 GitHub 移植到 Kubernetes 是一件非常有趣的事儿,跟大家分享一下。
- GitHub Goes All in on Kubernetes
- Google and CodeFresh Collaborate to Make Kubernetes More Accessible
We believe, that a combination of server- and client-side technologies will offer the best experience for displaying PDF documents on the web and we’re working hard to make this as seamless as possible.
V8 is Google’s open source JavaScript engine. Chrome, Node.js, and many other applications use V8. This article explains V8’s bytecode format — which is actually easy to read once you understand some basic concepts.
Palo 是百度开发的面向在线报表和分析的数据仓库系统,可以对标于商业的 MPP 数据仓库系统,比如 Greenplum、Vertica、Teradata 等。Palo 主要基于 C++ 和 Java 开发,集成了 Google Mesa 和 Cloudera Impala 的技术。
In this five part series, we will “recreate” React from the ground up, learning how it works along the way. Once we’ve finished, you should have a good grasp of how React works, and when and why it calls the various lifecycle methods of a component.
There is a very common mistake that I see in React components from beginners and experts alike. Sometimes I even find myself typing it, even when I know it’s a mistake. That’s because it feels so right. But if you’re going to write the best React code you can, you need to train yourself to spot this problem and avoid it. The mistake I’m referring to is creating functions in the render() method of a component.
In this article, we’ll discuss how Object.prototype.toString() performs in the V8 engine, why it’s important, how it changed with the introduction of ES2015 symbols, and how the baseline performance can be improved by up to 6x (based on findings from Mozilla engineers).
Sometimes modern Javascript projects get out of hand. A major culprit in this can be the messy handling of asynchronous tasks, leading to long, complex, and deeply nested blocks of code. Javascript now provides a new syntax for handling these operations, and it can turn even the most convoluted asynchronous operations into concise and highly readable code.
I’m going to type lots of words soon, but the gist of it is this: if you’re making a site, and you’re just about to go searching for that perfect web font, please, at least consider using system fonts instead.
You don’t need a native phone app to scan QR codes —it’s quite simple to create your own QR code reader. Your website running on a smartphone equipped with a camera and running a little JavaScript can do the same trick.
In this blog post, I would like to introduce the JavaScript Binary AST, an ongoing project that we hope will help make webpages load faster, along with a number of other benefits.
科普 SVG。
This article introduces the most common techniques and architecture patterns to build and operate a highly available microservices system based on RisingStack’s Node.js Consulting & Development experience.
I scratched a bit of a long term itch and implemented basic support for the Performance Timeline specification for Node.js core. Hopefully it will land soon. There are still definitely some rough edges and certainly quite a few issues still to work out, but here’s how things work currently. Everything described below is subject to change.
Performance is a crucial part of our formula for a stellar user experience: just as a speedy search leads to happy users, so do performant web animations.
The average page is now 3MB in size, and this seems like a good time to pause, check our assumptions, and ask ourselves: Is there any reason to care about page size as a performance metric? And if we don’t consider page size a meaningful metric, then what should we care about?
Google and proponents of AMP would like you to think it is important because it is simply a faster way to deliver web pages. A lot of the thought behind AMP is that it will improve usability by delivering pages faster, which will keep users on your site longer. But is this actually a fact? AMP itself does not help with engaging users in a page. The content is what engages users.
The goal is to really understand Elixir to answer questions such as: What is it good at doing, In what way, Under what circumstances? What is it not good at doing, What are current pain points?, What are the tradeoffs?
Pinterest Search handles billions of queries every month and returns nearly four billion Pins every day. Over the past year, monthly mobile text searches have increased 40 percent and visual searches are up nearly 60 percent. We recently made Search and Lens more front and center on our apps by launching them on home feed, because nearly 85 percent of searches now happen on mobile devices.
Feature comparison tables are helpful not only in their primary function, though. When designed properly, they can aid in decision-making way beyond placing product specifications side by side. They can also add meaning to an otherwise too technical product specification sheet, explaining why a certain feature is relevant to the customer or how a certain product is better than the others.
A colleague of mine recently published an article on a new model that he coins the human environment model—an approach to product design that asks us to “blur the line between the digital and material environment,” and in doing so, generate an emotional appeal from our users. I thought I’d take a stab at exploring this concept as it relates to one experience in particular: browse. Designers have notoriously poured their blood, sweat and tears into browse experiences, and to what end? These experiences often overstimulate and under deliver.
In this world of intelligent auto-completion, why should we expect developers to remember and replicate matching class names across CSS and HTML? Modern frameworks are adapting to this shift and there are many different solutions to the problem of making styling and theming more intuitive. Here we will explore some of these solutions.
Ant Design 的 Angular^4.0.0 实现,开发和服务于企业级后台产品。
Puppeterr 是一个 Node 仓库,她提供了通过 DevTools 协议控制 headless Chrome 的高级 API。当然,这个仓库同样适用于完整的 Chrome。所有你在浏览器中的操作都可以再 Pupeteer 中实现。
旗舰版可视化 WordPress 编辑器。比常见的页面编辑器都要高端,堪比代码定制效果。当然,作为 WordPress 设计师,你觉得 $99 合适,就换这个工具吧。
Boostnote 是为程序猿定制的开源记事本,支持多平台,使用 electron 构建,可离线使用。
Docker EE 17.06 发布,多平台支持,并添加了 CaaS 特性支持。大部分企业服务中包含了传统应用和微服务,部署在多个平台中,现在可以在 Docker EE 中获得一站式服务。
pa11y 也叫保利,是为设计和开发保驾护航的一系列开源工具。保利提供了很多项目实现这种支持,本文重点介绍 pa11y 和 pa11y-ci
node-facenet 是基于 TensorFlow 开发的 Nodejs 版本 FaceNet。 FaceNet 是 Google 开发的深度卷积网络模型,用来实现基于集群的可拓展人脸识别。
Introspect 是一个命令行工具,来验证和显示你的项目依赖。
经过两年的打磨,我们终于推出了 Bootstrap4 的第一个 beta 版本。这段时间里,我们几乎重做了 Bootstrap,至少有27次更新包含了5000次提交,650个文件变更,67,000 行代码新增以及 82,000行代码删除。与此同时,我们经历了6个α版本,添加了主题市场,添加了招聘平台。简单说,Bootstrap 4 来了。
预计在918发布的 Angular5 已经进入 Bata 阶段。现在想要在 Angular 中开启 PWA 支持需要很多专业配置,新版本开始,这件事会更加容易。本次更新还包含:构建优化器(tree-shaking),服务器端渲染
这是一个 Web 性能调优狂热分子的时代,Chrome 60 版本中添加的 Paint Timing API 也印证了这一点。 Paint Timing API 也是迅猛扩展的 Performance API 之一,本 API 不是用来记载页面和资源的加载时间,而是度量一个页面的渲染时间。
Songbird 是用于 WebAudio 开发的实时空间音频解码库。基于这个仓库,Web 开发者可将空间编码音频流数据动态转为可拓展 ambisonics 信号,后者可供 Omnitone 使用将音频渲染为立体音,最终输出超现实可拓展3D 音频。
小巧精致无依赖,没有奇葩 JavaScript/CSS 代码的 info 通知条。 叫做 info 有点奇怪?那还是叫 tooltip 吧。
仿 Trello 开源任务管理器。
公众们将会在不久的将来,失去自主思考和判断的能力。最终他们会期望媒体为他们进行思考,并作出判断。」这就是闻名遐迩的「Tittytainment」战略,由 Titty(奶嘴)与 Entertainment(娱乐)合成,中文译为「奶头乐」(有点三俗的译法)。习惯了轻而易举能获得大量愉悦感,你就会慢慢对这种愉悦感脱敏。所以,请找到一件能够带给你长期收益和幸福感的事情,把它安排进每天的日程中。不需要追求物质收益,也不需要苛求成为领域专家,它的意义,是帮助你对抗慵常、平凡、索然无味的日常生活。让你保持头脑的清醒。