In server.cfg:
seta qlx_balanceUrl "YOUR-HOST-HERE"
seta qlx_balanceMinimumSuggestionDiff 0
seta qlx_balanceApi "elo"
Make sure that http://YOUR-HOST-HERE/elo/666 is accessible.
Make sure that you are using latest plugin and in server.cfg:
seta qlx_balanceApi "elo/map_based"
Sometimes it is more convenient for players in-game to have 1500 rating instead of 25. For that you need to set in server.cfg:
seta qlx_balanceApi "elo/bn"
If you want use qlstats_privacy_policy plugin you need to set in server.cfg:
seta qlx_balanceApi "elo/with_qlstats_policy"
seta qlx_balanceApi "elo/bn,map_based" // enables map_based rating and ratings values are bigger
seta qlx_balanceApi "elo/bn,with_qlstats_policy" // ratings values are bigger and returns privacy policy data from
seta qlx_balanceApi "elo/map_based,bn,with_qlstats_policy" // all in one