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File metadata and controls

149 lines (133 loc) · 6.13 KB

These are instructions for those who would like to build libIGES and help test the current implementation. Various MCAD packages have their own schemes for implementing IGES models and each has its own quirks. For libIGES to become a robust IGES preprocessor it must be tested against as many IGES models generated by as many MCAD packages as possible. The following instructions describe how to build the current implementation and how to use the supplied test programs 'readtest' and 'mergetest' to read and write IGES files and how to help contribute to the improvement of libIGES.

This library makes use of the SINTEF SISL library ( which is released under the GNU Affero General Public License V3. As of 22 Mar 2015 SISL may be used in non-commercial software such as libIGES or KiCad even though such software may be used for commercial product development; if in doubt about your licensing obligations and use, contact the appropriate SINTEF representative for clarification. If you intend to use libIGES within any commercial cloud services you definitely must make licensing arrangements with SINTEF.

I. Building libIGES and the test programs a. Dependencies + cmake + make + libboost (boost_filesystem and boost_system) + C++ compiler (preferably gcc 4.9 or later) + SINTEF SISL library (

b. Building:
    i. SISL
        + clone source:
          git clone
        + change to SISL directory and patch CMakeLists.txt to
          produce a SHARED library - see git diff below:

            diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt:
            index 47643a0..ed3b592 100644
            --- a/CMakeLists.txt
            +++ b/CMakeLists.txt
            @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(
            # Make the sisl library

            FILE(GLOB sisl_SRCS src/*.c include/*.h)
            -ADD_LIBRARY(sisl ${sisl_SRCS})
            +ADD_LIBRARY(sisl SHARED ${sisl_SRCS})
            SET_PROPERTY(TARGET sisl
            PROPERTY FOLDER "sisl/Libs")

        + build SISL; from the SISL source directory:
          mkdir build && cd build
          cmake ..

    ii. libIGES
        + change to the source directory:
            cd src
        + create a 'build' directory and change to that:
            mkdir build && cd build
        + configure with cmake; you will need to specify the SISL include
          directory and SISL library directory as in this example:
            cmake -DSISL_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/usr/SISL/include -DSISL_LIB_DIR=/home/usr/SISL/build ..
        + compile with make:
        + if you have stripped the 'rpath' from the files, you must copy '' to
          a directory where the dynamic linker/loader will find it.

II. Test program: readtest The program 'readtest' will read the file specified on the command line and write it back out to the file 'test_out_read.igs'. If the program succeeds then the output file must contain all the data contained in the original file. Look out for messages about entities culled; ideally this should be '0' - if not then there may be a bug in the library or else the entity is not yet supported. Please post on the issue tracker and include the IGES file which failed to read and write correctly. A second test is to load the output file into FreeCAD; it should display exactly as the original file if everything is fine.

Example usage:
./readtest my_model.igs

III. Test program: mergetest The program 'mergetest' takes an input file which contains a list of IGES model files each with a list of position parameters. One instance of the model is created for every set of position parameters provided. Input files may be part files or assemblies; the output file will be an IGES assembly file named 'test_out_merge.igs' which should respect the structure of all contained assemblies and subassemblies. The output may be rendered with FreeCAD; if it does not render correctly please post an issue and provide the input control file and IGES files used.

Input control file format:
unit: (optional) one of 'in' or 'mm'
file: "model_filename.igs"
orient: (optional) used to change the normal orientation of the part;
        this transform is applied to all instances of the part
        param 1: rotation (degrees)\n";
        param 2: x magnitude of rotation vector\n";
        param 3: y magnitude of rotation vector\n";
        param 4: z magnitude of rotation vector\n";
        param 5: x translation\n";
        param 6: y translation\n";
        param 7: z translation\n";
pos: zRotation, flip (0/1), xOffset, yOffset, zOffset;
     this is applied to a single instance of the part
[other 'pos:' lines to create more instances of the model]
[more sets of 'file:' and 'pos:' lines]

The position parameters:
+ zRotation: rotation of the component about its vertical axis
+ flip: 0: item will be positioned on the (imaginary) TOP surface
        1: item will be positioned on the BOTTOM surface (flipped
        180 degrees along the X axis)
+ xOffset, yOffset, zOffset: translation of the part. Note that
  X and Y offsets are absolute while the zOffset is negated when
  'flip' is 1.

Input control file example:
unit: mm
file: "block-and_peg.IGS"
pos: 0,0,0,0,0;
file: "block_hole.IGS"
pos: -45,0,0,0,15;
file: "peg.IGS"
pos: 0,0,15,15,1.6;
file: "6371.igs"
orient: 90,1,0,0,0,0,0;
pos: 0,0,30,30,1.6;
pos: 90,1,30,30,0;

Example usage:
./mergetest my_assembly

Note: IGES models may be in any of 3 orientations
(vertical axis of the physical model along X, Y, or Z);
this is due primarily to different users choosing different
planes of reference when models are created. To compensate
for a different orientation make use of the 'orient'