Name | Type | Description | Notes |
download_url | string | The URL at which to download the the archive file. JWT apps To access a private or password-protected archive file of a user in your account, use a Zoom JWT app. Use the generated JWT token as the value of the `access_token` query parameter and include this query parameter at the end of the URL. `https://{{base-domain}}/rec/archive/download/{{path-to-file-download}}?access_token={{JWT-token}}` OAuth apps If a user has authorized and installed your OAuth app that contains recording scopes, use the user's OAuth access token to download the file. For example: `https://{{base-domain}}/rec/archive/download/xxx?access_token={{OAuth-access-token}}` Note: This field does not return for Zoom On-Premise accounts. Instead, this API will return the `file_path` field. | |
file_extension | string | The archived file's extension. | |
file_path | string | The file path to the On-Premise account archive file. Note: The API only returns this field for Zoom On-Premise accounts. It does not return the `download_url` field. | [optional] |
file_size | int | The archived file's size, in bytes. | |
file_type | string | The archive file's type: * `MP4` — Video file. * `M4A` — Audio-only file. * `TRANSCRIPT` — A transcription file, in VTT format. * `CHAT` — A TXT file containing in-meeting chat messages. * `CC` — A file containing the closed captions of the recording, in VTT file format. * `CSV` — A file containing polling data, in CSV format. * `CHAT_MESSAGE` — A JSON file containing chat messages. The file also includes message deletions, chat reactions, and emojis. | |
id | string | The archive file's unique ID. | |
individual | bool | Whether the archive file is an individual recording file: * `true` — An individual recording file. * `false` — An entire meeting file. | |
participant_email | string | The individual recording file's participant email address. This value is returned when the `individual` value is `true`. If the participant is not part of the host's account, this returns an empty string value, with some exceptions. See Email address display rules for details. | [optional] |
participant_join_time | \DateTime | The individual recording file's participant join time. This value is returned when the `individual` value is `true`. | |
participant_leave_time | \DateTime | The individual recording file's participant leave time. This value is returned when the `individual` value is `true`. | |
recording_type | string | The archive file's recording type: * `shared_screen_with_speaker_view(CC)` * `shared_screen_with_speaker_view` * `shared_screen_with_gallery_view` * `gallery_view` * `shared_screen` * `audio_only` * `audio_transcript` * `chat_file` * `active_speaker` * `host_video` * `audio_only_each_participant` * `cc_transcript` * `closed_caption` * `poll` * `timeline` * `thumbnail` * `chat_message` For more information, read our Managing and sharing cloud recordings documentation. | |
status | string | The archived file's processing status: * `completed` — The processing of the file is complete. * `processing` — The file is processing. * `failed` — The processing of the file failed. | |
encryption_fingerprint | string | The archived file's encryption fingerprint. | |
number_of_messages | int | The number of `TXT` or `JSON` file messages. This field will return only when the `file_extension` is `JSON` or `TXT` | [optional] |