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AzureDevops: azuredevops_build_definition
Manages a Build Definition within Azure DevOps organization.


Manages a Build Definition within Azure DevOps.

Example Usage

resource "azuredevops_project" "project" {
  project_name       = "Sample Project"
  visibility         = "private"
  version_control    = "Git"
  work_item_template = "Agile"

resource "azuredevops_git_repository" "repository" {
  project_id =
  name       = "Sample Repository"
  initialization {
    init_type = "Clean"

resource "azuredevops_variable_group" "vars" {
  project_id   =
  name         = "Infrastructure Pipeline Variables"
  description  = "Managed by Terraform"
  allow_access = true

  variable {
    name  = "FOO"
    value = "BAR"

resource "azuredevops_build_definition" "build" {
  project_id =
  name       = "Sample Build Definition"
  path       = "\\ExampleFolder"

  ci_trigger {
    use_yaml = true

  pull_request_trigger {
    use_yaml = true
    forks {
      enabled       = false
      share_secrets = false

  repository {
    repo_type   = "TfsGit"
    repo_id     =
    branch_name = azuredevops_git_repository.repository.default_branch
    yml_path    = "azure-pipelines.yml"

  variable_groups = [

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • project_id - (Required) The project ID or project name.
  • name - (Optional) The name of the build definition.
  • agent_pool_name - (Optional) The agent pool that should execute the build. Defaults to Hosted Ubuntu 1604.
  • repository - (Required) A repository block as documented below.
  • variable_groups - (Optional) A list of variable group IDs (integers) to link to the build definition.
  • ci_trigger - (Optional) Continuous Integration Integration trigger.
  • pull_request_trigger - (Optional) Pull Request Integration Integration trigger.

repository block supports the following:

  • branch_name - (Optional) The branch name for which builds are triggered. Defaults to master.
  • repo_id - (Required) The id of the repository.
  • repo_type - (Optional) The repository type. Valid values: GitHub or TfsGit or Bitbucket. Defaults to Github.
  • service_connection_id - (Optional) The service connection ID. Used if the repo_type is GitHub.
  • yml_path - (Required) The path of the Yaml file describing the build definition.

ci_trigger block supports the following:

  • use_yaml - (Optional) Use the azure-pipeline file for the build configuration. Defaults to false.
  • override - (Optional) Override the azure-pipeline file and use a this configuration for all builds.

ci_trigger override block supports the following:

  • batch - (Optional) If you set batch to true, when a pipeline is running, the system waits until the run is completed, then starts another run with all changes that have not yet been built. Defaults to true.
  • branch_filter - (Optional) The branches to include and exclude from the trigger.
  • path_filter - (Optional) Specify file paths to include or exclude. Note that the wildcard syntax is different between branches/tags and file paths.
  • max_concurrent_builds_per_branch - (Optional) The number of max builds per branch. Defaults to 1.
  • polling_interval - (Optional) How often the external repository is polled. Defaults to 0.
  • polling_job_id - (Computed) This is the ID of the polling job that polls the external repository. Once the build definition is saved/updated, this value is set.

pull_request_trigger block supports the following:

  • use_yaml - (Optional) Use the azure-pipeline file for the build configuration. Defaults to false.
  • initial_branch - (Optional) When use_yaml is true set this to the name of the branch that the azure-pipelines.yml exists on. Defaults to Managed by Terraform.
  • forks - (Required) Set permissions for Forked repositories.
  • override - (Optional) Override the azure-pipeline file and use a this configuration for all builds.

forks block supports the following:

  • enabled - (Required) Build pull requests form forms of this repository.
  • share_secrets - (Required) Make secrets available to builds of forks.

pull_request_trigger override block supports the following:

  • auto_cancel - (Optional) . Defaults to true.

  • branch_filter - (Optional) The branches to include and exclude from the trigger.

  • path_filter - (Optional) Specify file paths to include or exclude. Note that the wildcard syntax is different between branches/tags and file paths.

  • branch_filter block supports the following:

  • include - (Optional) List of branch patterns to include.

  • exclude - (Optional) List of branch patterns to exclude.

  • path_filter block supports the following:

  • include - (Optional) List of path patterns to include.

  • exclude - (Optional) List of path patterns to exclude.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the build definition
  • revision - The revision of the build definition

Relevant Links


Azure DevOps Build Definitions can be imported using the project name/definitions Id or by the project Guid/definitions Id, e.g.

terraform import "Test Project"/10
terraform import 782a8123-1019-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx/10