Releases: enkodellc/blazorboilerplate
CSB / Webassembly .NET Core 3.1.0
- MatBlazor 2.0 Breaking Changes
- .NET Core 3.1.0 / v3.1.0-preview4 Blazor Nuget package updates
- Admin Roles / Permissions Management. Thanks vd3d
- Fix Login EditForm / Double submit of Login. Thanks MarkStega
- UserProfile Fixes. Thanks mobinseven
- Chrome Cookie updates. Thanks oneparameter
.NET Core 3 Preview 3
-Identity Server 4 - Authentication with ASP.Net Identity Authorization with Policies
-v3.1.0-preview3 / Nuget Package updates
-Authorize / Policy Examples on Users Page
Identity Server 4 Integration
- Identity Server 4 First Release - Delete your DB! Thanks to ganmuru
- User Profile Store Last Page Visited / Return on Login
- .NET Core 3.0.100 / Blazor 3.0.0-preview9.19457.4 update
- Known Issues:
- IAuditable Shadow Properties not getting UserId
.NET Core 3.0.100
- .NET Core 3.0.100 / Blazor 3.0.0-preview9.19457.4 update
- Identity Release
User Admin UI
- Update to .NET Core 3.0 Preview 9
- User Management Screen (CRUD) & User Password Reset - Thanks npraskins
- Confirmation Delete Dialog Stylize & Implementation
Refactor & Todo, Forum, Seed, Features are growing
CRUD Todo List example
Restructure Project Refactor BlazorBoilerplate.Shared for N-Tier Design
Automapper for Client (dto) / Server Models
Removed old Migrations. Recommend to delete your database to start new.
Implement ShadowProperties for Auditable, SoftDelete Interfaces for Models (In Progress)
DB Seed Data
Known Issues:
-IAuditable Shadow Properties not getting UserId
.NET Core Preview 8
-Update to SDK 3.0.0-preview8-28405-07
Added IpAddress and UserId to Middleware ApiLogging
Review / Fix VS code Warnings and Information notice. Clean up code.
UserProfile - Beta
MatBlazor 1.6.0
Next version will be major Refactor
Middlware, Menu
Breaking Changes to API
- Middleware to log Api Requests and Responses for auditing and debugging. Thanks salslab
- Middleware for consistent API Responses and Exception Handlin. Thanks proudmonkey
- Email Pop3 / IMAP retrieval. Thanks npraskins
- Responsive Navigation / Closed / Full / Minified / Minified & Hover effect
- Added MatNavMenu PR for MatBlazor - Ver 1.5
.Net Core Preview 7
-User Profile Management
-Refactor Email Settings and API
-MatBlazor 1.3.0
-Migrate to .NET Core 3.0
Forgot Password / AuthorizeView / @attribute[Authorize]
-Email confirmation on Registration
-Configure Email Configuration in server appsettings.json
-Set "RequireConfirmedEmail" to true in appsettings.json
-Forgot Password
-Configure Email Configuration in server appsettings.json
-Updated Email Templates for Forgot Password
-Screenshots Page
-Implement AuthorizeView and @Attribute[Authorize]