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Example Bots


Responds to every "ayy" with "lmao" in the same channel the "ayy" was sent in. Trigger and response can be set to other values through command line options.

example-counter and example-hash

Variations on example-ayylmao which do some kind of data processing.

example-counter will look for any integer x and respond with x+1.

example-hash will use OpenSSL to compute a user-specified digest of an arbitrary string.


REST-only bot, POSTs a simple message to a channel then exits. Channel ID and message are specified via command line options.

Useful for simple shell scripts.


Under development (not working yet). Will try to roughly measure latencies and response times of various API endpoints, which may include:

  • Response time of various REST API endpoints (GET /gateway, DELETE [message], etc)
  • Response time of gateway heartbeats
  • Response time of REST-gateway event pairs (POST [message] | recieved gateway dispatch for message event, etc)
  • Response time to (user defined) third party servers (like a CLI ping tool)