- Provision an ubuntu server machine (can be a cloud server such as digital ocean)
- A machine with 1gb RAM and 30gb hard disk has been sufficient for early tests
- Enable connection to the box via ssh - how to
- Either install Leiningen or start up the development VM using the instructions here.
- Run the command
lein gen-keypair <key-id>
where the key-id is a custom identifier for the key (for example "20150824-stonecutter").
This will generate output similar to the following:
JWK public key for client:
JWK including private key for stonecutter:
- The public key needs to be provided to any clients wishing to use OpenID Connect when interacting with Stonecutter
- The private key should be stored in a file and kept secure.
Stonecutter can integrate against 3rd party email providers via a shell script interface, which may optionally require configuration via environment variables.
Scripts for individual mail service providers should be located in the ops/roles/mail/files/providers
These will be copied into a deployment environment by Ansible. Currently, an implementation has been provided for
Mailgun, which can be used as a template.
In order to select which email service is used, set the EMAIL_SERVICE_PROVIDER
environment variable. This should
match one of the provider scripts under in the ops/roles/mail/files/providers
directory. For example, to use
the Mailgun provider:
For the mailgun example, the following environment variables are also required:
- EMAIL_DOMAIN_NAME --- the domain name that has been linked to mailgun
- MAILGUN_API_KEY --- the mailgun api username + key (i.e. a string in the form: "api:api-key"), provided by Mailgun.
- Install Ansible
- In file ops/dob.inventory replace:
with the IP address of your ubuntu server machinesite_address
with the URL of the server
- Copy the config/clients.yml file and add the details of the clients you want to use Stonecutter with. Set the client-id and client-secret to secure alphanumeric strings.
- Use the stonecutter_ansible.env found in the /config directory and either replace the empty strings with your credentials or delete the variable. Take note of the file path. You can find more information about the configuration variables here.
- Remove from /ops/roles/stonecutter_application_config/templates/stonecutter_config.j2 the variables that you deleted in the previous step.
- Create a ops/roles/nginx/files/secure/ directory, and copy your SSL certificate and key files there, with the names stonecutter.key and stonecutter.crt.
Run Ansible playbook:
The following command will install necessary packages and configure them (it will take a few minutes).
ansible-playbook ops/dob_playbook.yml -i ops/dob.inventory --extra-vars "CONFIG_FILE_PATH={config file path from the previous step without the curly braces}"
The following will copy the application to the server and start it running as a service in a docker container. Once complete you should be able to access the app at your IP address.
chmod +x deploy_prod.sh
REMOTE_USER={username on server} SERVER_IP={IP address of server} ./deploy_prod.sh