allow_multiple_devices |
bool |
Allow attendees to join the meeting from multiple devices. This setting only works for meetings that require registration. |
[optional] |
alternative_hosts |
string |
A semicolon-separated list of the meeting's alternative hosts' email addresses or IDs. |
[optional] |
alternative_hosts_email_notification |
bool |
Flag to determine whether to send email notifications to alternative hosts, default value is true. |
[optional] [default to true] |
alternative_host_update_polls |
bool |
Whether the Allow alternative hosts to add or edit polls feature is enabled. This requires Zoom version 5.8.0 or higher. |
[optional] |
approval_type |
int |
Enable registration and set approval for the registration. Note that this feature requires the host to be of Licensed user type. Registration cannot be enabled for a basic user. <br><br> `0` - Automatically approve.<br>`1` - Manually approve.<br>`2` - No registration required. |
[optional] [default to self::APPROVAL_TYPE_2] |
approved_or_denied_countries_or_regions |
\Zoom\Api\Model\MeetingSettingsApprovedOrDeniedCountriesOrRegions |
[optional] |
audio |
string |
Determine how participants can join the audio portion of the meeting.<br>`both` - Both Telephony and VoIP.<br>`telephony` - Telephony only.<br>`voip` - VoIP only. |
[optional] [default to 'both'] |
authentication_domains |
string |
If user has configured "Sign Into Zoom with Specified Domains" option, this will list the domains that are authenticated. |
[optional] |
authentication_exception |
\Zoom\Api\Model\MeetingSettingsAuthenticationExceptionInner[] |
The participants added here will receive unique meeting invite links and bypass authentication. |
[optional] |
authentication_name |
string |
Authentication name set in the authentication profile. |
[optional] |
authentication_option |
string |
Meeting authentication option id. |
[optional] |
auto_recording |
string |
Automatic recording:<br>`local` - Record on local.<br>`cloud` - Record on cloud.<br>`none` - Disabled. |
[optional] [default to 'none'] |
breakout_room |
\Zoom\Api\Model\MeetingSettingsBreakoutRoom |
[optional] |
calendar_type |
int |
Indicates the type of calendar integration used to schedule the meeting: * `1` — Zoom Outlook add-in * `2` — Zoom for Google Workspace add-on Works with the `private_meeting` field to determine whether to share details of meetings or not. |
[optional] |
close_registration |
bool |
Close registration after event date |
[optional] [default to false] |
cn_meeting |
bool |
Host meeting in China. |
[optional] [default to false] |
contact_email |
string |
Contact email for registration |
[optional] |
contact_name |
string |
Contact name for registration |
[optional] |
custom_keys |
\Zoom\Api\Model\MeetingSettingsCustomKeysInner[] |
Custom keys and values assigned to the meeting. |
[optional] |
email_notification |
bool |
Whether to send email notifications to alternative hosts and users with scheduling privileges. This value defaults to `true`. |
[optional] [default to true] |
encryption_type |
string |
Choose between enhanced encryption and end-to-end encryption when starting or a meeting. When using end-to-end encryption, several features (e.g. cloud recording, phone/SIP/H.323 dial-in) will be automatically disabled. <br><br>The value of this field can be one of the following:<br> `enhanced_encryption`: Enhanced encryption. Encryption is stored in the cloud if you enable this option. <br> `e2ee`: End-to-end encryption. The encryption key is stored in your local device and can not be obtained by anyone else. Enabling this setting also disables the following features: join before host, cloud recording, streaming, live transcription, breakout rooms, polling, 1:1 private chat, and meeting reactions. |
[optional] |
enforce_login |
bool |
Only signed in users can join this meeting. This field is deprecated and will not be supported in the future. <br><br>As an alternative, use the "meeting_authentication", "authentication_option" and "authentication_domains" fields to understand the authentication configurations set for the meeting. |
[optional] |
enforce_login_domains |
string |
Only signed in users with specified domains can join meetings. This field is deprecated and will not be supported in the future. <br><br>As an alternative, use the "meeting_authentication", "authentication_option" and "authentication_domains" fields to understand the authentication configurations set for the meeting. |
[optional] |
focus_mode |
bool |
Whether the Focus Mode feature is enabled when the meeting starts. |
[optional] |
global_dial_in_countries |
string[] |
List of global dial-in countries |
[optional] |
global_dial_in_numbers |
\Zoom\Api\Model\MeetingSettingsGlobalDialInNumbersInner[] |
Global Dial-in Countries/Regions |
[optional] |
host_video |
bool |
Start video when the host joins the meeting. |
[optional] |
in_meeting |
bool |
Host meeting in India. |
[optional] [default to false] |
jbh_time |
int |
If the value of "join_before_host" field is set to true, this field can be used to indicate time limits within which a participant may join a meeting before a host. The value of this field can be one of the following: * `0`: Allow participant to join anytime. * `5`: Allow participant to join 5 minutes before meeting start time. * `10`: Allow participant to join 10 minutes before meeting start time. |
[optional] |
join_before_host |
bool |
Allow participants to join the meeting before the host starts the meeting. Only used for scheduled or recurring meetings. |
[optional] [default to false] |
language_interpretation |
\Zoom\Api\Model\MeetingCreateSettingsLanguageInterpretation |
[optional] |
meeting_authentication |
bool |
`true`- Only authenticated users can join meetings. |
[optional] |
mute_upon_entry |
bool |
Mute participants upon entry. |
[optional] [default to false] |
participant_video |
bool |
Start video when participants join the meeting. |
[optional] |
private_meeting |
bool |
Whether the meeting is set as private. |
[optional] |
registrants_confirmation_email |
bool |
Send confirmation Email to Registrants |
[optional] |
registrants_email_notification |
bool |
Whether to send registrants email notifications about their registration approval, cancellation, or rejection: * `true` — Send an email notification. * `false` — Do not send an email notification. Set this value to `true` to also use the `registrants_confirmation_email` parameter. |
[optional] |
registration_type |
int |
Registration type. Used for recurring meeting with fixed time only. <br>`1` Attendees register once and can attend any of the occurrences.<br>`2` Attendees need to register for each occurrence to attend.<br>`3` Attendees register once and can choose one or more occurrences to attend. |
[optional] [default to self::REGISTRATION_TYPE_1] |
show_share_button |
bool |
Show social share buttons on the meeting registration page. This setting only works for meetings that require registration. |
[optional] |
use_pmi |
bool |
Use a Personal Meeting ID (PMI). Only used for scheduled meetings and recurring meetings with no fixed time. |
[optional] [default to false] |
waiting_room |
bool |
Enable waiting room |
[optional] [default to false] |
watermark |
bool |
Add watermark when viewing a shared screen. |
[optional] [default to false] |
host_save_video_order |
bool |
Whether the Allow host to save video order feature is enabled. |
[optional] |
meeting_invitees |
\Zoom\Api\Model\SessionUpdateSettingsAllOfMeetingInviteesInner[] |
A list of the meeting's invitees. |
[optional] |