Releases: dcblogdev/laravel-microsoft-graph
Added support for prefix paths in files resource
Changed files to support passing the prefix to the paths such as me or groups/$groupId or sites.
//set a custom prefix to a set group
MsGraph::files()->getFiles($this->path, "groups/$groupId");
//use the default (me)
added file methods
Added methods:
List files and folders
MsGraph::files()->getFiles($path = null, $order = 'asc');
List drive
List drives
Search items
Download file by id
Delete file by id
Create folder pass the folder and the path where the folder will be created if no path is provided the root is used.
MsGraph::files()->createFolder($name, $path = null)
Get file/folder item by id
Rename file/folder pass the new name and the id
MsGraph::files()->rename($name, $id)
Upload file passes the name and the uploadPath (where the file is on your server) and the path to where the file will be stored if no path is provided the root is used.
MsGraph::files()->upload($name, $uploadPath, $path = null)
Fix issue when connecting with specified ID
Merge pull request #14 from stromgren/explicit-id Fix issue when connecting with specified ID
supports login ability
Added new methods: isConnected()
and disconnect()
fires an event when a user logs in
config uses tenant id for authorise urls when set in .env
added a publishing option for listeners
added an event NewMicrosoft365SignInEvent
that fires on login.
patch for guzzle 6/7
v3.0.6 Update
Calling the API with the id
When calling the connect-method with explicit id it would fail trying to retrieve the users email address. This issue is fixed by calling the API with the id.
Support for Guzzle 6 and 7
Added support for both Guzzle 6 and 7 since older versions of Laravel required Guzzle 6.
Laravel 8 and Guzzle 7 support
Guzzle has been upgraded from version 6 to 7 and Laravel 8 (illuminate/support) has been added.
Base url has also changed from the /beta endpoing to 1.0
added support for Laravel 8
v3.0.3 Create FUNDING.yml
Added support for Laravel 7
v3.0.1 Added support for Laravel 7