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Page format for ERPNext docs

Prasad Ramesh edited this page Aug 8, 2019 · 27 revisions

Sample DocType (DocType name, H1)

(SEO tags, meta description etc)

title: Access log add_breadcrumbs: 1 show_sidebar: 0

metatags: description: Access Log is a security feature that logs all data exports in the form of printing of Forms and reports, private file downloading and exporting reports in excel/csv formats. keywords: frappe, access log, erpnext v12, erpnext release notes, erpnext new features, erp, open source erp, free erp, security

A one line definition explaining the master/transaction in bold.

Paragraph(s) which contain a brief introduction to the doctype, and what it's used for. Add an example/scenario/use case to explain the feature.

(Navigation) To access Sales Order, go to:

Home > Module Name > Page Name

1. Prerequisites (H2)

(add only where applicable, these will links) For creating this document you will need to create the following first:

  • Document 1
  • Document 2

2. How to create Sample (H2)

This section will contain the steps to create the item.

  1. Go to the list, click on New.
  2. Enter xyz, select abc in this field (mandatory fields) with basic explanation of the fields.
  3. Save/Submit/both. (Note that only transactions are submittable documents, masters can only be saved)

2.1 Sub-section for alternate ways to create. (H3)

There are multiple ways to create certain doctypes, add subsections for those alternate methods. Skip if not present.

2.2 Sub-section for any other details

There may be additional fields/checkboxes that aren't mandatory or a part of 'features', list them here.

3. Features (H2)

3.1 Feature 1 (H3)

3.2 Feature 1 (H3)

...and so on. These sub sections will list out the various features a doctype offers other than the mandatory fields required to save the doctype. These are usually seen under different sections below the first set of fields and can be expanded by clicking on them. For example: some additional fields/features for the Item doctype would be: Description, Inventory, Auto Re-order etc.

4. Settings pages (H2)

A page would usually contain only two main sections, 1. How to Create and 2. Features. But for settings pages like Buying settings, this doesn't apply and the settings can be listed as 1. Section group 1.1 subsection field/checkbox..., 2.1 Section group 2.1 subsection/field etc.

Tip: Indent an image/paragraph by a tab / 4 spaces to continue a numbered list below it. To link to a specific heading in the page, the link should be like this: /docs/user/manual/en/stock/item#26-serial-numbers-and-batches

5. Related Topics (H3)

  1. This will be a list of related topics (links) from the manual.
  2. They can be links to other manual pages and links to other articles, same or different modules. For example: Selling, Buying, and Stock can have cross-related topics.
  3. Keep relevance in mind when adding an item in this section.

Examples for reference: Item, Sales Order

Note: Use realistic data for your screenshots and gifs, not test customer, test data. Use realistic names and sentences.

Note: Ensure your screenshots are clean and there's no cut off text. For pointing out/highlighting buttons/areas use a sharp edged red box around it with the default red color on macOS #EE0000. Preferably use markdown style for linking images, it's just simpler: ![Image caption goes here](image path goes here).

Note: The padding on images should be just a little on either side, refer above example.

For screenshots/GIFs Ensure that you show the navigation part on the top left so that new users can quickly understand where the page is. Crop the screenshot so that there is only little padding width-wise, refer the item page above.

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