This doc explain how to run notebook connected to a Ocean Spark cluster with VSCode
- Prerequisites:
- You should be familiar with running a notebook on OfAS, you can follow this doc
- You should have the Jupyter notebook Python package installed locally
git clone
- Open manually the folder
- Or from your terminal :
code vscode-ofas-notebook-template
- Go to "Run and Debug" panel
- Select
Connect to remote Jupyter
- Click on triangle icon
- Enter your OfAS cluster id when prompted and hit enter
- Enter your Spot personal access token when prompted and hit enter
You should see the notebook app starting in the terminal
copy the url in the output like : http://localhost:8888/?token=xxx
- Open a notebook file (.ipynb)
- In the status bar, click on "Jupyter Server: remote" (down-right corner)
- When the Palette input prompts:
- Select :
- Paste the url copied before
- And hit Enter
- wait few seconds for the palette to close
- Select :
- In the upper-right corner of the notebook, click on the kernel, and pick a config-template
Now, if you run code in your notebook, it will start an app for you in OfAS.
Please note that it can take few minutes for the app to be ready to execute your code
Note: Auto-start of notebooks is disabled to avoid starting multiple app before you're sure of the config template you want to use. Feel free to change this in the setting file. (jupyter.disableJupyterAutoStart
When you're done, Go to terminal panel and Hit Ctrl-C
then enter y
to shutdown connections and kernels.