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42 lines (34 loc) · 1.58 KB

File metadata and controls

42 lines (34 loc) · 1.58 KB

[x] Uses the Ruby on Rails Framework

Models: [x] one has_many user has_many movies category has_many movies [x] one belongs_to movie belongs_to user movie belongs_to category [x] two has_many :through user has_many :categories, through: :movies category has_many :users, through: :movies [x] Joins table must have user-submittable attributes main joins table: Movies has many user-submittable attributes including: title release_year seen category [x] must include reasonable validations for simple attributes validates that movie title, release year, and category must be present and category must have a name

[x] Include at least one ActiveRecord scope method scope :seen, -> { where(seen: true) }

[x] Include third party signup/login (how e.g. Devise/OmniAuth)
OmniAuth with GitHub

[x] Include nested resource show or index
Has nested show route (categories/:id/movies/:id) that allows users to view a specific movie in a specific category

[x] Include nested resource "new" form Has a nested new route (new_category_movie_path) where the new movie form already knows its category

[x] Include form display of validation errors Uses field_with_error as a class to add styling to the error(s) display


  • The application is pretty DRY
  • Limited logic in controllers
  • Views use helper methods if appropriate
  • Views use partials if appropriate