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"Input to reshape is a tensor with ... values, but the requested shape has ..." in node Gradients/SumGradient/Reshape_1 #175

Jazzpirate opened this issue Dec 27, 2019 · 1 comment


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First of all: I have little prior experience with tensorflow; in fact I'm trying to understand it by using your package so I can work in Scala rather than python. Thank you very much for your library, it helps a ton, since I'm a lot more comfortable working within Scala.

As a first step, I figured I'd translate a GloVe-implementation from python to scala, namely: (my translation attached below; the relevant parts are all in the train-method, lines 98ff)

I encountered two issues:

  1. In line 99 of the python implementation it says
    embedding_product = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(focal_embedding, context_embedding), 1)
    but I had to change the axis to -1 (as in
    val embedding_product = tf.sum(tf.multiply(focal_embedding,context_embedding),-1)), otherwise I'd get an error Inputs to operation AddN of type AddN must have the same size and shape. Input 0: [512,50] != input 1: [512,1] - caused by the computation of distance_expr (line 103 python, line 124 in the scala code below). Is there a discrepancy between the python implementation and yours regarding the axes?
  2. Having "fixed" that, I now get an error Input to reshape is a tensor with 262144 values, but the requested shape has 512 [[{{node Gradients/SumGradient/Reshape_1}}]] that seems to occur somewhere in the AdaGrad.minimize-computation. I'm at a loss (pun intended) where this comes from - the graph as implemented seems to have the correct dimensionalities everywhere (all the tensors in sums seem to have the correct shape Shape(512)), so I wouldn't know what's wrong other than that there's an error somewhere in the implementation of the gradients involved... any help would be most welcome.
package com.jazzpirate.glove

import com.jazzpirate.tensorflow._
import info.kwarc.mmt.api.utils.File
import org.platanios.tensorflow.api._
import org.platanios.tensorflow.api.core.client.FeedMap
import org.platanios.tensorflow.api.ops.Embedding.DivStrategy
import org.platanios.tensorflow.api.ops.Output
import org.platanios.tensorflow.api.ops.variables.RandomUniformInitializer
import org.platanios.tensorflow.api.tensors.Tensor

import scala.collection.parallel.mutable

class TFGloVe() {
  private object Vocab {
    private var itos_map : List[String] = Nil

    def setElems(ls:List[String]) = {
      itos_map = ls
      stoi_map = mutable.ParHashMap.empty
      w = None
      _size = itos_map.length
      itos_map.zipWithIndex.foreach {
        case (s,i) => stoi_map(s) = i//+1

    def load(file:File) = {
      val vocab = file.addExtension("vocab")
      val itos_map ='\t')
      stoi_map = mutable.ParHashMap.empty
      _size = itos_map.length
      itos_map.zipWithIndex.foreach {
        case (s,i) => stoi_map(s) = i//+1
      val matrix = vocab.setExtension("matrix")
      // w = Some(Nd4j.readTxt(matrix.toString()))


    def setMatrix(matrix:scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[MutableVector]) = w = Some(matrix)

    private var stoi_map :mutable.ParHashMap[String,Int] = mutable.ParHashMap.empty
    def stoi(s:String) = stoi_map(s)
    def itos(i:Int) = itos_map(i)//-1)
    var _size = 0
    def size = _size

    var w : Option[scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[MutableVector]] = None

    def getValue(s:String) = {
      val i = stoi(s)
      w.get(i) + w.get(i+size)
      // w.get.getRow(i).add(w.get.getRow(i+size))

    // lazy val aarrs = (0 until (w.get.rows()/2)).map(i => w.get.getRow(i).add(w.get.getRow(i+size)))

    def getString(a : Tensor[Double]) = {
      ??? // something with aarrs

    def save(file:File) = {
      val vocab = file.addExtension("vocab")
      val matrix = vocab.setExtension("matrix")
      // Nd4j.writeTxt(w.get,matrix.toString())

  def save(file:File) =
  def load(file:File) = Vocab.load(file)

  def apply(s:String) = Vocab.getValue(s)

  def train(ls:List[List[String]],
            learning_rate:Double = 0.05,
            vector_size:Int = 50,
            iterations:Int = 25) : Unit = {

    val distinct = ls.flatten.distinct
    println(distinct.length + " Tokens")
    val hm = computeMatrix(ls,windowsize,minval)

  private def train(cooc:mutable.ParHashMap[(Int,Int),Double], batch_size : Int, vector_size:Int, iterations:Int,x_max:Double,alpha:Double,learning_rate:Double): Unit = {
    println("Graph building...")
    val session = core.client.Session()

    val init = RandomUniformInitializer(-1f,1f)

    val count_max = tf.constant[Float](Tensor(x_max.toFloat),name="max_cooccurence_cap")
    val scaling_factor = tf.constant[Float](Tensor(alpha.toFloat),name="scaling_factor")

    val focal_input = tf.placeholder[Int](Shape(batch_size),name="focal_words")
    val context_input = tf.placeholder[Int](Shape(batch_size),name="context_words")
    val cooccurrence_count = tf.placeholder[Float](Shape(batch_size),name="cooccurrrence_count")

    val focal_embeddings = tf.variable[Float](name="focal_embeddings",Shape(Vocab.size,vector_size),init)
    val context_embeddings = tf.variable[Float](name="context_embeddings",Shape(Vocab.size,vector_size),init)
    val focal_biases = tf.variable[Float]("focal_biases",Shape(Vocab.size),init)
    val context_biases = tf.variable[Float]("context_biases",Shape(Vocab.size),init)

    val focal_embedding = org.platanios.tensorflow.api.ops.Embedding.embeddingLookup(focal_embeddings,focal_input,DivStrategy)
    val context_embedding = org.platanios.tensorflow.api.ops.Embedding.embeddingLookup(context_embeddings,context_input,DivStrategy)
    val focal_bias = org.platanios.tensorflow.api.ops.Embedding.embeddingLookup(focal_biases,focal_input,DivStrategy)
    val context_bias = org.platanios.tensorflow.api.ops.Embedding.embeddingLookup(context_biases,context_input,DivStrategy)

    val weighting_factor = tf.minimum(1.0f,tf.pow(tf.divide(cooccurrence_count,count_max),scaling_factor))
    val embedding_product = tf.sum(tf.multiply(focal_embedding,context_embedding),-1)
    val log_cooccurences = tf.log(cooccurrence_count.toFloat)
    val distance_expr = tf.square(tf.addN(Seq(embedding_product,focal_bias,context_bias,tf.negate(log_cooccurences))))

    val single_losses = tf.multiply(weighting_factor,distance_expr)
    val total_loss = tf.sum(single_losses)
    val optimizer = tf.train.AdaGrad(learning_rate.toFloat).minimize(total_loss)
    val combined_embeddings = tf.add(focal_embeddings,context_embeddings,name="combined_embeddings")

    val writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(File("/home/jazzpirate/work/Scala/ML/data/tf").toPath,session.graph)
    val (allis,alljs,allcs) ={case ((i,j),c) => (Tensor(i),Tensor(j),Tensor(c.toFloat))}.unzip3
    var data = (0 until Vocab.size by batch_size).map(ii => (
    var data = (0 until Vocab.size).flatMap(i => (0 until Vocab.size).map{j =>
      val counts = if (i<j) cooc.getOrElse((i,j),0.0) else cooc.getOrElse((j,i),0.0)
      (0 until Vocab.size by batch_size).map(ii => ()) Tensor()
    val max = Vocab.size*Vocab.size

    (1 to iterations).foreach { it =>
      print("Iteration " + it + "/" + iterations + "... ")
      data = scala.util.Random.shuffle(data)
      data.indices.foreach { ii =>
        print("\rIteration " + it + "/" + iterations + ": " + (ii + 1) + "/" + max + "     ")
        val (is,js,counts) = data(ii)
        //val counts = if (is<js) cooc.getOrElse((is,js),0.0) else cooc.getOrElse((js,is),0.0)
        val feed_dict = Map((focal_input,is),(context_input,js),(cooccurrence_count,counts)).asInstanceOf[Map[Output[_], Tensor[_]]],feeds=FeedMap(feed_dict))
    val ret =
    // Vocab.setMatrix(w)

  private def computeMatrix(ls:List[List[String]],windowsize:Int,minval:Double) = {
    val hm = mutable.ParHashMap[(Int,Int),Double]()
    def update(p1:Int,p2:Int,inc:Double) : Unit = {
      if (p2<p1) update(p2,p1,inc) else {
        val old = hm.getOrElse((p1,p2),0.0)
    ls foreach {region =>
      region.indices.foreach { ri =>
        val start = ri - windowsize
        val end = ri + windowsize
        val word = Vocab.stoi(region(ri))
        val left = region.slice(Math.max(start,0),Math.min(ri-1,region.length+1) + 1)
        val right = region.slice(Math.max(ri+1,0),Math.min(end,region.length+1) + 1)
        left.reverse.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (s,i) =>
          val cont_word = Vocab.stoi(s)
        right.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (s,i) =>
          val cont_word = Vocab.stoi(s)
    hm.foreach{ case (k,v) if v<=minval => hm.remove(k) case _ => }

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I'm using "org.platanios" %% "tensorflow" % "0.4.1" classifier "linux-cpu-x86_64" in my sbt file, btw

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