diff --git a/integreat_cms/cms/fixtures/test_data.json b/integreat_cms/cms/fixtures/test_data.json
index 6e430e1b86..9b2483dcf7 100644
--- a/integreat_cms/cms/fixtures/test_data.json
+++ b/integreat_cms/cms/fixtures/test_data.json
@@ -997,6 +997,21 @@
       "created_date": "2024-08-06T13:23:45.256Z"
+  {
+    "model": "cms.contact",
+    "pk": 4,
+    "fields": {
+      "title": "",
+      "name": "",
+      "location": 6,
+      "email": "generalcontactinformation@example.com",
+      "phone_number": "0123456789",
+      "website": "https://integreat-app.de/",
+      "archived": false,
+      "last_updated": "2024-08-06T13:23:45.256Z",
+      "created_date": "2024-08-06T13:23:45.256Z"
+    }
+  },
     "model": "cms.recurrencerule",
     "pk": 1,
diff --git a/integreat_cms/cms/models/contact/contact.py b/integreat_cms/cms/models/contact/contact.py
index 680155840a..069ec712f0 100644
--- a/integreat_cms/cms/models/contact/contact.py
+++ b/integreat_cms/cms/models/contact/contact.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 from django.db.models import Q
 from django.utils import timezone
 from django.utils.functional import cached_property
+from django.utils.translation import gettext
 from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
 from ..abstract_base_model import AbstractBaseModel
@@ -61,7 +62,14 @@ def __str__(self) -> str:
         :return: A readable string representation of the contact
-        return f"{self.title} {self.name}"
+        label = (
+            f"{self.title} {self.name}"
+            if self.title and self.name
+            else gettext("General contact information")
+        )
+        if self.archived:
+            label += " (⚠ " + gettext("Archived") + ")"
+        return label
     def get_repr(self) -> str:
diff --git a/integreat_cms/cms/templates/pois/poi_form.html b/integreat_cms/cms/templates/pois/poi_form.html
index e06df4ab7b..e8d38faf3a 100644
--- a/integreat_cms/cms/templates/pois/poi_form.html
+++ b/integreat_cms/cms/templates/pois/poi_form.html
@@ -167,6 +167,9 @@ <h3 class="font-bold text-black heading">
                 <div id="right-sidebar-column"
                      class="flex flex-col flex-wrap 3xl:col-end-3 4xl:col-end-auto md:w-full">
                     {% include "./poi_form_sidebar/contact_box.html" with box_id="poi-contact" %}
+                    {% if poi_form.instance.id and perms.cms.view_contact %}
+                        {% include "./poi_form_sidebar/related_contacts_box.html" with box_id="poi-related-contacts" %}
+                    {% endif %}
                     {% include "./poi_form_sidebar/opening_hours_box.html" with box_id="poi-opening-hours" no_padding=True %}
                     {% include "./poi_form_sidebar/category_box.html" with box_id="poi-category" %}
                     {% include "./poi_form_sidebar/icon_box.html" with box_id="poi-icon" %}
diff --git a/integreat_cms/cms/templates/pois/poi_form_sidebar/action_box.html b/integreat_cms/cms/templates/pois/poi_form_sidebar/action_box.html
index fe115284bb..f4b4aec7c2 100644
--- a/integreat_cms/cms/templates/pois/poi_form_sidebar/action_box.html
+++ b/integreat_cms/cms/templates/pois/poi_form_sidebar/action_box.html
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
                         {% for contact in poi_form.instance.contacts.all %}
                             <a href="{% url 'edit_contact' contact_id=contact.id region_slug=request.region.slug %}"
                                class="block pt-2 hover:underline">
-                                <i icon-name="pen-square" class="mr-2"></i> {{ contact.title }} {{ contact.name }}
+                                <i icon-name="pen-square" class="mr-2"></i> {{ contact }}
                         {% endfor %}
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
                         {% for contact in poi_form.instance.contacts.all %}
                             <a href="{% url 'edit_contact' contact_id=contact.id region_slug=request.region.slug %}"
                                class="block pt-2 hover:underline">
-                                <i icon-name="pen-square" class="mr-2"></i> {{ contact.title }} {{ contact.name }}
+                                <i icon-name="pen-square" class="mr-2"></i> {{ contact }}
                         {% endfor %}
diff --git a/integreat_cms/cms/templates/pois/poi_form_sidebar/related_contacts_box.html b/integreat_cms/cms/templates/pois/poi_form_sidebar/related_contacts_box.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd8022ef9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integreat_cms/cms/templates/pois/poi_form_sidebar/related_contacts_box.html
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+{% extends "../../_collapsible_box.html" %}
+{% load i18n %}
+{% load widget_tweaks %}
+{% block collapsible_box_icon %}
+    message-square
+{% endblock collapsible_box_icon %}
+{% block collapsible_box_title %}
+    {% trans "Related contacts" %}
+{% endblock collapsible_box_title %}
+{% block collapsible_box_content %}
+    {% with poi_form.instance.contacts.all as contacts %}
+        <div>
+            <div class="help-text">
+                {% if contacts %}
+                    {% trans "This location is currently referred to in those contacts." %}
+                {% else %}
+                    {% trans "This location is not currently referred to in any contact." %}
+                {% endif %}
+            </div>
+            {% for contact in contacts %}
+                <a href="{% url 'edit_contact' contact_id=contact.id region_slug=request.region.slug %}"
+                   class="block pt-2 hover:underline">
+                    <i icon-name="pen-square" class="mr-2"></i> {{ contact }}
+                </a>
+            {% endfor %}
+        </div>
+    {% endwith %}
+{% endblock collapsible_box_content %}
diff --git a/integreat_cms/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/integreat_cms/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
index 24990687b6..ed27a236a4 100644
--- a/integreat_cms/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
+++ b/integreat_cms/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
@@ -1640,9 +1640,9 @@ msgstr "Aktiv"
 msgid "Hidden"
 msgstr "Versteckt"
-#: cms/constants/region_status.py cms/models/pages/page_translation.py
-#: cms/models/regions/region.py cms/templates/events/event_form.html
-#: cms/templates/pages/page_form.html
+#: cms/constants/region_status.py cms/models/contact/contact.py
+#: cms/models/pages/page_translation.py cms/models/regions/region.py
+#: cms/templates/events/event_form.html cms/templates/pages/page_form.html
 #: cms/templates/pages/page_tree_archived_node.html
 #: cms/templates/pois/poi_form.html
 msgid "Archived"
@@ -2742,6 +2742,10 @@ msgstr "archiviert"
 msgid "Whether or not the location is read-only and hidden in the API."
 msgstr "Ob der Ort schreibgeschützt und in der API verborgen ist oder nicht."
+#: cms/models/contact/contact.py
+msgid "General contact information"
+msgstr "Allgemeine Kontaktinformationen"
 #: cms/models/contact/contact.py
 msgid "(Copy)"
 msgstr "(Kopie)"
@@ -7669,6 +7673,18 @@ msgstr "Nur Koordinaten übernehmen"
 msgid "Please choose one option or cancel"
 msgstr "Bitte eine Option auswählen oder abbrechen"
+#: cms/templates/pois/poi_form_sidebar/related_contacts_box.html
+msgid "Related contacts"
+msgstr "Zugehörige Kontakte"
+#: cms/templates/pois/poi_form_sidebar/related_contacts_box.html
+msgid "This location is currently referred to in those contacts."
+msgstr "Dieser Ort wird in folgenden Kontakten verwendet."
+#: cms/templates/pois/poi_form_sidebar/related_contacts_box.html
+msgid "This location is not currently referred to in any contact."
+msgstr "Zur Zeit gibt es keine Kontakte zu diesem Ort."
 #: cms/templates/pois/poi_list.html cms/templates/pois/poi_list_archived.html
 msgid "Archived locations"
 msgstr "Archivierte Orte"
diff --git a/tests/cms/views/contacts/test_contact_actions.py b/tests/cms/views/contacts/test_contact_actions.py
index 2cbb3e91e7..2b8810a31e 100644
--- a/tests/cms/views/contacts/test_contact_actions.py
+++ b/tests/cms/views/contacts/test_contact_actions.py
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ def test_copying_contact_works(
     load_test_data: None,
     login_role_user: tuple[Client, str],
 ) -> None:
-    assert Contact.objects.all().count() == 3
+    assert Contact.objects.all().count() == 4
     contact = Contact.objects.get(id=1)
-    assert Contact.objects.all().count() == 4
+    assert Contact.objects.all().count() == 5
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ def test_deleting_contact_works(
     load_test_data: None,
     login_role_user: tuple[Client, str],
 ) -> None:
-    assert Contact.objects.all().count() == 3
+    assert Contact.objects.all().count() == 4
     contact = Contact.objects.get(id=1)
-    assert Contact.objects.all().count() == 2
+    assert Contact.objects.all().count() == 3
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ def test_archiving_contact_works(
     load_test_data: None,
     login_role_user: tuple[Client, str],
 ) -> None:
-    assert Contact.objects.all().count() == 3
+    assert Contact.objects.all().count() == 4
     contact = Contact.objects.get(id=1)
     assert contact.archived is False
-    assert Contact.objects.all().count() == 3
+    assert Contact.objects.all().count() == 4
     assert contact.archived is True
@@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ def test_restoring_contact_works(
     load_test_data: None,
     login_role_user: tuple[Client, str],
 ) -> None:
-    assert Contact.objects.all().count() == 3
+    assert Contact.objects.all().count() == 4
     contact = Contact.objects.get(id=2)
     assert contact.archived is True
-    assert Contact.objects.all().count() == 3
+    assert Contact.objects.all().count() == 4
     assert contact.archived is False
diff --git a/tests/cms/views/poi/test_poi_form.py b/tests/cms/views/poi/test_poi_form.py
index 41d6411616..717e02ad9f 100644
--- a/tests/cms/views/poi/test_poi_form.py
+++ b/tests/cms/views/poi/test_poi_form.py
@@ -218,3 +218,106 @@ def test_poi_in_use_not_bulk_archived(
     # Check the POI is not archived
     assert not POI.objects.filter(id=poi_id).first().archived
+def test_poi_form_shows_associated_contacts(
+    load_test_data: None,
+    login_role_user: tuple[Client, str],
+    settings: SettingsWrapper,
+) -> None:
+    """
+    POI "Draft location" (id=6) has three related contacts. Test whether they are shown in the POI form.
+    """
+    client, role = login_role_user
+    # Choose a POI which has related contacts
+    POI_ID = 6
+    # Set the language setting to English so assertion does not fail because of corresponding German sentence appearing instead the english one.
+    settings.LANGUAGE_CODE = "en"
+    poi = POI.objects.filter(id=POI_ID).first()
+    related_contacts = list(poi.contacts.all())
+    assert len(related_contacts) > 0
+    edit_poi = reverse(
+        "edit_poi",
+        kwargs={
+            "poi_id": poi.id,
+            "region_slug": poi.region.slug,
+            "language_slug": poi.region.default_language.slug,
+        },
+    )
+    response = client.get(edit_poi)
+    if role == ANONYMOUS:
+        assert response.status_code == 302
+        assert (
+            response.headers.get("location") == f"{settings.LOGIN_URL}?next={edit_poi}"
+        )
+    # probably needs adjustment after #2958
+    elif role in HIGH_PRIV_STAFF_ROLES:
+        for contact in related_contacts:
+            if contact.title and contact.name:
+                assert f"{contact.title} {contact.name}" in response.content.decode(
+                    "utf-8"
+                )
+            else:
+                assert "General contact information" in response.content.decode("utf-8")
+    else:
+        assert (
+            "This location is currently referred to in those contacts."
+            not in response.content.decode("utf-8")
+        )
+def test_poi_form_shows_no_associated_contacts(
+    load_test_data: None,
+    login_role_user: tuple[Client, str],
+    settings: SettingsWrapper,
+) -> None:
+    """
+    POI "Test location" (id=4) has no related contacts. Test whether the correct message is shown in the POi form.
+    """
+    client, role = login_role_user
+    # Choose a POI which has related contacts
+    POI_ID = 4
+    # Set the language setting to English so assertion does not fail because of corresponding German sentence appearing instead the english one.
+    settings.LANGUAGE_CODE = "en"
+    poi = POI.objects.filter(id=POI_ID).first()
+    related_contacts = list(poi.contacts.all())
+    assert len(related_contacts) == 0
+    edit_poi = reverse(
+        "edit_poi",
+        kwargs={
+            "poi_id": poi.id,
+            "region_slug": poi.region.slug,
+            "language_slug": poi.region.default_language.slug,
+        },
+    )
+    response = client.get(edit_poi)
+    if role == ANONYMOUS:
+        assert response.status_code == 302
+        assert (
+            response.headers.get("location") == f"{settings.LOGIN_URL}?next={edit_poi}"
+        )
+    # probably needs adjustment after #2958
+    elif role in HIGH_PRIV_STAFF_ROLES:
+        assert (
+            "This location is not currently referred to in any contact."
+            in response.content.decode("utf-8")
+        )
+    else:
+        assert (
+            "This location is not currently referred to in any contact."
+            not in response.content.decode("utf-8")
+        )