This is a simple example how to design an inductor:
- Design computation and optimization
- Single design
- Pareto optimization
- Result analysis
- Interactive GUI
- Pareto fronts exploration
The following inductor is considered.
- Non-isolated DC-DC Buck converter
- Converter ratings: 2kW, 400V input voltage, 200V output voltage
- Optimized parameters: frequency, geometry, air gap, number of turns, ripple
WARNING: The repository does NOT contain the dataset and the trained ANNs.
WARNING: The dataset and the trained ANNs are only included in the releases.
- Go to the latest release: download
- Download the source code: "Source code (zip)" or "Source code (tar.gz)"
- Unpack the source code
- Download the data: "" or "data.tar.gz"
- Unpack the data (replace the folder "dataset" and "design")
- Start MATLAB and go to the corresponding folder
- Type "init_toolbox" to load the toolbox
>> run_design_compute_single
| _________ ___ |
| / ___ / /__/ _ __ ___ __ _ __ _ |
| / /__/ / / / ___ | `_ ` _ \ / _` |/ _` | |
| / ___ / / / /___| | | | | | | (_| | (_| | |
| /__/ /__/ /__/ |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__, | |
| |___/ |
| |
| Fast and Accurate Inductor Modeling and Design |
| With Artificial Neural Network (ANN) |
| With Finite Element Method (FEM) |
| ____________________ ___ |
| / ________ ___ /__/ / ETH Zurich |
| / _____/ / / / ___ / Power Electronic |
| /_______/ /__/ /__/ /__/ Systems Laboratory |
| |
| T. Guillod, Power Electronic Systems Laboratory |
| Copyright 2019-2020 ETH Zurich / BSD License |
Select the simulation type:
1 - ANN-based model
2 - Analytical approximation
2 - FEM simulation (require COMSOL Livelink)
Enter your choice >> 1
################## master_compute_single
ann fem
single design
diff = 00:00:00
################## master_compute_single
################## master_plot_single
################## master_plot_single
>> run_design_compute_pareto
| _________ ___ |
| / ___ / /__/ _ __ ___ __ _ __ _ |
| / /__/ / / / ___ | `_ ` _ \ / _` |/ _` | |
| / ___ / / / /___| | | | | | | (_| | (_| | |
| /__/ /__/ /__/ |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__, | |
| |___/ |
| |
| Fast and Accurate Inductor Modeling and Design |
| With Artificial Neural Network (ANN) |
| With Finite Element Method (FEM) |
| ____________________ ___ |
| / ________ ___ /__/ / ETH Zurich |
| / _____/ / / / ___ / Power Electronic |
| /_______/ /__/ /__/ /__/ Systems Laboratory |
| |
| T. Guillod, Power Electronic Systems Laboratory |
| Copyright 2019-2020 ETH Zurich / BSD License |
Select the simulation type:
1 - ANN-based model
2 - Analytical approximation
Enter your choice >> 1
################## master_compute_pareto
ann fem
6 / 6
5 / 6
4 / 6
3 / 6
2 / 6
1 / 6
diff = 00:00:20
n_tot = 519683
n_filter_var = 519683
n_filter_fom = 120399
n_sol = 44333
################## master_compute_pareto
################## master_plot_pareto
################## master_plot_pareto
All the files describing the inductor computation and optimization are located in the run_design folder:
- run_design_compute_single.m - Single design (entry point)
- run_design_compute_pareto.m - Pareto fronts (entry point)
- material - Material database
- core_data.mat - Core data (losses, permeability, saturation, etc.)
- iso_data.mat - Insulation data (weight, thermal properties, etc.)
- winding_data.mat - Winding data (stranding, fill factor, etc.)
- param - User defined parameters
- get_design_param_compute_pareto.m - Definition of the parameter sweep (many designs)
- get_design_param_compute_pareto.m - Definition of the parameter (single design)
- get_design_param_plot_pareto.m - Parameters for the Pareto fronts
- get_design_circuit.m - Applied stress on the inductor (current, voltage, etc.)
- get_design_excitation.m - Inductor operating point definition
- get_design_data_vec.m - Inductor parameters
- get_design_fct.m - Functions for filtering invalid designs
- get_design_data_const.m - Parameters for the numerical methods
In this tutorial, pre-trained ANNs have been used. However, if required, the dataset and the ANNs can be generated from scratch.
All the files describing the dataset generation and the ANN training are located in the run_dataset folder:
- run_dataset_1_init.m - Init the simulations with constant data (entry point)
- run_dataset_2_fem.m - Run the different FEM simulations (entry point)
- run_dataset_3_assemble.m - Assemble the FEM simulations results, add the analytical solutions (entry point)
- run_dataset_4_train.m - Train the regressions with ANNs with simulation results (entry point)
- run_dataset_5_export.m - Export the ANNs in prevision of the evaluation of inductor designs (entry point)
- model - COMSOL models
- model_ht.mph - COMSOL 3D model for the thermal simulations
- model_mf.mph - COMSOL 3D model for the magnetic simulations
- param - User defined parameters
- get_dataset_param_init.m - Constant physical parameters
- get_dataset_param_fem.m - Parameters for generating the FEM dataset
- get_dataset_param_train.m - Parameters for training the ANNs