A plugin that can query and display hound code search results with highlighting. This is a port of jfo/hound.vim in Lua.
-- Lua
use {
requires = "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim",
config = function()
require("hound").setup {
-- your config or leave blank for defaults
-- base url for the hound api
hound_base_url = "http://localhost",
-- the port hound is running on
hound_port = 6080,
-- how to open the search results (vsplit, split, tabnew). Defaults to nil (the same buffer).
search_results_buffer = nil,
-- whether or not urls should be displayed alongside file matches
display_file_match_urls = false,
-- format for display_file_match_urls
file_match_url_pattern = "https://github.com/{repo}/blob/{revision}/{path}#L{lineno}",
The :Hound
command that takes a query (string) and displays the search results in a buffer.