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Box Setup

Harry Goldschmitt edited this page Oct 27, 2020 · 8 revisions

Install GMAT Dependencies

The /vagrant directory in the gmat_build box will point to the directory containing the box's Vagrantfile and all installation scripts. You can use this for transferring files to and from the box.

On your host machine, issue:

vagrant ssh

from the gmat2020a_box directory, if not already logged into the gmat2020a_box.

All the shell scripts discussed in the rest of this document are designed to be restartable, as they may take a long time to run. They are also designed to be run from any directory. So they can be invoked by issuing:



cd /vagrant


cp -p /vagrant/*.sh .


Just about anything else. The rest of this document will use the


syntax, although any of the above can be used.

On the gmat_build box issue:


This will install and build all the GMAT dependencies. This step may take several hours. It should only have to be run once on each gmat2020a_box.

After the script completes, it might be a good place to take a snapshot, see Snapshots.

Running cmake For the First Time

The buildGMAT.xh script is designed to be run after all dependencies are installed by and every time a source alteration is made.

On your host machine, issue:

vagrant ssh

To create NASA GMAT executables, issue:


This will run the cmake and make commands against the "official" GMAT directory. Two executables will be created in ~/gmat/application/bin.

  • GMAT - The display version. This can be run from an an ssh session, if your host has an X server, an RDP/VNC desktop viewer, an XTerminal or from the virtual box's GUI terminal, see [Viewing the GMAT GUI](Viewing the GMAT GUI|outline), below.
  • GMATConsole - the line mode console version.

After the script completes, it might be a good place to take a snapshot, see Snapshots.