Name | Type | Description | Notes |
answer_max_character | int | The allowed maximum number of characters. This field only applies to `long_answer` survey, a maximum of 2,000 characters. | [optional] |
answer_min_character | int | The allowed minimum number of characters. This field only applies to `long_answer` survey. You must provide at least a one character minimum value. | [optional] |
answer_required | bool | Whether participants must answer the question: * `true` — The participant must answer the question. * `false` — The participant does not need to answer the question. This value defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false] |
answers | string[] | The survey question's available answers. This field requires a minimum of two answers. * For `single` and `multiple` polls, you can only provide a maximum of 10 answers. * For `matching` polls, you can only provide a maximum of 16 answers. * For `rank_order` polls, you can only provide a maximum of seven answers. | [optional] |
name | string | The survey question, up to 255 characters. | [optional] |
rating_max_label | string | The high score label used for the `rating_max_value` field. This field only applies to the `rating_scale` survey. | [optional] |
rating_max_value | int | The rating scale's maximum value, up to a maximum value of 10. This field only applies to the `rating_scale` survey. | [optional] |
rating_min_label | string | The low score label used for the `rating_min_value` field. This field only applies to the `rating_scale` survey. | [optional] |
rating_min_value | int | The rating scale's minimum value. This value cannot be less than zero. This field only applies to the `rating_scale` survey. | [optional] |
show_as_dropdown | bool | Display the radio selection as a drop-down box: * `true` — Show as a drop-down box. * `false` — Do not show as a drop-down box. This value defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false] |
type | string | The survey's question and answer type: * `single` — Single choice. * `multiple` — Multiple choice. * `rating_scale` — Rating scale. * `long_answer` — Long answer. | [optional] |