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File metadata and controls

140 lines (95 loc) · 4.46 KB


This plugin manages and configures the shell's umask setting dynamically. This plugin is based on an original script by laggardkernel, which you can find here.

It adjusts the umask based on a user-specified environment variable (UMASK), or utilizes a sensible default that is set when the shell session starts, making it useful in environments requiring specific security settings for file and directory creation.

Use this with to change UMASK per directory.


  • Dynamic Umask Configuration: Sets the umask based on the UMASK variable, allowing for custom configuration.
  • Default Umask Backup: Utilizes a fallback umask set at session start if no custom umask is specified.
  • Environment Flexibility: Ensures consistent umask settings across various shell instances and working conditions.


Silent Mode

The silent mode controls whether the plugin outputs status messages when the umask is set. To configure this behavior, use the zstyle command:

# Enable silent mode - suppresses messages about umask changes
zstyle ':direnv-umask-hook' silent true

# Disable silent mode - enables messages about umask changes
zstyle ':direnv-umask-hook' silent false

## Install Instructions

I like zengom so lets start there:

### zgenom

if ! zgenom saved; then
    echo "Creating a zgenom save"
    # .. other plugins
    zgenom load electblake/zsh-direnv-umask-hook
    # save
    zgenom save

Oh My Zsh

  1. Clone the Repository to Oh My Zsh's Custom Plugin Directory: Open your terminal and execute the following command to clone the plugin into the custom plugins directory of Oh My Zsh:

    git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-direnv-umask-hook
  2. Add the Plugin to Your List of Plugins: You need to edit your .zshrc file to include this plugin in the list of Oh My Zsh plugins. Open your .zshrc file in a text editor and find the line starting with plugins=(. Add zsh-direnv-umask-hook to this array. For example:

    plugins=(git zsh-direnv-umask-hook)
  3. Apply the Changes: To apply the changes, reload your Zsh configuration by running:

    source ~/.zshrc


git clone ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zprezto/contrib/zsh-direnv-umask-hook
echo "zstyle ':prezto:load' pmodule ... 'zsh-direnv-umask-hook'" >> ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zpreztorc
source ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zpreztorc


zplug "electblake/zsh-direnv-umask-hook"
zplug install
zplug load


antigen bundle electblake/zsh-direnv-umask-hook
antigen apply


zinit light electblake/zsh-direnv-umask-hook

Manual Installation

git clone ~/path/to/zsh-direnv-umask-hook
echo "source ~/path/to/zsh-direnv-umask-hook/umask-hook.plugin.zsh" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc


The plugin automatically adjusts the umask whenever the working directory changes or a new shell prompt is displayed, ensuring the umask is correctly set without manual intervention.

If new to umask is my favourite calculator

# set umask for chmod 664
# UMASK     File Permissions    Directory Permissions
# 002       rw-rw-r--           rwxrwxr-x

echo 'export UMASK=002' > /path/to/group/application/.envrc
direnv allow .

# set umask for chmod 644
# UMASK     File Permissions    Directory Permissions
# 022       rw-r--r--           rwxr-xr-x

echo 'export UMASK=022' > /path/to/my/application/.envrc
direnv allow .

Zsh Hooks Used

  • chpwd Hook: This hook triggers the _umask_hook function when the current working directory changes.
  • precmd Hook: Executes _umask_hook before each command prompt is displayed to set the umask.


This plugin is adapted from a script developed by laggardkernel, available at this gist. All modifications and improvements are made with respect to the original work.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


If you encounter any problems or have suggestions, please file an issue on the GitHub repository issue tracker.