0.2.3 - 2024-02-28
- Allow non-nullable field argument
0.2.2 - 2024-01-26
- Having types and fields
- GroupType instead of anonymous declaration in GroupField
- UnionType
- Depracated GroupField::FIELD_COLUMN constant, use GroupType::FIELD_COLUMN instead
0.2.1 - 2023-07-03
- Null and NotNull where comparators
0.2.0 - 2023-04-06
- Multi schema loader
- Ability to add additional data to response
- GraphQL exception that can contain both safe message and debug message
- Debug mode to WebonyxDriver
- Type with fields will combine fields from callback and predefined fields
- Webonyx schema transformer clears cache after transforming schema
- OrderArgument key changed to 'column' and order to 'sort_order'
0.1.0 - 2022-10-24
- Schema definition
- Definition schema loader
- Webonyx driver
- Webonyx schema transformer