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login page reload without error #1003

rolie31 opened this issue May 5, 2024 · 11 comments

login page reload without error #1003

rolie31 opened this issue May 5, 2024 · 11 comments


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rolie31 commented May 5, 2024

馃悰 Bugreport

Hello, I want to try cypht but I have issue.
After fresh install of Cypht 1.4, and user created, when I try to login, the page reload after few second.

Version & Environment

Rev: 1.4
OS: debian bullseye
Php 7.4

Steps to reproduce

  1. Fresh installation following
  2. Create user
  3. Try to log

When I try to user a wrong password, I have an error with wrong password. With the good one, I just redirect to the login form without error.

I try to enable log on nginx. I see access in log but I don't have any error

On php setting, I have enabled log :

error_reporting = E_ALL
display_errors = On
log_errors = On
html_errors = On
error_log = syslog
syslog.ident = php

My nginx site conf :

server {
	# TLS for the win!
	listen 443 ssl http2;

	# Domain name
	server_name xxxxx.xxxxxx

	# SSL configuration
    ssl_certificate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # managed by Certbot
    ssl_certificate_key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; # managed by Certbot
    include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot

    access_log /var/log/nginx/mail.access.log;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/mail.error.log;

	# Security headers
	add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload;" always;
	add_header X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff" always;
	add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block" always;
	add_header X-Robots-Tag "none" always;
	add_header X-Download-Options "noopen" always;
	add_header X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies "none" always;
	add_header Referrer-Policy "no-referrer" always;
	add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" always;
	fastcgi_hide_header X-Powered-By;

	# GZIP / compression settings
	gzip on;
	gzip_vary on;
	gzip_comp_level 4;
	gzip_min_length 256;
	gzip_proxied expired no-cache no-store private no_last_modified no_etag auth;
	gzip_types application/atom+xml application/javascript application/json application/ld+json application/manifest+json application/rss+xml application/vnd.geo+json application/ application/x-font-ttf application/x-web-app-manifest+json application/xhtml+xml application/xml font/opentype image/bmp image/svg+xml image/x-icon text/cache-manifest text/css text/plain text/vcard text/vnd.rim.location.xloc text/vtt text/x-component text/x-cross-domain-policy;

	# Define the document root
	root /var/www/html/mail;
	index index.php;

	client_max_body_size 50M;

	# Forbid access to dotfiles
	location ~ (^|/)\. {
		return 403;

        location ~ ^/data/ {
            deny all;

	# The actual root location
	location / {
                try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

	# Last but not least, the PHP-FPM settings
	location ~* \.php$ {
  include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
  fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock;
  fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
  fastcgi_send_timeout 600;
  fastcgi_read_timeout 600;

I have no nginx error log, no php log in syslog or error on the webpage.

Can someone tell me where to look ?

@Baraka24 Baraka24 self-assigned this May 5, 2024
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rolie31 commented May 14, 2024

No one know where to look ? I'm really stuck ...

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No one know where to look ? I'm really stuck ...

I got this issue a few months ago. I will try to reproduce and fix if possible tomorrow

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No one know where to look ? I'm really stuck ...

@rolie31 if user_config_type in hm3.ini is set to file, then make sure also to set user_settings_dir, attachment_dir and app_data_dir otherwise you want to able to login successfully. Also make sure those 3 folders are readable and writable. Thanks.

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rolie31 commented May 15, 2024

Thanks @josaphatim for your reply

User_config_type is set to DB

Here is my hm3.ini file

; General settings
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Session Type
; ------------
; Sessions are how the server maintains your logged in state. Cypht supports
; standard PHP sessions, as well as its own completely independent session
; system that uses memcached or a database for storage. In order to use
; database sessions, the database must be correctly configured in the "DB
; Support" section and the hm_user_session table must be created. In order to
; use Memcached sessions, the memcached server must be correctly configured
; in the "Memcached Support" section. In order to use Redis session, the
; Redis server must be configured in the "Redis Support" section.
; Valid values for this setting:
;  PHP     Standard PHP session handlers
;  DB      Custom database based sessions
;  MEM     Custom Memcached based sessions
;  REDIS   Custom Redis based sessions
;  custom  Create your own session class. See the modules/site/lib.php file for
;          more info

; Authentication Type
; -------------------
; This setting defines how Cypht will authenticate your username and password
; when you login. If you want to use a database it must be correctly configured
; in the "DB Support" section and the hm_user table must be created. There are
; 3 PHP cli scripts to help manage database users in the scripts/ directory (
; create_account.php, delete_account.php, and update_password.php). If you want
; to authenticate against an IMAP server, you must setup the imap_auth_* settings
; below. If you want to authenticate against a POP3 server, you must setup the
; pop3_auth_* settings below. If you want to authenticate against an LDAP server,
; you must setup the ldap_auth_* settings. Finally, if you want to let users
; pick from a list of popular mail services or try to auto-discover a mail
; system, set this to dynamic and make sure the dynamic_login module set is
; enabled in the "Module Sets" section of this file.
; Valid values for this setting:
;  DB       Authenticate against the database
;  LDAP     Authenticate against an LDAP server
;  IMAP     Authenticate using an IMAP server
;  POP3     Authenticate using a POP3 server
;  dynamic  Let the user choose from a list, or try to auto discover the mail
;           services based on the email domain
;  custom   Create your own auth class. See the modules/site/lib.php file for
;           more info

; LDAP Authentication
; -------------------
; If auth_type is set to LDAP, configure the LDAP server to authenticate against
; with the following settings, otherwise these are ignored.

; The hostname or IP address of the LDAP server to authenticate to

; The port the LDAP server is listening on.

; Enable TLS/SSL connections. Leave blank or set to false to disable. Set to
; true to enable TLS connections.

; The "base dn" of the LDAP server

; IMAP Authentication
; -------------------
; If auth_type is set to IMAP, configure the IMAP server to authenticate against
; with the following settings, otherwise these are ignored.
; This is just a label used in the UI. It can be set to anything

; The hostname or IP address of the IMAP server to authenticate to

; The port the IMAP server is listening on.

; Enable TLS/SSL connections. Leave blank or set to false to disable. Set to
; true to enable TLS connections. If you want to use IMAP STARTTLS, do NOT
; enable this. This is only for TLS enabled sockets (typically on port 993).

; The hostname/IP address and port sieve is listening on. Example:
; Note: Add tls:// prefix to enable explicit STARTTLS

; POP3 Authentication
; -------------------
; if auth_type is set to POP3, configure the POP3 server to authenticate against
; with the following settings, otherwise these are ignored.
; This is just a label used in the UI. It can be set to anything

; The hostname or IP address of the POP3 server to authenticate to

; The port the POP3 server is listening on.

; Enable TLS/SSL connections. Leave blank or set to false to disable. Set to
; true to enable TLS connections.

; Default SMTP Server
; -------------------
; You can set a default SMTP server for all Cypht users. Authentication will be
; done with the users login credentials, so this only makes sense if you are
; using POP3 or IMAP for authentication. Leave these values blank to disable a
; default SMTP server, otherwise fill in the required values below
; This is just a label used in the UI. It can be set to anything

; The hostname or IP address of the SMTP server

; The port the SMTP server is listening on.

; Enable TLS/SSL connections. Leave blank or set to false to disable. Set to
; true to enable TLS connections.

; If your SMTP service does not require authentication, you can disable it
; by setting the following to true.

; Settings Storage
; ----------------
; Cypht supports 3 methods for saving user settings between logins. File based
; settings, database table or custom implementation. To store settings in a
; database, it must be configured in the "DB Support" section and the
; hm_user_settings table must be created. To store settings on the filesystem,
; the user_settings_dir must be created and the webserver software must be able
; to write to it. For custom implementations, see Hm_User_Config_File.
; Valid values for this setting:
;  file    Store user settings in the filesystem
;  DB      Store user settings in a database
;  custom  Store user settings via custom implementation. Specify class name
;          after colon, e.g. custom:Custom_User_Config

; Settings Location
; -----------------
; If user_config_type is set to file, this must be set to an existing directory
; that the webserver software can read and write to. If settings storage is set
; to DB, this is ignored. It should not be inside the webserver document root.

; Attachment Location
; -------------------
; Cypht needs a temporary place to store attachments that are to be sent with
; an outgoing message. This folder must exist and be writable by the webserver
; software. It should not be inside the webserver document root.

; Application Data Location
; -------------------------
; Some Cypht module sets have their own ini files that need to be readable by
; the webserver software, but not writable, and definitely not inside the
; webserver document root.

; Disable origin check
; --------------------
; To help protect against CSRF attacks, Cypht checks origin headers to confirm
; that the source and target origin domains match. If you are using proxies this
; could create a problem making it impossible to login. Change this to true to
; disable the origin check.

; Admin Users
; ----------
; You can define a comma delimited list of admin users that Cypht will grant
; special rights to. Currently this only enables the "create account" link in
; the account module set that provides a form to create a new account. This is
; only used if the auth_type is set to DB. Leave this blank if you don't want
; to define any admin users, or are using IMAP or POP3 authentication.

; Cookie Domain
; -------------
; By default Cypht uses the server name used in the request to determine
; the domain name to set the cookie for. Configurations that use a reverse
; proxy might need to define the domain name used for cookies. Leave this
; blank to let Cypht automatically determine the domain. You can also use
; the special value of "none" to force Cypht to NOT set the cookie domain
; property at all. This is not recommended unless you know what you are
; doing!

; Cookie Path
; -------------
; By default Cypht uses the request URI to determine the cookie path to set
; the cookie for. Configurations that use mod_rewrite might need to define
; the path used for cookies. E.g. /cypht/embedded?page=compose will set path
; to /cypht/embedded/ which won't send the cookies back to the server. In that
; case set cookie_path=/cypht/. Leave this blank to let Cypht automatically
; determine the path. You can also use the special value of "none" to force
; Cypht to NOT set the cookie path property at all. This is not recommended
; unless you know what you are doing!

; Outbound Email Domain
; ----------------------
; Default domain used for outbound email addresses when using IMAP auth and
; users don't login with a full email address. Users can customize this with
; the profiles module which will override this default

; Auto-Create Profile
; -------------------
; When a user logs in and they have only 1 IMAP server and 1 SMTP server, and
; no configured profiles - enabling this option will auto-create a profile for
; them. Email and reply-to addresses will use the default_email_domain if
; set, otherwise it will fallback to the domain Cypht is hosted on.

; Redirect After Login
; --------------------
; You can login directly to any page in Cypht by going to the correct url before
; logging in, but that is not very user-friendly. To redirect users to a url
; after login, add the url arguments below (everything in the url after, but
; including, the question mark). You must use double quotes around the value
; otherwise it will cause an ini parsing error. To redirect users after login
; to the combined unread view you would use:
; redirect_after_login="?page=message_list&list_path=unread"

; Application Name
; ----------------
; This label is used in the UI to reference the program - you can change it to
; "Your awesome webmail" to replace the Cypht name used in various places.

; Force Mobile UI
; ---------------
; Cypht will detect mobile devices and display a mobile optimized UI. If you want
; to aways use this UI regardless of device, set this to true

; Default Language
; ----------------
; Users can select from available interface languages on the site settings page.
; This sets the default for a user who has not done so. Valid values are 2 character
; langauge codes that have matching language definitions in the language/ folder.

; JavaScript Compression
; ----------------------
; When the configuration script is run, all JavaScript files are concatenated
; and optionally compressed. To compress the content, define a command and its
; options below. Cypht does not come with compresson software, so you must
; install and configure that separately. Leave blank or set to false to disable
; external compression. Compression software must be able to handle ES6.
; Example:
;   js_compress='uglifyjs.terser -c -m --verbose --warn'

; CSS Compression
; ---------------
; When the configuration script is run, all CSS files are concatenated and
; optionally compressed. To compress the content, define a command and its
; options below. Cypht does not come with compresson software, so you must
; install and configure that separately. Leave blank or set to false to disable
; external compression.
; Example:
;   css_compress='java -jar /usr/local/lib/yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar --type css'

; Caching Server Support
; ---------------------

; Cypht can use Redis or Memcache to improve performance, as well as to store
; user sessions. Configure Redis or Memcached below and Cypht will
; automatically use them for caching. All data cached for a user in either
; system is encrypted. Currently, the feeds, POP3, and IMAP modules will use
; the configured cache. If both Redis and Memcached are configured, Redis will
; be used for the cache.
; If you want to use the user session as a cache, uncomment the line below and
; set to true. THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED. Cypht uses parallel requests to the
; server, and using the session as a cache is likely to cause race conditions
; and integrity issues. If you are running Cypht in an "embedded" mode with
; only one email source, this option is less likely to be a problem.

; allow_session_cache=false
; cache_class=

; Redis Support
; -------------

; Configure Redis details below to use it for caching

; Memcached Support
; -----------------
; Configure Memcached details below to use it for caching

; If you need SASL authentication for memcached, set the following to true
; and add the username and password to authenticate with

; Allow Long Sessions
; -------------------
; Cypht logins only last as long as the browser is open. Closing the browser,
; or moving to a new network, will cause you to be logged out. This setting
; provides users with a "stay logged in" option during login that will set the
; sesison lifetime to a default of 30 days, and disable the IP address check.
; Specifically:
; - Session cookies stay active after a browser restart making them more
;   susceptible to snooping
; - The browser "fingerprint" was use to help protect against session hijacking
;   includes the client's IP. With this option enabled a client IP can change
;   mid-session and it won't log them out

; Set the session lifetime in days. Only applies if allow_long_session is set to
; true, and a user checks the box to "stay logged in" during login.

; Browser Encryption Options
; --------------------------
; Cypht can use the Forge JavaScript encryption library to encrypt AJAX
; responses and data stored in browser local storage. Enabling either one of
; these options causes the Forge JavaScript library to be included. This adds
; about 70KB to the page size (when gzipped).

; Use AES encryption for AJAX responses. Set to true to enable, leave blank or
; set to false to disable.

; Use AES encryption for data stored in the browser local storage. Set to true
; to enable, or leave blank or set to false to disable.

; Allow client IP changes
; -----------------------
; By default Cypht will log you out if your client IP address changes. This is
; an extra layer of protection against session hijacking, but it's not uncommon
; for your client IP to change. Change this to true if you want to disable this
; check

; Allow remote image sources
; --------------------------
; WARNING: Using this feature could leak information to external sources.
; By default, Cypht will not allow external images to be loaded when viewing an
; HTML formatted email message. A Content Security Policy header limits images
; sources to "self" only and the message content is filtered to remove any external
; resource. If you really want the ability to view external images in an email,
; you first need to change the following setting to true. When viewing an HTML
; formatted message, you will now have a link before the message body called "Allow
; Images" that will reload the message part with external images visible.

; Single server mode
; ------------------
; This setting restricts Cypht to only using a single email source (POP3 or
; IMAP) and the default SMTP server defined in this file. It modifies the UI to
; remove the ability to add other email sources, and removes the password
; restriction when saving data between logins. You must use either IMAP or POP3
; authentication for this setting to be enforced, and auth server will be the
; single email source users have access to. If you enable this after users
; have saved any settings, they will be lost (or if you disable it after they

; Integration options
; -------------------
; Cypht does a few things to make it more secure by default, but these features
; can make it difficult to integrate Cypht into 3rd party software. Specifically,
; Cypht disables PHP "super globals", and sets a restrictive PHP "open basedir"
; setting, tweaks PHP ini settings to increase security, and uses a browser
; "fingerprint" to improve session security. You can disable each with the
; following options:

; Don't empty PHP super globals

; Don't apply open basedir restrictions

; Don't tweak ini settings

; Don't use a browser fingerprint

; You can create your own custom authentication and session classes using the
; site module set, however you might want those classes located somewhere else
; outside of the Cypht code base. By setting session_type and auth_type to custom,
; you can control what class is used with the following settings

; auth_class=
; session_class=

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; DB Support
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Database Support
; ----------------
; Cypht can use a database for 3 different purposes: authentication, sessions,
; and user settings. Each requires the following settings to be configured and
; the correct table to be created. CREATE TABLE SQL statements for MySQL and
; Postgresql are below.
; Connection type. Can be "host" to connect to a hostname, or "socket" to
; connect to a unix socket.

; Database host name or ip address. If db_connection_type is set to "socket",
; this value is ignored

; Database port. Only needed if your database is running on a non-standard
; port

; If db_connection_type is set to "socket", this should be the filesystem
; location of the unix socket file. If db_connection_type is set to "host"
; this value is ignored.

; Name of the database with the required tables

; User to connect to the database with

; Password to connect to the database with

; Database type. can be any supported PDO driver ; (

; DB Sessions
; -----------
; If your session_type is set to DB, the following table must exist in the DB
; defined above, and the db user must have read-write access to it:
;  Postgresql:
;   CREATE TABLE hm_user_session (hm_id varchar(250) primary key not null, data text, date timestamp);
;  MySQL or SQLite:
;   CREATE TABLE hm_user_session (hm_id varchar(180), data longblob, date timestamp, primary key (hm_id));

; DB Authentication
; -----------------
; If your auth_type is set to DB, the following table must exist in the DB
; defined above, and the db user must have read-write access to it:
;  Postgresql:
;   CREATE TABLE hm_user (username varchar(255) primary key not null, hash varchar(255));
;  MySQL or SQLite:
;   CREATE TABLE hm_user (username varchar(250), hash varchar(250), primary key (username));

; DB Settings
; -----------
; If your user_config_type is set to DB, the following table must exist in the
; DB defined above, and the db user must have read-write access to it:
;  Postgresql:
;   CREATE TABLE hm_user_settings (username varchar(250) primary key not null, settings text);
;  MySQL or SQLite:
;   CREATE TABLE hm_user_settings(username varchar(250), settings longblob, primary key (username));

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Modules
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Module Sets
; -----------
; Cypht uses module sets to separate functionality in the program. Module sets
; can be enabled and disabled independently by commenting out or uncommenting
; the assignments below. Add a new assignment to enable your own module sets.

; Core
; ----
; Handles page layout, login/logout, and the default settings pages. This set
; is required.

; Contacts
; -------
; Contact support. This module requires that at least one "backend" contacts
; module be enabled (ldap_contacts, gmail_contacts, or local_contacts). You
; can enable all the backends you want to support.

; Local contact support. Simple, locally stored contacts backend

; LDAP contact support. Use an LDAP server to store contacts. This module
; uses its own ini file in modules/ldap_contacts/. This file must be edited
; and moved to your app_data_dir to configure LDAP access.
; modules[]=ldap_contacts

; Gmail contact support. Read-only support for Gmail contacts. Only available
; if you have a Gmail account enabled that uses OAuth2 authentication
; modules[]=gmail_contacts

; Feeds
; -----
; RSS/ATOM feed support

; POP3
; ----
; POP3 email account support

; ----
; JSON Meta Application Protocol for emails

; ----
; IMAP email account support. If you want to use OAuth2 over IMAP (currently
; only supported by Gmail and, you will need to edit the oauth2.ini
; file in modules/imap/, and move it to your app_data_dir location.

; 2 factor authentication
; -----------------------
; This module enables 2 factor authentication using TOTP (compatible with
; Google Authenticator). You must edit the ini file in modules/2fa/ to
; configure a shared secret, then move that file to your app_data_dir.
; modules[]=2fa

; ----
; Send outbound email using SMTP servers

; Account
; ------
; UI features for admins to create accounts, and for users to update passwords
; (when using the built-in DB authentication)

; Idle timer
; ---------
; Controls idle time and automatic logout

; Desktop notifications
; ---------------------
; Enable desktop notifications for new messages
; modules[]=desktop_notifications

; Calendar
; -------
; Basic calendar

; Themes
; ------
; Change the UI using CSS

; ---
; Friendly new user experience. Quickly add common email services, and view
; development updates

; Developer
; ---------
; For development, provides resources and installation details. Only available
; in "debug mode"

; Github
; ------
; Github repository tracking. This module has its own ini file located in
; modules/github/. You must edit this file, and move it to your app_data_dir
; to establish communication with github.
; modules[]=github

; ---------
; Use the reCAPTCHA server on login. This module has its own ini file in
; modules/recaptcha/. You must edit this file, and move it to the location
; defined in app_data_dir to gain access to the WordPress notification API.
; modules[]=recaptcha

; WordPress
; ---------
; notifications. This module has its own ini file in
; modules/wordpress/. You must edit this file, and move it to the location
; defined in app_data_dir to gain access to the WordPress notification API.
; modules[]=wordpress

; History
; -------
; Simple list of messages read since login

; Saved searches
; --------------
; Save and re-run searches easily

; Advanced search
; ---------------
; Enable the advanced search form

; Message highlighting
; --------------------
; Create custom rules to highlight messages in lists with different colors
modules[] = highlights

; ----
; Access the NASA APOD API content
; modules[]=nasa

; Profiles
; --------
; Profiles to set reply-to, name, and signature to associated email accounts

; Inline message
; --------------
; View messages inline in a reading pane instead of on a new page

; IMAP folders
; -----------
; Support for adding/renaming/deleting folders in IMAP accounts

; Keyboard Shortcuts
; ------------------
; Enables configurable keyboard shortcuts for navigations and actions

; Sieve Filters
; ------------------
; Enables configurable Sieve based IMAP filters
; modules[]=sievefilters

; Site
; ----
; Site specific overrides. Used to control other module sets without hacking
; the code.
; modules[]=site

; Dynamic login
; -------------
; Allows user to authenticate against a list of popular mail services, or to
; auto-discover the services for the specified email address. The auth_type
; setting must be set to "dynamic", otherwise this module set does not do
; anything
; modules[]=dynamic_login

; API login
; --------
; Allows an API based login that returns a JSON response containing the session
; and hm_id values needed to create a login session. You will need to set the
; api_login_key value to something unique and include that in the POST request.
; modules[]=api_login
; api_login_key=

; Recover settings
; ----------------
; When using IMAP or POP3 authentication, if a user's password is changed, we
; can't decrypt the existing user settings. This module detects that situation
; and provides a page where a user can enter their old and new passwords to
; recover their previous settings.
; modules[]=recover_settings

; Hello World
; -----------
; Example module set with lots of comments
; modules[]=hello_world

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; User Defaults
; All of these settings can be changed by users, but you can uncomment and set
; the default behavior using the following options. This will only effect new
; users or ones that have never saved their settings.
; Per source time limits have valid values of:
; -1 day
; -1 week
; -2 weeks
; -4 weeks
; -6 weeks
; -6 months
; -1 year
; -5 years
; Per source maximums can be from 1 to 1000
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; If set to true, passwords for email accounts will never be saved between logins
; Defaults to false
; default_setting_no_password_save=false

; Number of messages per page when viewing IMAP folders
; Defaults to 20
; default_setting_imap_per_page=20

; Amount of IMAP message structure detail on the message view page
; Defaults to full structure
; default_setting_simple_msg_parts=false

; Next and Previous emails on the message view page
; Defaults to full structure
; default_setting_pagination_links=true

; Show icons for each IMAP message part type
; Defaults to true
; default_setting_msg_part_icons=true

; Prefer text parts when viewing a message
; Defaults to false
; default_setting_text_only=false

; Per source max for the combined sent view
; Defaults to 20
; default_setting_sent_per_source=20

; Per source time limit for the combined sent view
; Defaults to 1 week
; default_setting_sent_since='-1 week'

; Display source icons in message lists
; Defaults to true
; default_setting_show_list_icons=true

; Redirect to this page on login
; Defaults to none
; default_setting_start_page=none

; Don't prompt when deleting something
; Defaults to false
; default_setting_disable_delete_prompt=false

; Hide icons in the folder list
; Defaults to false
; default_setting_no_folder_icons=false

; Source max for the all email combined view
; Defaults to 20
; default_setting_all_email_per_source=20

; Per source time limit for the all email combined view
; Defaults to 1 week
; default_setting_all_email_since='-1 week'

; Per source time limit for the everything combined view
; Defaults to 1 week
; default_setting_all_since='-1 week'

; Per source max for the everything combined view
; Defaults to 20
; default_setting_all_per_source=20

; Per source max for the unread combined view
; Defaults to 20
; default_setting_unread_per_source=20

; Per source max for the flagged combined view
; Defaults to 20
; default_setting_flagged_per_source=20

; Per source time limit for the flagged combined view
; Defaults to 1 week
; default_setting_flagged_since='-1 week'

; Per source time limit for the unread combined view
; Defaults to 1 week
; default_setting_unread_since='-1 week'

; Timezone for date displays
; Defaults to UTC
; default_setting_timezone='UTC'

; Message list format style
; Defaults to email client style
; default_setting_list_style='email_style'

; Interface language
; Defaults to en (English)
; default_setting_language='en'

; Hide new news feed items from the unread combined view
; Defaults to false
; default_setting_unread_exclude_feeds=false

; Per source max for news feeds
; Defaults to 20
; default_setting_feed_limit=20

; Per source time limit for news feeds
; Defaults to 1 week
; default_setting_feed_since='-1 week'

; Toggle between plain text or HTML formatted mail on the compose page
; Defaults to 0 (plain text)
; default_setting_smtp_compose_type=0

; BCC a copy of outbound mail to the sender
; Defaults to false
; default_setting_smtp_auto_bcc=false

; UI theme
; Defaults to the default white one ("White Bread")
; default_setting_theme='default'

; Hide WordPress notifications from the unread combined view
; Defaults to false
; default_setting_unread_exclude_wordpress=false

; Time limit for WordPress notifications
; Defaults to 1 week
; default_setting_wordpress_since='-1 week'

; Hide Github notifications from the unread combined view
; Defaults to false
; default_setting_unread_exclude_github=false

; Max per source for Github notifications
; Defaults to 20
; default_setting_github_limit=20

; Per source time limit for Github notifications
; Defaults to 1 week
; default_setting_github_since='-1 weeks'

; Display message details inline from the message list
; Defaults to false
; default_setting_inline_message=false

; Enable keyboard shortcuts
; Defaults to false
; default_setting_enable_keyboard_shortcuts=1

; Enable sieve filter
; Defaults to false
; default_setting_enable_sieve_filter=true

My login password are not xxxxxxx and connection to DB is OK

I also checked the folder read write and it's ok

Here are my tables
Capture d鈥櫭ヽran du 2024-05-15 21-17-42

For now only hm_user contains one row, the user.

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Really hard to reproduce for now. I also tried in a fresh installation of 1.4. I tried everything and still logging in. Have you created table hm_user_settings ? Can you check the php error log file to know the exact error ?

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rolie31 commented May 19, 2024

The table is created yes. I have post a capture of the 3 tables in the previous post

Here is the error log ! I really dont know why but finally i have some log !


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@rolie31 From the screenshot, you appear to be in France. FYI, we have a community event very soon in Paris, and Cypht is one of the topics:

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@rolie31 I see that your issue has something to do with disable_origin_check. You were logged in but logged out when you Cypht check the origin. Can you try to set it to true in hm3.ini and then generate config again ? Below is the comment about it in the code.

;To help protect against CSRF attacks, Cypht checks origin headers to confirm
; that the source and target origin domains match. If you are using proxies this
; could create a problem making it impossible to login. Change this to true to
; disable the origin check.

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rolie31 commented May 21, 2024

Thanks @josaphatim
That was this parameter :)

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rolie31 commented May 21, 2024

I can now login

@rolie31 rolie31 closed this as completed May 21, 2024
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rolie31 commented May 21, 2024


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