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Box Setup

Harry Goldschmitt edited this page Oct 25, 2020 · 8 revisions

To bring up the GMAT2020a Box perform the following steps for all platforms.

Obtain the digitalsats/gmat2020a_box Repository

On your host machine use a web browser to navigate to the digitalsats/gmat2020a_box repository.

On the right side of the page, there will be a green Code button. Click it and copy the web address of the repository to your clipboard, or

cd ~
git clone \\_Development\_Environment \gmat2020a_box

This will create a gmat2020a_box directory and clone the installation repository to it.

Vagrant Box Setup

All of the scripts included in the GMAT Vagrant box repository, create log files in the vagrant user's $HOME/GMAT_Install_Script_Logs directory, for tracking and debugging purposes. If you run into difficulties or have questions, please check the log files first.

Install GMAT Dependencies

  • The /vagrant directory in the gmat_build box will point to the *gmat_build *directory on your host machine. You can use this for transferring files.
  • On your host machine, issue:
  • vagrant ssh
  • from the directory containing the Vagrantfile.
  • On the gmat_build box issue:
  • cd
  • cp -p /vagrant/*.sh .
  • ./
  • This will install and build all the GMAT dependencies. This step may take several hours. It should only have to be run once per GMAT release.
  • This might be a good place to take a snapshot, see Snapshots.

Running cmake For the First Time

  • On your host machine, issue:

  • vagrant ssh

  • from the directory containing the Vagrantfile.

  • To create NASA GMAT executables, issue:

          • ./
  • This will run cmake and make against the "official" GMAT directory. Two executables will be created in GMAT-R2019aBeta1/application/bin:

  • GMAT - The display version, this must be run from an RDP/VNC desktop viewer, an XTerminal or from the virtual box's GUI terminal, see [Viewing the GMAT GUI](#7.Viewing the GMAT GUI|outline), below.

  • GMATConsole - the linemode console version.

  • This might be a good place to take a snapshot, see Snapshots.