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Here are clues to solving common issues:

  • PKIX Pathbuilding Failed or certificate unknown: Usually indicates a problem with your trust store. That is, your bot's server doesn't recognise the certificates provided by the symphony pod, key manager or agent servers.

  • NotFoundException (404): Could be that your bot is configured for certificate authentication, but you're only providing a private key, or vice-versa.

  • bad_certificate / certificate_unknown : This means your client certificate for the bot is somehow ill-formed, expired, doesn't have a matching account on the symphony side, or doesn't have it's root/intermediate cert loaded in Symphony.

  • Long Pause Connecting, then failure: Usually a proxy issue.

  • UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "xxx": A classpath issue, probably you have jersey-media-json-jackson included somewhere, don't use that.

  • No message body reader has been found for class ... : Check your stream Id doesn't have spaces/new lines in it.

  • The bean 'templateEngine',... could not be registered. : This happens when you have included the Teams Spring Boot Starter but have disabled it with This is because the Teams starter brings in Thymeleaf, as does the Symphony starter, and they collide. When Teams Spring Boot Starter is enabled, it renames the Teams Thymeleaf templateEngine to avoid this happening. Don't include the Teams Spring Boot Starter unless you're going to enable it.