Name | Type | Description | Notes |
allow_auto_active_users | bool | Whether administrators can activate users with a single default password when they add users. This immediately activates the users without waiting for them to set their own password. | [optional] |
allow_users_contact_support_via_chat | bool | Whether to display the Zoom Help badge on the bottom-right of the page. | [optional] |
allow_users_enter_and_share_pronouns | bool | Whether users can add pronouns to their profile cards and share them during meetings and webinars. | [optional] |
blur_snapshot | bool | Whether iOS blurs the screenshot in the task switcher when multiple apps are open. Android hides the screenshot in the system-level list of recent apps. | [optional] |
display_meetings_scheduled_for_others | bool | Whether a user with the scheduling privilege can view other users' meetings. | [optional] |
meeting_qos_and_mos | int | The Dashboard meeting quality scores and network alerts setting: * `0` — Do not enable meeting quality scores and network alerts on the Dashboard. * `1` — Display the meeting quality score and network alerts on the Dashboard. * `2` — Use custom thresholds for quality scores and network alerts. | [optional] |
show_one_user_meeting_on_dashboard | bool | Whether meetings with only one person will display on the Dashboard and in reports. | [optional] |
use_cdn | string | Allow connections to different CDNs (content delivery networks) for a better web browsing experience. All users in your organization will use the selected CDN to access static resources: * `none` — Do not use a CDN. * `default` — Use the Amazon CloudFront CDN for users except Chinese Mainland users. Chinese Mainland users will use the Wangsu CDN (China). * `wangsu` — Use the Wangsu CDN for all users. | [optional] |