- add a linting runner for tests. should check that no ar objects are being passed around
- add a mechanism for requiring models, for those people who insist on passing models across the wire
- add reloading of workers if Rails.reload?
- write some code that knows if the client should be started, and gives out a warning
- add a configuration option for SERVER/CLIENT
- add phusion daemon starter option so that workling_client doesn't need to be started manually on SERVER
- write some more documentation on the above issues and on standard remote setup.
- create a public forum, rdoc site
- try to reduce user error in setting environments correctly
- add beanstalkd runner
- refactor starling* to be memcache*. add aliased classes into deprecated.rb.
- look into create method. is this being called more often than intended?
- add some monit and god scripts as starters
- try to catch more user setup errors which lead to worker code not being called
- add json as a marshaling option for the amqp client.
- gemify
- move all runner/invoker implementations out of workling
- move backend discovery code out of workling
- decide on a single backend to include in workling
- merb support
- test on jruby
- more runners: sqs