Name | Type | Description | Notes |
assistant_id | string | The ID of the user who scheduled this meeting on behalf of the host. | [optional] |
host_email | string | Email address of the meeting host. | [optional] |
id | int | Meeting ID: Unique identifier of the meeting in "long" format(represented as int64 data type in JSON), also known as the meeting number. | [optional] |
registration_url | string | URL using which registrants can register for a meeting. This field is only returned for meetings that have enabled registration. | [optional] |
agenda | string | Agenda | [optional] |
created_at | \DateTime | The date and time at which this meeting was created. | [optional] |
duration | int | Meeting duration. | [optional] |
h323_password | string | H.323/SIP room system password | [optional] |
join_url | string | URL for participants to join the meeting. This URL should only be shared with users that you would like to invite for the meeting. | [optional] |
occurrences | \Zoom\Api\Model\Occurrence[] | Array of occurrence objects. | [optional] |
password | string | Meeting password. Password may only contain the following characters: `[a-z A-Z 0-9 @ - _ * !]` If "Require a password when scheduling new meetings" setting has been enabled and locked for the user, the password field will be autogenerated in the response even if it is not provided in the API request. | [optional] |
pmi | int | Personal Meeting ID (PMI). Only used for scheduled meetings and recurring meetings with no fixed time. | [optional] |
pre_schedule | bool | Whether the prescheduled meeting was created via the GSuite app. This only supports the meeting `type` value of `2` (scheduled meetings) and `3` (recurring meetings with no fixed time): * `true` — A GSuite prescheduled meeting. * `false` — A regular meeting. | [optional] [default to false] |
recurrence | \Zoom\Api\Model\Recurrence | [optional] | |
settings | \Zoom\Api\Model\MeetingSettings | [optional] | |
start_time | \DateTime | Meeting start date-time in UTC/GMT. Example: "2020-03-31T12:02:00Z" | [optional] |
start_url | string | URL to start the meeting. This URL should only be used by the host of the meeting and should not be shared with anyone other than the host of the meeting as anyone with this URL will be able to login to the Zoom Client as the host of the meeting. | [optional] |
timezone | string | Timezone to format start_time | [optional] |
topic | string | Meeting topic | [optional] |
tracking_fields | \Zoom\Api\Model\MeetingInfoTrackingFieldsInner[] | Tracking fields | [optional] |
type | int | Meeting Type | [optional] [default to self::TYPE_2] |