Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | string | Group ID. | [optional] |
name | string | Group name. | [optional] |
total_members | int | Total number of members in this group. | [optional] |
search_by_account | bool | Members can search for others under same account. | [optional] |
search_by_domain | bool | Members can search for others in the same email domain. | [optional] |
search_by_ma_account | bool | Members can search for others under same master account - including all sub accounts. | [optional] |
type | string | IM Group types:<br>`normal` - Only members can see the other members in the group. Other people can search for members in the group.<br>`shared` - Everyone in the account can see the group and members. <br>`restricted` - No one except group members can see the group or search for other group members. | [optional] [default to 'normal'] |