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Match managing provisioning profiles for DriverKit #21969

4 tasks done
CarlosNano opened this issue Apr 12, 2024 · 1 comment
4 tasks done

Match managing provisioning profiles for DriverKit #21969

CarlosNano opened this issue Apr 12, 2024 · 1 comment


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CarlosNano commented Apr 12, 2024

Issue Description

I'm trying to get Match to manage the Provisioning profile for DriverKit

It seems in Platforms there is not option for DriverKit.

When I create this option in the dev account it actually creates a prov profile for macOS with all device list of iOS and iPadOS.

Is there a way to create a Prov profile for DriverKit with Match?



[✔] 🚀
[18:12:54]: Generating fastlane environment output, this might take a few seconds...
<details><summary>✅ fastlane environment ✅</summary>

### Stack

| Key                         | Value                                                    |
| --------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| OS                          | 13.5                                                     |
| Ruby                        | 3.2.2                                                    |
| Bundler?                    | true                                                     |
| Git                         | git version 2.39.3 (Apple Git-145)                       |
| Installation Source         | ~/.rbenv/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/bin/fastlane |
| Host                        | macOS 13.5 (22G74)                                       |
| Ruby Lib Dir                | ~/.rbenv/versions/3.2.2/lib                              |
| OpenSSL Version             | OpenSSL 3.1.2 1 Aug 2023                                 |
| Is contained                | false                                                    |
| Is homebrew                 | false                                                    |
| Is installed via | false                                                    |
| Xcode Path                  | /Applications/          |
| Xcode Version               | 15.2                                                     |
| Swift Version               | 5.9.2                                                    |

### System Locale

| Variable | Value       |   |
| -------- | ----------- | - |
| LANG     | en_GB.UTF-8 | ✅ |
| LC_ALL   |             |   |
| LANGUAGE |             |   |

### fastlane gems

| Gem      | Version | Update-Status |
| -------- | ------- | ------------- |
| fastlane | 2.220.0 | ✅ Up-To-Date  |

### Loaded fastlane plugins:

**No plugins Loaded**

<details><summary><b>Loaded gems</b></summary>

| Gem                             | Version      |
| ------------------------------- | ------------ |
| error_highlight                 | 0.5.1        |
| did_you_mean                    | 1.6.3        |
| syntax_suggest                  | 1.0.2        |
| bundler                         | 2.4.19       |
| pathname                        | 0.2.1        |
| rake                            | 13.2.1       |
| base64                          | 0.2.0        |
| nkf                             | 0.2.0        |
| rexml                           | 3.2.6        |
| CFPropertyList                  | 3.0.7        |
| concurrent-ruby                 | 1.2.2        |
| i18n                            | 1.14.1       |
| minitest                        | 5.20.0       |
| thread_safe                     | 0.3.6        |
| tzinfo                          | 1.2.11       |
| activesupport                   |      |
| public_suffix                   | 5.0.5        |
| addressable                     | 2.8.6        |
| httpclient                      | 2.8.3        |
| json                            | 2.7.2        |
| algoliasearch                   | 1.27.5       |
| dotenv                          | 2.8.1        |
| rainbow                         | 3.1.1        |
| yaml                            | 0.3.0        |
| arkana                          | 2.0.0        |
| artifactory                     | 3.0.17       |
| atomos                          | 0.1.3        |
| aws-eventstream                 | 1.3.0        |
| aws-partitions                  | 1.913.0      |
| aws-sigv4                       | 1.8.0        |
| jmespath                        | 1.6.2        |
| aws-sdk-core                    | 3.191.6      |
| aws-sdk-kms                     | 1.78.0       |
| aws-sdk-s3                      | 1.146.1      |
| babosa                          | 1.0.4        |
| claide                          | 1.1.0        |
| fuzzy_match                     | 2.0.4        |
| nap                             | 1.1.0        |
| netrc                           | 0.11.0       |
| ffi                             | 1.16.2       |
| ethon                           | 0.16.0       |
| typhoeus                        | 1.4.0        |
| cocoapods-core                  | 1.10.2       |
| cocoapods-deintegrate           | 1.0.5        |
| cocoapods-downloader            | 1.6.3        |
| cocoapods-plugins               | 1.0.0        |
| cocoapods-search                | 1.0.1        |
| cocoapods-trunk                 | 1.6.0        |
| cocoapods-try                   | 1.2.0        |
| colored2                        | 3.1.2        |
| escape                          | 0.0.4        |
| fourflusher                     | 2.3.1        |
| gh_inspector                    | 1.1.3        |
| molinillo                       | 0.6.6        |
| ruby-macho                      | 1.4.0        |
| nanaimo                         | 0.3.0        |
| xcodeproj                       | 1.24.0       |
| cocoapods                       | 1.10.2       |
| colored                         | 1.2          |
| highline                        | 2.0.3        |
| commander                       | 4.6.0        |
| declarative                     | 0.0.20       |
| digest-crc                      | 0.6.5        |
| domain_name                     | 0.6.20240107 |
| emoji_regex                     | 3.2.3        |
| excon                           | 0.110.0      |
| faraday-em_http                 | 1.0.0        |
| faraday-em_synchrony            | 1.0.0        |
| faraday-excon                   | 1.1.0        |
| faraday-httpclient              | 1.0.1        |
| multipart-post                  | 2.4.0        |
| faraday-multipart               | 1.0.4        |
| faraday-net_http                | 1.0.1        |
| faraday-net_http_persistent     | 1.2.0        |
| faraday-patron                  | 1.0.0        |
| faraday-rack                    | 1.0.0        |
| faraday-retry                   | 1.0.3        |
| ruby2_keywords                  | 0.0.5        |
| faraday                         | 1.10.3       |
| http-cookie                     | 1.0.5        |
| faraday-cookie_jar              | 0.0.7        |
| faraday_middleware              | 1.2.0        |
| fastimage                       | 2.3.1        |
| jwt                             | 2.8.1        |
| multi_json                      | 1.15.0       |
| os                              | 1.1.4        |
| signet                          | 0.19.0       |
| googleauth                      | 1.8.1        |
| mini_mime                       | 1.1.5        |
| trailblazer-option              | 0.1.2        |
| uber                            | 0.1.0        |
| representable                   | 3.2.0        |
| retriable                       | 3.1.2        |
| google-apis-core                | 0.11.3       |
| google-apis-androidpublisher_v3 | 0.54.0       |
| google-apis-playcustomapp_v1    | 0.13.0       |
| google-cloud-env                | 1.6.0        |
| google-apis-iamcredentials_v1   | 0.17.0       |
| google-apis-storage_v1          | 0.31.0       |
| google-cloud-errors             | 1.4.0        |
| google-cloud-core               | 1.7.0        |
| google-cloud-storage            | 1.47.0       |
| mini_magick                     | 4.12.0       |
| naturally                       | 2.2.1        |
| optparse                        | 0.4.0        |
| plist                           | 3.7.1        |
| rubyzip                         | 2.3.2        |
| security                        | 0.1.5        |
| simctl                          | 1.6.10       |
| terminal-notifier               | 2.0.0        |
| unicode-display_width           | 2.5.0        |
| terminal-table                  | 3.0.2        |
| tty-screen                      | 0.8.2        |
| tty-cursor                      | 0.7.1        |
| tty-spinner                     | 0.9.3        |
| word_wrap                       | 1.0.0        |
| rouge                           | 2.0.7        |
| xcpretty                        | 0.3.0        |
| xcpretty-travis-formatter       | 1.0.1        |

*generated on:* **2024-04-12**
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angela683h commented May 3, 2024

Hello, @CarlosNano

Creating a provisioning profile for DriverKit using Match can be a bit tricky since Match typically manages provisioning profiles for iOS, macOS, and tvOS. However, it is possible to create a DriverKit development provisioning DollarTreeCompass profile through the Apple Developer account. Here’s how you can do it:

Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles in your Apple Developer account.
Click on Profiles in the sidebar, then click the add button (+) at the top left.
Under Development, select DriverKit development, then click Continue.
Select the App ID you want to use for development, then click Continue. Ensure that your App ID has a DriverKit entitlement enabled.
Select one or more development certificates, then click Continue.
Select one or more devices, then click Continue.
Enter a profile name, then click Generate.
Click Download to get your provisioning profile.

Remember, for release candidate apps, you should continue to use platform-specific provisioning profiles to meet the signing requirements. If you’re using Xcode Automatic Signing, the appropriate provisioning profile type will be selected for the requested distribution type.

My suggestion is helpful for you. If you have any query please tell me.

Best Regard,

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