- A US-based housing company named Surprise Housing has decided to enter the Australian market. The company has collected a data set from the sale of houses in Australia and provided for analysis. First step is to perform data profiling and then using regularization a linear regression model is to be built to predict the actual value of the prospective properties and decide whether to invest in them or not.
- pandas - version 1.1.3
- numpy - version 1.20.2
- seaborn - version 0.11.0
- python - version 3.8.5
- matplotlib - version: 3.3.2
- scikit-learn - version: 0.23.2
- statsmodels - version: 0.12.0
- python 3.8
Give credit here.
- This project was inspired by IITB and Upgrad and part of course on machine learning linear regression assignment.
Created by [@db-dhananjayb] - feel free to contact me!