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Releases: facebook/infer

Infer version 0.11.0

12 Apr 19:21
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This is a source release of Infer packaged with pre-built binaries for clang and facebook-clang-plugins for Linux and MacOS. To use it follow these instructions.


  • [Java] ThreadSafety analyzer is now on by default; run it with infer -a checkers .... This checker will try and detect races (unprotected concurrent accesses with at least one write) in classes bearing the @ThreadSafe annotation.
  • Infer now builds using OCaml 4.04.0.

For the full list of changes included see here.

The sha256 checksums of the tarballs are:

$ shasum -a 256 -p infer-*-v0.11.0.tar.xz
c2a893d66befc2652a28e9e6481f680fe863512f8c507b52616c5731878c22f0 ?infer-linux64-v0.11.0.tar.xz
0c435efa311cb70a79b5b8ae9cc4e714651e6653c5542a58cc624f2439d68e36 ?infer-osx-v0.11.0.tar.xz

Infer version 0.10.0

23 Feb 16:12
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This is a source release of Infer packaged with pre-built binaries for clang and facebook-clang-plugins for Linux and MacOS. To use it follow these instructions.

  • [Clang] C++ support.
  • [Clang] Improved support for cmake and Xcode compilation databases. Use with infer --compilation-database compile_commands.json (for cmake and Buck), or with infer --compilation-database-escaped compile_commands.json (for xcbuild and xcpretty).
  • [C++] New SIOF Checker.
  • [iOS] New linter for target SDK version. Use with infer --iphoneos-target-sdk-version <min version you support> ... or with infer -a linters --iphoneos-target-sdk-version <min version you support> ....
  • [Java] New Thread Safety Checker.
  • [Java] Smarter analysis of dynamic dispatch.
  • [Java] Improved Maven integration.
  • [Java] @SuppressWarnings support removed. Use @SuppressLint instead. android.annotation.SuppressLint is only available on Android, but do let us know if that is an issue for you.

For the full list of changes included see here.

The sha256 checksums of the tarballs are:

$ shasum -a 256 -p infer-*-v0.10.0.tar.xz
62287344459e2e467def603f97dac9cfb335a8f2852a51217696db948164780c ?infer-linux64-v0.10.0.tar.xz
6fdcfe52cee28f57a86e8cd80bf4cac7b2dda83a3cc511f86834636ada14a808 ?infer-osx-v0.10.0.tar.xz

Infer version 0.9.5

10 Feb 14:59
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This is a source release of Infer packaged with pre-built binaries for clang and facebook-clang-plugins for Linux and MacOS.

This includes a fix for #577.

To use it follow these instructions.

The sha256 checksums of the tarballs are:

$ shasum -a 256 -p infer-*-v0.9.5.tar.xz
199f5cc6466db63375774d20bbea8f50e0394380b7e8b258b73a44c2578b5159 ?infer-linux64-v0.9.5.tar.xz
43d6c68d4e41057be8188877872544bf7c0e6a53a122be64efe06f3f3b772f47 ?infer-osx-v0.9.5.tar.xz

Infer version

23 Nov 15:31
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This is a source release of Infer packaged with pre-built binaries for clang and facebook-clang-plugins for Linux and MacOS. To use it follow these instructions. It only contains hotfix to infer 0.9.4 fixing #508

The sha256 checksums of the tarballs are:

$ shasum -a 256 -p infer-*-v0.9.4.1.tar.xz
860f20741bd54f1e058e0e0c4550fc4211016ef93f154938eb173df555a560df ?infer-linux64-v0.9.4.1.tar.xz
a738a3492a4e0229df8abd745cd88bca8fb547bc3bcca15ec194d6780b07cbda ?infer-osx-v0.9.4.1.tar.xz

Infer version 0.9.4

18 Nov 19:32
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This is a source release of Infer packaged with pre-built binaries for clang and facebook-clang-plugins for Linux and MacOS. To use it follow these instructions.

  • [Java] preliminary support for Java 8: infer no longer skips methods containing Java 8 code
  • [clang] support for clang compilation databases
  • [Xcode] more robust integration using the compilation database (requires xcpretty)
  • [iOS] added checks for some of the ComponentKit best practices
  • lots of under-the-hood improvements, including perf improvements and bug fixes

For the full list of changes included see here.

The sha256 checksums of the tarballs are:

$ shasum -a 256 -p infer-*-v0.9.4.tar.xz
1b85b84a5f798919d2630b313033e710b1e20fba24f5c751ca1b5e0a3c601cff ?infer-linux64-v0.9.4.tar.xz
529d147bccf3285ddb7500c22e0c50d6e0cbdb2c7f9b11a84e8005873994b3e2 ?infer-osx-v0.9.4.tar.xz

Infer version 0.9.3

22 Sep 15:45
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This is a source release of Infer packaged with pre-built binaries for clang and facebook-clang-plugins for Linux and MacOS. To use it follow these instructions.

  • Fix issues with using Infer with Clang 4.0 and Xcode 8
  • Various fixes and performance improvements

For the full list of changes included see here.

The sha256 checksums of the tarballs are:

$ shasum -a 256 -p infer-*-v0.9.3.tar.xz
a55a940082690d06c0c05d8b772b8a9eef8b98ecb0ea82f86e5d473bcf878211 ?infer-linux64-v0.9.3.tar.xz
8bfbb7ee76388393b5cf513984da79c305af3a1e6bbd057f83082f093d3cc0d7 ?infer-osx-v0.9.3.tar.xz

Infer version 0.9.2

23 Aug 12:03
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This is a source release of Infer packaged with pre-built binaries for clang and facebook-clang-plugins for Linux and MacOS. To use it follow these instructions.

For the full list of changes included see here.

The sha256 checksums of the tarballs are:

$ shasum -a 256 -p infer-*-v0.9.2.tar.xz
7c374d14affc19c44cd23746696eba7b4422a900e03f8a6b9985d95a05d2d95f ?infer-linux64-v0.9.2.tar.xz
3935f8be25982a023aba306b66804d73a7316ab833296277c1ec6c3694bfc7c7 ?infer-osx-v0.9.2.tar.xz

Infer version 0.9.1

18 Aug 11:44
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This is a minor source release of Infer packaged with pre-built binaries for clang and facebook-clang-plugins for Linux and MacOS. It contains bugfixes to 0.9.0, in particular to enable packaging via Homebrew and to fix an issue with locales. To use it follow these instructions.

For the full list of changes included see here.

The sha256 checksums of the tarballs are:

$ shasum -a 256 -p infer-*-v0.9.1.tar.xz
c6dc64db4a6075d4fac32712bbd0e087ecb6d909ac590220acd64bd4a33480c3 ?infer-linux64-v0.9.1.tar.xz
6dbb1bb7b3e28d99a8c02fd42f2f87894bf0c5564c13645aae679effb8ee8418 ?infer-osx-v0.9.1.tar.xz

Infer version 0.9.0

21 Jul 17:40
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This is a source release of Infer packaged with pre-built binaries for clang and facebook-clang-plugins for Linux and MacOS. To use it follow these instructions.

Since the changelog is so big, let's just mention these two items:

  • lots of perf improvements and fixes across all analyses (thanks to everyone who reported issues and made pull requests!)
  • [experimental] C++ language support. See --cxx in infer --help. This is still in heavy development and only includes a few bug types. Feedback welcome!

The sha256 checksums of the tarballs are:

$ shasum -a 256 -p infer-*-v0.9.0.tar.xz
1596e2d4e67f920349de4950a2b6b98451d5115602826b508eb7b4d8e1b41caf ?infer-linux64-v0.9.0.tar.xz
3aebf37bbcbb3c17912c24bfd1f2aec7b8d1256f0617cca5ddeab7aeab58b3ce ?infer-osx-v0.9.0.tar.xz

Infer version 0.8.1

25 Apr 12:34
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This is a source release of Infer packaged with pre-built binaries for clang and facebook-clang-plugins for Linux and MacOS. To use it follow these instructions.

This release includes:

  • [Objective-C and C] upgrade clang to version 3.8.0
  • [all] bugfixes

For the full list of changes included see here.

The sha256 checksums of the tarballs are:

$ shasum -a 256 -p infer-*-v0.8.1.tar.xz
7f75ae69d91fb9a8c43163f02a9b2a4919b8ebc42dfb2f729722201a0b18ea6b ?infer-linux64-v0.8.1.tar.xz
0cd33936966fcb4761251279aa737ca07352fb8a8e864697a1d2cc5735c56ae7 ?infer-osx-v0.8.1.tar.xz