Name | Type | Description | Notes |
consecutive_characters_length | int | The maximum length of consecutive characters (for example, `abcdef`) allowed in a password: * `4` through `8` — The maximum consecutive characters length. The length is `n` minus `1`, where `n` is the provided value. For example, if you provide the `4` value, there can only be a maximum of `3` consecutive characters in a password (for example, `abc1x@8fdh`). * `0` — Do not apply a consecutive character restriction. | [optional] |
have_letter | bool | Whether the password must contain at least one letter character. | [optional] |
have_number | bool | Whether the password must contain at least one numeric character. | [optional] |
have_special_character | bool | Whether the password must contain at least one special character. For example, `!`, `@`, and/or `#` characters. | [optional] |
have_upper_and_lower_characters | bool | Whether the password must include uppercase and lowercase characters. | [optional] |
length | int | The password's minimum length. | [optional] |
only_allow_numeric | bool | Whether the password must contain only numeric characters. | [optional] |
weak_enhance_detection | bool | Whether users will be informed when the provided password is weak. | [optional] |