diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index aa40e6f..df927e1 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -5,6 +5,73 @@ This repository is an archive of Quincy Larson's weekly email newsletter. A big thanks to Sourabh Joshi for creating this repo and helping maintain it. He's a software engineer from Bengaluru who works at https://vidyo.ai. +### Nov 1, 2024 +1. This week, the freeCodeCamp community turns 10 years old. Back in 2014, I sat down and wrote the first lines of the freeCodeCamp open source codebase. Since then, we've built an interactive 3,000-hour core curriculum that teaches math, programming, and computer science. We've also built a library of more than 12,000 programming tutorials and more than 1,000 full-length YouTube courses. And most importantly, we've brought together a supportive community of developers who are eager to help people expand their skills. In this brief article and update video, you'll learn about the path ahead, along with some major improvements we're making to freeCodeCamp's core curriculum. (10 minute read plus a 5 minute video): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/freecodecamp-turns-10-major-curriculum-updates/ + +2. Andrew Brown is a CTO who has passed dozens of cloud cert exams. We just published his new course on how to pass the Google Cloud Digital Leader certification exam. Unlike the more technical certifications that freeCodeCamp also has prep courses for, this credential focuses on the business aspects of cloud computing and foundational cloud concepts. It may be a good fit for you as a professional. And if so, this course is an excellent place to start. (7 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/prepare-for-and-pass-the-google-cloud-digital-leader-certification-exam/ + +3. This week's freeCodeCamp podcast is one of the best interviews I've ever done. Dorian had a rough upbringing in Miami's Little Havana neighborhood. As a kid, he dropped out of high school and got arrested 4 times for crimes like stealing cars. His mother had to get him out of there, and his parole officer agreed to let him move to Las Vegas. There he found stable jobs parking cars at casinos. He taught himself how to code using freeCodeCamp, and eventually got software engineering jobs at Fortune 500 companies. I hope you enjoy this whirlwind of an interview. (2 hour watch or listen in your favorite podcast app): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/from-stealing-cars-to-self-taught-software-engineer-dorian-develops-podcast-147/ + +4. freeCodeCamp just published an in-depth tutorial on how to debug JavaScript right in your browser. You'll learn how to use Chrome DevTools to inspect elements, add breakpoints, and traverse the callstack. If you're new to web development, this should be a helpful resource. (10 minute read): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-use-developer-tools-to-debug-javascript-in-the-browser/ + +5. One of the most powerful tools cybersecurity researchers use is – surprisingly – Google search. They use a technique called “Google dorking” to find Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). This quick tutorial will teach you some search operators you can use for extremely deep searching, so you can find secrets that are right out in the open waiting to be discovered. (8 minute read): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/google-dorking-how-to-find-hidden-information-on-the-web/ + +Quote of the Week: *"We can only see a short distance ahead. But we can see plenty there that needs to be done."* — Alan Turing + + +### Oct 25, 2024 +1. freeCodeCamp just published a new course that will teach you how to code your own Sonic the Hedgehog infinite runner game in JavaScript. You'll learn how to implement core gameplay mechanics like enemy logic, parallax scrolling, scoring systems, and more. We also include all the sprite art assets you'll need to build a working game. (2 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/code-a-sonic-infinite-runner-game-in-javascript/ + +2. Learn AI Engineering where you wrap a foundation model in your own custom code. In this course, we'll use the Claude LLM API to code two projects: a text summarizer app and an image describer app. You'll learn how to incorporate the API into your app, handle errors, engineer prompts, and deploy to the cloud so your friends can try it. (1 hour course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-to-use-claude-ai/ + +3. On this week's freeCodeCamp podcast, I interview Tadas Petra, a prolific mobile app developer and teacher. When Tadas was just a child, his family immigrated to Chicago from Lithuania. His parents did whatever work they could find while Tadas struggled to learn English in school. He eventually got into university but nearly failed his first programming class. He persisted, and eventually got an internship at a trucking company writing code to control trucks. We talk about his coding journey and his many tips for learning mobile app development. (1 hour watch or listen in your favorite podcast app): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/tadas-petra-podcast-146/ + +4. If you want to write solid software, why not learn SOLID Principles? These are S: Single Responsibility Principle. O: Open-closed Principle. L: Liskov Substitution Principle. I: Interface Segregation Principle. And D: Dependency Inversion Principle. Don't be daunted – this tutorial will break all this down with nice code examples to help you grok this popular programming approach. (20 minute read): https://freecodecamp.org/news/what-are-the-solid-principles-in-csharp + +5. Up your CSS game by learning how to create elegant curved-edge shapes and rounded-edge shapes. This tutorial will teach you how to use the clip-path and mask properties to create radial gradients. You'll also see some of the cool geometry involved. (10 minute read): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/rounded-and-curved-edge-css-shapes/ + +Quote of the Week: *"I really enjoyed porting games to new systems because I learned a lot that way. For a programmer, it was really challenging to port a game from a high-quality arcade machine to a lower-quality home console. The skills I developed working on ports are what enabled me to create new games."* — Yuji Naka, programmer and creator of Sonic the Hedgehog + +### Oct 18, 2024 +1. freeCodeCamp just published a comprehensive course on how to build mobile apps using React Native. In the past, if you wanted to build mobile apps, you needed to learn iOS and Android-specific tools. But over the past decade, the JavaScript tool ecosystem for building mobile apps has improved dramatically. This course will teach you how to code your own ecommerce mobile app using React Native, Expo, Supabase, and the Stripe payment API. You'll also learn how to build an admin panel using Next.js, which you can use to browse inventory, customers, and transactions. (12 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/mobile-app-development-course-with-react-native-supabase-nextjs/ + +2. My friend Eamonn is a coffee shop owner turned software engineer, and a prolific contributor to freeCodeCamp's open learning resources. He's written this excellent guide to Excel keyboard shortcuts. Learn how to center cell contents, hide gridlines, auto-fit column sizes and more – all with just a few keystrokes. No mouse necessary. I'm somewhat of a shortcut connoisseur myself, so I found these super useful. I think they'll save you a lot of time, too. (10 minute read): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/microsoft-excel-keyboard-shortcuts/ + +3. On this week's freeCodeCamp podcast, I interview Roadmap SH founder Kamran Ahmed about his journey into open source software development. We talk about his early career as a dev in Pakistan, and how he worked abroad in Berlin, Dubai, and now London. He shares his passion for open source and practical tips for how to get involved. This is a perfect conversation to listen to during Hacktoberfest – the month-long celebration of open source – where you can get involved and make your first code contributions. (2 hour watch or listen in your favorite podcast app): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/roadmapsh-founder-kamran-ahmed-podcast-145/ + +4. Learn how to build a full-stack MERN stack app. MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. Developers have used this time-tested stack for over a decade now. And now you can, too. This beginner's course will walk you through building a bookstore app. You'll start by coding a Dynamic, Responsive front end using React. You'll learn how to create Reusable Components for your navigation bar and shopping cart system. Then you'll dive into back end development. You'll build an API that can process book orders and store them in your database. You'll also learn about Authentication, State Management, and Deployment. (9 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/build-a-full-stack-book-store-app-using-react-node-mongodb/ + +5. Learn how to leverage the powerful Binary Exponentiation Algorithm to calculate large powers of numbers. Developers use this all the time when working on cryptography and computer graphics. The reason Binary Exponentiation is so powerful is that it reduces the amount of multiplications you need to do, and each iteration through the loop re-uses previous calculations. This tutorial will show you how to implement this algorithm step-by-step with a simple Python script, and understand what's happening under the hood. (10 minute read): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/binary-exponentiation-algorithm-explained-with-examples/ + +Quote of the Week: *"The power of Open Source is the power of the people. The people rule."* — Philippe Kahn, software engineer and founder of 4 tech companies + +### Oct 11, 2024 +1. freeCodeCamp just published this course that will teach you how databases work from the ground up. You'll learn about Schemas and Indexing. You'll also learn how databases leverage both RAM and disk storage, how they interact with networks, and how they distribute data. Then you'll explore SQLite's architecture and contrast it with MySQL and PostgreSQL. (4 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-databases-in-depth/ + +2. Learn how to pass AWS's new Certified AI Practitioner certification. Andrew Brown is a CTO who has passed dozens of similar cloud cert exams. He'll teach you all about the cert and the many cloud services it covers: Bedrock, PartyRock, SageMaker, Athena, and more. (15 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/prepare-to-pass-the-aws-certified-ai-practitioner-certification/ + +3. On this week's freeCodeCamp podcast, I talk with Dennis Ivy about how to become a street-smart developer. Dennis grew up in an immigrant family with 13 kids, and dropped out of school to work in construction. He taught himself to code while working as a janitor at a church. Then he started building websites for local plumbers. He eventually built a software system that he was able to sell to his employer, kicking off a career of entrepreneurship and freelance development. Dennis has tons of practical tips for building your network and finding clients. I had a blast hearing what he had to say. And I think you will, too. (2 hour watch or listen in your favorite podcast app): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-become-a-street-smart-developer-dennis-ivy-interview-144/ + +4. Learn how to build your own cross-platform desktop apps for Windows, Mac, and Linux – all using JavaScript. That's right. You can use JS – the native language of the web – to build apps that can leverage that sweet desktop hardware. Imagine people alt-tabbing straight to your app instead of having to navigate to it through a browser. This course will teach you how to use Electron with React and TypeScript. And if you want to learn even more about Electron, I recently did a podcast interview with Jessica Lord, the creator of GitHub's Electron team. Tons of apps now use Electron, including Slack, Figma, and VS Code. (4 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/create-desktop-apps-with-electron-react-and-typescript/ + +5. What is Hydration? What is Pre-rendering? This tutorial will walk you through these key web development concepts and teach you how Client-side Rendering works. You'll also learn how traditional Server-side Rendering works, and the trade-offs involved. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a much better understanding of how developers build modern Single Page Applications and serve them at scale. (40 minute read): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-are-pre-rendering-and-hydration-in-web-dev/ + +Joke of the Week: *"A couple of relational databases walked into a NoSQL bar. +They left because they couldn’t find a table."* — Kenneth Fisher, Database Administrator + +### Oct 4, 2024 +1. freeCodeCamp just published a new course where you'll code your own developer portfolio page using React and the popular Next.js full stack development framework. This course will also teach you how to harness the power of Three.js for 3D animation and Tailwind CSS for styling your page. You'll build the site step-by-step and add your own 3D art assets and music. (4 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/create-a-front-end-portfolio-project-with-nextjs-and-threejs/ + +2. freeCodeCamp also published a couple full length programming handbooks this week. Here's one that will help you learn how to use the light-weight open source SQLite database with Python. You'll learn how to create your own database tables, insert data, query your database with Python, use transactions, and handle errors. This is a beginner-friendly handbook that can read, code along with, and bookmark for future reference. (full-length handbook): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/work-with-sqlite-in-python-handbook/ + +3. On this week's podcast, I interview ex-Google software engineer YK Sugi on the reality of today's developer job market. We talk about the role of interest rates in employers' hiring patterns, and how devs are adopting emerging AI tools to get more done. YK grew up in Japan, and he also shares some differences between the software industries in Japan and in the US. I had a blast talking with him and learned a lot. I hope you will, too. (2 hour watch or listen in your favorite podcast app): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/developer-job-market-with-ex-googler-yk-sugi-podcast-143/ + +4. Learn how to develop Linux device drivers. This course will show you how to set up your development environment, then do some low-level programming. You'll learn about the Linux Kernel, System Calls, the Proc File System, Loadable Modules and more. You can code along at home and also get some practice coding in the C programming language. (5 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-create-linux-device-drivers/ + +5. Kaggle is a data science website that regularly hosts coding competitions. And they host thousands of open datasets you can use in your own machine learning projects, too. If you want to take a crack at it, this course will show you how you can get started. You'll get tips for choosing the right competitions, preparing your datasets, using feature engineering to improve your model's performance, and submitting your model's predictions to the Kaggle leaderboard. (2 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/improve-your-data-science-skills-by-solving-kaggle-challenges/ + +Quote of the Week: *"UNIX was not designed to stop people from doing stupid things. Because that would also stop them from doing clever things."* — Doug Gwyn, a systems programmer who helped design UNIX at Bell Labs, which ultimately inspired Linux + ### Sep 27, 2024 1. freeCodeCamp just published a comprehensive course on CUDA, NVIDIA's GPU programming language. You'll learn how to leverage Graphical Processing Units – chips with thousands of core processors – to do high-performance computing. You'll also get exposure to GPU architecture, writing kernels, matrix multiplication optimization, multi-layer perceptrons, and more. If you want to dive into serious machine learning, this is a great place to start. (12 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-cuda-programming/