Note about escaping: (grep)
- Escape
(single quote) with'\''
- Escape
(double quote) with\\\"
Note about escaping: (perl)
- Escape
(single quote) with\x27
- Escape
(double quote) with\x22
- Escape
(forward slash) with\/
Note about escaping: (general)
Depending on your current shell (such as: Bash, ZSH, TCH, etc), you might have to escape special symbols so they are not interpretated on your shell.
Escapes for Bash (and alike)
- Escape
Check *url('');
for Leading slash (/
# This check makes sure that all URL values should not begin with a leading `/`,
# because my projects default requirements are to use something like:
# * url('#{$webroot}/img/bg.png
# * url('../other/bg.png')
$ regex-grep --path=. --extension=scss --text --size --custom="url\([[:space:]]*['\''\\\"]?[[:space:]]*/"
$ regex-perl --path=. --extension=scss --text --size --custom="url\([[:space:]]*[\x27\"]?[[:space:]]*\/"
Check *url('');
for absolute URL
# Check css tags containing:
# * url('http[s]://
# * url("http[s]://
# * url(http[s]://
$ regex-grep --path=. --extension=scss --text --size --custom="url\([[:space:]]*['\''\\\"]?[[:space:]]*http[s]?://"
$ regex-perl --path=. --extension=scss --text --size --custom="url\([[:space:]]*[\x27\"]?[[:space:]]*http[s]?:\/\/"
Check href
for absolute URL
# Check hrefs containing:
# * href="http[s]://
# * href='http[s]://
# * href=http[s]://
$ regex-grep --path=. --extension=htm,html,php,tpl --text --size --custom="href=[[:space:]]*['\''\\\"]?http[s]?://"
$ regex-perl --path=. --extension=htm,html,php,tpl --text --size --custom="href=[[:space:]]*[\x27\"]?http[s]?:\/\/"
Check HTML tags for hardcoded languages
# Check lang for non-dynamic values (with hardcoded) tags containing
# * xml:lang="en"
# * xml:lang='de'
# * xml:lang=zh
# * lang="ko"
# * lang='ru'
# * lang=pl
$ regex-grep --path=. --extension=htm,html,php,tpl --text --size --custom="(:|[[:space:]])lang=['\''\\\"]?[A-Za-z]{2}['\''\\\"]?(>|[[:space:]])"
$ regex-perl --path=. --extension=htm,html,php,tpl --text --size --custom="(:|[[:space:]])lang=[\x27\"]?[A-Za-z]{2}[\x27\"]?(>|[[:space:]])"