Docker installed
To build the image with kiwi we use a docker container that brings all required dependencies.
To build that docker image first download the ovftool installer from VMWare as described in the main README.
Then run from the repository root
pushd ci/docker/suse-os-image-stemcell-builder
Start the builder container using
ci/docker/run suse-os-image-stemcell-builder
and install the required rubygems
bundle install --local
# Usually the script expects the building user to have user id 1000. The SUSE based container also supports
# other ids, though. This behaviour can be enabled by setting the `SKIP_UID_CHECK` environment variable.
mkdir -p $PWD/tmp
bundle exec rake stemcell:build_os_image[opensuse,leap,$PWD/tmp/os_leap_base_image.tgz]
At the end of the process you should see all image tests pass.
Start the generation of the stemcell by running the following command:
bundle exec rake stemcell:build_with_local_os_image[openstack,kvm,opensuse,leap,$PWD/tmp/os_leap_base_image.tgz]
At the end of the process the stemcell builder will run some tests. If they all pass a stemcell should exist in the tmp
folder under your current directory.