This plugin is in early development and may not work as expected. Please report any issues you find.
Install the package from the following command
npm install unplugin-stylex --save-dev
or with yarn:
yarn add unplugin-stylex --save-dev
or with pnpm:
pnpm i unplugin-stylex --save-dev
// vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import stylexPlugin from 'unplugin-stylex/vite'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
stylexPlugin({ /* options */}),
// esbuild.config.js
import { build } from 'esbuild'
import stylexPlugin from 'unplugin-stylex/esbuild'
export default {
plugins: [
stylexPlugin({ /* options */ }),
// farm.config.js
import { defineConfig } from '@farmfe/core'
import stylexPlugin from 'unplugin-stylex/farm'
export default defineConfig({
// other rollup config
plugins: [
stylexPlugin({ /* options */}),
// rspack.config.js
import stylexPlugin from 'unplugin-stylex/rspack'
module.exports = {
// other rspack config
plugins: [
stylexPlugin({ /* options */}),
rolldown(⚠️ experimental)
// rolldown.config.js
import stylexRolldownPlugin from 'unplugin-stylex/rolldown'
export default {
// other rolldown config
plugins: [
stylexRolldownPlugin({ /* options */}),
// rollup.config.js
import stylexRollupPlugin from 'unplugin-stylex/rollup'
export default {
// other rollup config
plugins: [
stylexRollupPlugin({ /* options */}),
// webpack.config.js
import stylexWebpackPlugin from 'unplugin-stylex/webpack'
module.exports = {
// other webpack config
plugins: [
stylexWebpackPlugin({ /* options */}),
More detail usage can check examples
Current support argument, which may have change in the future