For writeup of the project then please look MERN Stack Tutorial – RFID Management System
You should have installed Node.js in your workstation first and setup your own MongoDB Atlas database cluster.
- Open a new terminal
git clone
cd rfid-security-app
cd backend
- Create a .env file and enter your MongoDB Atlas connection string.
Format is the following:MONGO_DB_URL=mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<server>/rfiddb?retryWrites=true&w=majority
npm install && npm start
- Type localhost:5000 in your browser and check if you would see "Cannot GET /". If you see this message then it means that you were able to run the backend server.
- Open another terminal and cd into where you clone your project
cd frontend
npm install && npm start
- Type localhost:3000 in your browser and check if you would see the user interface. You should be able to see the application but with no data displayed as your MongoDB is not populated with any test data.
The backend\data\MOCK_DATA.json contains mock data that you could insert into your application. If you want to insert this into your database cluster then do the following:
- Open a new terminal and cd into the backend folder
- Type in
npm run data:import
- Check your database if it has been populated with values then you can now close the terminal