Name | Type | Description | Notes |
agenda | string | Webinar description. | [optional] |
duration | int | Webinar duration (minutes). Used for scheduled webinar only. | [optional] |
password | string | Webinar passcode. By default, passcode may only contain the following characters: [a-z A-Z 0-9 @ - _ * !] and can have a maximum of 10 characters. Note: If the account owner or the admin has configured minimum passcode requirement settings, the passcode value provided here must meet those requirements. <br><br>If the requirements are enabled, you can view those requirements by calling either the Get user settings API or the Get account settings API. If "Require a passcode when scheduling new meetings" setting has been enabled and locked for the user, the passcode field will be autogenerated for the Webinar in the response even if it is not provided in the API request. | [optional] |
recurrence | \Zoom\Api\Model\Recurrence | [optional] | |
settings | \Zoom\Api\Model\SessionWebinarUpdateSettings | [optional] | |
start_time | \DateTime | Webinar start time, in the format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'." Should be in GMT time. In the format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss." This should be in local time and the timezone should be specified. Only used for scheduled webinars and recurring webinars with a fixed time. | [optional] |
timezone | string | Time zone to format start_time. For example, "America/Los_Angeles". For scheduled meetings only. Please reference our time zone list for supported time zones and their formats. | [optional] |
topic | string | Webinar topic. | [optional] |
tracking_fields | \Zoom\Api\Model\SessionUpdateTrackingFieldsInner[] | Tracking fields | [optional] |
type | int | Webinar Types:<br>`5` - webinar.<br>`6` - Recurring webinar with no fixed time.<br>`9` - Recurring webinar with a fixed time. | [optional] [default to self::TYPE_5] |