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Use this CDK stack to create a redis cluster and allow bastion host to access it.

Redis architecture

What is it?

Amazon ElastiCache allows you to seamlessly set up, run, and scale popular open-Source compatible in-memory data stores in the cloud.


  • Deploy a redis clusters
  • Setup to allow bastion host to access it


You will need the following before utilize this CDK stack:

Stack Explain


Define project-name, env and profile context variables in cdk.json

  "context": {
    "project-name": "container",
    "env": "dev",
    "profile": "devopsrepo"


Setup standard VPC with public, private, and isolated subnets.

const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, 'Vpc', {
  maxAzs: 3,
  natGateways: 1,
  cidr: '',
  subnetConfiguration: [
      cidrMask: 24,
      name: 'ingress',
      subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC,
      cidrMask: 24,
      name: 'application',
      subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE,
      cidrMask: 28,
      name: 'rds',
      subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.ISOLATED,
  • maxAzs - Define 3 AZs to use in this region.
  • natGateways - Create only 1 NAT Gateways/Instances.
  • cidr - Use '' CIDR range for the VPC.
  • subnetConfiguration - Build the public, private, and isolated subnet for each AZ.

Create flowlog and log the vpc traffic into cloudwatch



Get vpc create from vpc stack

const { vpc } = props;

Create security group for bastion host

const bastionSecurityGroup = new ec2.SecurityGroup(this, 'BastionSecurityGroup', {
  vpc: vpc,
  allowAllOutbound: true,
  description: 'Security group for bastion host',
  securityGroupName: 'BastionSecurityGroup'
  • vpc - Use vpc created from vpc stack.
  • allowAllOutbound - Allow outbound rules for access internet
  • description - Description for security group
  • securityGroupName - Define the security group name

Allow ssh access to bastion host

bastionSecurityGroup.addIngressRule(ec2.Peer.anyIpv4(), ec2.Port.tcp(22), 'SSH access');

Create security group for redis

const redisSecurityGroup = new ec2.SecurityGroup(this, 'RedisSecurityGroup', {
  vpc: vpc,
  allowAllOutbound: true,
  description: 'Security group for Redis Cluster',
  securityGroupName: 'RedisSecurityGroup'

Allow access from bastion host

redisSecurityGroup.addIngressRule(bastionSecurityGroup, ec2.Port.tcp(6379), 'Access from bastion host');


Get the vpc and bastionSecurityGroup from vpc and security stacks.

const { vpc, bastionSecurityGroup } = props;

Get profile from context variables

const profile = this.node.tryGetContext('profile');

Create bastion host instance in public subnet

const bastionHostLinux = new ec2.BastionHostLinux(this, 'BastionHostLinux', {  
  vpc: vpc,
  securityGroup: bastionSecurityGroup,
  subnetSelection: {
    subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC
  • vpc - Use vpc created from vpc stack.
  • securityGroup - Use security group created from security stack.
  • subnetSelection - Create the instance in public subnet.

Display commands for connect bastion host using ec2 instance connect

const createSshKeyCommand = 'ssh-keygen -t rsa -f my_rsa_key';
const pushSshKeyCommand = `aws ec2-instance-connect send-ssh-public-key --region ${cdk.Aws.REGION} --instance-id ${bastionHostLinux.instanceId} --availability-zone ${bastionHostLinux.instanceAvailabilityZone} --instance-os-user ec2-user --ssh-public-key file:// ${profile ? `--profile ${profile}` : ''}`;
const sshCommand = `ssh -o "IdentitiesOnly=yes" -i my_rsa_key ec2-user@${bastionHostLinux.instancePublicDnsName}`;
new cdk.CfnOutput(this, 'CreateSshKeyCommand', { value: createSshKeyCommand });
new cdk.CfnOutput(this, 'PushSshKeyCommand', { value: pushSshKeyCommand });
new cdk.CfnOutput(this, 'SshCommand', { value: sshCommand});


Get the vpc and redisSecurityGroup from vpc and security stack

const { vpc, redisSecurityGroup } = props;

Get projectName and env from context variables

const projectName = this.node.tryGetContext('project-name');
const env = this.node.tryGetContext('env');

Get all private subnet ids

const privateSubnets = => {
  return subnet.subnetId

Create redis subnet group from private subnet ids

const redisSubnetGroup = new redis.CfnSubnetGroup(this, 'RedisSubnetGroup', {
  subnetIds: privateSubnets,
  description: "Subnet group for redis"
  • subnetIds - Assign the subnet ids to redis subnet group
  • description - Define the description for redis subnet group

Create Redis Cluster

const redisCluster = new redis.CfnCacheCluster(this, 'RedisCluster', {
  autoMinorVersionUpgrade: true,
  cacheNodeType: 'cache.t2.small',
  engine: 'redis',
  numCacheNodes: 1,
  cacheSubnetGroupName: redisSubnetGroup.ref,
  clusterName: `${projectName}${env}`,
  vpcSecurityGroupIds: [redisSecurityGroup.securityGroupId]
  • autoMinorVersionUpgrade - Allow auto upgrade for minor version.
  • cacheNodeType - Use 'cache.t2.small' for node type.
  • engine: Use redis.
  • numCacheNodes: Use 1 cache node.
  • cacheSubnetGroupName: Use redisSubnetGroup for cacheSubnetGroupName.
  • clusterName: Define the clusterName using project and env name pattern.
  • vpcSecurityGroupIds: Define the array for security group ids.

Define this redis cluster is depends on redis subnet group created first


Deploy all the stacks to your aws account.

cdk deploy '*'
cdk deploy '*' --profile your_profile_name

Useful commands

NPM commands

  • npm run build compile typescript to js
  • npm run watch watch for changes and compile
  • npm run test perform the jest unit tests

Toolkit commands

  • cdk list (ls) Lists the stacks in the app
  • cdk synthesize (synth) Synthesizes and prints the CloudFormation template for the specified stack(s)
  • cdk bootstrap Deploys the CDK Toolkit stack, required to deploy stacks containing assets
  • cdk deploy Deploys the specified stack(s)
  • cdk deploy '*' Deploys all stacks at once
  • cdk destroy Destroys the specified stack(s)
  • cdk destroy '*' Destroys all stacks at once
  • cdk diff Compares the specified stack with the deployed stack or a local CloudFormation template
  • cdk metadata Displays metadata about the specified stack
  • cdk init Creates a new CDK project in the current directory from a specified template
  • cdk context Manages cached context values
  • cdk docs (doc) Opens the CDK API reference in your browser
  • cdk doctor Checks your CDK project for potential problems


As this cdk stack will create aws elasticache service, please refer the following link for pricing