interval: 30s
permissions: 0640
template: examples/example.tpl
app: coolweb
environment: production
file: ktempl.log
title: Example
port: 32835
Create template file for example example.tpl
, with such contents:
# >>>> start of the template {{ .Values.title }} <<<<
{{- range $i, $n := .Nodes }}
Node {{$n.Name }} has {{ $n.InternalIP }} IP and port {{ $.Values.port }}
{{- end }}
Execute ktempl:
# selects pods by app=myapp1 and get's nodes they are running on. outputs to stdout.
ktempl -p -l app=myapp1 -t example.tpl --set title=Hello,port=32456
Create template varnish.tpl
with contents listed in varnish example template:
import directors;
{{ range $i, $n := .Nodes }}
backend {{$n.Name}} {
.host = "{{$n.InternalIP}}";
.port = "{{ $.Values.port }}";
sub vcl_init {
new bar = directors.round_robin();
{{range $i, $n := .Nodes}}
sub vcl_recv {
set req.backend_hint = bar.backend();
# selects nodes using app=stagingapps label
ktempl -l app=stagingapps -t varnish.tpl -o backend.conf --set port=32456 --exec="systemctl reload varnishd"