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Setting up nfcore/viralrecon to align and variant-call manuscript samples

nf-core/viralrecon is an open-source Nextflow pipeline that performs much of the bioinformatics users with viral amplicon data would want: read quality control, alignment, variant-calling, consensus-sequence calling, lineage classification, etc. Rather than writing our own pipeline to do these things, we simply downloaded and configured viralrecon according to the following specifications.

Compute Infrastructures Used

Depending on what resources were available, we ran viralrecon on input FASTQ files on either University of Wisconsin-Madison's Center for High Throughput Computing (CHTC) or on a local Apple Mac Studio owned by David H. O'Connor's lab.

Setup on the CHTC HPC Cluster

File Transfers

CHTC maintains a high-performance computing cluster using the Slurm scheduler, which viralrecon supports. To run the pipeline on this manuscript's samples there, we first made a directory in the cluster's scratch space and downloaded viralrecon, like so:

  • First connect to the cluster with ssh <USERNAME>
  • Change into a scratch working directory with cd /scratch/<USERNAME>/<WORKING_DIR>
  • Download the viralrecon files with git clone --branch 2.6.0 .
  • Transfer the files onto the cluster with rsync -azvP <FASTQ_DIR> <USERNAME><USERNAME>/<WORKING_DIR>.
  • Alongside the FASTQs, We also include a CSV samplesheet that is required as the input for viralrecon. This samplesheet must have the following column headers representing the sample identifier, the "R1" FASTQ, and the associated "R2" FASTQ for each sample"
  • Finally, we transferred the BED-formatted file of primer coordinates that is included in the repo viralrecon_setup directory.

Software Setup

Separately, we also installed nextflow and singularity in the user's home directory using conda. To set up conda on a cluster yourself, we recommend following the official instructions here. In short, download the miniconda3 installer with:

mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
wget -O ~/miniconda3/
bash ~/miniconda3/ -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
rm -rf ~/miniconda3/

Then, initialize conda with:

~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash

Make conda available in the command line with:

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/miniconda3/bin' >> ~/.bashrc

And finally, use conda to install nextflow and singularity:

conda install -c bioconda nextflow singularity

viralrecon configuration

Being a Nextflow pipeline, viralrecon makes heavy use of configuration files. To configure viralrecon to run via the slurm scheduler, we used the following configuration file:

process {

	// container/environment settings
	singularity.enabled = true
	singularity.cacheDir = "work/singularity/"

	// slurm job settings
	executor = "slurm"
	clusterOptions = "--partition=shared"
	memory = '64 GB'

	// lower iVar threshold settings to retain more low-frequency variants
	withName: 'IVAR_VARIANTS' {
		ext.args = '-t 0.01 -q 20 -m 100'


This file is also available as slurm.config in the repo viralrecon_setup directory. Overall, the config file enables the Singularity container engine instead of the default Docker engine, sets the executor to Slurm, tells the CHTC cluster to use its shared resources partition, and requests 64 gigabytes of RAM per individual task. We also lower the default variant frequency threshold for the pipeline's variant-caller.

Finally, to run the pipeline on all of the assembled input, we use the following command for Illumina reads:

nextflow run . \
-config viralrecon-hpc.config \ # <———— USER-PROVIDED FILE
-profile singularity \
--outdir results \
--platform illumina \
--protocol amplicon \
--genome 'MN908947.3' \
--primer_bed DIRECTwithBoosterAprimersfinal.bed \ # <———— USER-PROVIDED FILE
--primer_left_suffix '_LEFT' \
--primer_right_suffix '_RIGHT' \

And the following for Nanopore reads:

nextflow run . \
-c run_configs/29759/viralrecon-hpc.config
--outdir results \
--platform nanopore \
--genome 'MN908947.3' \
--primer_set_version 1200 \ # <———— USER-PROVIDED SETTING FOR THE MIDNIGHT PRIMER SET
--fastq_dir <FASTQ_DIR>/ \ # <———— USER-PROVIDED FOLDER
--artic_minion_caller medaka \
--artic_minion_medaka_model r941_min_high_g360 \

Note, as per the viralrecon documentation, that the Nanopore samplesheet format is a bit different, e.g.:


Setup on local Apple Mac Studio Desktop

All the above steps were broadly similar for setup on a Mac Desktop, with a few exceptions:

  1. Configuration was much simpler; see the file mac_studio.config:
process {

	// lower iVar threshold settings to retain more low-frequency variants
	withName: 'IVAR_VARIANTS' {
		ext.args = '-t 0.01 -q 20 -m 100'

  1. We use the Docker container engine instead of Singularity, which must be manually installed on the Desktop.
  2. More transferring of input files was performed by hand in the Finder file explorer instead of with the rsync command line utility.
  3. Only Illumina reads were processed locally.

As such, our viralrecon run commands on the Mac Studio looked as follows:

nextflow run . \
--outdir results \
--platform illumina \
--protocol amplicon \
--genome 'MN908947.3' \
--primer_bed DIRECTwithBoosterAprimersfinal.bed \ # <———— USER-PROVIDED FILE
--primer_left_suffix '_LEFT' \
--primer_right_suffix '_RIGHT' \