Name | Type | Description | Notes |
anonymous | bool | Whether to allow meeting participants to answer poll questions anonymously: * `true` — Anonymous polls enabled. * `false` — Participants cannot answer poll questions anonymously. | [optional] |
id | string | Meeting Poll ID | [optional] |
poll_type | int | The type of poll: * `1` — Poll. * `2` — Advanced Poll. This feature must be enabled in your Zoom account. * `3` — Quiz. This feature must be enabled in your Zoom account. | [optional] |
questions | \Zoom\Api\Model\CreateBatchPolls201ResponsePollsInnerQuestionsInner[] | Information about the poll's questions. | [optional] |
status | string | Status of the Meeting Poll:<br>`notstart` - Poll not started<br>`started` - Poll started<br>`ended` - Poll ended<br>`sharing` - Sharing poll results | [optional] |
title | string | Title for the Poll | [optional] |